This package is for version 3.17 of Bioconductor; for the stable, up-to-date release version, see DAPARdata.

Data accompanying the DAPAR and Prostar packages

Bioconductor version: 3.17

Mass-spectrometry based UPS proteomics data sets from Ramus C, Hovasse A, Marcellin M, Hesse AM, Mouton-Barbosa E, Bouyssie D, Vaca S, Carapito C, Chaoui K, Bruley C, Garin J, Cianferani S, Ferro M, Dorssaeler AV, Burlet-Schiltz O, Schaeffer C, Coute Y, Gonzalez de Peredo A. Spiked proteomic standard dataset for testing label-free quantitative software and statistical methods. Data Brief. 2015 Dec 17;6:286-94 and Giai Gianetto, Q., Combes, F., Ramus, C., Bruley, C., Coute, Y., Burger, T. (2016). Calibration plot for proteomics: A graphical tool to visually check the assumptions underlying FDR control in quantitative experiments. Proteomics, 16(1), 29-32.

Author: Florence Combes [aut], Samuel Wieczorek [cre, aut]

Maintainer: Samuel Wieczorek <samuel.wieczorek at cea.fr>

Citation (from within R, enter citation("DAPARdata")):


To install this package, start R (version "4.3") and enter:

if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


For older versions of R, please refer to the appropriate Bioconductor release.


To view documentation for the version of this package installed in your system, start R and enter:

DAPARdata User Manual PDF R Script
Reference Manual PDF


biocViews ExperimentData, MassSpectrometryData, Proteome
Version 1.30.4
License GPL-2
Depends R (>= 4.2.0), MSnbase
Imports utils, BiocStyle, graph
System Requirements
URL http://www.prostar-proteomics.org/
Bug Reports https://github.com/prostarproteomics/DAPARdata/issues
See More
Suggests knitr, DAPAR
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Depends On Me
Imports Me DAPAR, Prostar
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Package Archives

Follow Installation instructions to use this package in your R session.

Source Package DAPARdata_1.30.4.tar.gz
Windows Binary
macOS Binary (x86_64)
macOS Binary (arm64)
Source Repository git clone https://git.bioconductor.org/packages/DAPARdata
Source Repository (Developer Access) git clone git@git.bioconductor.org:packages/DAPARdata
Package Short Url https://bioconductor.org/packages/DAPARdata/
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