Changes in version 2.31.1                        

  - get_rel_df() to access ontology relation data frame required by the
    Wang method (2024-08-13, Tue)
  - a set of 'OntDb' methods for accessing sqlite data generated by the
    'obolite' package (2024-08-13, Tue)
  - use yulab.utils::yulab_msg() for startup message (2024-07-26, Fri)

                       Changes in version 2.30.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_19 (2024-05-15, Wed)

                       Changes in version 2.29.2                        

  - update buildGOmap() parameter to consistent with enricher() and
    GSEA() (2024-02-06, Tue, #47)

                       Changes in version 2.29.1                        

  - extend godata() to support passing a data.frame (can be output of
    read.gaf() or read.blast2go()) to 'annoDb' (2023-01-16, Tue)
  - deprecate 'OrgDb' and introduce new parameter 'annoDb' in godata()
  - standardize the output of read.gaf() and read.blast2go()
  - optimize buildGOmap()

                       Changes in version 2.28.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_18 (2023-10-25, Wed)

                       Changes in version 2.27.3                        

  - use check_installed() to check package dependency (2023-09-12, Tue,

                       Changes in version 2.27.2                        

  - read.blast2go() to parse 'blast2go' result (2023-07-10, Mon, #41,
  - move buildGOmap() and read.gaf() from 'clusterProfiler' (2023-07-10,

                       Changes in version 2.27.1                        

  - semantic similarity measurement support for MPO (2023-04-06, Thu)
  - TCSS semantic similarity measurement support for DO and MPO
    (2023-04-06, Thu)

                       Changes in version 2.26.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_17 (2023-05-03, Wed)

                       Changes in version 2.24.0                        

  - Bioconductor RELEASE_3_16 (2022-11-02, Wed)

                       Changes in version 2.23.1                        

  - Replacing DO.db with HDO.db (2022-07-29, Mon)

                       Changes in version 2.22.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.15 release

                       Changes in version 2.21.1                        

  - Avoid eval-parse in load_OrgDb() (2022-01-10, Mon)

                        Changes in version 2.20                         

  - Bioconductor 3.14 release

                       Changes in version 2.19.1                        

  - TCSS method (@qibaiqi, #35; 2021-08-02, Mon)

                       Changes in version 2.18.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.13 release

                       Changes in version 2.17.1                        

  - bug fixed according to the update of GO.db (2020-10-29, Thu)

                       Changes in version 2.16.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.12 release (2020-10-28, Wed)

                       Changes in version 2.15.2                        

  - new site,
    for documentation (2020-09-04, Fri)
  - update vignette
  - update data/gotbl

                       Changes in version 2.15.1                        

  - bug fixed of IC method when input IDs contain invalid terms.
    (2020-07-25, Sat)

                       Changes in version 2.14.0                        

  - Bioconductor 3.11 release

                       Changes in version 2.13.1                        

  - add new citation (2020-03-19, Thu)
  - fixed compiling error due to the change of Rcpp

                        Changes in version 2.7.1                        

  - mgeneSim and mclusterSim now always return matrix (2018-08-08, Wed)

                        Changes in version 2.5.1                        

  - return NA for deprecated IDs (2018-01-09, Fri)