\name{@PKGNAME@} \docType{package} \alias{@PKGNAME@-package} \alias{@PKGNAME@} \title{@PKGTITLE@} \description{ @PKGDESCRIPTION@ } \details{ @PKGDETAILS@ } \note{ The masks in this BSgenome data package were made from the following source data files: \preformatted{ @SRCDATAFILES@ } See \code{?\link[@REFPKGNAME@]{@REFPKGNAME@}} in the \pkg{@REFPKGNAME@} package for information about how the sequences were obtained. See \code{?\link[BSgenome]{BSgenomeForge}} and the BSgenomeForge vignette (\code{vignette("BSgenomeForge")}) in the \pkg{BSgenome} software package for how to make a BSgenome data package. } \author{@AUTHOR@} \seealso{ \itemize{ \item \link[@REFPKGNAME@]{@REFPKGNAME@} in the \pkg{@REFPKGNAME@} package for information about how the sequences were obtained. \item \link[BSgenome]{BSgenome} objects and the \code{\link[BSgenome]{available.genomes}} function in the \pkg{BSgenome} software package. \item \link[Biostrings]{MaskedDNAString} objects in the \pkg{Biostrings} package. \item The BSgenomeForge vignette (\code{vignette("BSgenomeForge")}) in the \pkg{BSgenome} software package for how to make a BSgenome data package. } } \examples{ @PKGNAME@ genome <- @PKGNAME@ head(seqlengths(genome)) @PKGEXAMPLES@ if ("AGAPS" \%in\% masknames(genome)) { ## Check that the assembly gaps contain only Ns: checkOnlyNsInGaps <- function(seq) { ## Replace all masks by the inverted AGAPS mask masks(seq) <- gaps(masks(seq)["AGAPS"]) unique_letters <- uniqueLetters(seq) if (any(unique_letters != "N")) stop("assembly gaps contain more than just Ns") } ## A message will be printed each time a sequence is removed ## from the cache: options(verbose=TRUE) for (seqname in seqnames(genome)) { cat("Checking sequence", seqname, "... ") seq <- genome[[seqname]] checkOnlyNsInGaps(seq) cat("OK\n") } } ## See the GenomeSearching vignette in the BSgenome software ## package for some examples of genome-wide motif searching using ## Biostrings and the BSgenome data packages: if (interactive()) vignette("GenomeSearching", package="BSgenome") } \keyword{package} \keyword{data}