CHANGES IN VERSION 1.52.0 --------------------------- Significant user-visible changes Changed plotting for makeImages to use ggplot2 rather than lattice Added a new function, vennInLine, intended to allow for placement of Venn diagrams in Rmarkdown-derived HTML documents, particularly those that use the BiocStyle package for formatting. The Venn diagrams contain clickable links that will open HTML tables containing results for the genes that are found within that cell of the diagram. CHANGES IN VERSION 1.50.0 ---------------------------- Significant user-visible changes Converted runRomer and outputRomer to S4, in the process re-factoring they now accept either an ExpressionSet and MArrayLM object (for Affymetrix microarray analyses), a DGEList and DGEGLM object (for RNA-Seq analysis using edgeR) or an EList and MArrayLM object (for either Agilent one-color microarray analysis or limma-voom RNA-Seq analysis). affycoretools v1.43.1 ===================== Changes: Added new functionality to automatically annotate ExpressionSets, using either ChipDb (e.g., hugene10sttranscriptcluster.db) packages, pdInfo (e.g., pd.hugene.1.0.v1) packages, or user-supplied data.frames.