#!/bin/sh ### ==================================================================== ### @UNIX-shell-file{ ### author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", ### version = "0.00", ### date = "13 October 1992", ### time = "19:33:14 MDT", ### filename = "bibsort.sh", ### address = "Center for Scientific Computing ### Department of Mathematics ### University of Utah ### Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ### USA", ### telephone = "+1 801 581 5254", ### FAX = "+1 801 581 4148", ### checksum = "35811 163 700 5138", ### email = "beebe@math.utah.edu (Internet)", ### codetable = "ISO/ASCII", ### keywords = "bibliography, sorting, BibTeX", ### supported = "yes", ### docstring = "This file contains the bibsort utility, a ### program for sorting BibTeX data base files ### by their BibTeX tag names. ### ### The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 ### checksum as the first value, followed by the ### equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word ### count) utility output of lines, words, and ### characters. This is produced by Robert ### Solovay's checksum utility.", ### } # ==================================================================== # Sort a BibTeX file fragment by citation tags, filtering stdin to # stdout. # # Usage: # bibsort [optional sort(1) switches] <infile >outfile # # If the sort switches are omitted, -f (ignore letter case # differences) is used. "bibsort -f -u" would remove duplicate # bibliography entries from the input stream. # # Note that this operation cannot be done in general, because @string # and @preamble entries need to come first, and cross-references last. # # In general, you should only apply this command to a fragment of a # .bib file that you know in advance can be sorted. # # We deal with leading commentary, @preamble, and @string by giving # them temporary sort keys that place them before other bibliography # entries. # ######################################################################## # WARNINGS: # # (1) This simple version does NOT recognize bib entries with outer # parentheses instead of braces. # # (2) It may fail on some UNIX sort implementations that cannot handle # very long lines, because for sorting purposes, each complete bib # entry is temporarily folded into a single line. You may be able to # overcome this problem by adding a -z nnnnn switch to the sort # command to set the maximum line size to nnnnn bytes. # ######################################################################## # # The sorting is implemented as a filter pipeline: # # Stage 1 (nawk) finds bib file entries and prefixes them with a line # containing a sort key, where each such line begins with a Ctl-E, and # the file ends with Ctl-E. # # Stage 2 (tr) turns LF into Ctl-G and Ctl-E into LF. This hides # line boundaries and makes each item a separate `line'. # # Stage 3 (sort) sorts `lines' (i.e. bib entries), ignoring # letter case differences. # # Stage 4 (tr) turns LF into Ctl-E, and Ctl-G back into LF. This # restores the original line boundaries. # # Stage 5 (tr) deletes all Ctl-E and Ctl-F characters. # # Stage 6 (egrep) removes the sort key lines. # if [ $# -gt 0 ] then SORTFLAGS="$*" else SORTFLAGS="-f" fi nawk ' BEGIN { sort_prefix = "\005" sort_key = sort_prefix "%%SORTKEY:" hidden_newline = "\006" print sort_key "\001" hidden_newline } /^@[Pp][Rr][Ee][Aa][Mm][Bb][Ll][Ee]{/ { k = index($0,"{") + 1 print sort_key "\002" substr($0,k) hidden_newline printbraceditem() next } /^@[sS][tT][rR][iI][nN][gG]{/ { k = index($0,"{") + 1 m = index($0,"=") print sort_key "\003" substr($0,k,m-k) hidden_newline printbraceditem() next } # "@keyword{tag," /^@[a-zA-Z0-9]*{/ { k = index($0,"{") + 1 m = index($0,",") print sort_key "\004" substr($0,k,m-k) hidden_newline print next } { print } END { printf(sort_prefix) } function bracecount(s, k,n) { n = 0 for (k = 1; k <= length(s); ++k) { if (substr(s,k,1) == "{") n++ else if (substr(s,k,1) == "}") n-- } return (n) } # Starting with the current contents of $0, print lines until we # reach a zero brace count. function printbraceditem(count) { count = bracecount($0) print $0 while (count != 0) { if (getline <= 0) break printf("%s\007",$0) count += bracecount($0) } } ' | \ tr '\012\005' '\007\012' | \ sort ${SORTFLAGS} | \ tr '\007\012' '\012\005' | \ tr -d '\005\006' | \ egrep -v '^%%SORTKEY:' ################################[The End]###############################