## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'--------------------------------- BiocStyle::markdown() ## ----env, include=FALSE, echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE--------------------------- library("knitr") opts_chunk$set(stop_on_error = 1L) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("MSnbase")) suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("pRoloc"))) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("pRolocdata")) suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("class")) set.seed(1) ## ----libraries------------------------------------------------------------- library("MSnbase") library("pRoloc") library("pRolocdata") ## ----setcols--------------------------------------------------------------- setStockcol(NULL) ## reset first setStockcol(paste0(getStockcol(), 70)) ## ----readCsvData0---------------------------------------------------------- ## The original data for replicate 1, available ## from the pRolocdata package f0 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "pRolocdata"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "pr800866n_si_004-rep1.csv") csv <- read.csv(f0) ## ----showOrgCsv------------------------------------------------------------ head(csv, n=3) ## ----readCsvData1, tidy = FALSE-------------------------------------------- ## The quantitation data, from the original data f1 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "pRolocdata"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "exprsFile.csv") exprsCsv <- read.csv(f1) ## Feature meta-data, from the original data f2 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "pRolocdata"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "fdataFile.csv") fdataCsv <- read.csv(f2) ## Sample meta-data, a new file f3 <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "pRolocdata"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "pdataFile.csv") pdataCsv <- read.csv(f3) ## ----showExprsFile--------------------------------------------------------- head(exprsCsv, n=3) ## ----showFdFile------------------------------------------------------------ head(fdataCsv, n=3) ## ----showPdFile------------------------------------------------------------ pdataCsv ## ----makeMSnSet------------------------------------------------------------ tan2009r1 <- readMSnSet(exprsFile = f1, featureDataFile = f2, phenoDataFile = f3, sep = ",") tan2009r1 ## ----readMSnSet2----------------------------------------------------------- ecol <- paste("area", 114:117, sep = ".") fname <- "Protein.ID" eset <- readMSnSet2(f0, ecol, fname) eset ## ----ecols----------------------------------------------------------------- getEcols(f0, ",") grepEcols(f0, "area", ",") e <- grepEcols(f0, "area", ",") readMSnSet2(f0, e) ## ----showSubset------------------------------------------------------------ smallTan <- tan2009r1[1:5, 1:2] dim(smallTan) exprs(smallTan) ## ----rmtan, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- ## remove manullay constructred data rm(tan2009r1) data(tan2009r1) ## ----loadTan1-------------------------------------------------------------- data(tan2009r1) ## ----lookAtTan------------------------------------------------------------- getMarkers(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers.orig") getMarkers(tan2009r1, fcol = "PLSDA") ## ----markers--------------------------------------------------------------- pRolocmarkers() head(pRolocmarkers("dmel")) table(pRolocmarkers("dmel")) ## ----realtiveQuants-------------------------------------------------------- summary(rowSums(exprs(tan2009r1))) ## ----norm, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE, cache=TRUE---------------------------- ## create a small illustrative test data data(itraqdata) itraqdata <- quantify(itraqdata, method = "trap", reporters = iTRAQ4) ## the quantification data head(exprs(itraqdata), n = 3) summary(rowSums(exprs(itraqdata))) ## normalising to the sum of feature intensitites itraqnorm <- normalise(itraqdata, method = "sum") processingData(itraqnorm) head(exprs(itraqnorm), n = 3) summary(rowSums(exprs(itraqnorm))) ## ----featurenames---------------------------------------------------------- head(featureNames(tan2009r1)) ## ----showplotdist, echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE----------------------------------- # ## indices of the mito markers # j <- which(fData(tan2009r1)$markers.orig == "mitochondrion") # ## indices of all proteins assigned to the mito # i <- which(fData(tan2009r1)$PLSDA == "mitochondrion") # plotDist(tan2009r1[i, ], # markers = featureNames(tan2009r1)[j]) ## ----plotdist1, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Distribution of protein intensities along the fractions of the separation gradient for 4 organelles: mitochondrion (red), ER/Golgi (blue, ER markers and green, Golgi markers) and plasma membrane (purple)."