# Rcpi 1.0.0 (2014-03-01) ## New Features - Initial release # Rcpi 1.0.2 (2014-07-20) ## New Features - Added the profile-based representation for proteins derived by PSSM ## Documentation - Added a vignette which grouped similar functions into the same category. See vignette('Rcpi-quickref') . This makes the package structure clearer and enhances its usability. - Other documentation improvements # Rcpi 1.11.1 (2016-11-12) ## Bug Fixes - Fixed known problems in `extractProt` functions - Fixed some build and dependency related problems - Fixed some functions for downloading drug/chemical structures, such as `getMolFromPubChem()` and `getMolFromChEMBL()`. - General code style and documentation improvements # Rcpi 1.11.2 (2016-11-18) ## Bug Fixes - Fixed some `R CMD check` errors - ChemmineOB related fixes - Fixed all drug molecule downloading utilities