/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1997 by Ton Roosendaal, Frank van Beek and Joeri Kassenaar. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <gl/gl.h> #include <gl/device.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include "/usr/people/include/iff.h" #include "/usr/people/include/Trace.h" #include "/usr/people/include/Button.h" #include <malloc.h> #include <sys/schedctl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> /* voor de interruptESC */ #include <signal.h> #include <sys/schedctl.h> /* *************** GLOBALE VARIABELEN ***************** */ struct View view0 = { 0,1,1, /* next, nummer rt1*/ {0,-35000,23000},{0,0,0}, /* obs[3],tar[3] */ 35,0,1,0, /* lens,view,persp rt2*/ 0.959,-1.570,1, /* phi,theta,dproj */ 0,5000, /* rt3,grid (rt want grid was vroeger long) */ {0,0,0},{0,0,0}, /* ofs[3],muis[3] */ 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* lay,rt4,tilt,opar,tpar,cambase,mx,my */ 0,0 /* near,far */ }; struct Wrld wrld= { 200,0,0,0,0,200, /* horr,horg,horb,zenr,zeng,zenb; */ 10,10,20,100,130,160, /* ambr,ambg,ambb,gror,grog,grob; */ 0,0,0,0, /* misr,misg,misb,misi; */ 1,0,0,1000, /* fs,fg, rt2, mistdist */ {0,0,0,0}, /* stex[4],*/ {10,10,10,10},{0,0,0,0},/* smap[4], *sbase[4] */ 0,0,0, /* */ 1,0 /* short globsh,rt3; */ }; struct Global G = { 0,1,1,1,0,0,1, /* qual,mainb,,mainbo,hie,move1,move2,layact */ 0,0,0,0,0,0, /* totobj,totlamp,totmove,totvert,totvlak,totpoly */ 0, /*,f, */ 0,0,0,0,20, /* actp2,actp3,actkey,keydraw,ipomode; */ 0,0,0,0,0, /* firstbase, *basact, *lastbase, *ebase *workbase;*/ 0, /* struct Bezier *spline; */ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* float persmat[4][4], persinv[4][4]; */ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* float winmat[4][4] float viewmat[4][4],viewinv[4][4] */ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* NOTITIE: VERPLAATS ALLE GLOBALE RENDER-INFO NAAR STRUCT RENDER */ 1,1,80,80,80,80, /* short cfra,sfra,efra,frs,framap,framapto; */ 1.0, /* float framelen */ 10,0,0,0,0, /* short size,filt,schaduw,trace,border;*/ 0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0, /* short skybuf,ali,script,background,disc,holo,osa,genlock;*/ 0, 0, 0, 0, /* short bufscript,rt1,rt2,rt3 ;*/ 0,0,0,0,1,0,2, /* short xminb,xmaxb,yminb,ymaxb,sview,tracetype,tradep;*/ 0,1, /* short totex,colact */ 0, /* struct Tex **adrtex */ /* char wf0[3],wf1[3],wf2[3],wf3[3],wf4[3],wf5[3];*/ /* char obj[80],ima[80],sce[80],skb[80],pic[80],scr[80];*/ }; struct UserDef User = { {100, 78, 78, 78}, {120,104,138,167}, {121,31,31,40}, {122,174,198,207}, {124,162,162,162}, {125,76,76,76}, {126,226,226,226}, {128,46,147,137}, {129,0,56,0}, {130,76,217,207}, {132,152,125,160}, {133,82,0,85}, {134,222,185,230} }; float bezmat[4][4]={ {-1.0, 3.0,-3.0, 1.0}, { 3.0,-6.0, 3.0, 0.0}, {-3.