title: "raerdata: datasets and databases for use with the raer package" 
  - name: Kent Riemondy
    affiliation: University of Colorado School of Medicine
date: '`r Sys.Date()`'
      df_print: paged
package: raerdata 
bibliography: ref.bib 
vignette: >

```{r, echo=FALSE, results="hide"}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)

## Introduction

The `raerdata` package contains datasets and databases used to illustrate 
functionality to characterize RNA editing using the `raer` package. Included in 
the package are databases of known human and mouse RNA editing sites. Datasets 
have been preprocessed to generate smaller examples suitable for quick 
exploration of the data and demonstration of the `raer` package. 

## Installation

```{r, eval = FALSE}
if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) {

# The following initializes usage of Bioc devel
BiocManager::install(version = "devel")



## RNA editing Atlases 

Atlases of known human and mouse A-to-I RNA editing sites formatted into 
`GRanges` objects are provided. 

### REDIportal 

The `REDIportal` is a collection of RNA editing sites identified from multiple 
studies in multiple species (@Picardi2017-gn). The human (`hg38`) and 
mouse (`mm10`) collections are provided in GRanges objects, in either 
coordinate only format, or with additional metadata. 


### CDS recoding sites 

Human `CDS` recoding RNA editing sites identified by @Gabay2022-gw were 
formatted into `GRanges` objects. These sites were also lifted over to the 
mouse genome (`mm10`).

cds_sites <- gabay_sites_hg38()
cds_sites[1:4, 1:4]

## Datasets

### Whole genome and RNA sequencing data from NA12878 cell line

WGS and RNA-seq BAM and associated files generated from a subset of 
chromosome 4. Paths to files and related data objects are returned in a list. 


### GSE99249: RNA-Seq of Interferon beta treatment of ADAR1KO cell line

RNA-seq BAM files from ADAR1KO and Wild-Type HEK293 cells and associated 
reference files from chromosome 18 (@Chung2018-gh).


### 10x Genomics 10k PBMC scRNA-seq

10x Genomics BAM file and RNA editing sites from chromosome 16 of human PBMC 
scRNA-seq library. Also included is a SingleCellExperiment object containing 
gene expression values, cluster annotations, cell-type annotations, and a UMAP 


## ExperimentHub access

Alternatively individual files can be accessed from the ExperimentHub directly

```{r rows.print = 30, cols.print = 3}
eh <- ExperimentHub()
raerdata_files <- query(eh, "raerdata")
    id = raerdata_files$ah_id,
    title = raerdata_files$title,
    description = raerdata_files$description

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