## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, eval=FALSE) knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine.opts = list(bash = "-l")) # knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir ="~/SINGLe/") ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # require(single) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(plyr)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(dplyr)) # options(dplyr.summarise.inform=F) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(reshape2)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(foreach)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(ggplot2)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(ggbreak)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(grid)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(gridExtra)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(stringr)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(Biostrings)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(cowplot)) # suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(e1071)) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # detect_homopolymer_positions <- function(sequence){ # l <- length(sequence) # homopolymer_positions <- list() # aux_positions <- 1 # counter <- 0 # for(i in seq_along(sequence)[-l]){ # if (sequence[i+1]==sequence[i]){ # aux_positions <- c(aux_positions,i+1) # }else{ # counter <- counter+1 # homopolymer_positions[[counter]] <- aux_positions # aux_positions <- i+1 # } # } # if(sequence[i+1]==sequence[i]){ # counter <- counter+1 # homopolymer_positions[[counter]] <- aux_positions # } # return(homopolymer_positions) # } # biostr_to_char <- function(x){ # y <- strsplit(as.character(x), split="")[[1]] # return(y) # } # detect_mutations <- function(sequence,reference){ # ind <- which(sequence != reference) # muts <- paste0(reference[ind],ind,sequence[ind]) # return(muts) # } # replace_str_in_pos <- function(string, pos, replacement){ # if(pos>nchar(string)){stop('Replacement intended outsife string')} # string_vec <- strsplit(string, split="")[[1]] # string_vec[pos] <- replacement # string_out <- paste(string_vec, collapse = "") # return(string_out) # } # bc_one_mutation <- function(x){ # bases <- c("A","C","G","T") # y <- c() # n <- 0 # for(i in 1:nchar(x)){ # n <- n+1 # non_wt <- setdiff(bases, substr(x, i,i)) # non_wt <- paste0(non_wt, collapse = "") # non_wt <- paste0("[",non_wt, "]", collapse = "") # y[n] <- replace_str_in_pos(x, i, non_wt) # } # for(i in 2:(nchar(x)-1)){ # n <- n+1 # y[n] <- paste0(substr(x,1,(i-1)),substr(x,(i+1), nchar(x))) # } # y <- unique(y) # return(y) # } # dna_reverse_complement_vector <- function(x){ # y <- rev(dna_complement_vector(x)) # return(y) # } # dna_complement <- function(x){ # if(length(x)>1){stop("dna_complement: x has length > 1")} # if(x=="A" | x=="a"){ y <- "T"} # if(x=="C" | x=="c"){ y <- "G"} # if(x=="G" | x=="g"){ y <- "C"} # if(x=="T" | x=="t"){ y <- "A"} # # return(y) # } # dna_complement_vector <- function(x){ # y <- vapply(x, dna_complement, USE.NAMES = F) # return(y) # } # dna_complement_string <- function(x){ # x <- strsplit(x, split="")[[1]] # y <- dna_complement_vector(x) # y <- paste(y, collapse = "") # return(y) # } # dna_reverse_complement_string <- function(x){ # x <- strsplit(x, split="")[[1]] # y <- dna_reverse_complement_vector(x) # y <- paste(y, collapse = "") # return(y) # } ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # path_references <- "1_ReferenceFiles/" # path_raw_data <- "2_NanoporeRawReads/" # path_save_figures <- "6_Figures/" # path_analysis_lib7 <- "3_Analysis/KT7_1700_2100/" # path_analysis_lib <- "3_Analysis/KTLib/" # # if(!dir.exists(path_save_figures)){dir.create(path_save_figures)} # if(!dir.exists(path_analysis_lib7)){dir.create(path_analysis_lib7)} # if(!dir.exists(path_analysis_lib)){dir.create(path_analysis_lib)} ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # red <- rgb(218,0,0,maxColorValue = 255) # green <- rgb(0,122,0,maxColorValue = 255) # red_tr <- rgb(230,0,0,alpha = 200, maxColorValue = 255) # blue_tr <- rgb(0,0,218,alpha = 250, maxColorValue = 255) # green_tr <- rgb(0,122,0,alpha = 200, maxColorValue = 255) # blue <- rgb(0,0,250, maxColorValue = 255) # # single_color <- "#2727fa" # medaka_color <- "#26a026" # guppy_color <- "#fa2929" # nanopolish_color <- "#fa8c28" # noweights_color <- "#8c26fa" # racon_color <- "#dcdc26" # nextpolish_color <- grey(.6) # colors_vector <- c(single_color,medaka_color,guppy_color,nanopolish_color,noweights_color, racon_color,nextpolish_color) # names(colors_vector) <- c("single","medaka","nanopore","nanopolish","no_weights", "racon","nextpolish") # # colors_vector_capital <- colors_vector # names(colors_vector_capital) <- c("SINGLe","Medaka","Guppy","Nanopolish","No weights","Racon","NextPolish") # # methods_capital <- setNames(c("Nanopolish","Medaka","Racon","SINGLe","Guppy","No weights","NextPolish"), # c("nanopolish","medaka","racon","single","nanopore","no_weights","nextpolish")) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # theme_plot <- theme_bw()+ # theme(line=element_line(colour = "black", # size = 0.5, linetype = "dashed",lineend = "square"), # rect= element_rect(fill = NULL, colour = NULL, # size = 1,linetype = "solid",inherit.blank = FALSE), # text=element_text(size = 10),title = element_text(size=10), # axis.title = element_text(size=rel(1)), # axis.text.x=element_text(angle=0, size=rel(.8)), # axis.text.y=element_text(angle=0, size=rel(.8)), # plot.tag = element_text(size=rel(1), face = "bold", vjust=-1), # panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.border = element_rect(size=1), # legend.background = element_blank(), # plot.margin=margin(t=0,r=3,l=0,b=0, unit="pt"), # strip.background = element_rect(fill="white"), # legend.text = element_text(size=rel(0.8)) # ) # # theme_set(theme_plot) # ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # reference_file <- "1_ReferenceFiles/KTrefORF_1662.fasta" # wildtypye_bstr <- readDNAStringSet(reference_file) # wildtype <- toupper(biostr_to_char(wildtypye_bstr)) # # wt_homopolymers <- detect_homopolymer_positions(wildtype) # wt_homopolymers <- wt_homopolymers[vapply(wt_homopolymers,length)>1] # pos_wt_homopolymers <- unlist(wt_homopolymers) # # ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # kt7_barcodes <- paste0("barcode",c("05","06","07","08","09","10","11")) # kt7_true_mutants <- data.frame( # Barcode = kt7_barcodes, # true_consensus = c("C867G G1120A C1214T G1316A", # "G23A C245T", # "G94C A378G A905G G1023T A1381T", # "T425A G846A C851T G1403A", # "G307A G490- T659A T675A G993A A1554G", # "A41T G331T G349A C772T C879T C1474A C1475T G1530-", # "G303A G376A C517G T857A T1056A G1550A")) # # kt7_bc2mut <- c("#1 - 2sub","#2 - 4sub","#3 - 4sub","#4 - 5sub","#5 - 6sub","#6 - 7sub 1del","#7 - 5sub 1del") # names(kt7_bc2mut) <- paste0("barcode",c("06","05","08","07","11","10","09")) # # # mutant_sequences <- readDNAStringSet("1_ReferenceFiles/KT7_sequences_aligned.fasta") #known sequences of mutants (different from reference_sequence) # kt_true_mutations <- list() # for(i in 1:length(mutant_sequences)){ # mutant_seq <- toupper(stringr::str_split(as.character(mutant_sequences[[i]]), pattern = "")[[1]]) # index <- which (mutant_seq!