## ----setup, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE) ## ----libload, results="hide", echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE----- library(limma) library(minfi) library(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19) library(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest) library(RColorBrewer) library(missMethyl) library(matrixStats) library(minfiData) library(Gviz) library(DMRcate) library(stringr) ## ----datadir--------------------------------------------------------------- # set up a path to the data directory dataDirectory <- system.file("extdata", package = "methylationArrayAnalysis") # list the files list.files(dataDirectory, recursive = TRUE) ## ----readtargets, echo=FALSE, results='hide', cache=TRUE, message=FALSE---- targets <- read.metharray.sheet(dataDirectory, pattern="SampleSheet.csv") ## ----loadlib_noeval, eval=FALSE, message=FALSE----------------------------- # # load packages required for analysis # library(limma) # library(minfi) # library(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19) # library(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest) # library(RColorBrewer) # library(missMethyl) # library(matrixStats) # library(minfiData) # library(Gviz) # library(DMRcate) # library(stringr) ## ----annotations, cache=TRUE----------------------------------------------- # get the 450k annotation data ann450k = getAnnotation(IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19) head(ann450k) ## ----readtargets_noeval, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # # read in the sample sheet for the experiment # targets <- read.metharray.sheet(dataDirectory, pattern="SampleSheet.csv") # targets ## ----readdata-------------------------------------------------------------- # read in the raw data from the IDAT files rgSet <- read.metharray.exp(targets=targets) rgSet # give the samples descriptive names targets$ID <- paste(targets$Sample_Group,targets$Sample_Name,sep=".") sampleNames(rgSet) <- targets$ID rgSet ## ----figure2, fig.width=10, fig.height=5, fig.cap="Mean detection p-values summarise the quality of the signal across all the probes in each sample. The plot on the right is a zoomed in version of the plot on the left."---- # calculate the detection p-values detP <- detectionP(rgSet) head(detP) # examine mean detection p-values across all samples to identify any failed samples pal <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2") par(mfrow=c(1,2)) barplot(colMeans(detP), col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Group)], las=2, cex.names=0.8, ylab="Mean detection p-values") abline(h=0.05,col="red") legend("topleft", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), fill=pal, bg="white") barplot(colMeans(detP), col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Group)], las=2, cex.names=0.8, ylim=c(0,0.002), ylab="Mean detection p-values") abline(h=0.05,col="red") legend("topleft", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), fill=pal, bg="white") ## ----qcreport, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # qcReport(rgSet, sampNames=targets$ID, sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group, # pdf="qcReport.pdf") ## ----badsamples------------------------------------------------------------ # remove poor quality samples keep <- colMeans(detP) < 0.05 rgSet <- rgSet[,keep] rgSet # remove poor quality samples from targets data targets <- targets[keep,] targets[,1:5] # remove poor quality samples from detection p-value table detP <- detP[,keep] dim(detP) ## ----norm------------------------------------------------------------------ # normalize the data; this results in a GenomicRatioSet object mSetSq <- preprocessQuantile(rgSet) # create a MethylSet object from the raw data for plotting mSetRaw <- preprocessRaw(rgSet) ## ----figure3, fig.width=10, fig.height=5, fig.cap="The density plots show the distribution of the beta values for each sample before and after normalisation."---- # visualise what the data looks like before and after normalisation par(mfrow=c(1,2)) densityPlot(rgSet, sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group,main="Raw", legend=FALSE) legend("top", legend = levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")) densityPlot(getBeta(mSetSq), sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group, main="Normalized", legend=FALSE) legend("top", legend = levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")) ## ----figure4, fig.height=5, fig.width=10, fig.cap="Multi-dimensional scaling plots are a good way to visualise the relationships between the samples in an experiment."