genomation 1.2.1 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * merge devel branch (genomation v1.3.2) into release-3.2 branch of genomation BioC-mirror (genomation v1.1.27). It fixes bug regarding readr::read_delim()(v1.1.27) and adds improvements from v1.3.1 and v1.3.2. genomation 1.3.2 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * strands of reads in paired-end BAM files are inferred depending on strand of first alignment from the pair. It's a default setting of the strandMode argument in the readGAlignmentPairs function. * added new argument to ScoreMatrix, ScoreMatrixBin and ScoreMatrixList functions library.size indicating total number of aligned reads of a BAM file for normalization. * removed argument stranded from ScoreMatrix, ScoreMatrixBin and ScoreMatrixList functions genomation 1.3.1 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * according to changes in behaviour of readr::read_delim() that e.g. converts "." to 0 readTableFast() was changed genomation 1.1.27 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * fixed extimating ylim and plotting notches in plotMeta genomation 1.1.26 -------------- NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES * new function patternMatrix looks for k-mer or PWM matrix occurence over specified DNA sequences or windows in a given genome. It depends on BioString and seqPattern R packages. genomation 1.1.25 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * faster assigning colors to the heatmap in heatMatrix and multiHeatMatrix functions genomation 1.1.24 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * Fixed a bug in multiHeatMatrix that occured after version 1.1.19 genomation 1.1.23 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * Fixed a bug in plotMeta that occured after version 1.1.19 genomation 1.1.22 -------------- NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES * New argument of multiHeatMatrix clust.matrix defines which matrices are used for clustering genomation 1.1.21 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * Improve reading paired-end alignment in score matrix functions. In order to avoid duplicated reads from GenomicAlignments:readGAlignmentPairs reads with repeated ids are removed (with assumption that reads have unique ids). genomation 1.1.20 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * test more examples (remove \donttest{} from examples responsible for reading data, e.g. readBed, include into \donttest{} only those parts of examples that are slow, e.g. plotMeta(.,.)) genomation 1.1.19 -------------- NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES * Arithmetic, indicator and logic operations as well as subsetting work on ScoreMatrix, ScoreMatrixBin and ScoreMatrixList objects. New functionality at "ScoreMatrix-class" and "ScoreMatrixList-class" are documented in help pages. * Commented examples of functions are uncommented or \donttest{} is used. genomation 1.1.18 -------------- NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES * Integration of Travis CI genomation 1.1.17 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * Bioconductor Git-SVN bridge improved rtracklayer::import() function that has no more 'asRangedData' arg. genomation 1.1.16 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * issue with readBam() used in scoreMatrix() to read bam files. Reading paired-end reads was extremely slow, because of lines of code that were responsible for checking if both mates from pair are not counted twice, e.g. when mates map into two different windows of interest. Right now we allow it. Fixed bug in reading single-end reads. genomation 1.1.15 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * fix bug of plotMeta() when dispersion=NULL and smoothfun is not NULL genomation 1.1.14 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * improve checking if the ncols of matrices match in heatMeta() and plotMeta() genomation 1.1.13 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * add new argument cex.legend to plotTargetAnnotation() to specify the size of the legend. * changed ScoreMatrixBin() to run faster when noCovNA=TRUE * check not only for .bw but also .bigWig and .bigwig extensions of BigWig file in ScoreMatrix() and ScoreMatrixBin() genomation 1.1.12 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * gffToGRanges is now a wrapper for import from rtracklayer genomation 1.1.11 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * plotMeta function bug fixed. The error occured during plotting meta-profile when dispersion=NULL. Implemented by Katarzyna Wreczycka. genomation 1.1.10 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * changes in heatMatrix() and plotMeta() - dispersion, smoothfun and clustfun arguments changed from be default FALSE to NULL. genomation 1.1.9 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * ScoreMatrix function bug fixed. The bug occured when RleList object ("target" argument) and GRanges object ("windows" argument) did not have the same chromosome ordering. In that case, the returned score matrix was correct but the row ordering did not correspond to the row ordering supplied in the windows argument. genomation 1.1.8 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * changes in the vignette, updated the AnnotationHub example, thanks to Christopher Bottoms Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka. genomation 1.1.7 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * extended capabilities for meta-plots; added new parameters to plotMeta() that enable to show dispersion interval bands around a central tendency (mean or median) and smoothing them. Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka. genomation 1.1.6 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * heatMatrix() and multiHeatMatrix() can visualizate score matrix/matrices clustered by using not only kmeans, but custom clustering function (clustfun argument). Implemented by Katarzyna Wreczycka. genomation 1.1.5 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * changes in the vignette,explicit call to GenomicRanges::countOverlaps, thanks to Christopher Bottoms genomation 1.1.4 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * scoreMatrix, scoreMatrixBin and ScoreMatrixList read paired-end BAM files. Paired reads are treated as fragments. Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka. genomation 1.1.3 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * Functions that read data from text files re-written from data.table::fread() to readr::read_delim() and now they can read compressed files from a URL * Changes in readBed(), readNarrowPeak(), readBroadPeak() and gffToGRanges() arguments; All of them have now track.line argument that can be FALSE, "auto" or an integer indicating number of first lines to skip. The zero.based argument was added to readBed() that tells whether ranges in the bed file are in 0 or 1-based coordinate system. Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka. genomation 1.1.2 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * scoreMatrixList() runs in parallel by using parallel::mclapply(). Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka. genomation 1.1.1 -------------- NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES * We are in BioC IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * readGeneric() and all the functions that read data from text files are faster due to use of data.table::fread(). Implemented by Katarzyna Wręczycka genomation 0.99.9 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * vignette built with knitrBootstrap genomation 0.99.8 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * added the Bioinformatics citation * vignette is converted to html format * changed tests form test_that to RUnit genomation -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * multiHeatMatrix() works correctly when common.scale=TRUE genomation -------------- NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES * readBed() function to read bed files in to R as GRanges objects IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * typo in readGeneric,readFeatureFlank,read* functions argument "remove.unusual" is fixed genomation 0.99 -------------- NEW FUNCTIONS AND FEATURES * new plotting functions for visualization of ScoreMatrix and ScoreMatrixList multiHeatMatrix, heatMatrix, metaHeat and metaPlot * ScoreMatrix constructor can deal with a variety of inputs, including BAM and wig genomation 0.2.1 -------------- IMPROVEMENTS AND BUG FIXES * scoreMatrixBin should work now correctly with modRleList objects