= wildtype) # kt_true_mutations[[i]] <- data.frame(sequence_id=rep(names(mutant_sequences)[i], length(index)), # position = index, nucleotide =mutant_seq[index]) # } # kt_true_mutations <- do.call(rbind,kt_true_mutations) # ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # subsets <- c(seq(3,9,by=1),seq(10,50,by=5)) # n_repetitions <- 50 ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # pos_start <- 60 # pos_end <- 1721 ## ---- warning=F, single, eval= F---------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # # ## TRAIN # #Forward # single_train <- single_train(bamfile= "3_Analysis/KT7_1700_2100/barcode01.sorted.bam", # output = "3_Analysis/KT7_1700_2100/barcode01_5d4" , # mean.n.mutations = 5.4,verbose = T, # rates.matrix = mutation_rate, # refseq_fasta = reference_file, # pos_start = pos_start, pos_end = pos_end, # save_partial=T, save_final=T) # # ## EVALUATE # cl <- parallel::makeForkCluster(7) # doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl) # foreach(n = 5:11)%dopar%{ # if(n<10){x=paste0("0",n)}else{x=n} # single_evaluate(bamfile = paste0("3_Analysis/KT7_1700_2100/barcode",x,".sorted.bam"), # single_fits = single_train, # output_file = paste0("3_Analysis/KT7_1700_2100/barcode",x,"_SINGLe.fastq"), # refseq_fasta= reference_file, # pos_start=pos_start,pos_end=pos_end, # verbose=T,gaps_weights="minimum", # save_original_scores = T, # save=T) # } # # toc <- proc.time() # # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # reads_wt <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"barcode01_5d4_SINGLe_countsPNQ.txt"), header=T) # reads_wt <- reads_wt %>% # mutate(isWT= nucleotide==wildtype[pos]) %>% # dplyr::rename(Position=pos, Nucleotide=nucleotide, counts=count) # # total_error_rate <- reads_wt %>% group_by(isWT) %>% dplyr::summarise(counts=sum(counts)) # total_error_perc <- total_error_rate[1,2]/sum(total_error_rate$counts)*100 # cat("Error rate:", as.numeric(round(total_error_perc,2)),"%") # # ## Qscore distribution # reads_wt_qscore_per_position <- reads_wt %>% # group_by(QUAL, isWT) %>% # dplyr::summarise(Counts=sum(counts)) # # ## Errors per position # reads_wt_errors_by_position <- reads_wt %>% # group_by(Position, Nucleotide,isWT) %>% # dplyr::summarise(Counts=sum(counts)) %>% # mutate(n_plot = floor(Position/300)) # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) ## ---- fig 1A, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval= F------------------------------ # Figure_1A <- ggplot(reads_wt_qscore_per_position,aes(x=QUAL,y=Counts/(10^5),col=isWT))+ # geom_line(lwd=0.5)+ # xlab(expression(Q[score]))+ylab(bquote('Counts'~(x10^5)))+ # scale_color_manual(breaks=c(TRUE,FALSE), labels=c("Correct","Error"),values=c(green_tr,red_tr))+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.direction="vertical", # legend.position = c(.7,.8), # legend.spacing.y = unit(0.05,"line"), # legend.key.height = unit(0.5,"line"), # legend.key.width = unit(0.6,"line"), # legend.text=element_text(size=rel(.8)), # legend.title=element_blank(), # legend.background = element_blank(), # plot.margin = margin(t=0,r = 0,b = 0,l=0))+ # labs(tag = "A") # # Figure_1A ## ---- fig S1, fig.width=3, fig.height=3 , eval= F----------------------------- # Figure_1A_norm <- ggplot(reads_wt_qscore_per_position %>% dplyr::group_by(isWT) %>% dplyr::mutate(NormCounts=Counts/sum(Counts)),aes(x=QUAL,y=NormCounts,col=isWT))+ # geom_line(lwd=0.5)+ # xlab(expression(Q[score]))+ylab('Normalized counts')+ # scale_color_manual(breaks=c(TRUE,FALSE), labels=c("Correct","Error"),values=c(green_tr,red_tr))+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.direction="vertical", # legend.position = c(.7,.7), # legend.spacing.y = unit(0.05,"line"), # legend.key.height = unit(1,"line"), # legend.text=element_text(size=rel(1)), # legend.title=element_blank(), # legend.background = element_blank()) # # Figure_1A_norm # ggsave(Figure_1A_norm, filename = paste0(path_save_figures,"Figure1Asuppl.png"),width =8 ,height = 8,dpi='print',units = "cm") ## ---- fig 1B, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval= F------------------------------ # Figure_1B <- ggplot(reads_wt_errors_by_position %>% # filter(!isWT & Nucleotide !