## ----knitr, echo=FALSE, results="hide"----------------------------------- library("knitr") opts_chunk$set(tidy=FALSE,tidy.opts=list(width.cutoff=30),dev="pdf", fig.width=7,fig.hight=5, fig.show="hide",message=FALSE) ## ----style, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="asis"-------------------------- BiocStyle::latex() ## ----options, results="hide", echo=FALSE-------------------------------------- options(digits=3, width=80, prompt=" ", continue=" ") ## ----install_eegc, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------- # source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") # biocLite("eegc") ## ----init_eegc, cache=FALSE, eval=TRUE,warning=FALSE-------------------------- library(eegc) ## ----load_data, eval=TRUE----------------------------------------------------- # load Sandler's data set: data(SandlerFPKM) #the column names of the data, representing the samples CB, DMEC, and rEChMPP colnames(SandlerFPKM) ## ----diff_analysis, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE---------------------------------- # differential expression analysis: diffgene = diffGene(expr = SandlerFPKM, array=FALSE, fpkm=TRUE, counts=FALSE, from.sample="DMEC", to.sample="rEChMPP", target.sample="CB", filter=TRUE, filter.perc =0.4, pvalue = 0.05 ) ## ----diffresults, eval=TRUE, warning=FALSE------------------------------------ # differential analysis results diffgene.result = diffgene[[1]] # differential genes diffgene.genes = diffgene[[2]] #filtered expression data expr.filter = diffgene[[3]] dim(expr.filter) dim(SandlerFPKM) ## ----gene_categorization, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------- # categorizate differential genes from differential analysis category = categorizeGene(expr = expr.filter,diffGene = diffgene.genes, from.sample="DMEC", to.sample="rEChMPP", target.sample="CB") cate.gene = category[[1]] cate.ratio = category[[2]] # the information of cate.gene class(cate.gene) length(cate.gene) names(cate.gene) head(cate.gene[[1]]) head(cate.ratio[[1]]) ## ----markerScattera, eval = TRUE, echo=TRUE,fig.width =6, fig.height =6,dev="pdf"---- #load the marker genes of somatic and primary cells data(markers) #scatterplot col = c("#abd9e9", "#2c7bb6", "#fee090", "#d7191c", "#fdae61") markerScatter(expr = expr.filter, log = TRUE, samples = c("CB", "DMEC"), cate.gene = cate.gene[2:4], markers = markers, col = col[2:4], xlab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in CB (target)'), ylab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in DMEC (input)'), main = "") ## ----markerScatterb,eval = TRUE, echo=TRUE,fig.width =6, fig.height =6,dev="pdf"---- markerScatter(expr = expr.filter, log = TRUE, samples = c("CB", "rEChMPP"), cate.gene = cate.gene[2:4], markers = markers, col = col[2:4], xlab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in CB (target)'), ylab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in rEC-hMPP (output)'), main = "") ## ----markerScatterc,eval = TRUE, echo=TRUE,fig.width =6, fig.height =6,dev="pdf"---- markerScatter(expr = expr.filter, log = TRUE, samples = c("CB", "DMEC"), cate.gene = cate.gene[c(1,5)], markers = markers, col = col[c(1,5)], xlab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in CB (target)'), ylab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in DMEC (input)'), main = "") ## ----markerScatterd, eval = TRUE, echo=TRUE,fig.width =6,fig.height =6,dev="pdf"---- markerScatter(expr = expr.filter, log = TRUE, samples = c("CB", "rEChMPP"), cate.gene = cate.gene[c(1,5)], markers = markers, col = col[c(1,5)], xlab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in CB (target)'), ylab = expression('log'[2]*' expression in rEC-hMPP (output)'), main = "") ## ----densityPlot,eval=TRUE,fig.width=8,fig.height=5,dev="pdf"----------------- # make the extreme ED ratios in Reversed and Over categories to the median values reverse = cate.ratio[[1]] over = cate.ratio[[5]] reverse[reverse[,1] <= median(reverse[,1]), 1] = median(reverse[,1]) over[over[,1] >= median(over[,1]),1] = median(over[,1]) cate.ratio[[1]] = reverse cate.ratio[[5]] = over # density plot with quantified proportions densityPlot(cate.ratio, xlab = "ED ratio", ylab = "Density", proportion = TRUE) ## ----functionEnrichment, eval=TRUE, warning = FALSE--------------------------- # result in "enrichResult" class by specifying TRUE to enrichResult parameter goenrichraw = functionEnrich(cate.gene, organism = "human", pAdjustMethod = "fdr", GO = TRUE, KEGG = FALSE, enrichResult = TRUE) class(goenrichraw[[1]]) ## ----functionEnrichment2, eval=FALSE, warning = FALSE------------------------- # # result of the summary of "enrichResult" by specifying FALSE to enrichResult parameter # # GO enrichment # goenrich = functionEnrich(cate.gene, organism = "human", pAdjustMethod = "fdr", # GO = TRUE, KEGG = FALSE, enrichResult = FALSE) # # KEGG enrichment # keggenrich = functionEnrich(cate.gene, organism = "human", pAdjustMethod = "fdr", # GO = FALSE, KEGG = TRUE, enrichResult = FALSE) ## ----barplotEnrich,eval=TRUE,dev="pdf",fig.width=6,fig.height=3--------------- # plot only the "enrichResult" of Inactive category inactive = goenrichraw[[2]] barplotEnrich(inactive, top =5, color ="#2c7bb6", title = "Inactive") ## ----heatmapPlot,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,dev="pdf",fig.width=7,fig.heigth=7------- # plot the enrichment results by the five gene categories data(goenrich) heatmaptable = heatmapPlot(goenrich, GO = TRUE, top = 5, filter = FALSE, main = "Gene ontology enrichment", display_numbers = FALSE) ## ----GOgraph, eval = FALSE, echo= FALSE--------------------------------------- # # plot the GOgraph using the function in 'clusterProfiler' # plotGOgraph(inactive) ## ----tissueheatmap, eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,dev="pdf",fig.width=7,fig.height=8---- #load the cell/tissue-specific genes data(tissueGenes) length(tissueGenes) head(names(tissueGenes)) #load the mapping file of cells/tissues to grouped cells/tissues data(tissueGroup) head(tissueGroup) #get the background genes genes = rownames(expr.filter) #enrichment analysis for the five gene categories tissueenrich = enrichment(cate.gene = cate.gene, annotated.gene = tissueGenes, background.gene = genes, padjust.method = "fdr") #select a group of cells/tissues tissueGroup.selec = c("stem cells","B cells","T cells","Myeloid","Endothelial CD105+") tissues.selec = tissueGroup[tissueGroup[,"Group"] %in% tissueGroup.selec,c(2,3)] tissuetable = heatmapPlot(tissueenrich, terms = tissues.selec, GO=FALSE, annotated_row = TRUE,annotation_legend = TRUE, main = "Tissue-specific enrichment") ## ----dotpercentage, eval = TRUE, echo=TRUE,dev="pdf",fig.width=7,fig.height=5---- #load the C/T-specific genes in 16 cells/tissues data(human.gene) # the 16 cells/tissues head(names(human.gene)) perc = dotPercentage(cate.gene = cate.gene, annotated.gene = human.gene, order.by = "Successful") ## ----cellnetheatmap, eval = FALSE, echo=TRUE,dev="pdf"------------------------ # # CellNet C/T-specific enrichment analysis # cellnetenrich = enrichment(cate.gene = cate.gene, annotated.gene = human.gene, # background.gene = genes, padjust.method ="fdr") # cellnetheatmap = heatmapPlot(cellnetenrich, # main = "CellNet tissue specific enrichment") ## ----tfheatmap,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,fig.width=5,fig.height=6,dev="pdf"--------- # load transcription factor regulated gene sets from on CellNet data data(human.tf) tfenrich = enrichment(cate.gene = cate.gene, annotated.gene = human.tf, background.gene = genes, padjust.method ="fdr") tfheatmap = heatmapPlot(tfenrich, top = 5, main = "CellNet transcription factor enrichment") ## ----networkanalyze,eval = TRUE,echo=TRUE------------------------------------- # load the CellNet GRN data(human.grn) # specify a tissue-specifc network tissue = "Hspc" degree = networkAnalyze(human.grn[[tissue]], cate.gene = cate.gene, centrality = "degree", mode ="all") head(degree) ## ----grnPlot,eval = TRUE,echo=TRUE,dev="pdf",fig.width=6,fig.height=6--------- # select genes to shown their regulation with others node.genes = c("ZNF641", "BCL6") # enlarge the centrality centrality.score = degree$centrality*100 names(centrality.score) = degree$Gene par(mar = c(2,2,3,2)) grnPlot(grn.data = human.grn[[tissue]], cate.gene = cate.gene, filter = TRUE, nodes = node.genes, centrality.score = centrality.score, main = "Gene regulatory network") ## ----session_info, eval=TRUE-------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()