CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.15 -------------------------- BUG FIXES o bugfix in gene ID systems passed to goseq. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.12 -------------------------- NEW FEATURES o expanding user manuals to clarify how figures and clustering is performed. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.11 --------------------------- BUG FIXES o bugfix in ProcessAll cardinality message. o Error catching around PCA. o Heatmap genelist now respects Annote_Filter file when LIMIT$HARD. o Cleaned up warnings when no rows for HMA. o Bugfix in PCA regarding non-negative definite covariance from princomp's eigen: replaced all instances with prcomp(). CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.10 -------------------------- BUG FIXES o bugfix in G$LIMIT$baseMean and explanations of naming conventions in the vignette. CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.4 ------------------------- SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES o replacing DESeq with DESeq2 Fall2014 CHANGES IN VERSION 0.0.0 ------------------------ NEW FEATURES o Release package. Fall 2014.