Change history of package msa: ============================== Version 1.2.1: - fixes in Makefiles and Makevars files to account for changes in build system - update of citation information Version 1.2.0: - new branch for Bioconductor 3.2 release Version 1.1.3: - bug fix related to custom substitution matrices in the MUSCLE interface - correction and updates of documentation Version 1.1.2: - new print() function for multiple alignments that also allows for displaying alignments in their entirety (plus additional customizations) - strongly improved handling of custom substitution matrices by msaClustalW(): now custom matrices can also be supplied for nucleotide sequences which can also be passed via the 'substitutionMatrix' argument. The 'dnamatrix' argument is still available for the sake of backwards compatibility. - strongly improved handling of custom substitution matrices by msaMuscle() - fix of improperly aligned sequence logos produced by msaPrettyPrint() - updated citation information Version 1.1.1: - fix of msa() function Version 1.1.0: - new branch for Bioconductor 3.2 devel Version 1.0.0: - first official release as part of Bioconductor 3.1