\section{Parameterised surfaces} \subsection{The method} The parameterised \Index{surfaces} are setup as $[x(u,v),y(u,v),z(u,v)]$ and administered thanks to the macro \Lcs{psSolid} by the option \texttt{\Lkeyword{object}=\Lkeyval{surfaceparametree}} and defined either in \textit{Reverse Polish Notation}(\textit{RPN}): \begin{verbatim} \defFunction{shell}(u,v){1.2 v exp u Sin dup mul v Cos mul mul}% x(u,v) {1.2 v exp u Sin dup mul v Sin mul mul}% y(u,v) {1.2 v exp u Sin u Cos mul mul} % z(u,v) \end{verbatim} or in \textit{algebraic notation}: \begin{verbatim} \defFunction[algebraic]{shell}(u,v){1.2^v*(sin(u)^2*cos(v))}% x(u,v) {1.2^v*(sin(u)^2*sin(v))}% y(u,v) {1.2^v*(sin(u)*cos(u))} % z(u,v) \end{verbatim} The range for the values of $u$ and $v$ are defined within the option \texttt{\Lkeyword{range}=$\mathtt{u_{min}}$ $\mathtt{u_{max}}$ $\mathtt{v_{min}}$ %$ $\mathtt{v_{max}}$}. The drawing of the function is activated with \texttt{\Lkeyword{function}=name}, this name is implied when the parametric equations are written: \verb+\defFunction{name}...+ Any other choice of $u$ and $v$ are accepted. Let's remind that the argument of \texttt{Sin} and \texttt{Cos} must be in radians those of \texttt{sin} and \texttt{cos} in degrees if \textit{RPN} is used. Within the algebraic notation, the argument is in radians. \subsection{Example 1: a \Index{sea shell}} \newcommand\quadrillage{% \psset{linecolor={[cmyk]{1,0,1,0.5}}}\green \multido{\ix=-4+1}{9}{% \psPoint(\ix\space,4,-3){X1} \psPoint(\ix\space,4 .2 add,-3){X2} \psline(X1)(X2) \uput[-120](X1){\small\ix}} \multido{\iy=-4+1}{9}{% \psPoint(-4,\iy\space,-3){Y1} \psPoint(-4 .2 sub,\iy\space,-3){Y2} \psline(Y1)(Y2) \uput[0](Y1){\small\iy}} \multido{\iz=-3+1}{7}{% \psPoint(4,4,\iz\space){Z1} \psPoint(4,4 .2 add,\iz\space){Z2} \psline(Z1)(Z2) \uput[l](Z1){\small\iz}} \psPoint(0,4 0.5 add,-3){X0} \uput[-120](X0){$x$} \psPoint(-4 .5 sub,0,-3){Y0} \uput[0](Y0){$y$}} \begin{LTXexample}[width=7.8cm] \psset{unit=0.75} \begin{pspicture}(-5.5,-6)(4.5,4) \psframe*(-5.5,-6)(4.5,4) \psset[pst-solides3d]{viewpoint=20 120 30 rtp2xyz, Decran=15,lightsrc=-10 15 10} % Parametric Surfaces \psSolid[object=grille,base=-4 4 -4 4, action=draw*,linecolor={[cmyk]{1,0,1,0.5}}] (0,0,-3) \defFunction{shell}(u,v) {1.2 v exp u Sin dup mul v Cos mul mul} {1.2 v exp u Sin dup mul v Sin mul mul} {1.2 v exp u Sin u Cos mul mul} \psSolid[object=surfaceparametree, linecolor={[cmyk]{1,0,1,0.5}}, base=0 pi pi 4 div neg 5 pi mul 2 div, fillcolor=yellow!50,incolor=green!50, function=shell,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth,ngrid=25]% \psSolid[object=parallelepiped,a=8,b=8,c=6, action=draw,linecolor={[cmyk]{1,0,1,0.5}}]% \quadrillage \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \begin{LTXexample}[width=7.8cm] \psset{unit=0.75} \begin{pspicture}(-5,-4)(5,6) \psframe*(-5,-4)(5,6) \psset[pst-solides3d]{viewpoint=20 20 -10 rtp2xyz, Decran=15,lightsrc=5 10 2} % Parametric Surfaces \psSolid[object=grille,base=-4 4 -4 4, action=draw*,linecolor=red](0,0,-3) \defFunction[algebraic]{shell}(u,v) {1.21^v*(sin(u)*cos(u))} {1.21^v*(sin(u)^2*sin(v))} {1.21^v*(sin(u)^2*cos(v))} %% \defFunction{shell}(u,v) %% {1.2 v exp u Sin u Cos mul mul} %% {1.2 v exp u Sin dup mul v Sin mul mul} %% {1.2 v exp u Sin dup mul v Cos mul mul} \psSolid[object=surfaceparametree, linecolor={[cmyk]{1,0,1,0.5}}, base=0 pi pi 4 div neg 5 pi mul 2 div, fillcolor=green!50,incolor=yellow!50, function=shell,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth, ngrid=25]% \white% \gridIIID[Zmin=-3,Zmax=4,linecolor=white, QZ=0.5](-4,4)(-4,4) \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \subsection{Example 2: a \Index{helix}} \begin{LTXexample}[width=5.5cm] \psset{unit=0.75} \begin{pspicture}(-3,-4)(3,6) \psset[pst-solides3d]{viewpoint=20 10 2,Decran=20, lightsrc=20 10 10} % Parametric Surfaces \defFunction{helix}(u,v) {1 .4 v Cos mul sub u Cos mul 2 mul} {1 .4 v Cos mul sub u Sin mul 2 mul} {.4 v Sin mul u .3 mul add} \psSolid[object=surfaceparametree,linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth, base=-10 10 0 6.28,fillcolor=yellow!50,incolor=green!50, function=helix, ngrid=60 0.4]% \gridIIID[Zmin=-3,Zmax=3](-2,2)(-2,2) \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \subsection{Example 3: a \Index{cone}} \begin{LTXexample}[width=10cm] \psset{unit=0.5} \begin{pspicture}(-9,-7)(10,12) \psframe*(-9,-7)(10,12) \psset[pst-solides3d]{ viewpoint=20 5 10, Decran=50,lightsrc=20 10 5} \psSolid[ object=grille,base=-2 2 -2 2, linecolor=white](0,0,-2) % Parametric Surfaces \defFunction{cone}(u,v) {u v Cos mul}{u v Sin mul}{u} \psSolid[object=surfaceparametree, base=-2 2 0 2 pi mul, fillcolor=yellow!50, incolor=green!50,function=cone, linewidth=0.5\pslinewidth, ngrid=25 40]% \psset{linecolor=white}\white \gridIIID[Zmin=-2,Zmax=2] (-2,2)(-2,2) \end{pspicture} \end{LTXexample} \subsection{An advised website} You will find on the website: \url{http://k3dsurf.sourceforge.net/} an excellent software to represent surfaces with numerous examples of parameterised surfaces and others. \endinput