---- # MDS plots to look at largest sources of variation par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plotMDS(getM(mSetSq), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Group)]) legend("top", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=pal, bg="white", cex=0.7) plotMDS(getM(mSetSq), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Source)]) legend("top", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Source)), text.col=pal, bg="white", cex=0.7) ## ----figure5, fig.width=9, fig.height=3, fig.cap="Examining the higher dimensions of an MDS plot can reaveal significant sources of variation in the data."---- # Examine higher dimensions to look at other sources of variation par(mfrow=c(1,3)) plotMDS(getM(mSetSq), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Group)], dim=c(1,3)) legend("top", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=pal, cex=0.7, bg="white") plotMDS(getM(mSetSq), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Group)], dim=c(2,3)) legend("topleft", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=pal, cex=0.7, bg="white") plotMDS(getM(mSetSq), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Group)], dim=c(3,4)) legend("topright", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=pal, cex=0.7, bg="white") ## ----detpfilter------------------------------------------------------------ # ensure probes are in the same order in the mSetSq and detP objects detP <- detP[match(featureNames(mSetSq),rownames(detP)),] # remove any probes that have failed in one or more samples keep <- rowSums(detP < 0.01) == ncol(mSetSq) table(keep) mSetSqFlt <- mSetSq[keep,] mSetSqFlt ## ----sexfilter, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # # if your data includes males and females, remove probes on the sex chromosomes # keep <- !(featureNames(mSetSqFlt) %in% ann450k$Name[ann450k$chr %in% # c("chrX","chrY")]) # table(keep) # mSetSqFlt <- mSetSqFlt[keep,] ## ----snpfilter------------------------------------------------------------- # remove probes with SNPs at CpG site mSetSqFlt <- dropLociWithSnps(mSetSqFlt) mSetSqFlt ## ----xhybfilter------------------------------------------------------------ # exclude cross reactive probes xReactiveProbes <- read.csv(file=paste(dataDirectory, "48639-non-specific-probes-Illumina450k.csv", sep="/"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE) keep <- !(featureNames(mSetSqFlt) %in% xReactiveProbes$TargetID) table(keep) mSetSqFlt <- mSetSqFlt[keep,] mSetSqFlt ## ----figure6, fig.width=10, fig.height=5, fig.cap="Removing SNP-affected CpGs probes from the data changes the sample clustering in the MDS plots."---- par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plotMDS(getM(mSetSqFlt), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Group)], cex=0.8) legend("right", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=pal, cex=0.65, bg="white") plotMDS(getM(mSetSqFlt), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Source)]) legend("right", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Source)), text.col=pal, cex=0.7, bg="white") ## ----figure7, fig.width=9, fig.height=3, fig.cap="Examining the higher dimensions of the MDS plots shows that significant inter-individual variation still exists in the second and third principal components."---- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) # Examine higher dimensions to look at other sources of variation plotMDS(getM(mSetSqFlt), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Source)], dim=c(1,3)) legend("right", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Source)), text.col=pal, cex=0.7, bg="white") plotMDS(getM(mSetSqFlt), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Source)], dim=c(2,3)) legend("topright", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Source)), text.col=pal, cex=0.7, bg="white") plotMDS(getM(mSetSqFlt), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=pal[factor(targets$Sample_Source)], dim=c(3,4)) legend("right", legend=levels(factor(targets$Sample_Source)), text.col=pal, cex=0.7, bg="white") ## ----getvals--------------------------------------------------------------- # calculate M-values for statistical analysis mVals <- getM(mSetSqFlt) head(mVals[,1:5]) bVals <- getBeta(mSetSqFlt) head(bVals[,1:5]) ## ----figure8, fig.width=10,fig.height=5, fig.cap="The distributions of beta and M-values are quite different; beta values are constrained between 0 and 1 whilst M-values range between -Inf and Inf."