/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 1997 by Ton Roosendaal, Frank van Beek and Joeri Kassenaar. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <errno.h> #ifdef __sgi #include <movie.h> #include <dmedia/cl.h> #include <dmedia/cl_cosmo.h> #else #define DMboolean char #define DMstatus char #define DMmedium char #define DMorientation char #define MVframe char #define DM_FALSE 0 #define DM_FAILURE 0 #define DM_TRUE 1 #define DM_SUCCESS 1 #define DM_IMAGE 0 #define DM_IMAGE_WIDTH 0 #define DM_IMAGE_HEIGHT 0 #define DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING 0 #define DM_IMAGE_ORIENTATION 0 #define DM_IMAGE_INTERLACED_EVEN 0 #endif #include "imbuf.h" #define OBJECTBLOK "anim" /* movie stubs */ DMboolean my_IsMovie(const char * name) { /* static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("IsMovie: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE;*/ return(DM_FALSE); } DMstatus my_OpenMovie(const char * name, int oflag, MVid * movie ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("OpenMovie: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return(DM_FAILURE); } DMstatus my_CloseMovie (MVid movie ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("CloseMovie: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return(DM_FAILURE); } DMstatus My_ReadFrames (MVid track, MVframe frameIndex, MVframe frameCount, size_t bufferSize, void* buffer ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("ReadFrames: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return (DM_FAILURE); } DMstatus My_FindTrack(MVid movie, DMmedium medium, MVid* returnTrack) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("FindTrack: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return (DM_FAILURE); } DMparams* my_GetParams( MVid movieOrTrack ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("GetParams: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return (NULL); } size_t my_ImageFrameSize(const DMparams* params ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("ImageFrameSize: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return (0); } int my_ParamsGetInt( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("ParamsGetInt: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return(0); } double my_ParamsGetFloat( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("ParamsGetFloat: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return(0.0); } MVframe my_GetTrackLength( MVid track ) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("GetTrackLength: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return (0); } int my_GetErrno() { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("my_GetErrno: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return (0); } const char* my_GetErrorStr(int error) { static int first = TRUE; if (first) printf("my_GetErrorStr: not initialised\n"); first = FALSE; return (0); } /* movie pointers */ /* mvIsMovieFile */ DMboolean (*IsMovie)(const char * name) = my_IsMovie; /* mvOpenFile */ DMstatus (* OpenMovie)(const char * name, int oflag, MVid * movie ) = my_OpenMovie; /* mvClose */ DMstatus (* CloseMovie)( MVid movie ) = my_CloseMovie; /* mvReadFrames */ DMstatus (* ReadFrames)( MVid track, MVframe frameIndex, MVframe frameCount, size_t bufferSize, void* buffer ) = My_ReadFrames; /* mvFindTrackByMedium */ DMstatus (* FindTrack)( MVid movie, DMmedium medium, MVid* returnTrack ) = My_FindTrack; /* mvGetParams */ DMparams* (* GetParams)( MVid movieOrTrack ) = my_GetParams; /* mvGetErrno */ int (* GetErrno)() = my_GetErrno; /* mvGetErrorStr */ const char * (* GetErrorStr)(int) = my_GetErrorStr; /* dmImageFrameSize */ size_t (* ImageFrameSize)(const DMparams* params ) = my_ImageFrameSize; /* dmParamsGetInt */ int (* ParamsGetInt)( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName ) = my_ParamsGetInt; /* dmParamsGetEnum */ int (* ParamsGetEnum)( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName ) = my_ParamsGetInt; /* dmParamsGetFloat */ double (* ParamsGetFloat)( const DMparams* params, const char* paramName ) = my_ParamsGetFloat; MVframe (* GetTrackLength) ( MVid track ) = my_GetTrackLength; movie_printerror(char * str) { const char * errstr = GetErrorStr(GetErrno()); if (str) { if (errstr) printf("%s: %s\n", str, errstr); else printf("%s: returned error\n", str); }else printf("%s\n", errstr); } long an_stringdec(string,kop,staart,numlen) char *string,*kop,*staart; ushort *numlen; { ushort len,nums,nume; short i,found=FALSE; len=strlen(string); for(i=len-1;i>=0;i--){ if (string[i]=='/') break; if (isdigit(string[i])) { if (found){ nums=i; } else{ nume=i; nums=i; found=TRUE; } } else{ if (found) break; } } if (found){ strcpy(staart,&string[nume+1]); strcpy(kop,string); kop[nums]=0; *numlen=nume-nums+1; return ((long)atoi(&(string[nums]))); } staart[0]=0; strcpy(kop,string); *numlen=0; return (1); } void an_stringenc(char *string, char *kop, char *staart, ushort numlen, long pic) { char numstr[10]; ushort len,i; len=sprintf(numstr,"%d",pic); strcpy(string,kop); for(i=len;i<numlen;i++){ strcat(string,"0"); } strcat(string,numstr); strcat(string,staart); } /* zipfork "cc -g ../animtest.c ../util.o -lgl_s -limbuf -limage -lm -o ../animtest >/dev/console" zipfork "animtest /mo/pics/martin/Custan1B.ani >/dev/console" */ /* om anim5's te kunnen lezen, moet een aantal gegevens bijgehouden worden: * Een lijst van pointers naar delta's, in geheugen of ge'mmap'ed * * Mogelijk kan er ook een 'skiptab' aangelegd worden, om sneller * sprongen te kunnen maken. * * Er moeten niet direct al plaatjes gegenereed worden, dit maakt de * routines onbruikbaar om snel naar het goede plaatje te springen. * Een routine voert dus de delta's uit, een andere routine maakt van * voorgrondplaatje een ibuf; */ /* een aantal functie pointers moet geinporteerd worden, zodat er niet nog meer library's / objects meegelinkt hoeven te worden. Dezelfde structuur moet ook gebruikt kunnen worden voor het wegschrijven van animaties. Hoe geef je dit aan ? Hoe snel kunnen 10 .dlta's gedecomprimeerd worden (zonder omzetten naar rect). 1 - zoek naar 1e plaatje, animatie die aan de eisen voldoet 2 - probeer volgende plaatje te vinden: anim5 - decomprimeer sequence - teller ophogen directory - volgende entry 3 - geen succes ? ga naar 1. */ /* 1. Initialiseer routine met toegestane reeksen, en eerste naam - series op naam (.0001) - directories - anim5 animaties - TGA delta's - iff 24bits delta's (.delta) 2. haal volgende (vorige ?) plaatje op. 3. vrijgeven */ /* selectie volgorde is: 1 - anim5() 2 - name 3 - dir */ void free_anim_anim5(struct anim * anim) { long i; ListBase * animbase; Anim5Delta * delta, * next; if (anim == 0) return; animbase = &anim->anim5base; delta = animbase->first; while (delta) { next = delta->next; if (delta->type == ANIM5_MALLOC) free(delta->data); remlink(animbase, delta); free(delta); delta = next; } if (anim->anim5mmap && anim->anim5len) munmap(anim->anim5mmap, anim->anim5len); anim->anim5mmap = 0; anim->anim5len = 0; anim->anim5curdlta = 0; anim->duration = 0; } void free_anim_movie(struct anim * anim) { if (anim == 0) return; if (anim->movie) { CloseMovie(anim->movie); anim->movie = 0; } anim->duration = 0; } void free_anim_mdec(struct anim * anim) { if (anim == 0) return; if (anim->mdec && anim->mdeclen) { munmap(anim->mdec, anim->mdeclen); anim->mdec = 0; anim->mdeclen = 0; } anim->duration = 0; } void free_anim_ibuf(struct anim * anim) { long i; if (anim == 0) return; if (anim->ibuf1) freeImBuf(anim->ibuf1); if (anim->ibuf2) freeImBuf(anim->ibuf2); anim->ibuf1 = anim->ibuf2 = 0; } void free_anim(struct anim * anim) { long i; if (anim == 0) { printf("free anim, anim == 0\n"); return; } /*printf(" freeing anim %s\n", anim->name);*/ free_anim_ibuf(anim); free_anim_anim5(anim); free_anim_movie(anim); free_anim_mdec(anim); free(anim); } void close_anim(struct anim * anim) { long i; if (anim == 0) return; free_anim(anim); } struct anim * open_anim(char * name, long flags, long ib_flags) { struct anim * anim; char * dir; struct stat st; long i; anim = callocstructN(struct anim, 1, "anim struct"); if (anim) { strcpy(anim->name, name); anim->flags = flags; anim->ib_flags = ib_flags; } /*printf(" open anim %s\n", anim->name);*/ return(anim); } long ismpg(name) char * name; { long fp, buf[10]; int ret = FALSE; if ((fp = open(name, O_RDONLY)) >= 0){ if (read(fp ,buf, 4) == 4){ if ((buf[0] == 0x000001b3) | (buf[0] == 0x000001ba)) ret = TRUE; printf("mpeg afgevangen\n"); } close(fp); } return(ret); } long ismdec(name) char * name; { long fp, buf[10]; int ret = FALSE; if ((fp = open(name, O_RDONLY)) >= 0){ if (read(fp ,buf, 4) == 4){ if ((buf[0] == 0x564D0100)) ret = TRUE; /*printf("mdec afgevangen\n");*/ } close(fp); } return(ret); } long isanim(char * name) { long type; struct stat st; if (ib_stat(name,&st) == -1) return(0); if (((st.st_mode) & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG) return(0); if (IsMovie(name) == DM_TRUE) return(ANIM_MOVIE); /* movie library is beschikbaar: MPEG afvangen */ if (ismdec(name)) return(ANIM_MDEC); type = ispic(name); if (type == ANIM) return (ANIM_ANIM5); if (type) return(ANIM_SEQUENCE); return(0); } void planes_to_rect(struct ImBuf * ibuf, long flags) { if (ibuf == 0) return; /* dit komt regelrecht uit de amiga.c */ if (flags & IB_rect && ibuf->rect == 0) { addrectImBuf(ibuf); bptolong(ibuf); flipy(ibuf); freeplanesImBuf(ibuf); if (ibuf->cmap){ if ((flags & IB_cmap) == 0) applycmap(ibuf); } else if (ibuf->depth == 18){ long i,col; ulong *rect; rect = ibuf->rect; for(i=ibuf->x * ibuf->y ; i>0 ; i--){ col = *rect; col = ((col & 0x3f000) << 6) + ((col & 0xfc0) << 4) + ((col & 0x3f) << 2); col += (col & 0xc0c0c0) >> 6; *rect++ = col; } ibuf->depth = 24; } else if (ibuf->depth <= 8) { /* geen colormap en geen 24 bits: zwartwit */ uchar *rect; long size, shift; if (ibuf->depth < 8){ rect = (uchar *) ibuf->rect; rect += 3; shift = 8 - ibuf->depth; for (size = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; size > 0; size --){ rect[0] <<= shift; rect += 4; } } rect = (uchar *) ibuf->rect; for (size = ibuf->x * ibuf->y; size > 0; size --){ rect[1] = rect[2] = rect[3]; rect += 4; } ibuf->depth = 8; } } } void anim5decode(struct ImBuf * ibuf, uchar * dlta) { uchar depth; long skip; long *ofspoint; uchar **planes; /* samenstelling delta: lijst met ofsets voor delta's per bitplane (ofspoint) per kolom in delta (point) aantal handelingen (noops) code bijbehorende data ... ... */ dlta += 8; ofspoint = (long *)dlta; skip = ibuf->skipx * sizeof(long); planes = (uchar **)ibuf->planes; for(depth=ibuf->depth ; depth>0 ; depth--){ if (GET_BIG_LONG(ofspoint)){ uchar *planestart; uchar *point; uchar x; point = dlta + GET_BIG_LONG(ofspoint); planestart = planes[0]; x = (ibuf->x + 7) >> 3; do{ uchar noop; if (noop = *(point++)){ uchar *plane; uchar code; plane = planestart; do{ if ((code = *(point++))==0){ uchar val; code = *(point++); val = *(point++); do{ plane[0] = val; plane += skip; }while(--code); } else if (code & 128){ code &= 0x7f; do{ plane[0] = *(point++); plane += skip; }while(--code); } else plane += code * skip; }while(--noop); } planestart++; }while(--x); } ofspoint++; planes++; } } void anim5xordecode(struct ImBuf * ibuf, uchar * dlta) { uchar depth; long skip; long *ofspoint; uchar **planes; /* samenstelling delta: lijst met ofsets voor delta's per bitplane (ofspoint) per kolom in delta (point) aantal handelingen (noops) code bijbehorende data ... ... */ dlta += 8; ofspoint = (long *)dlta; skip = ibuf->skipx * sizeof(long); planes = (uchar **)ibuf->planes; for(depth=ibuf->depth ; depth>0 ; depth--){ if (GET_BIG_LONG(ofspoint)){ uchar *planestart; uchar *point; uchar x; point = dlta + GET_BIG_LONG(ofspoint); planestart = planes[0]; x = (ibuf->x + 7) >> 3; do{ uchar noop; if (noop = *(point++)){ uchar *plane; uchar code; plane = planestart; do{ if ((code = *(point++))==0){ uchar val; code = *(point++); val = *(point++); do{ plane[0] ^= val; plane += skip; }while(--code); } else if (code & 128){ code &= 0x7f; do{ plane[0] ^= *(point++); plane += skip; }while(--code); } else plane += code * skip; }while(--noop); } planestart++; }while(--x); } ofspoint++; planes++; } } int nextanim5(struct anim * anim) { ListBase * animbase; Anim5Delta * delta; struct ImBuf * ibuf; errno = EINVAL; if (anim == 0) return(-1); errno = 0; animbase = & anim->anim5base; delta = anim->anim5curdlta; if (delta == 0) return (-1); if (anim->anim5flags & ANIM5_SNGBUF) { ibuf = anim->ibuf1; if (ibuf == 0) return (0); anim->anim5decode(ibuf, delta->data); } else { ibuf = anim->ibuf2; if (ibuf == 0) return (0); anim->anim5decode(ibuf, delta->data); anim->ibuf2 = anim->ibuf1; anim->ibuf1 = ibuf; } anim->anim5curdlta = anim->anim5curdlta->next; anim->curposition++; return(0); } int rewindanim5(struct anim * anim) { Anim5Delta * delta; struct ImBuf * ibuf; if (anim == 0) return (-1); free_anim_ibuf(anim); delta = anim->anim5base.first; if (delta == 0) return (-1); ibuf = loadiffmem(delta->data, IB_planes); if (ibuf == 0) return(-1); anim->ibuf1 = ibuf; if ((anim->anim5flags & ANIM5_SNGBUF) == 0) anim->ibuf2 = dupImBuf(ibuf); anim->anim5curdlta = delta->next; anim->curposition = 0; return(0); } int startanim5(struct anim * anim) { int file, buf[20], type, totlen; ulong len; short * mem; ListBase * animbase; Anim5Delta * delta; Anhd anhd; /* Controles */ errno = EINVAL; if (anim == 0) return(-1); errno = 0; file = open(anim->name,O_RDONLY); if (file < 0) return (-1); if (read(file, buf, 24) != 24) { close(file); return(-1); } if ((GET_ID(buf) != FORM) || (GET_ID(buf + 2) != ANIM) || (GET_ID(buf + 3) != FORM) || (GET_ID(buf + 5) != ILBM)){ printf("No anim5 file %s\n",anim->name); close(file); return (-1); } /* de hele file wordt in het geheugen gemapped */ totlen = lseek(file,0L,SEEK_END); mem = mmap(0, totlen, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, file, 0); close (file); if (mem == (short *) -1) return (-1); anhd.interleave = 0; anhd.bits = 0; anhd.type = 5; anim->anim5mmap = mem; anim->anim5len = totlen; anim->anim5flags = 0; anim->duration = 0; animbase = & anim->anim5base; animbase->first = animbase->last = 0; /* eerste plaatje inlezen */ mem = mem + 6; totlen -= 12; len = GET_BIG_LONG(mem + 2); len = (len + 8 + 1) & ~1; delta = NEW(Anim5Delta); delta->data = mem; delta->type = ANIM5_MMAP; addtail(animbase, delta); mem += (len >> 1); totlen -= len; while (totlen > 0) { len = GET_BIG_LONG(mem + 2); len = (len + 8 + 1) & ~1; switch(GET_ID(mem)){ case FORM: len = 12; break; case ANHD: memcpy(&anhd, mem + 4, sizeof(Anhd)); break; case DLTA: delta = NEW(Anim5Delta); delta->data = mem; delta->type = ANIM5_MMAP; addtail(animbase, delta); break; } mem += (len >> 1); totlen -= len; } if (anhd.interleave == 1) anim->anim5flags |= ANIM5_SNGBUF; if (BIG_SHORT(anhd.bits) & 2) anim->anim5decode = anim5xordecode; else anim->anim5decode = anim5decode; /* laatste twee delta's wissen */ delta = animbase->last; if (delta) { remlink(animbase, delta); free(delta); } if ((anim->anim5flags & ANIM5_SNGBUF) == 0) { delta = animbase->last; if (delta) { remlink(animbase, delta); free(delta); } } anim->duration = countlist(animbase); return(rewindanim5(anim)); } struct ImBuf * anim5_fetchibuf(struct anim * anim) { struct ImBuf * ibuf; if (anim == 0) return (0); ibuf = dupImBuf(anim->ibuf1); planes_to_rect(ibuf, anim->ib_flags); return(ibuf); } long estimate_duration(struct anim * anim) { char head[256], tail[256], name[256]; long pic; ushort digits; /*ListBase _list = {0, 0}, *list = &_list;*/ pic = stringdec(anim->name, head, tail, &digits); if (digits == 0) return(1); /* hier moet een listing van een directory opgevraagd worden * daarna moeten namen vergleken worden */ return(1); } long startmovie(struct anim * anim) { errno = EINVAL; if (anim == 0) return(-1); errno = 0; if ( OpenMovie (anim->name, O_RDONLY, &anim->movie ) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf("Can't open movie: %s\n", anim->name); return(-1); } if ( FindTrack (anim->movie, DM_IMAGE, &anim->track) != DM_SUCCESS ) { printf("No image track in movie: %s\n", anim->name); CloseMovie(anim->movie); return(-1); } anim->duration = GetTrackLength (anim->track); anim->params = GetParams( anim->track ); anim->x = ParamsGetInt( anim->params, DM_IMAGE_WIDTH); anim->y = ParamsGetInt( anim->params, DM_IMAGE_HEIGHT); anim->interlacing = ParamsGetEnum (anim->params, DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING); anim->orientation = ParamsGetEnum (anim->params, DM_IMAGE_ORIENTATION); anim->framesize = ImageFrameSize(anim->params); anim->curposition = 0; /*printf("x:%d y:%d size:%d interl:%d dur:%d\n", anim->x, anim->y, anim->framesize, anim->interlacing, anim->duration);*/ return (0); } long startmdec(struct anim * anim) { int file = -1, size, error = FALSE, flags = 0; Mdec * mdec; file = open(anim->name, O_RDONLY); if (file != -1) { size = lseek(file,0L,SEEK_END); mdec = mmap(0, size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, file, 0); close (file); if (mdec == (Mdec *) -1) return (-1); if (SWAP_S(mdec->magic) == 'MV' && SWAP_S(mdec->version) <= 1) { anim->mdec = mdec; anim->mdeclen = size; anim->x = SWAP_S(mdec->sizex); anim->y = SWAP_S(mdec->sizey); anim->duration = SWAP_S(mdec->frames); /*printf("x:%d y:%d dur:%d\n", anim->x, anim->y, anim->duration);*/ return(0); } else { printf("Unsupported mdec\n"); munmap(mdec, size); } } else { perror(anim->name); } return (-1); } ImBuf * movie_fetchibuf(struct anim * anim, long position) { ImBuf * ibuf; extern rectcpy(); int size; ulong *rect1, *rect2; if (anim == 0) return (0); ibuf = allocImBuf(anim->x, anim->y, 24, IB_rect, 0); if ( ReadFrames(anim->track, position, 1, ibuf->x * ibuf->y * sizeof(long), ibuf->rect ) != DM_SUCCESS ) { movie_printerror("ReadFrames"); freeImBuf(ibuf); return(0); } /* if (anim->interlacing == DM_IMAGE_INTERLACED_EVEN) { rect1 = ibuf->rect + (ibuf->x * ibuf->y) - 1; rect2 = rect1 - ibuf->x; for (size = ibuf->x * (ibuf->y - 1); size > 0; size--){ *rect1-- = *rect2--; } } */ if (anim->interlacing == DM_IMAGE_INTERLACED_EVEN) { rect1 = ibuf->rect; rect2 = rect1 + ibuf->x; for (size = ibuf->x * (ibuf->y - 1); size > 0; size--){ *rect1++ = *rect2++; } } /*if (anim->orientation == DM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM) flipy(ibuf);*/ return(ibuf); } ImBuf * mdec_fetchibuf(struct anim * anim, long position) { ImBuf * ibuf, * tbuf; int framesize, size, start, i, x, offset; ulong * data, mdectype, mdecsize; uchar * mdecdata = 0; extern float mdec_ytab[64], mdec_ctab[64]; SliceData slicedata; long * sld, * slicedatap; extern rectcpy(); if (anim == 0) return (0); if (anim->mdec == 0) return(0); if (position >= anim->duration) return (0); start = SWAP_L(anim->mdec->offset[position]); framesize = SWAP_L(anim->mdec->offset[position + 1]) - start; data = (ulong *) ((uchar *) anim->mdec + start); while (framesize > 0) { size = SWAP_L(data[1]); switch (data[0]) { case 'MDEC': mdecdata = (uchar *) data; mdectype = 'MDEC'; mdecsize = size; break; case 'SLIC': mdecdata = (uchar *) data; mdectype = 'SLIC'; mdecsize = size; break; case 'INFO': case 'CAMI': case 'VIEW': case 'SSND': break; default: printf("skipping %c%c%c%c size %d\n", data[0] >> 24, data[0] >> 16, data[0] >> 8, data[0] >> 0, size); } if (mdecdata) break; size = (size + 3) & ~3; framesize -= size + 8; data += (size + 8) >> 2; } if (mdecdata == 0) return(0); ibuf = allocImBuf(anim->x, anim->y, 24, IB_rect, 0); /* matrices goedzetten */ for (i = 0; i < 64 ; i++) { mdec_ytab[i] = anim->mdec->ytab[i]; } for (i = 0; i < 64 ; i++) { mdec_ctab[i] = anim->mdec->ctab[i]; } if (mdectype == 'MDEC') { huffdecompress(ibuf, mdecdata + 16, mdecsize - 8, mdecdata[12]); } else if (mdectype == 'SLIC') { tbuf = allocImBuf(16, anim->y, 24, IB_rect, 0); sld = (long *) (mdecdata + 8); slicedatap = (long *) &slicedata; offset = 8; offset += 4 * (anim->x / 16); for (x = 0; x < anim->x; x += 16) { *slicedatap = SWAP_L(*sld); sld++; /*printf("\n\nslice %d offset %d size %d\n", x / 16, offset, 4 * slicedata.hufsize);*/ huffdecompress(tbuf, mdecdata + offset, 4 * slicedata.hufsize, slicedata.quant); offset += 4 * slicedata.hufsize; rectop(ibuf, tbuf, x, 0, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy, 0); } freeImBuf(tbuf); /*printf("end\n\n\n\n\n\n\n");*/ } cspace(ibuf, yuvrgb); flipy(ibuf); return(ibuf); } /* probeer volgende plaatje te lezen */ /* Geen plaatje, probeer dan volgende animatie te openen */ /* gelukt, haal dan eerste plaatje van animatie */ struct ImBuf * anim_getnew(struct anim * anim) { struct ImBuf *ibuf = 0; long newtype = 0; if (anim == 0) return(0); free_anim_anim5(anim); free_anim_movie(anim); free_anim_mdec(anim); if (anim->curtype != 0 && anim->flags & ANIM_ONCE) return (0); newtype = isanim(anim->name); if ((newtype & anim->flags) == 0) return (0); anim->curtype = newtype; switch (newtype) { case ANIM_ANIM5: if (startanim5(anim)) return (0); ibuf = anim5_fetchibuf(anim); break; case ANIM_SEQUENCE: ibuf = loadiffname(anim->name, anim->ib_flags); if (ibuf) { strcpy(anim->first, anim->name); anim->duration = estimate_duration(anim); } break; case ANIM_MOVIE: if (startmovie(anim)) return (0); ibuf = allocImBuf (anim->x, anim->y, 24, 0, 0); /* fake */ break; case ANIM_MDEC: if (startmdec(anim)) return (0); ibuf = allocImBuf (anim->x, anim->y, 24, 0, 0); /* fake */ break; } return(ibuf); } struct ImBuf * anim_absolute(struct anim * anim, long position) { struct ImBuf * ibuf = 0; char head[256], tail[256], prevname[256]; ushort digits; long pic, pingpong; if (anim == 0) return(0); if (anim->curtype == 0) { ibuf = anim_getnew(anim); if (ibuf == 0) return (0); freeImBuf(ibuf); /* ???? */ } switch (anim->playmode) { case PLAY_ONCE: if (position < 0) position = 0; else if (position >= anim->duration) position = anim->duration - 1; break; case PLAY_LOOP: while (position < 0) position += anim->duration; while (position >= anim->duration) position -= anim->duration; break; case PLAY_PINGPONG: pingpong = (2 * anim->duration) - 2; while (position < 0) position += pingpong; while (position > pingpong) position -= pingpong; if (position >= anim->duration) position = pingpong - position; break; case PLAY_INTERVAL: if (position < 0) return(0); if (position >= anim->duration) return(0); break; } switch(anim->curtype) { case ANIM_ANIM5: if (anim->curposition > position) rewindanim5(anim); while (anim->curposition < position) { if (nextanim5(anim)) return (0); } ibuf = anim5_fetchibuf(anim); break; case ANIM_SEQUENCE: pic = an_stringdec(anim->first, head, tail, &digits); pic += position; an_stringenc(anim->name, head, tail, digits, pic); ibuf = loadiffname(anim->name, anim->ib_flags); if (ibuf) anim->curposition = position; break; case ANIM_MOVIE: ibuf = movie_fetchibuf(anim, position); if (ibuf) anim->curposition = position; break; case ANIM_MDEC: ibuf = mdec_fetchibuf(anim, position); if (ibuf) anim->curposition = position; break; } if (ibuf) { if (anim->ib_flags & IB_ttob) flipy(ibuf); sprintf(ibuf->name, "%s.%04d", anim->name, anim->curposition + 1); } return(ibuf); } struct ImBuf * anim_getnext(struct anim * anim) { if (anim == 0) return(0); return(anim_absolute(anim, anim->curposition + 1)); } struct ImBuf * anim_nextpic(struct anim * anim) { struct ImBuf * ibuf = 0; if (anim == 0) return(0); ibuf = anim_getnext(anim); /* if (ibuf == 0) ibuf = anim_getnew(anim); */ /* ??? */ return(ibuf); }