Changes in version 1.13.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.18 released and Bioconductor 3.19 (devel) version
    bump. (2023-10-25, Wed)

                        Changes in version 1.9.2                        

  - add limits parameter in axis.params to display the range of x axis.
    (2023-03-08, Wed)
  - using cli to replace warning or stop. (2022-11-24, Thu)
  - using rlang to transfer the geom argument. (2022-11-24, Thu)
  - using pwidth to replace width when x only have one unique value with
    geom = geom_tile and width is not provided. (2022-11-25, Fri)
  - adding the messages to show how to adjust the color scale when the
    color aesthetic was use internal with geom=geom_boxplot etc.
    (2022-12-01, Thu)

                        Changes in version 1.9.1                        

  - import cli to avoid warning in checking, which is used by the latest
    ggplot2 (2022-11-08, Tue)

                        Changes in version 1.8.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_16 (2022-11-04, Fri)

                        Changes in version 1.7.1                        

  - fix a bug of subset data (when the value mapped to x aesthetic
    contains negative value.)
  - fix a bug when x of mapping in data is only one unique.


                        Changes in version 1.6.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.15 release and Bioconductor 3.16 (devel) version

                        Changes in version 1.5.4                        

  - set orientation argument automatically, when it is not be provided
    and the geom has the parameter. (2022-03-24, Thu)

                        Changes in version 1.5.3                        

  - update the citation format. (2022-01-28, Fri)

                        Changes in version 1.5.2                        

  - import geom_text , which was used in the axis of geom_fruit with (2021-11-24, Wed)

                        Changes in version 1.5.1                        

  - update the lower limit of reference range in normalization precess.
    (2021-11-19, Fri)

                        Changes in version 1.4.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.14 release.

                        Changes in version 1.3.6                        

  - fix the issue of gridlines when some data is removed. (2021-08-25,

                        Changes in version 1.3.5                        

  - update citation of ggtreeExtra (2021-08-25, Wed).

                        Changes in version 1.3.4                        

  - fix the compute_aes to better compatible with ggplot2 (>=3.3.4)
    (2021-08-09, Mon)
      - The ggplot2 (>=3.3.4) introduced computed_mapping.

                        Changes in version 1.3.3                        

  - update reference. (2021-06-08, Tue)
  - fix vector logical check. (201-06-11, Fri)
      - c(TRUE, TRUE) && c(TRUE, TRUE) is not allowed in devel
        environment of bioconductor

                        Changes in version 1.3.1                        

  - data argument of geom_fruit support function input. (2021-05-20,
  - the argument of axis.params and grid.params can be assigned by
    intermediate variables. (2021-05-26, Wed)

                        Changes in version 1.3.0                        

  - new version release, and bump new devel version (1.3.0).
    (2021-05-20, Thu)

                       Changes in version 1.1.12                        

  - import ggtree to pass BiocCheck. (2021-05-14, Fri)

                       Changes in version 1.1.11                        

  - fix a bug to solve the problem (variable of x has NA). (2021-05-13,

                       Changes in version 1.1.10                        

  - fix a bug for compute_aes ( This is to support mapping aesthetics
    (x, not y in aes of geom_fruit) to functions of variables).
    (2021-05-10, Mon)

                        Changes in version 1.1.9                        

  - don't inherit aes (global aes from the ggtree). (2021-04-28, Wed)
  - subset in mapping also supports the data from ggtree object.
    (2021-04-29, Thu)
  - support mapping aesthetics (x, not y in aes of geom_fruit) to
    functions of variables. (2021-05-07, Fri)

                        Changes in version 1.1.8                        

  - add new position functions: position_jitterx and
    position_jitterdodgex. (2021-04-23, Fri)
  - update vignettes. (2021-04-25, Sun)

                        Changes in version 1.1.7                        

  - update man and vignettes. (2021-04-06, Tue)

                        Changes in version 1.1.6                        

  - check whether the value of x is numeric to avoid warnings when x is
    factor. (2021-02-24, Wed)
  - remove axis of first geom_tile of vignettes, since the axis of this
    layer is meaningless. (2021-02-24, wed)

                        Changes in version 1.1.5                        

  - support title of panel. (2021-02-03, Wed)
  - add citation info. (2021-02-04, Thu)
  - don't use svg dev. (2021-02-04, Thu)

                        Changes in version 1.1.4                        

  - add position_points_jitterx and position_raincloudx for geom of
    ggridges. (2021-01-20, Wed)
  - supports geom_msa of ggmsa. (2021-01-21, Thu)
  - specific position method for specific geom method automatically.
    (2021-01-27, Wed)

                        Changes in version 1.1.3                        

  - support multiple density plot from geom of ggridges. (2020-12-31,
    Thu) geom_density_ridges, geom_density_ridges2,
    geom_density_ridges_gradient, geom_ridgeline,

