NAME GPG - a Perl2GnuPG interface DESCRIPTION is a Perl5 interface for using GnuPG. GPG work with $scalar (string), as opposite to the existing Perl5 modules ( and GnuPG::Interface) SYNOPSIS use GPG; my ($passphrase,$key_id) = ("1234567890123456",''); my $gpg = new GPG(homedir => './test'); # Creation die $gpg->err() if $gpg->err(); # Error handling my ($pubring,$secring) = $gpg->gen_key(key_size => "512", real_name => "Joe Test", email => '', comment => "", passphrase => $passphrase); my $pubkey = $gpg->list_packets($pubring); my $seckey = $gpg->list_packets($secring); $key_id = $pubkey->[0]{'key_id'}; $gpg->import_keys($secring); $gpg->import_keys($pubring); my $signed = $gpg->clearsign($key_id,$passphrase,"TEST_TEXT"); my $verify = $gpg->verify($signed); my $TEST_TEXT = $gpg->encrypt("TEST_TEXT",$key_id); $TEST_TEXT = $gpg->decrypt($passphrase,$TEST_TEXT); $TEST_TEXT = $gpg->sign_encrypt($key_id,$passphrase,$TEST_TEXT,$key_id); my $decrypt_verify = $gpg->decrypt_verify($passphrase,$TEST_TEXT); my $keys = $gpg->list_keys(); my $sigd = $gpg->list_sig(); INSTALLATION % chown root /usr/local/bin/gpg ; chmod 4755 /usr/local/bin/gpg % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % make install METHODS Look at the "" and "" for examples and more explanation. You can change "VERBOSE" to "1" in "" and restart the test, too. *gen_key %params* Parameters are : - key_size (see gnupg doc) - real_name (usually first name and last name, cannot be empty) - email (email address, cannot be empty) - comment (can be empty) - passphrase (*SHOULD* be at least 16 chars long...) Please note the keys are not imported after creation, please read "" for an example, or read the "list_packets" method description. *list_packets $packet* Give a packet description for public and secret keys, run "" with "VERBOSE=1" for a better description. *import_keys $key* Import the key(s) in the current keyring. *clearsign $key_id, $passphrase, $text* Clearsign the current text. *verify $signed_text* Verify a signature. *encrypt $text, ($dest_1, ...)* Encrypt. *decrypt $passphrase, $text* Decrypt (yes, really) *sign_encrypt $key_id, $passphrase, $text, ($dest_1, ...)* Sign and Encrypt. *decrypt_verify $passphrase, $text* Decrypt and verify signature. *list_keys()* List all keys from your standard pubring *list_sig()* List all keys and signatures from your standard pubring *delete_secret_key $key_id* No yet implemented, gnupg don't accpt this in batch mode. *delete_key $key_id* No yet implemented, gnupg don't accept this in batch mode. FAQ Q: How does it work ? A: it uses IPC::Open3 to connect the 'gpg' program. IPC::Open3 make the fork and manage the filehandles for you. Q: How secure is GPG ? A: As secure as you want... Be carefull. First, GPG is no more secure as 'gpg'. Second, all passphrases are stored in non-secure memory, unless you "chown root" and "chmod 4755" your script first. Third, your script probably store passpharses somewhere on the disk, and this is *not* secure. Q: Why using GPG, and not GnuPG or GnuPG::Interface ?? A: For its input/output, work only with filename (you must write your parameters values in a file and pass the filename to gnupg, and the result will be write in anoter given file) GnuPG::Interface works with fileshandles, but is heavy to use - all filehandle management is let to the user. GPG work only with $scalar for both input and output. As I develop for a web interface, I don't want to write a new file each time I need to communicate with gnupg. KNOWN BUGS Bug come (by me) only from gnupg, and *not* from Perl : - methods "delete_key" and "delete_secret_key" doesn't work, not because a bug, but because gnupg cannot do that in batch mode. I hope a later version of gnupg will correct this issue... TODO import_keys : no test for multiples import (of both public/secret keys) sign-key / lsign-key / export_key fast-import / update-trustdb fingerprint delete-key / delete-secret-key (waiting - not possible for now, see BUG) SUPPORT Feel free to send me your questions and comments. Feedback is ALWAYS welcome ! Commercial support on demand, but for most problem read the "Support" section on DOWNLOAD developpers info at doc and home-page at SEE ALSO GnuPG - - input/output only throw file_name GnuPG::Interface - input/output only throw file_handles see or CPAN IPC::Open3 - communication with 'gpg', see "perldoc perlipc" AUTHOR,