="-" & Position >100 & Position < 150), # aes(x=Position,y=Counts,fill=Nucleotide))+ # guides(fill=guide_legend(ncol=2))+ # geom_col()+ # scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(100,150,by=25))+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.direction="horizontal", # legend.position = c(.3,.85), # legend.key.size = unit(.5,units = "line"), # legend.box = "vertical" , # legend.background = element_blank(), # legend.text=element_text(size=rel(.8)), # legend.title=element_blank(), # plot.margin = margin(t=0,r = 0,b = 0,l=0) # )+ # labs(tag = "B") # Figure_1B ## ---- figS2, fig.width=7, fig.height=10, eval= F------------------------------ # Figure_S2 <- ggplot(reads_wt_errors_by_position %>% filter(!isWT & Nucleotide !="-"), # aes(x=Position, y=Counts,fill=Nucleotide))+ # geom_col()+facet_wrap(~n_plot, ncol=1, scales="free_x")+ # theme_plot+ # theme(strip.background = element_blank(), strip.text.x = element_blank(), # legend.direction="horizontal", legend.position = "top", # rect= element_rect(fill = NULL, colour = NULL, size = 1,linetype = "solid",inherit.blank = FALSE) # ) # # Figure_S2 # ggsave(Figure_S2, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"FigureS2.png"), dpi = 'print', width = 16, height=22,units="cm") ## ---- fits examples, eval= F-------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # ## Example of fit # data_fits <- read.table("3_Analysis/KT7_1700_2100/barcode01_5d4_SINGLe_fits.txt", header = T) # data_mut <- read.table("3_Analysis/KT7_1700_2100/barcode01_5d4_SINGLe_data.txt", header = T) # # position <- 547 # Choose position to plot, 547 in manuscript # mut.base <- "A" # Choose nucleotide to plot, A in manuscript # str <- "+" # # #Filter all data by position and base # data_chosen_pos_base <- data_mut %>% # filter(pos==position & nucleotide==mut.base & strand==str) %>% # filter(count>0 | counts.wt>0) %>% # mutate(ratio=counts.wt/(count+counts.wt), # ratio_scaled =counts.wt.scaled/(counts.wt.scaled+counts.scaled)) # wt <- as.character(data_chosen_pos_base$wt.base[1]) # # #Filter all fits' data by position and base # data_fits_chosen_pos_base <- data_fits %>% # filter(pos==position & (nucleotide==mut.base | nucleotide==wt) & strand==str) # class_fit_prior <- vapply(data_fits_chosen_pos_base$priors, class) # if(any(class_fit_prior=="numeric")){ # ind_out <- which(class_fit_prior=="numeric"); # data_fits_chosen_pos_base <- data_fits_chosen_pos_base[-ind_out,] # } # # #Construct fitting curves # quality_range <- 0:35 #* You'll draw the fitted curves for this Qscores (x-values) # # curve_fitted_corrected <- data.frame(quality=quality_range, # value=glm.predict.(quality_range, slope = data_fits_chosen_pos_base$prior_slope, # intercept =data_fits_chosen_pos_base$prior_intercept)) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----Fig1D, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval= F-------------------------------- # Figure_1D <- ggplot(data_chosen_pos_base)+ # geom_point(aes(x=QUAL, y=ratio_scaled), size=.5)+ # geom_line(data=curve_fitted_corrected, aes(x=quality, y=value), linetype="dashed", color=single_color)+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1), limits = c(0,1))+scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,35))+ # xlab(expression(Q[score]))+ylab(expression(N[correct]))+ggtitle("SINGLe")+ # theme_plot+ # theme(plot.title = element_text(size=8))+ # labs(tag = "D") # # # Figure_1D ## ---- Fig1C, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval= F------------------------------- # fit_nopriors <- stats::glm(data_chosen_pos_base$ratio~ data_chosen_pos_base$QUAL,family = "quasibinomial") # fit_nopriors_coeff <- stats::coefficients(fit_nopriors) # curve_fitted_corrected <- data.frame(quality=quality_range, # value=glm.predict.