\name{has_devel} \alias{has_devel} \title{Check if you have a development environment installed.} \usage{ has_devel() } \value{ TRUE if your development environment is correctly set up, otherwise returns an error. } \description{ Thanks to the suggestion of Simon Urbanek. } \examples{ foo_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "foo.c") cat("void foo(int *bar) { *bar=1; }\n", file = foo_path) on.exit(unlink(foo_path)) devtools:::R("CMD SHLIB foo.c", tempdir()) dylib <- file.path(tempdir(), paste("foo", .Platform$dynlib.ext, sep='')) on.exit(unlink(dylib), add = TRUE) dll <- dyn.load(dylib) on.exit(dyn.unload(dylib), add = TRUE) stopifnot(.C(dll$bar, 0L)[[1]] == 1L) }