---- par(mfrow=c(1,2)) densityPlot(bVals, sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group, main="Beta values", legend=FALSE, xlab="Beta values") legend("top", legend = levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")) densityPlot(mVals, sampGroups=targets$Sample_Group, main="M-values", legend=FALSE, xlab="M values") legend("topleft", legend = levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=brewer.pal(8,"Dark2")) ## ----dmps------------------------------------------------------------------ # this is the factor of interest cellType <- factor(targets$Sample_Group) # this is the individual effect that we need to account for individual <- factor(targets$Sample_Source) # use the above to create a design matrix design <- model.matrix(~0+cellType+individual, data=targets) colnames(design) <- c(levels(cellType),levels(individual)[-1]) # fit the linear model fit <- lmFit(mVals, design) # create a contrast matrix for specific comparisons contMatrix <- makeContrasts(naive-rTreg, naive-act_naive, rTreg-act_rTreg, act_naive-act_rTreg, levels=design) contMatrix # fit the contrasts fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contMatrix) fit2 <- eBayes(fit2) # look at the numbers of DM CpGs at FDR < 0.05 summary(decideTests(fit2)) ## ----annotatedmps---------------------------------------------------------- # get the table of results for the first contrast (naive - rTreg) ann450kSub <- ann450k[match(rownames(mVals),ann450k$Name), c(1:4,12:19,24:ncol(ann450k))] DMPs <- topTable(fit2, num=Inf, coef=1, genelist=ann450kSub) head(DMPs) ## ----write, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- # write.table(DMPs, file="DMPs.csv", sep=",", row.names=FALSE) ## ----figure9, fig.width=10, fig.height=10, fig.cap="Plotting the top few differentially methylated CpGs is a good way to check whether the results make sense."---- # plot the top 4 most significantly differentially methylated CpGs par(mfrow=c(2,2)) sapply(rownames(DMPs)[1:4], function(cpg){ plotCpg(bVals, cpg=cpg, pheno=targets$Sample_Group, ylab = "Beta values") }) ## ----cpgannotate----------------------------------------------------------- myAnnotation <- cpg.annotate(object = mVals, datatype = "array", what = "M", analysis.type = "differential", design = design, contrasts = TRUE, cont.matrix = contMatrix, coef = "naive - rTreg", arraytype = "450K") str(myAnnotation) ## ----dmrcate, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------ #endif /* NEWSTUFF */ DMRs <- dmrcate(myAnnotation, lambda=1000, C=2) head(DMRs$results) ## ----resultsranges--------------------------------------------------------- # convert the regions to annotated genomic ranges data(dmrcatedata) results.ranges <- extractRanges(DMRs, genome = "hg19") # set up the grouping variables and colours groups <- pal[1:length(unique(targets$Sample_Group))] names(groups) <- levels(factor(targets$Sample_Group)) cols <- groups[as.character(factor(targets$Sample_Group))] samps <- 1:nrow(targets) ## ----figure10, fig.width=10, fig.height=10, fig.cap="The DMRcate \"DMR.plot\" function allows you to quickly visualise DMRs in their genomic context. By default, the plot shows the location of the DMR in the genome, the position of any genes that are nearby, the base pair positions of the CpG probes, the methylation levels of the individual samples as a heatmap and the mean methylation levels for the various sample groups in the experiment. This plot shows the top ranked DMR identified by the DMRcate analysis."---- # draw the plot for the top DMR par(mfrow=c(1,1)) DMR.plot(ranges=results.ranges, dmr=1, CpGs=bVals, phen.col=cols, what = "Beta", arraytype = "450K", pch=16, toscale=TRUE, plotmedians=TRUE, genome="hg19", samps=samps) ## ----dmrcoord-------------------------------------------------------------- # indicate which genome is being used gen <- "hg19" # the index of the DMR that we will plot dmrIndex <- 1 # extract chromosome number and location from DMR results coords <- strsplit2(DMRs$results$coord[dmrIndex],":") chrom <- coords[1] start <- as.numeric(strsplit2(coords[2],"-")[1]) end <- as.numeric(strsplit2(coords[2],"-")[2]) # add 25% extra space to plot minbase <- start - (0.25*(end-start)) maxbase <- end + (0.25*(end-start)) ## ----extrafeatures--------------------------------------------------------- # CpG islands islandHMM <- read.csv(paste0(dataDirectory, "/model-based-cpg-islands-hg19-chr17.txt"), sep="\t", stringsAsFactors=FALSE, header=FALSE) head(islandHMM) islandData <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(islandHMM[,1]), ranges=IRanges(start=islandHMM[,2], end=islandHMM[,3]), strand=Rle(strand(rep("*",nrow(islandHMM))))) islandData # DNAseI hypersensitive sites dnase <- read.csv(paste0(dataDirectory,"/wgEncodeRegDnaseClusteredV3chr17.bed"), sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header=FALSE) head(dnase) dnaseData <- GRanges(seqnames=dnase[,1], ranges=IRanges(start=dnase[,2], end=dnase[,3]), strand=Rle(rep("*",nrow(dnase))), data=dnase[,5]) dnaseData ## ----gentracks, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # iTrack <- IdeogramTrack(genome = gen, chromosome = chrom, name="") # gTrack <- GenomeAxisTrack(col="black", cex=1, name="", fontcolor="black") # rTrack <- UcscTrack(genome=gen, chromosome=chrom, track="refGene", # from=minbase, to=maxbase, trackType="GeneRegionTrack", # rstarts="exonStarts", rends="exonEnds", gene="name", # symbol="name2", transcript="name", strand="strand", # fill="darkblue",stacking="squish", name="RefSeq", # showId=TRUE, geneSymbol=TRUE) ## ----order----------------------------------------------------------------- ann450kOrd <- ann450kSub[order(ann450kSub$chr,ann450kSub$pos),] head(ann450kOrd) bValsOrd <- bVals[match(ann450kOrd$Name,rownames(bVals)),] head(bValsOrd) ## ----featuretracks--------------------------------------------------------- # create genomic ranges object from methylation data cpgData <- GRanges(seqnames=Rle(ann450kOrd$chr), ranges=IRanges(start=ann450kOrd$pos, end=ann450kOrd$pos), strand=Rle(rep("*",nrow(ann450kOrd))), betas=bValsOrd) # extract data on CpGs in DMR cpgData <- subsetByOverlaps(cpgData, results.ranges[dmrIndex]) # methylation data track methTrack <- DataTrack(range=cpgData, groups=targets$Sample_Group,genome = gen, chromosome=chrom, ylim=c(-0.05,1.05), col=pal, type=c("a","p"), name="DNA Meth.\n(beta value)", background.panel="white", legend=TRUE, cex.title=0.8, cex.axis=0.8, cex.legend=0.8) # CpG island track islandTrack <- AnnotationTrack(range=islandData, genome=gen, name="CpG Is.", chromosome=chrom,fill="darkgreen") # DNaseI hypersensitive site data track dnaseTrack <- DataTrack(range=dnaseData, genome=gen, name="DNAseI", type="gradient", chromosome=chrom) # DMR position data track dmrTrack <- AnnotationTrack(start=start, end=end, genome=gen, name="DMR", chromosome=chrom,fill="darkred") ## ----figure11, fig.width=10, fig.height=6, fig.cap="The Gviz package provides extensive functionality for customising plots of genomic regions. This plot shows the top ranked DMR identified by the DMRcate analysis.", eval=FALSE---- # tracks <- list(iTrack, gTrack, methTrack, dmrTrack, islandTrack, dnaseTrack, # rTrack) # sizes <- c(2,2,5,2,2,2,3) # set up the relative sizes of the tracks # plotTracks(tracks, from=minbase, to=maxbase, showTitle=TRUE, add53=TRUE, # add35=TRUE, grid=TRUE, lty.grid=3, sizes=sizes, length(tracks)) ## ----gomethsetup----------------------------------------------------------- # Get the significant CpG sites at less than 5% FDR sigCpGs <- DMPs$Name[DMPs$adj.P.Val<0.05] # First 10 significant CpGs sigCpGs[1:10] # Total number of significant CpGs at 5% FDR length(sigCpGs) # Get all the CpG sites used in the analysis to form the background all <- DMPs$Name # Total number of CpG sites tested length(all) ## ----figure12, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, fig.cap="Bias resulting from different numbers of CpG probes in different genes."---- par(mfrow=c(1,1)) gst <- gometh(sig.cpg=sigCpGs, all.cpg=all, plot.bias=TRUE) ## ----topgo----------------------------------------------------------------- # Top 10 GO categories topGO(gst, number=10) ## ----topgsa---------------------------------------------------------------- # load Broad human curated (C2) gene sets load(paste(dataDirectory,"human_c2_v5.rdata",sep="/")) # perform the gene set test(s) gsa <- gsameth(sig.cpg=sigCpGs, all.cpg=all, collection=Hs.c2) # top 10 gene sets topGSA(gsa, number=10) ## ---- echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, results="hide"------------- # reduce the size of the dataset #set.seed(100) #keep <- c(sample(1:19,10),sample(20:38,10)) #age.targets <- age.targets[keep,] #age.rgSet <- age.rgSet[,keep] allObs = ls() rm(list = allObs[!