---- par(mfrow = c(2,2), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 0.1)) cls <- getStockcol()[1:4] plotDist(tan2009r1[which(fData(tan2009r1)$PLSDA == "mitochondrion"), ], markers = featureNames(tan2009r1) [which(fData(tan2009r1)$markers.orig == "mitochondrion")], mcol = cls[1]) title(main = "mitochondrion") plotDist(tan2009r1[which(fData(tan2009r1)$PLSDA == "ER/Golgi"), ], markers = featureNames(tan2009r1) [which(fData(tan2009r1)$markers.orig == "ER")], mcol = cls[2]) title(main = "ER") plotDist(tan2009r1[which(fData(tan2009r1)$PLSDA == "ER/Golgi"), ], markers = featureNames(tan2009r1) [which(fData(tan2009r1)$markers.orig == "Golgi")], mcol = cls[3]) title(main = "Golgi") plotDist(tan2009r1[which(fData(tan2009r1)$PLSDA == "PM"), ], markers = featureNames(tan2009r1) [which(fData(tan2009r1)$markers.orig == "PM")], mcol = cls[4]) title(main = "PM") ## ----dendro, fig.cap="Hierarchical clustering. Average distance between organelle classes."---- mrkHClust(tan2009r1) ## ----plotavrprof, fig.cap="Average organelle class profiles. Protein intensity indicated by colour. Organelle classes ordered by hierarchical clustering"---- ## histogram hc <- mrkHClust(tan2009r1, plot=FALSE) ## order of markers according to histogram mm <- getMarkerClasses(tan2009r1) m_order <- levels(factor(mm))[order.dendrogram(hc)] ## average marker profile fmat <- mrkConsProfiles(tan2009r1) plotConsProfiles(fmat, order=m_order) ## ----plot2d, echo=TRUE, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="PCA plot. Representation of the proteins of `tan2009r1` after reduction of the 4 reporter quantitation data to 2 principal components."---- plot2D(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers") addLegend(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers", cex = .7, where = "bottomright", ncol = 2) ## ----plot2dorg, echo=TRUE, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="PCA plot. Reduced set of markers for the `tan2009r1` data projected onto 2 principal components."---- plot2D(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers.orig") addLegend(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers.orig", where = "bottomright") ## ----plot3Danim, echo=FALSE, eval=FALSE------------------------------------ # ## here's how the animation below was created # data(hyperLOPIT2015) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(library("rgl")) # plot3D(hyperLOPIT2015) # movie3d(spin3d(c(1, 1, 1), rpm = 10), duration = 5, # clean = FALSE, # dir = "~/dev/00_github/pRoloc/vignettes/Figures/") ## ----plot3D, eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # plot3D(tan2009r1) ## ----scree0, echo=FALSE---------------------------------------------------- pcvar <- plot2D(tan2009r1, method = "scree", plot = FALSE) pcvar <- round(pcvar, 2) ## ----scree, fig.cap="Percentage of variance explained."-------------------- plot2D(tan2009r1, method = "scree") ## ----tsne, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ # perps <- sort(c(30, seq(5, 50, 15))) # data(HEK293T2011) # par(mfrow = c(2, 3)) # plot2D(HEK293T2011, main = "PCA") # sapply(perps, # function(perp) { # plot2D(HEK293T2011, method = "t-SNE", # methargs = list(perplexity = perp)) # title(main = paste("t-SNE, perplexity", perp)) # }) ## ----foi0------------------------------------------------------------------ foi1 <- FeaturesOfInterest(description = "Feats of interest 1", fnames = featureNames(tan2009r1[1:10])) description(foi1) foi(foi1) ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- foi2 <- FeaturesOfInterest(description = "Feats of interest 2", fnames = featureNames(tan2009r1[880:888])) foic <- FoICollection(list(foi1, foi2)) foic ## ----plotfoi, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="Adding features of interest on a PCA plot."---- plot2D(tan2009r1, fcol = "PLSDA") addLegend(tan2009r1, fcol = "PLSDA", where = "bottomright", cex = .7) highlightOnPlot(tan2009r1, foi1, col = "black", lwd = 2) highlightOnPlot(tan2009r1, foi2, col = "purple", lwd = 2) legend("topright", c("FoI 1", "FoI 2"), bty = "n", col = c("black", "purple"), pch = 1) ## ----guiinstall, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------- # library("BiocManager") # BiocManager::install("pRolocGUI") # library("pRolocGUI") # pRolocVis(tan2009r1) ## ----qsep------------------------------------------------------------------ library("pRolocdata") data(hyperLOPIT2015) ## Create the object and get a summary hlq <- QSep(hyperLOPIT2015) hlq levelPlot(hlq) plot(hlq) ## ----plot2dnull, echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Plain PCA representation of the `tan2009r1` data."---- plot2D(tan2009r1, fcol = NULL) ## ----plotKmeans, echo=TRUE, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="k-means clustering on the `tan2009r1` data."---- kcl <- MLearn( ~ ., tan2009r1, kmeansI, centers=5) plot(kcl, exprs(tan2009r1)) ## ----plotHclust, echo=TRUE, tidy = FALSE, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="Hierarchical clustering on the `tan2009r1` data."---- hcl <- MLearn( ~ ., tan2009r1, hclustI(distFun = dist, cutParm = list(k = 5))) plot(hcl, labels = FALSE) ## ----plotPam, echo=TRUE, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="Partitioning around medoids on the `tan2009r1` data."