Mysql::PrettyPrinter - A lean, efficient SQL pretty-printer for MySQL
Version 0.10
The pretty-printer uses capitalisation, line-breaks, and indentation to
reformat the given chunk of SQL into a standardised form.
$formatted = Mysql::PrettyPrinter->format(sql => $sql);
my $pp = Mysql::PrettyPrinter->new;
$pp->add_tokens($tok0, $tok1, $tok2);
# some processing on @{$pp->{tokens}}
my $output = $pp->format(indent => ' ');
mysqlbinlog /data/log/binlog.001 \
| head -n 40 \
| perl -MMysql::PrettyPrinter \
-e'Mysql::PrettyPrinter->passthrough' \
| a2ps
Very simple-minded pretty-printer for MySQL SQL. It gets 'almost there'
results with terse efficient code. It sets line-breaks and
probably-appropriate indentation, and optionally wraps token classes in
If your requirements are more sophisticated, this class will never do
the whole job for you, however you might get a lot of mileage from using
this class as a pre-processor, extracting the tokens from $pp->tokens
(and never calling $pp->format).
new(wordsep => ' ', linesep => "\n", indent => ' ', wrap => undef, sql
=> $sql)
Constructor. If you're only invoking format once then you can
probably skip the constructor. On the other hand, if you want to
construct the object once and use it many times, you can set your
default options here.
Character or string to use as a word separator, default: ' '.
Character or string to use as a line separator, default: "\n".
You may want to specify "\r\n" for Windows, or "\n\r" for old
String equating to one level of indentation, default: wordsep x
4. You may want to specify "\t" if that suits your coding
Markup for wrapping token classes, default: undef. The example
from SQL::Beautify is
wrap => { keyword => [ "\x1B[0;31m", "\x1B[0m" ] }
which will make keywords red on some terminals.
Another example is
wrap => { keyword => [ '
', '
' ] }
which will wrap keywords in HTML+CSS markup.
If you specify a hash for wrap, you must specify a pair of
strings for one or more of the token classes: keyword, function,
literal. (If you want to omit one half of the wrapping pair, use
an empty string in its place.)
sql The SQL string to be formatted. Useful if you want to manipulate
the SQL or token list before calling format, or you are going to
invoke format several times on the same SQL string. Otherwise
just specify it when calling format.
Another place for specifying the string to be formatted. Useful if
you want to re-use the same object with different SQL.
Returns the current SQL string if invoked without argument.
Lets you append a string before lexical analysis. Useful if you want
to build up SQL in more than one pass.
make_tokens(sql => $sql)
Invokes lexical analysis. An additional place where you can specify
the SQL. Useful if you want to examine or manipulate tokens before
Lets you specify your own list of tokens, perhaps a result of your
own lexical analysis or a result of manipulation you performed on
the previous list.
Returns the current token list if invoked without argument.
Relevance depends on you invoking make_tokens or tokens beforehand.
Lets you append a list of tokens to the current token list.
Usefulness depends on you invoking make_tokens or tokens beforehand.
format(wordsep => ' ', linesep => "\n", indent => ' ', wrap => undef,
sql => $sql)
Returns the formatted output string. Takes same arguments as new.
Can be invoked as a class method, which is very convenient in the
simple (most common) use case.
my $pp = Mysql::PrettyPrinter->new;
print $pp->format(sql => 'SELECT 1 + 1');
print Mysql::PrettyPrinter->format(sql => 'SELECT 1 + 1');
lexicals($sql, $omit_whitespace_tokens)
Utility method for lexical analysis, returning the list of lexical
tokens from a given string of SQL. This is not specific to MySQL,
and is only a minor performance enhancement over SQL::Tokenizer. A
true value for $omit_whitespace_tokens causes it to strip out tokens
of pure whitespace such as blank lines.
A convenience method for invoking format from the commandline. It's
arguable whether the example at the top of these notes is any more
convenient than using
| perl -MMysql::PrettyPrinter -e'BEGIN{$/=q{}}
print Mysql::PrettyPrinter->format(%options, sql => <>)'
One advantage is it avoids issues when using double quotes.
Most methods support method chaining. So you can invoke
print Mysql::PrettyPrinter->new
->sql('SELECT')->add_sql('1 + 1')
->make_tokens->tokens('SELECT')->add_tokens('2', '+', '2')
The exceptions are when used as getters:
my $sql = $pp->sql;
my @tokens = $pp->tokens;
The strengths of this module are simplicity and speed. The main weakness
is that it does very little semantic processing. So the "IF" in "DROP
TABLE IF EXISTS" is treated the same as in "SELECT IF (...".
The second weakness is it provides little flexibility on style. You can
specify strings for line-break and word-break, what string equates to a
'tab', and whether keywords, functions, and constants should be wrapped
in any markup, but that's about it. You cannot say "I want to align on
neighbouring 'ON'/'AS'/comparitor". The simplicity of its approach means
it can be adapted easily to other purposes, eg modify the keywords to
let it handle oracle instead, eg modify its I/O so it can process on a
pipeline with minimal lookahead and buffering.
Ideas for future enhancements include:
It should be extended to handle comments, both in indentation and
markup. It should provide more output options, eg PHP, Perl, HTML+CSS.
It could provide smart processing, eg remove redundant parentheses. If
the list of options grows, it would be nice to support having a
configuration file.
Nic Sandfield, ""
It has no unit tests.
Please report bugs, issues, or feature requests to
"bug-mysql-prettyprinter at", or through the web interface
at .
I will be notified and then you'll automatically be notified of progress
on your bug as I make changes.
To install this module from its CPAN source package, run the following
perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Mysql::PrettyPrinter
You can also look for information at:
* RT: CPAN's request tracker
* AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation
* CPAN Ratings
* Search CPAN
My module owes its existence to the fine beginnings in this module
(C) 2009 Jonas Kramer. I merely fixed some bugs, extended the
usability, made it more efficient, and specialised it to the syntax
of MySQL (v5.1).
The regular expression within lexicals was lifted from this module
(C) 2010 Igor Sutton. I merely made it fractionally more efficient.
Copyright 2010 Nic Sandfield. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you may use it, redistribute it, or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (GPL) v3 (or
any later version) as published by the Free Software Foundation.
See or
for more information.