CHANGES in VERSION 1.5.1 * `oncoPrint`: there are default graphics if type of alterations is less than two. * `anno_*`: get rid of lazy loading ================================= CHANGES in VERSION 1.4.4 * NULL can be added to the heatmap list * give message if users mess up with row and column annotations * `oncoPrint`: columns are sorted by `memo sort` method to enhance the mutual exclusivity. ================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.4.3 * `anno_boxplot`: outliers can correctly plotted * add a new function `enhanced_basicplot` * fix a bug that order of annotation height is reversed =================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.4.2 * order of annotations can be adjusted arbitrarily * anno_barplot: scales are adjusted according to the baseline =================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.4.1 * revised the vignettes =================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.4.0 * returned value for `draw` method has been changes * add `row_order`, `column_order`, `row_dend` and `column_dend` to extract orders and dendrograms after heatmap clustering * add `select` function to interactively select sub region in the heatmap and retrieve row/column index in the selected sub region. * renames all varialbes `*hclust*` to `*dend*` ==================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.3.3 * set `row_reorder` and `column_reorder` to FALSE by default in `Heatmap()` ===================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.3.2 * fixed the error in the vignette header ====================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.3.1 * padding of whole plot are correctly set now ======================================= CHANGES in VERSION 1.3.0 * parameters for legend are specified by a list * vignette was split into several vignettes which focus on specific topics * ColorMapping class suppoorts `at` and `labels` * add `row_anno_*` and `column_anno_*` functions * `anno_barplot` add `baseline` option to define the baseline of bars * change default colors for matrix * allow heatmap with zero-row * heatmap components can all have absolute units * add `oncoPriint()` ========================================= CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.8 * add decorate* functions ========================================= CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.7 * add `rows_reorder_weight` and `columns_reorder_weight` in `Heatmap()` * `draw,HeatmapList-method` returns a list of orders * clustering is stored as dendrogram internally ========================================= CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.6 * graphical parameters for row names can be set as same length as row slices * graphical parameters for annotation functions are consistent with the matrix now * insert `k = NULL` into anno_function if they are row annotations * add a new vignette "quick examples" * change style for continuous legend color bar * label order of discrete legend has been adjusted (now it is from top to bottom) ========================================= CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.5 * add dependency of base packages ========================================= CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.4 * name for ColorMapping object has default value now. * legend for continuous values can be set as continuous legends * row title and column title as well as legend title support expression * add `heatmap_legend_title` in `Heatmap` and `ColorMapping` * fixed a bug in `plotDataFrame` ========================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.3 * `color_mapping_legend` can produce a continuous color legend * `color_mapping_legend` now returns a grob object =========================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.2 * adjust positions for row titles * rows can be split if `cluster_rows` are a clustering object * `row_order` and `column_order` can be set by dimension names =========================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.1 * adjust orders of row slices * support text rotation for heatmap titles =========================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.2.0 * correct row orders if km and row_order is set in `Heatmap` =========================================== CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.9 * adjust names and size of each component * add `densityHeatmap` function which visualizes column distribution in a matrix * add `plotDataFrame` function which provides a quick way to visualize a data frame ============================================ CHANGES in VERSION 1.1.8 * dendrograms are implemented by `grid.segments` * setting padding for each component * adjust gaps between heatmaps/row annotations if the column of the heatmap is zero. ============================================ CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.7 * check consistency of matrix row names ============================================= CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.6 * improved generation of random colors * order of heatmap annotation legends are same as the order of annotations * support NA value in simple annotations * add examples in the vignette * simple row annotations now have the correct order * `col` can be a vector of colors if matrix is continuous * simple annotation can be logical ============================================== CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.5 * add gaps between heatmap components =============================================== CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.4 * support color mapping for NA values =============================================== CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.3 * Improved vignette to describe how to use row index in row annotation function if row annotations are also splitted by rows. =============================================== CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.2 * `anno_density`: graphics are now in correct order * add `anno_text` * add new examples corresponding to new functions ================================================ CHANGES IN VERSION 1.1.1 * fixed a bug when setting `cluster_rows` to FALSE but still cluster on rows. * add `rowAnnotation` and `columnAnnotation` functions * add examples in the vignette * No error if the heatmap list only contains zero-column matrix ================================================= CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.2 * add two examples in vignette * add chunk labels in the vignette ================================================= CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.1 * x and y in `cell_fun` are now `unit` objects. ================================================= CHANGES IN VERSION 0.99.0 * First release