CHANGES in VERSION 1.17.1 * assign to foreName and backName when querying GREAT * use rmarkdown for vignette * support GREAT version 4.0.4 ------------------------------------------------ CHANGES in VERSION 1.15.1 * `plotRegionGeneAssociationGraphs()`: fixe a bug of wrong value of `par(mfrow)`. * fixed warnings of Rd files. ------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.13.3 * parse error message from GREAT --------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.13.1 * `plotRegionGeneAssociationGraphs()`: `par(mfrow)` is automatically set according to the length of `type`. ---------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.11.1 * save regions in gzip file then submit to GREAT * will not change the content of the input regions ---------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.9.1 * change url according to changes on GREAT website ----------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.7.1 * submitGreatJob(): remove additional column by pintersect() ----------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.5.3 * if background is provided, input regions are automaticially adjusted to make sure all input regions are subset of backgrounds. ------------------------------------------------------ CHANGES in VERSION 1.3.3 * documentations were improved. * test files are moved to tests/testthat -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.3.2 * bug fixed when background is self-provided. -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.3.1 * fixed a bug when gene symbol annotated by GREAT is '' * print warnings when GREAT gives warnings -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.6 * versions of GREAT can be selected -------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.5 * minor changes in documentations --------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.4 * minor changes to adjust to github mirror ---------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.3 * error message is extract from GREAT now. * default value of `bgChoice` depeneds on `gr` ----------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.2 * add dependency to base packages ----------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.1 * enrivonment for the slots in `GreatJob` object are initialized inside `submitGreatJob` ----------------------------------------------------------- CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.5 * because analysis depends on internet connection, jump to next version to enforce rebuilding of the vignette on bioconductor. ------------------------------------------------------------ CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.4 * retrieve categories and corresponding ontologies from GREAT ------------------------------------------------------------