## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----install_biocmanager,eval=FALSE-------------------------------------- # if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) # install.packages("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("curatedAdipoRNA") ## ----loading_libraries, message=FALSE------------------------------------ # loading required libraries library(curatedAdipoRNA) library(SummarizedExperiment) library(S4Vectors) library(fastqcr) library(DESeq2) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) ## ----loading_data-------------------------------------------------------- # load data data("adipo_counts") # print object adipo_counts ## ----adipo_counts-------------------------------------------------------- # print count matrix assay(adipo_counts)[1:5, 1:5] ## ----colData------------------------------------------------------------- # names of the coldata object names(colData(adipo_counts)) # table of times column table(colData(adipo_counts)$time) # table of stage column table(colData(adipo_counts)$stage) ## ----rowRanges----------------------------------------------------------- # print GRanges object rowRanges(adipo_counts) ## ----qc------------------------------------------------------------------ # show qc data adipo_counts$qc # show the class of the first entry in qc class(adipo_counts$qc[[1]][[1]]) ## ----metadata, message=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # print data of first study metadata(adipo_counts)$studies[1,] ## ----summary_table,echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # generate a study summary table colData(adipo_counts) %>% as.data.frame() %>% group_by(study_name) %>% summarise(pmid = unique(pmid), nsamples = n(), time = paste(unique(time), collapse = '/'), stages = paste(unique(stage), collapse = '/'), instrument_model = unique(instrument_model)) %>% knitr::kable(align = 'cccccc', col.names = c('GEO series ID', 'PubMed ID', 'Num. of Samples', 'Time (hr)', 'Differentiation Stage', 'Instrument Model')) ## ----subset_object------------------------------------------------------- # subsetting counts to 0 and 24 hours se <- adipo_counts[, adipo_counts$time %in% c(0, 24)] # showing the numbers of features, samples and time groups dim(se) table(se$time) ## ----filtering_samples--------------------------------------------------- # filtering low quality samples # chek the library layout table(se$library_layout) # check the number of files in qc qc <- se$qc table(lengths(qc)) # flattening qc list qc <- unlist(qc, recursive = FALSE) length(qc) ## ----per_base_scores----------------------------------------------------- # extracting per_base_sequence_quality per_base <- lapply(qc, function(x) { df <- x[['per_base_sequence_quality']] df %>% select(Base, Mean) %>% transform(Base = strsplit(as.character(Base), '-')) %>% unnest(Base) %>% mutate(Base = as.numeric(Base)) }) %>% bind_rows(.id = 'run') ## ----score_summary------------------------------------------------------- # a quick look at quality scores summary(per_base) ## ----finding_low_scores,fig.align='centre',fig.height=3,fig.width=7------ # find low quality runs per_base <- per_base %>% group_by(run) %>% mutate(length = max(Base) > 150, run_average = mean(Mean) > 34) # plot average per base quality per_base %>% ggplot(aes(x = Base, y = Mean, group = run, color = run_average)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~length, scales = 'free_x') ## ----remove_lowscore----------------------------------------------------- # get run ids of low quality samples bad_samples <- data.frame(samples = unique(per_base$run[per_base$run_average == FALSE])) bad_samples <- separate(bad_samples, col = samples, into = c('id', 'run'), sep = '\\.') # subset the counts object se2 <- se[, !se$id %in% bad_samples$id] table(se2$time) ## ----remove low_counts--------------------------------------------------- # filtering low count genes low_counts <- apply(assay(se2), 1, function(x) length(x[x>10])>=2) table(low_counts) # subsetting the count object se3 <- se2[low_counts,] ## ----differential expression--------------------------------------------- # differential expression analysis se3$time <- factor(se3$time) dds <- DESeqDataSet(se3, ~time) dds <- DESeq(dds) res <- results(dds) table(res$padj < .1) ## ----pca,fig.align='centre',fig.height=4,fig.width=4--------------------- # explaining variabce plotPCA(rlog(dds), intgroup = 'time') plotPCA(rlog(dds), intgroup = 'library_layout') plotPCA(rlog(dds), intgroup = 'instrument_model') ## ----studies_keys-------------------------------------------------------- # keys of the studies in this subset of the data unique(se3$bibtexkey) ## ----citation, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------------- # citing the package citation("curatedAdipoRNA") ## ----session_info-------------------------------------------------------- devtools::session_info()