% \VignetteIndexEntry{MethylAid-summarized data on 2800 Illumina 450k array samples} % \VignettePackage{MethylAidData} % \VignetteEngine{knitr::knitr} \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} %%remove tildes e.q. in bibliography <>= BiocStyle::latex() @ \author{Maarten van Iterson, Elmar Tobi, Roderick Slieker, Wouter den Hollander, Rene Luijk, \\Eline Slagboom and Bas Heijmans \\Department of Molecular Epidemiology, \\Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands} \title{MethylAid-summarized data on 2800 Illumina 450k array samples} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} \Biocpkg{MethylAidData} contains \Biocpkg{MethylAid}-summarized data on 2800 Illumina 450k array samples. These DNA methylation samples are a subset from a large-scale multiple omics study conducted by several Dutch Biobanks; the BIOS consortium (\url{http://www.bbmri.nl/en-gb/activities/rainbow-projects/bios}). The raw Illumina 450k array data, idat-files, will be made available through the EGA archive (\url{https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ega/home}). The summarization performed by \Biocpkg{MethylAid} entails the following for each sample: \begin{enumerate} \item calculation of the median Methylated and Unmethylation intensities \item extraction of all quality control probe intensities \item construction of quality control metrics e.g. sample-dependent, sample-independent and detection p-values \item storing everything efficiently to allow fast rendering of the various quality control plots provided by \Biocpkg{MethylAid}, \end{enumerate} see van Iterson \emph{et al.}\cite{Iterson2014} for detailed description of \Biocpkg{MethylAid}. \section{Preparation of the data} The raw Illumina 450k array data, idat-files, will be made available this summer from EGA archive (accession number:EGAS00\#\#\#). Access to the data must be approved by the Data Access Committee (\#\#\#). Once the raw idat-files have been downloaded and a targets file is constructed, \Biocpkg{MethylAid} can be used to summarize the data and perform quality control using the interactive \Rpackage{shiny}\cite{shiny} application. Data sets of this size are preferably summarized in parallel and batches to overcome long run times or memory issues. \Biocpkg{MethylAid} provides several options to do this using the \Biocpkg{BiocParallel}-package\cite{biocparallel}. For example, if multiple cores are available these could be used like this: <>= library(MethylAid) targets ##constructed from EGA BPPARAM <- MulticoreParam(workers = 8, verbose=TRUE) summarize(targets, batchSize = 100, BPPARAM = BPPARAM, file="exampleDataLarge") @ Another option would be thus use a cluster, see the vignette of \Biocpkg{MethylAid} how to set this up. \section{Using MethylAidData} The summarized data contained in \Biocpkg{MethylAidData} can be used in two ways, 1) to explore a large data set using \Biocpkg{MethylAid} and 2) use this data as a background data set on top of own data. Since version 1.1.4, \Biocpkg{MethylAid} has the functionality to show as background data set in the filter control plots. As such it can be used as a reference data set and can give guidance to when removing outlying samples. Furthermore, the data gives confirmation of the default thresholds used to determine outlying samples. Additionally, since \Biocpkg{MethylAid}(1.1.4) functionality is added to construct your own background data and several summarizedData-objects can be merged to give one larger summarizedData-object to use as your own reference or to determine filter thresholds, for example for hydroxymethylation data for which there are currently no thresholds available. \bibliography{MethylAidData} \end{document}