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0}, { 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, }; struct Screen S; ulong rect_desel[16],rect_sel[16]; ulong rectl_desel[81],rectl_sel[81]; ulong rectq_desel[81],rectq_sel[81]; short activeview = 1; /* **************************************************** */ void projektie() { } short okee(char *str) { return 1; } short saveover(char *str) { return 1; } void error(str) { printf("ERROR: %s\n",str); } short domenu(str) char *str; { return 1; } void main(argc,argv) long argc; char **argv; { extern void savecore(); /* files.c */ extern struct Branch *adroct[]; extern char versionstr[32]; struct VectorFont *initvfont(),*vf; float bepaalphitheta(); long file; short a, mval[2], cursmap[16], xmax, ymax; char pic[100], tstr[100], *home; if (argc == 2) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0){ foreground(); argc = 1; } } S.bxw= 0; /* BACKGROUND? */ printf("TRACES Version %s\n", versionstr+14); foreground(); mallopt(M_MXFAST,sizeof(struct EditVert)+4); /* blokken kleiner dan (32+4) snel uitdelen (t.o.v 28 standaard) */ mallopt(M_MXCHK,2048); /* normaal zoekt 'ie max. 100 blokken af voor ie opgeeft. Onzin */ mallopt(M_FREEHD,1); /* sigset(SIGBUS, savecore); */ /* sigset(SIGSEGV, savecore); */ strcpy(G.obj,"//"); strcpy(G.ima,"//"); strcpy(G.sce,"//rt.trace"); strcpy(G.skb,"//buf"); strcpy(G.pic,"//"); strcpy(G.scr,"//script"); strcpy(G.ftype,"/usr/people/trace/ftypes/amiga.rgb"); strcpy(G.bufscr, "//buf.script"); G.time= G.f= 0; G.spline=(struct Bezier *)callocN(4+4*7200,"spline"); /*max 400 contrpunten */ G.adrtex=(struct Tex **)callocN(MAXTEX*4,"G.adrtex"); G.adrtex[0]=(struct Tex *)callocN(152,"tex[0]"); G.edve.first= G.edve.last= 0; G.eded.first= G.eded.last= 0; G.edvl.first= G.edvl.last= 0; G.xminb= 320; G.xmaxb= 960; G.yminb= 200; G.ymaxb= 600; view0.near= 1000; view0.far= 1000; G.zbuf= 0; G.workbase=(struct Base *)callocN(256,"workbase"); G.workbase->soort=1; G.workbase->f=12; G.workbase->f1=42; G.workbase->lay= 0xFFFF; G.workbase->sf=1; G.workbase->q[0]=1.0; G.workbase->m[0][0]=1.0; G.workbase->m[1][1]=1.0; G.workbase->m[2][2]=1.0; R.blove=(struct VertRen **)callocN(4*1024,"Blove"); R.blovl=(struct VlakRen **)callocN(4*1024,"Blovl"); R.xsch=720; R.ysch=576; R.xasp=54; R.yasp=51; R.size=2; R.rectot=R.rectz=R.rectdaps=R.rectaccu= 0; R.xof=450; R.yof=1000; R.rectx=R.recty= 0; R.xparts=R.yparts= 1; R.winpos= 128; R.anim= 6; R.planes= 1; R.imtype= 1; R.safety= 100; for(a=0;a<256;a++) adroct[a]=0; init_filt_mask(); initeffects(); /* uit effect.c */ /*START*/ G.background=1; if (schedctl(NDPRI, 0, NDPLOMIN) == -1) printf("no ndpri \n"); G.winar[0]=G.winar[1]= 0; for(a=1; a<argc; a++) { if(argv[a][0] == '-') { switch(argv[a][1]) { case 'f': a++; G.cfra = atoi(argv[a]); initrender(0); makepicstring(pic,G.cfra); schrijfplaatje(pic); timestr(G.cputime,tstr); printf("Saved: %s Time: %s (%.2f)\n",pic,tstr,((float)(G.time-G.cputime))/100); break; case 'a': initrender(R.anim); break; case 'p': if (schedctl(NDPRI, 0, NDPLOMIN) == -1) printf("no ndpri \n"); break; case 's': if (++a < argc) G.sfra = atoi(argv[a]); break; case 'e': if (++a < argc) G.efra = atoi(argv[a]); break; } } exit(0); } }