version 2.47.1 Bug fixes: * Fixes problems with intermittent connection issues (which were not intermittend connection problems, it seems) version 2.45.2 Improvements: * GPL parsing 4-5x faster * GSM parsing 3x faster * GSEMatrix parsing is much smarter with respect to sample characteristics. In short, for GSEs where sample characteristics are actually used, the pData should have nice, neat column headers with the phenodata keys and values in the columns, including correct handling of missing values, etc. version 2.45.1 Bug fixes * getDirectoryListing fixed to deal with changes to NCBI server listing formats Version 2.45 Improvements: * GDS parsing is 2-3x faster * GSEMatrix parsing is 2-3x faster Version 2.36 New Features * New, faster SOFT format parsing (Leonardo Gama) * Turned on unit tests in Travis CI * Test coverage metrics added Bug fixes * default download method no longer assumes that curl is installed on linux * GSEMatrix parsing from file now finds cached GPLs