version 0.0.2: (2015-6-25) - first version, doesn't work version 0.1.0: (2015-7-5) - work now, with built-in examples. (see ?TravisPlot) version 0.2.0: (2015-8-5) - added promoter and tail (see ?getNeighborhood) - import NarrowPeak from MACS2 (see ?narrowPeak2GRanges) - plot mRNA and lncRNA in a single figure version 0.3.0: (2015-9-11) - enable the rescaling of genomic components - enable the ambiguous mapping of genomic features - completed a tutorial version 0.99.9: (2015-9-25) - package renamed as "guitar" version 0.99.15: (2015-9-30) - accepted at Biconductor version 0.99.17: (2015-10-09) - added more examples - genomic landmarks overlaps - mouse BS-Seq - mouse BAM and BED3 version 1.3.0: (2015-10-18) - bug fix - Committing Changes to the Release Branch