(quality_range, slope = fit_nopriors_coeff[2], # intercept =fit_nopriors_coeff[1])) # # Figure_1C <- ggplot(data_chosen_pos_base, aes(x=QUAL, y=ratio))+geom_point()+ # geom_line(data=curve_fitted_corrected, aes(x=quality, y=value), linetype="dashed", color=guppy_color)+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1),limits = c(0,1))+scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0,35))+ # xlab(expression(Q[score]))+ylab(expression(N[correct]))+ggtitle("Guppy")+ # theme_plot+ # theme(plot.title = element_text(size=8), plot.margin = margin(t=0.5, l=0.5))+ # labs(tag = "C") # Figure_1C ## ---- Figure 1, eval= F------------------------------------------------------- # Figure1 <- ( Figure_1A | Figure_1B ) / (Figure_1C | Figure_1D) # Figure1 # ggsave(Figure1, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"Figure1.png"), # dpi = 'print', width = 8.5, height=8.5,units="cm") # ## ---- strand bias, eval= F---------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # reads_wt <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"barcode01_5d4_SINGLe_countsPNQ.txt"), header=T) %>% # dplyr::rename(Strand=strand) %>% # mutate(isWT = nucleotide==wildtype[pos]) # # # mean Qscore is similar # tot_counts_for <- sum(reads_wt %>% filter(Strand=="+") %>% select(count)) # mean_qscore_forward <- reads_wt %>% filter(Strand=="+") %>% summarise( sum(count*QUAL)/tot_counts_for) # # tot_counts_rev <-sum(reads_wt %>% filter(Strand=="-") %>% select(count)) # mean_qscore_reverse <- reads_wt %>% filter(Strand=="-") %>% summarise( sum(count*QUAL)/tot_counts_rev) # # # Qscore distributions are similar: # counts_hist <- reads_wt %>% # dplyr::group_by(QUAL,Strand) %>% # dplyr::summarise(counts=sum(count)) %>% # ungroup()%>% # mutate(Proportion = counts/sum(counts)) %>% # dplyr::rename(Qscore=QUAL) %>% # mutate(Strand =ifelse(Strand=="+", "Forward","Reverse")) # # # Percentage of errors are similar # perc_errors <- reads_wt %>% # group_by(Strand, isWT) %>% # summarise(counts = sum(count)) %>% # mutate(isWT = c("yes","no")[2-as.numeric(isWT)])%>% # reshape2::dcast(formula = Strand ~ isWT) %>% # mutate(perc_error = no/(yes+no)*100) # # # Percentages of errors per position are different # perc_errors_perpos <- reads_wt %>% # group_by(Strand, isWT,pos) %>% # summarise(counts = sum(count)) %>% # mutate(isWT = c("yes","no")[2-as.numeric(isWT)])%>% # reshape2::dcast(formula = Strand +pos ~ isWT) %>% # mutate(perc_error = no/(yes+no)*100) # # perc_errors_perpos_cast <- reshape2::dcast(perc_errors_perpos,formula=pos~Strand)%>% # dplyr::rename(Forward="+", Reverse="-") # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) ## ---- figS11, eval= F--------------------------------------------------------- # FigS11A <- ggplot(counts_hist, aes(x=Qscore, y=Proportion,linetype=Strand))+ # geom_line()+theme(legend.position = c(.7,.7)) # FigS11B <- ggplot(perc_errors_perpos_cast, aes(x=Forward,y=Reverse))+ # geom_point(col=rgb(0,0,0,0.3))+ # scale_x_log10(limits=c(00.1,100))+ # scale_y_log10(limits=c(00.1,100))+ # xlab("Error (%) - forward strand")+ # ylab("Error (%) - reverse strand") # # # # Thus fits are different # all_fits <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"/barcode01_5d4_SINGLe_fits.txt"), header = T) # forward_fits <- all_fits %>% filter(strand=="+") # reverse_fits <- all_fits %>% filter(strand=="-") # qval <- seq(0,40,by=0.1) # par(mfrow=c(1,4), mar=c(4,4,1,1),mgp=c(2,.7,0), las=1) # first <- T # for(n in c(1278:1281)+4*7-1){ # y_for <- glm.predict.