                        Changes in version 1.1.2                        

  - support subset in mapping, but the data should also be provided.
    (2020-11-30, Mon)
  - add default position methods for common geometric functions.
    (2020-12-18, Fri)

                        Changes in version 1.0.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.12 release (2020-10-28, Wed)

the 0.99.0 or 0.99.x version mean I am submitting it to Bioconductor. (20200710, Fri)

  - 0.99.1 change svg of dev to png, set the dpi to 300. (20200714, Tue)
  - 0.99.2 geom_axis_text support the single column axis. (20200717,
  - 0.99.3 support inward_circular tree and geom_axis_text was build by
    position_identityx. (20200724, Fri)
  - 0.99.4 fix the constant of barplot bug. (2020-07-25, Sat)
  - 0.99.5 better support the layer when x axis is reverse. (2020-07-29,
  - 0.99.6 support adjusting the angle of geom_text. (2020-07-31, Fri)
  - 0.99.7 revise stylistic comment of R code and examples. (2020-08-04,
  - 0.99.8 change the formatting of code chunk. (2020-08-04, Tue)


  - modified the color aesthetics for geom_boxplot and geom_violin.
    (2020-08-14, Fri)
  - keep all column of data of tree when it merge with external data.
    (2020-08-14, Fri)


  - add geom_ringline to create the grid line of external ring layers.
    (2020-08-21, Fri)
  - the addbrink and other argument control the line of margin has been
    removed. (2020-08-21, Fri)
  - add pseudo axis line in geom_axis_text. (2020-08-21, Fri)


  - geom_axis_text and geom_ringline are removed. (2020-08-24, Mon)
  - user can use axis.params=list(add.axis=TRUE) and
    grid.params=list(add.grid=TRUE) to add the axis and grid lines of
    external layers, respectively. (2020-08-24, Mon)


  - add upper and lower grid lines of y. (2020-08-26, Wed)


  - update the method of ggplot_add.layer_fruits, when the offset
    between different fruit_plot is different, will use each offset in
    each fruit_plot. (2020-08-31, Mon)


  - update normxy to support dendrogram layout. (2020-09-02, Wed)


  - add add.another.axis in geom_fruit to add another axis. (2020-09-04,
  - update normxy to fix the bug when negative values are present.
    (2020-09-04, Fri)
  - update ggplot_add method of geom_fruit to support the orientation
    which x axis of the external is from bottom to top, when layout is
    dendrogram. (2020-09-04, Fri)


  - change add.axis in axis.params from TRUE or FALSE to x or y or xy.
    (2020-09-05, Sat)
  - remove add.grid in grid.params and default of grid.params is NULL.
    (2020-09-07, Mon)
  - update method of axis tick and remove nbreaks, the breaks will be
    calculate by pretty. (2020-09-07, Mon)
  - use substitute to allow list of axis.params or grid.params has empty
    argument, eg grid.params=list(color="black",). (2020-09-07, Mon)


  - change add.axis to axis in axis.params. (2020-09-08, Tue)


  - add nbreak in axis.params of geom_fruit, it will be sent to n of
    pretty to generate the desired number of intervals of axis.
    (2020-09-08, Tue)


  - modified the namespace, remove geom_vline, add geom_segment.
    (2020-09-11, Fri)

                        Changes in version 0.0.1                        

  - add vignettes. (20200707, Tue)

                       Changes in version                       

  - support add the axis text of extra layer of geom_fruit using
    geom_axis_text. (20200630, Tue)
  - optimize normalization of extra layer data. (20200701, Wed)
  - fixed bug: changed layer to layers. (20200703, Fri)

                       Changes in version                       

  - support data of NULL in geom_fruit, and user can add data by %<+% of
    ggtree. (20200628, Sun)

                       Changes in version                       

  - add geom_fruit_list to support add the same position for multi
    layers. (20200622, Mon)

                       Changes in version                       

  - automatically detect the 'position'. (20200612)

                       Changes in version                       

  - change pratio parameter to pwidth and remove tippoint parameter.
  - change geom_add function to geom_totree function. (20200610)

                       Changes in version                       

  - support tip point for geom_star or geom_point
  - support geom_boxplot and geom_violin (20200606)

                       Changes in version                       

  - add marginal line, and when x is character, the new x normalized
    should be started with zero. (20200601)

                       Changes in version                       

  - The distance between the panel and tree can be adjusted using the
    "offset". The value of associate panel were normalized in the range
    of x of tree. The width can be adjusted using the "pratio". The
    "offset" and "pratio" are the ratio related to tree. (20200529)

                       Changes in version                       

  - first version to github (20200528)