---- pcl <- MLearn( ~ ., tan2009r1, pamI(dist), k = 5) plot(pcl, data = exprs(tan2009r1)) ## ----svmParamOptim, eval = FALSE, message = FALSE, tidy=FALSE-------------- # params <- svmOptimisation(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers.orig", # times = 100, xval = 5, # verbose = FALSE) ## ----loadParams, echo = TRUE----------------------------------------------- fn <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "pRoloc"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "params.rda") load(fn) ## ----showParams------------------------------------------------------------ params ## ----params1, echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Assessing parameter optimisation. Here, we see the respective distributions of the 10 macro F1 scores for the best cost/sigma parameter pairs. See also the output of *f1Count* in relation to this plot."---- plot(params) ## ----params2, echo=TRUE, fig.cap="Assessing parameter optimisation. Visualisation of the averaged macro F1 scores, for the full range of parameter values."---- levelPlot(params) ## ----f1count--------------------------------------------------------------- f1Count(params) getParams(params) ## ----svmRes0, warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE, tidy = FALSE-------------------- # ## manual setting of parameters # svmres <- svmClassification(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers.orig", # sigma = 1, cost = 1) ## ----svmRes, warning=FALSE, tidy = FALSE----------------------------------- ## using default best parameters svmres <- svmClassification(tan2009r1, fcol = "markers.orig", assessRes = params) processingData(svmres) tail(fvarLabels(svmres), 4) ## ----getPredictions-------------------------------------------------------- p1 <- getPredictions(svmres, fcol = "svm") p1 <- fData(p1)$svm.pred minprob <- median(fData(svmres)$svm.scores) p2 <- getPredictions(svmres, fcol = "svm", t = minprob) p2 <- fData(p2)$svm.pred table(p1, p2) ## ----predscores, fig.cap="Organelle-specific SVM score distributions."----- boxplot(svm.scores ~ svm, data = fData(svmres), ylab = "SVM scores") abline(h = minprob, lwd = 2, lty = 2) ## ----medscores2, tidy = FALSE---------------------------------------------- ts <- orgQuants(svmres, fcol = "svm", t = .5) ## ----medscorepreds, tidy = FALSE------------------------------------------- getPredictions(svmres, fcol = "svm", t = ts) ## ----svmres, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="Representation of the svm prediction on the `tan2009r1` data set. The svm scores have been used to set the point size (`cex` argument; the scores have been transformed to emphasise the extremes). Different symbols (`fpch`) are used to differentiate markers and new assignments."---- ptsze <- exp(fData(svmres)$svm.scores) - 1 plot2D(svmres, fcol = "svm", fpch = "markers.orig", cex = ptsze) addLegend(svmres, fcol = "svm", where = "bottomright", cex = .5) ## ----runPhenoDisco, eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE------------------------------ # pdres <- phenoDisco(tan2009r1, GS = 10, # times = 100, fcol = "PLSDA") ## ----loadpdres, echo=TRUE-------------------------------------------------- fn <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "pRoloc"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "pdres.rda") load(fn) ## ----phenoDiscoFvar-------------------------------------------------------- processingData(pdres) tail(fvarLabels(pdres), 3) ## ----pdres, echo=TRUE, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="Representation of the phenoDisco prediction and cluster discovery results."---- plot2D(pdres, fcol = "pd") addLegend(pdres, fcol = "pd", ncol = 2, where = "bottomright", cex = .5) ## ----pdmarkers------------------------------------------------------------- getMarkers(tan2009r1, fcol = "pd.markers") ## ----weights, eval = TRUE, echo = TRUE------------------------------------- w <- classWeights(tan2009r1, fcol = "pd.markers") w ## ----pdsvmParams, eval = FALSE, tidy = FALSE------------------------------- # params2 <- svmOptimisation(tan2009r1, fcol = "pd.markers", # times = 10, xval = 5, # class.weights = w, # verbose = FALSE) ## ----loadParams2, echo = TRUE---------------------------------------------- fn <- dir(system.file("extdata", package = "pRoloc"), full.names = TRUE, pattern = "params2.rda") load(fn) ## ----pdsvm, cache = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, tidy = FALSE---- tan2009r1 <- svmClassification(tan2009r1, params2, class.weights = w, fcol = "pd.markers") ## ----pdres2, fig.asp=1, fig.cap="Classification results. The results of the second round of classification, using the augmented set of markers obtained using *phenoDisco* as detailed in [@Breckels2013] and a weighted svm classifier."---- ptsze <- exp(fData(tan2009r1)$svm.scores) - 1 plot2D(tan2009r1, fcol = "svm", cex = ptsze) addLegend(tan2009r1, fcol = "svm", where = "bottomright", ncol = 2, cex = .5) ## ----sessioninfo, echo=FALSE----------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()