Algorithm::RandomPointGenerator generates a set of random points in a 2D plane according to a user-specified probability distribution that is supplied as a 2D histogram. The quickest way to use the module is through the script genRand2D that you'll find in the examples subdirectory. You can move this script to any convenient location in your directory structure. Call this script as a command-line utility in the following manner: genRand2D --histfile your_histogram_file.csv --bbfile your_bounding_box_file.csv where the '--histfile' option supplies the name of the file that contains a 2D histogram and the option '--bbfile' the name of the file that defines a bounding box in the XY-plane to which the histogram applies. The module uses the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to draw random points from a probability density function that is approximated by the 2D histogram you supply through the '--histfile' option. You can also run the command genRand2D --help for further information regarding these two command-line options. This module requires the following three modules: List::Util Graphics::GnuplotIF Math::Big Math::Random File::Basename For installation, do the usual perl Makefile.PL make make test make install if you have root access. If not, perl Makefile.PL prefix=/some/other/directory/ make make test make install Contact: Avinash Kak email: Please place the string "RandomPointGenerator" in the subject line if you wish to write to the author. Any feedback regarding this module would be highly appreciated.