CHANGES IN VERSION 1.2.0 ------------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Added methods 'name()' and 'type()' for GScores objects. o Enabled the retrieval of multiple score values per genomic position (e.g., as in CADD or M-CAP scores). o Added method 'citation()' to fetch citation information for genomic scores. o Added function 'makeGScoresPackage()' to create an annotation package from an AnnotationHub genomic scores resource. o Added 'qfun()' and 'dqfun()' methods to fetch the quantization and dequantization functions from used to store and retrieved genomic scores. o Added 'quantized' argument to the 'scores()' method to obtain quantized values if the user wants to dequantize the values him or herself. o Fallback to local AnnotationHub when there is no internet connection to fetch genomic scores through AnnotationHub resources. o Added 'MafDb' class, derived from 'GScores' to store and access minor allele frequency values. This was originally defined in the 'VariantFiltering' package. o The vignette has been updated to illustrate the use of some of the previous changes. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 ------------------------- USER VISIBLE CHANGES o Submission of the first version to the Bioconductor project. (start date: March 17, 2017)