(allObs %in% c("dataDirectory","xReactiveProbes","ann450k"))]) gc() ## ----agedata--------------------------------------------------------------- load(file.path(dataDirectory,"ageData.RData")) # calculate detection p-values age.detP <- detectionP(age.rgSet) # pre-process the data after excluding poor quality samples age.mSetSq <- preprocessQuantile(age.rgSet) # add sex information to targets information age.targets$Sex <- getSex(age.mSetSq)$predictedSex # ensure probes are in the same order in the mSetSq and detP objects age.detP <- age.detP[match(featureNames(age.mSetSq),rownames(age.detP)),] # remove poor quality probes keep <- rowSums(age.detP < 0.01) == ncol(age.detP) age.mSetSqFlt <- age.mSetSq[keep,] # remove probes with SNPs at CpG or single base extension (SBE) site age.mSetSqFlt <- dropLociWithSnps(age.mSetSqFlt, snps = c("CpG", "SBE")) # remove cross-reactive probes keep <- !(featureNames(age.mSetSqFlt) %in% xReactiveProbes$TargetID) age.mSetSqFlt <- age.mSetSqFlt[keep,] ## ----figure13, fig.height=5,fig.width=10, fig.cap="When samples from both males and females are included in a study, sex is usually the largest source of variation in methylation data."---- # tag sex chromosome probes for removal keep <- !(featureNames(age.mSetSqFlt) %in% ann450k$Name[ann450k$chr %in% c("chrX","chrY")]) age.pal <- brewer.pal(8,"Set1") par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plotMDS(getM(age.mSetSqFlt), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=age.pal[factor(age.targets$Sample_Group)], labels=age.targets$Sex, main="With Sex CHR Probes") legend("topleft", legend=levels(factor(age.targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=age.pal) plotMDS(getM(age.mSetSqFlt[keep,]), top=1000, gene.selection="common", col=age.pal[factor(age.targets$Sample_Group)], labels=age.targets$Sex, main="Without Sex CHR Probes") legend("top", legend=levels(factor(age.targets$Sample_Group)), text.col=age.pal) # remove sex chromosome probes from data age.mSetSqFlt <- age.mSetSqFlt[keep,] ## ----agedvps--------------------------------------------------------------- # get M-values for analysis age.mVals <- getM(age.mSetSqFlt) design <- model.matrix(~factor(age.targets$Sample_Group)) # Fit the model for differential variability # specifying the intercept and age as the grouping factor fitvar <- varFit(age.mVals, design = design, coef = c(1,2)) # Summary of differential variability summary(decideTests(fitvar)) topDV <- topVar(fitvar, coef=2) # Top 10 differentially variable CpGs between old vs. newborns topDV ## ----agevals--------------------------------------------------------------- # get beta values for ageing data age.bVals <- getBeta(age.mSetSqFlt) ## ----figure14, fig.width=10, fig.height=10, results='hide', fig.cap="As for DMPs, it is useful to plot the top few differentially variable CpGs to check that the results make sense."---- par(mfrow=c(2,2)) sapply(rownames(topDV)[1:4], function(cpg){ plotCpg(age.bVals, cpg=cpg, pheno=age.targets$Sample_Group, ylab = "Beta values") }) ## ---- echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, results="hide"------------- # reduce the size of the dataset # set.seed(100) # keep <- c(sample(1:19,5),sample(20:38,5)) # age.targets <- age.targets[keep,] # age.rgSet <- age.rgSet[,keep] allObs = ls() rm(list = allObs[!(allObs %in% c("dataDirectory","age.targets","age.rgSet","age.pal"))]) gc() ## ----cellcounts, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------ # # load sorted blood cell data package # library(FlowSorted.Blood.450k) # # ensure that the "Slide" column of the rgSet pheno data is numeric # # to avoid "estimateCellCounts" error # pData(age.rgSet)$Slide <- as.numeric(pData(age.rgSet)$Slide) # # estimate cell counts # cellCounts <- estimateCellCounts(age.rgSet) ## ----figure15, fig.width=5,fig.height=5, cache=TRUE, fig.cap="If samples come from a population of mixed cells e.g. blood, it is advisable to check for potential confounding between differences in cell type proportions and the factor of interest.", eval=FALSE---- # # plot cell type proportions by age # par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # a = cellCounts[age.targets$Sample_Group == "NewBorns",] # b = cellCounts[age.targets$Sample_Group == "OLD",] # boxplot(a, at=0:5*3 + 1, xlim=c(0, 18), ylim=range(a, b), xaxt="n", # col=age.pal[1], main="", ylab="Cell type proportion") # boxplot(b, at=0:5*3 + 2, xaxt="n", add=TRUE, col=age.pal[2]) # axis(1, at=0:5*3 + 1.5, labels=colnames(a), tick=TRUE) # legend("topleft", legend=c("NewBorns","OLD"), fill=age.pal) ## ----sessioninfo----------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()