### R code from vignette source 'outliers.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: outliers.Rnw:59-60

### code chunk number 2: outliers.Rnw:62-67
mdc          <- scale(metaboliteDataComplete, center=TRUE, scale=FALSE)
cond         <- runif(length(mdc)) < 0.05
mdcOut       <- mdc
mdcOut[cond] <- 10

### code chunk number 3: outliers.Rnw:70-73
resSvd       <- pca(mdc, method="svd", nPcs=5, center=FALSE)
resSvdOut    <- pca(mdcOut, method="svd", nPcs=5, center=FALSE)
resRobSvd    <- pca(mdcOut, method="robustPca", nPcs=5, center=FALSE)

### code chunk number 4: outliers.Rnw:77-80
mdcNa        <- mdc
mdcNa[cond]  <- NA
resPPCA      <- pca(mdcNa, method="ppca", nPcs=5, center=FALSE)

### code chunk number 5: outliers.Rnw:88-97
plot(loadings(resSvd)[,1], loadings(resSvdOut)[,1], 
xlab="Loading 1 SVD", ylab="Loading 1 SVD with outliers")
plot(loadings(resSvd)[,1], loadings(resRobSvd)[,1],
xlab="Loading 1 SVD", ylab="Loading 1 robustSVD with outliers")
plot(loadings(resSvd)[,1], loadings(resPPCA)[,1],
xlab="Loading 1 SVD", ylab="Loading 1 PPCA with outliers=NA")
plot(loadings(resRobSvd)[,1], loadings(resPPCA)[,1],
xlab="Loading 1 robust SVD with outliers", ylab="Loading 1 svdImpute with outliers=NA")