## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, cache = FALSE, comment = "#>") ## ----packageLoad, message=FALSE------------------------------------------ library(tidyverse) library(pathwayPCA) ## ----load_data----------------------------------------------------------- # Load Data: see Chapter 2 data("colonSurv_df") data("colon_pathwayCollection") # Create -Omics Container: see Chapter 3 colon_OmicsSurv <- CreateOmics( assayData_df = colonSurv_df[, -(2:3)], pathwayCollection_ls = colon_pathwayCollection, response = colonSurv_df[, 1:3], respType = "surv" ) ## ----show_AESPCA--------------------------------------------------------- # AESPCA Analysis: see Chapter 4 colonSurv_aespcOut <- AESPCA_pVals( object = colon_OmicsSurv, numReps = 0, numPCs = 2, parallel = TRUE, numCores = 2, adjustpValues = TRUE, adjustment = c("BH", "Bonf") ) ## ----viewPathwayRanks---------------------------------------------------- colonSurv_aespcOut$pVals_df ## ----match_abbrev_to_name------------------------------------------------ pVals_df <- colonSurv_aespcOut$pVals_df %>% mutate( terms = ifelse( str_length(terms) > 35, paste0(str_sub(terms, 1, 33), "..."), terms ) ) pVals_df ## ----subset_top_genes---------------------------------------------------- colonOutGather_df <- # Take in the results data frame, pVals_df %>% # remove the columns we don't need, select(-pathways, -n_tested) %>% # "tidy" the data, gather(variable, value, -terms) %>% # add the score variable, and mutate(score = -log(value)) %>% # store the adjustment methods as a factor mutate(variable = factor(variable)) %>% mutate( variable = recode_factor( variable, rawp = "None", FDR_BH = "Hochberg", FWER_Bonferroni = "Bonferroni" ) ) ## ----BH_pvals------------------------------------------------------------ BHpVals_df <- colonOutGather_df %>% filter(variable == "Hochberg") %>% select(-variable) ## ----bar_plots, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 10.7, out.width = "100%", out.height = "60%"---- ggplot(BHpVals_df) + # set overall appearance of the plot theme_bw() + # Define the dependent and independent variables aes(x = reorder(terms, score), y = score) + # From the defined variables, create a vertical bar chart geom_col(position = "dodge", fill = "#F47321") + # Set main and axis titles ggtitle("AES-PCA Significant Pathways: Colon Cancer") + xlab("Pathways") + ylab("Negative Log BH-FDR") + # Add a line showing the alpha = 0.01 level geom_hline(yintercept = -log(0.01), size = 2, color = "#005030") + # Flip the x and y axes coord_flip() ## ----surv_aes_pval_plot, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 10.7, out.width = "100%", out.height = "60%"---- ggplot(colonOutGather_df) + # set overall appearance of the plot theme_bw() + # Define the dependent and independent variables aes(x = reorder(terms, score), y = score) + # From the defined variables, create a vertical bar chart geom_col(position = "dodge", aes(fill = variable)) + # Set the legend, main titles, and axis titles scale_fill_discrete(guide = FALSE) + ggtitle("AES-PCA Significant Colon Pathways by FWER Adjustment") + xlab("Pathways") + ylab("Negative Log p-Value") + # Add a line showing the alpha = 0.01 level geom_hline(yintercept = -log(0.01), size = 1) + # Flip the x and y axes coord_flip() + # Create a subplot for each p-value adjustment method facet_grid(. ~ variable) ## ----significant_pathway_keys-------------------------------------------- pVals_df %>% filter(FDR_BH < 0.01) %>% select(pathways) ## ----path491_PCL--------------------------------------------------------- pathway491_ls <- getPathPCLs(colonSurv_aespcOut, "pathway491") pathway491_ls ## ----pathway177_PCL------------------------------------------------------ pathway177_ls <- getPathPCLs(colonSurv_aespcOut, "pathway177") ## ----TidyLoading_fun----------------------------------------------------- TidyLoading <- function(pathwayPCL, numPCs = 1){ # Remove rows with 0 loading from the first numPCs columns loadings_df <- pathwayPCL$Loadings totLoad_num <- rowSums(abs( loadings_df[, 2:(numPCs + 1), drop = FALSE] )) keepRows_idx <- totLoad_num > 0 loadings_df <- loadings_df[keepRows_idx, , drop = FALSE] # Sort the value on first feature load_df <- loadings_df %>% arrange(desc(PC1)) # Wrangle the sorted loadings: gg_df <- load_df %>% # make the featureID column a factor, mutate(featureID = factor(featureID, levels = featureID)) %>% # rename the ID column, rename(ID = featureID) %>% # "tidy" the data, and gather(Feature, Value, -ID) %>% # add the up / down indicator. mutate(Direction = ifelse(Value > 0, "Up", "Down")) # Add the pathway name and description attr(gg_df, "PathName") <- pathwayPCL$term attr(gg_df, "Description") <- pathwayPCL$description gg_df } ## ----TidyLoadings, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # tidyLoad491_df <- TidyLoading(pathwayPCL = pathway491_ls) # tidyLoad491_df ## ----TidyLoadings110, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # tidyLoad177_df <- TidyLoading(pathwayPCL = pathway177_ls) ## ----PathwayBarChart_fun, eval=FALSE------------------------------------- # PathwayBarChart <- function(ggData_df, y_lab, # colours = c(Up = "#009292", Down = "#920000"), # label_size = 5, # sigFigs = 0, # ...){ # # # Base plot layer # p1 <- ggplot(ggData_df, aes(x = ID, y = Value, color = Direction)) # # # Add geometric layer and split by Feature # p1 <- p1 + # geom_col(aes(fill = Direction), width = 0.5) + # facet_wrap(~Feature, nrow = length(unique(ggData_df$Feature))) # # # Add Gene Labels # p1 <- p1 + # geom_text( # aes(y = 0, label = ID), # vjust = "middle", # hjust = ifelse(ggData_df$Direction == "Up", "top", "bottom"), # size = label_size, angle = 90, color = "black" # ) # # # Add Value Labels # p1 <- p1 + # geom_text( # aes(label = ifelse(ggData_df$Value == 0, "", round(Value, sigFigs))), # vjust = ifelse(ggData_df$Direction == "Up", "top", "bottom"), # hjust = "middle", # size = label_size, color = "black" # ) # # # Set the Theme # p1 <- p1 + # scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.15, 0.15)) + # theme_classic() + # theme( # axis.title.x = element_blank(), # axis.text.x = element_blank(), # axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), # strip.text = element_text(size = 14), # legend.position = "none" # ) # # # Titles, Subtitles, and Labels # pathName <- attr(ggData_df, "PathName") # pathDesc <- attr(ggData_df, "Description") # if(is.na(pathDesc)){ # p1 <- p1 + ggtitle(pathName) + ylab(y_lab) # } else { # p1 <- p1 + labs(title = pathName, subtitle = pathDesc, y = y_lab) # } # # # Return # p1 # # } ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # pathway491_loadings_bar_chart, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 10.7, out.width = "100%", out.height = "60%" # PathwayBarChart( # ggData_df = tidyLoad491_df, # y_lab = "PC Loadings", # sigFigs = 2 # ) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # pathway177_loadings_bar_chart, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 10.7, out.width = "100%", out.height = "60%" # PathwayBarChart( # ggData_df = tidyLoad177_df, # y_lab = "PC Loadings", # sigFigs = 2 # ) ## ----TidyCorrelation_fun, eval=FALSE------------------------------------- # TidyCorrelation <- function(Omics, pathwayPCL, numPCs = 1){ # # loadings_df <- pathwayPCL$Loadings # totLoad_num <- rowSums(abs( # loadings_df[, 2:(numPCs + 1), drop = FALSE] # )) # keepRows_idx <- totLoad_num > 0 # loadings_df <- loadings_df[keepRows_idx, , drop = FALSE] # # geneNames <- loadings_df$featureID # geneCorr_mat <- t( # cor( # pathwayPCL$PCs[, -1], # getAssay(Omics)[geneNames], # method = "spearman" # ) # ) # colnames(geneCorr_mat) <- paste0("PC", 1:ncol(geneCorr_mat)) # # pathwayPCL$Loadings <- data.frame( # featureID = rownames(geneCorr_mat), # geneCorr_mat, # stringsAsFactors = FALSE, # row.names = NULL # ) # # TidyLoading(pathwayPCL, numPCs = numPCs) # # } ## ----TidyCorrelation, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------- # tidyCorr491_df <- TidyCorrelation( # Omics = colon_OmicsSurv, # pathwayPCL = pathway491_ls # ) # tidyCorr491_df ## ----TidyCorrelation2, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE---------------------------- # tidyCorr177_df <- TidyCorrelation( # Omics = colon_OmicsSurv, # pathwayPCL = pathway177_ls # ) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # pathway491_correlations_bar_chart, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 10.7, out.width = "100%", out.height = "60%" # PathwayBarChart( # ggData_df = tidyCorr491_df, # y_lab = "Assay-PC Correlations", # sigFigs = 1 # ) ## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- # # pathway177_correlations_bar_chart, fig.height = 6, fig.width = 10.7, out.width = "100%", out.height = "60%" # PathwayBarChart( # ggData_df = tidyCorr177_df, # y_lab = "Assay-PC Correlations", # sigFigs = 1 # ) ## ----circle plot of IL-1 pathway copyNum and proteomics pc1 score-------- # Load data (already ordered by copyNumber PC1 score) circlePlotData <- readRDS("circlePlotData.RDS") # Set color scales library(grDevices) bluescale <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white"))(45) redscale <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "red"))(38) Totalpalette <- c(bluescale,redscale) # Apply colours copyCol <- Totalpalette[circlePlotData$copyNumOrder] proteoCol <- Totalpalette[circlePlotData$proteinOrder] ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------ library(circlize) # Set parameters nPathway <- 83 factors <- 1:nPathway # Plot Setup circos.clear() circos.par( "gap.degree" = 0, "cell.padding" = c(0, 0, 0, 0), start.degree = 360/40, track.margin = c(0, 0), "clock.wise" = FALSE ) circos.initialize(factors = factors, xlim = c(0, 3)) # ProteoOmics circos.trackPlotRegion( ylim = c(0, 3), factors = factors, bg.col = proteoCol, track.height = 0.3 ) # Copy Number circos.trackPlotRegion( ylim = c(0, 3), factors = factors, bg.col = copyCol, track.height = 0.3 ) # Add labels suppressMessages( circos.trackText( rep(-3, nPathway), rep(-3.8,nPathway), labels = "PID_IL1", factors = factors, col = "#2d2d2d", font = 2, adj = par("adj"), cex = 1.5, facing = "downward", niceFacing = TRUE ) ) ## ----sessionDetails------------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()