(x=qval, slope = forward_fits$prior_slope[n], intercept = forward_fits$prior_intercept[n]) # y_rev <- glm.predict.(x=qval, slope = reverse_fits$prior_slope[n], intercept = reverse_fits$prior_intercept[n]) # name <- paste(forward_fits$pos[n], forward_fits$nucleotide[n]) # if(first){ # df <- rbind(data.frame(Qscore=qval,Sense="Forward",Fit=y_for,n=name), # data.frame(Qscore=qval,Sense="Reverse",Fit=y_rev,n=name)) # first <- F # }else{ # df <- rbind(df, # rbind(data.frame(Qscore=qval,Sense="Forward",Fit=y_for,n=name), # data.frame(Qscore=qval,Sense="Reverse",Fit=y_rev,n=name)) # )} # } # plot_fits_examples <- ggplot(df, aes(x=Qscore,y=Fit,lty=Sense))+geom_line()+facet_wrap(~n,nrow=1) # # FigS11up <- plot_grid(FigS11A,FigS11B+theme(plot.margin=margin(l=10,r=5.5,t=7,b=5.5)),labels=c("A","B"),hjust = 0.1,vjust=1) # FigS11C <- plot_grid(plot_fits_examples,labels="C",hjust = 0.1) # FigS11 <- # plot_grid(FigS11up, FigS11C, nrow=2,hjust = -1) # ggsave(paste0(path_save_figures,"FigS11_strandsense.png"), # width = 7.62,height = 5.68,units = "in",dpi = 300) # FigS11 ## ----inputs I, eval= F-------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # # Identify errors and correct reads (signal and noise) # n <- 0 # for(bc_i in kt7_barcodes){ # message('Proccessing ', bc_i, '\n') # n<- n+1 # #Barcode info # actual_mutations <- kt_true_mutations%>% #mutations present in this barcode # filter(sequence_id==bc_i)%>% select(nucleotide, position) # actual_mutations <- actual_mutations[which(actual_mutations$nucleotide!="-"),] # # #Load corrected data # seqs_single <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, bc_i,"_SINGLe.fastq")) # aux_seqs <- vapply(as.character(seqs_single),strsplit, split="") # aux_quals <- 1-as(quality(seqs_single),"NumericList") # aux_pos <- lapply(aux_seqs, seq_along) # aux_names <- c(vapply(names(seqs_single),rep, each=1662)) # data_single <- data.frame(nucleotide = unlist(aux_seqs), # p_SINGLe=unlist(aux_quals), # position=unlist(aux_pos) , # seq_id=aux_names) # rownames(data_single)<-NULL # # #Load original data # bf <- Rsamtools::BamFile(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, bc_i,".bam")) # reads <- Rsamtools::scanBam(bf) # #keep sequences that start at least at pos_start # index <- which(reads[[1]]$pos<=pos_start) # reads[[1]] <- vapply(reads[[1]], function(x){x[index]}) # # seqs_guppy <- GenomicAlignments::sequenceLayer(reads[[1]]$seq, # reads[[1]]$cigar,to = "reference") # names(seqs_guppy) <- reads[[1]]$qname # scores_guppy <- GenomicAlignments::sequenceLayer(reads[[1]]$qual, # reads[[1]]$cigar,to = "reference") # names(scores_guppy) <- reads[[1]]$qname # # #Fill with gaps at the end of sequences shorter than pos_end # index_short_sequences <- which(width(seqs_guppy)% # mutate(isWT = nucleotide==wildtype[position]) %>% # filter(isWT==0 & nucleotide!="-") %>% # group_by(position, nucleotide, p_Guppy,p_SINGLe) %>% # dplyr::summarise(counts=n()) # # signal_data_aux <- left_join(actual_mutations, data,by = c("nucleotide", "position")) # noise_data_aux <- anti_join(data, actual_mutations,by = c("nucleotide", "position")) # # if(nrow(signal_data_aux)+nrow(noise_data_aux) != nrow(data)){stop('Check joins of data')} # # #Store data # if(n==1){ # signal_data <- signal_data_aux # noise_data <- noise_data_aux # }else{ # signal_data <- rbind(signal_data,signal_data_aux) # noise_data <- rbind(noise_data, noise_data_aux) # } # rm(signal_data_aux, noise_data_aux, seqs_single, seqs_guppy, data, aux_seqs, aux_quals, aux_pos) # } # # # #Compute signal and noise for different cut-offs # p_cutoff_vec <- sort(c(0,10^seq(-10,-1, by=.5),seq(0.1,.99, by=0.01))) # # signal_tp <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=5, nrow=length(p_cutoff_vec))) # colnames(signal_tp) <- c("pcutoff", "Guppy", "SINGLe", "Guppy - weighted", "SINGLe - weighted") # signal_fn <- noise_tn <- noise_fp <- signal_tp # # noise_data <- noise_data%>% ungroup() # signal_data <- signal_data %>% ungroup() # for(i in seq_along(p_cutoff_vec)){ # p_cutoff <- p_cutoff_vec[i] # # signal_tp_aux <- signal_data %>% # dplyr::summarise(counts_guppy = sum(counts[p_Guppy >= p_cutoff]), # counts_single = sum(counts[p_SINGLe >= p_cutoff]), # counts_guppy_w = sum( (counts*p_Guppy) [p_Guppy >= p_cutoff]), # counts_single_w = sum( (counts*p_SINGLe) [p_SINGLe >= p_cutoff]) # ) # # signal_fn_aux <- signal_data %>% # dplyr::summarise(counts_guppy = sum(counts[p_Guppy < p_cutoff]), # counts_single = sum(counts[p_SINGLe < p_cutoff]), # counts_guppy_w = sum( (counts*p_Guppy) [p_Guppy < p_cutoff]), # counts_single_w = sum( (counts*p_SINGLe) [p_SINGLe < p_cutoff]) # ) # # noise_fp_aux <- noise_data %>% # dplyr::summarise(counts_guppy = sum(counts[p_Guppy >= p_cutoff]), # counts_single = sum(counts[p_SINGLe >= p_cutoff]), # counts_guppy_w = sum( (counts*p_Guppy) [p_Guppy >= p_cutoff]), # counts_single_w = sum( (counts*p_SINGLe) [p_SINGLe >= p_cutoff]) # ) # # noise_tn_aux <- noise_data %>% # dplyr::summarise(counts_guppy = sum(counts[p_Guppy < p_cutoff]), # counts_single = sum(counts[p_SINGLe < p_cutoff]), # counts_gupy_w = sum( (counts*p_Guppy) [p_Guppy < p_cutoff]), # counts_single_w = sum( (counts*p_SINGLe) [p_SINGLe < p_cutoff]) # ) # # signal_tp[i,] <- c(p_cutoff, unlist(signal_tp_aux)) # noise_fp [i,] <- c(p_cutoff, unlist(noise_fp_aux)) # signal_fn[i,] <- c(p_cutoff, unlist(signal_fn_aux)) # noise_tn [i,] <- c(p_cutoff, unlist(noise_tn_aux)) # } # # # aux_tp <- melt(signal_tp, id.vars = "pcutoff", value.name = "signal_tp") # aux_fp <- melt(noise_fp, id.vars = "pcutoff", value.name = "noise_fp") # aux_fn <- melt(signal_fn, id.vars = "pcutoff", value.name = "signal_fn") # aux_tn <- melt(noise_tn, id.vars = "pcutoff", value.name = "noise_tn") # rates <- aux_tp %>% full_join(aux_fp,by = c("pcutoff", "variable"))%>% full_join(aux_fn,by = c("pcutoff", "variable"))%>%full_join(aux_tn,by = c("pcutoff", "variable")) # rates <- rates %>% # mutate(ratio = signal_tp / noise_fp)%>% # mutate(tpr = signal_tp / (signal_tp + signal_fn))%>% # mutate(fpr = noise_fp / (noise_fp + noise_tn)) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----Fig2A 2B, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval= F----------------------------- # Figure_2A <- ggplot(rates %>% filter(variable=="Guppy" | variable=="SINGLe"), aes(y=tpr,x=fpr, col=variable))+ # geom_line()+ # scale_color_manual(values=c(guppy_color,single_color), breaks = c("Guppy","SINGLe"))+ # scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1), limits = c(0,1))+xlab("FPR")+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1), limits = c(0,1))+ylab("TPR")+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.title = element_blank(), legend.position = c(0.6,0.2),legend.spacing.y = unit(0,"cm"), # legend.key.size = unit(0.5,"lines"), plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"))+ # labs(tag = "A") # # Figure_2B <- ggplot(rates %>% filter(variable=="Guppy - weighted" | variable=="SINGLe - weighted") %>% mutate(variable = ifelse(variable == "Guppy - weighted", "Guppy", "SINGLe")), aes(pcutoff, y=ratio, col=variable))+ # geom_line()+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(1,4))+ylab("Signal / Noise")+ # scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1), limits = c(0,1))+xlab(expression("Cut off on p"["right"]))+ # scale_color_manual(values=c(guppy_color,single_color), breaks=c("Guppy", "SINGLe"), name="")+ # theme_plot+theme(legend.position = c(0.3,0.85),legend.spacing.y = unit(0,"cm"), # legend.key.size = unit(0.5,"lines"), plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"))+ # labs(tag = "B") # # Figure_2A # Figure_2B ## ---- FigS5, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval= F------------------------------- # Figure_Sup3 <- ggplot(rates %>% filter(variable=="Guppy" | variable=="SINGLe"), aes(pcutoff, y=ratio, col=variable))+ # geom_line()+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(1,4))+ylab("Signal / Noise")+ # scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0,0.5,1), limits = c(0,1))+xlab(expression("Cut off on p"["right"]))+ # scale_color_manual(values=c(guppy_color,single_color), breaks=c("Guppy", "SINGLe"), name="")+ # theme_plot+theme(legend.position = c(0.3,0.85),legend.spacing.y = unit(0,"cm"), # legend.key.size = unit(0.5,"lines"), plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points")) # Figure_Sup3 ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # wildtype_homopolymers <- # c(F, wildtype[2:length(wildtype)] == wildtype[1:(length(wildtype)-1)]) | # c(wildtype[1:(length(wildtype)-1)] == wildtype[2:length(wildtype)] ,F) # pos_wt_homopolymers <- which(wildtype_homopolymers) ## ---- cons subsets single, eval= F-------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # for(i in 1:7){ # # #Load corrected data # seqs_single <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, kt7_barcodes[i],"_SINGLe.fastq")) # aux_seqs <- vapply(as.character(seqs_single),strsplit, split="") # aux_quals <- 1-as(quality(seqs_single),"NumericList") # aux_pos <- lapply(aux_seqs, seq_along) # aux_names <- c(vapply(names(seqs_single),rep, each=1662)) # data_single <- data.frame(nucleotide = unlist(aux_seqs), # p_SINGLe=unlist(aux_quals), # position=unlist(aux_pos) , # SeqID=aux_names) # rownames(data_single)<-NULL # # seqs_original <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, kt7_barcodes[i],"_SINGLe_original.fastq")) # aux_seqs <- vapply(as.character(seqs_original),strsplit, split="") # aux_quals <- 1-as(quality(seqs_original),"NumericList") # aux_pos <- lapply(aux_seqs, seq_along) # aux_names <- c(vapply(names(seqs_original),rep, each=1662)) # data_guppy <- data.frame(SeqID=aux_names, # position=unlist(aux_pos), # nucleotide = unlist(aux_seqs), # p_Guppy=unlist(aux_quals) # ) # rownames(data_guppy) <- NULL # # data <- full_join(data_single,data_guppy, by=c("SeqID","nucleotide","position")) %>% # mutate(isWT = nucleotide==wildtype[position]) %>% # mutate(p_SINGLe=ifelse(is.na(p_SINGLe), 1, p_SINGLe))%>% # mutate(p_noweights=1) # # #Compute consensus for each barcode using all sequences available and using the three available methods # file_out_consensus<- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,kt7_barcodes[i],"_ConsensusBySINGLE.txt") # if(file.exists(file_out_consensus)){file.remove(file_out_consensus)} # cat("Barcode\tnseqs\trepetition\tmutation\n", file=file_out_consensus,append=F) # pb <- txtProgressBar(0,length(subsets)*n_repetitions,style=3) # counter <- 0 # bc_seqsID <- unique(data$SeqID) # for( s in subsets){ # for (r in 1:n_repetitions) { # subset_bc_reads <- data %>% # filter(SeqID %in% sample(bc_seqsID, s)) # # cons_single <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_SINGLe,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_guppy <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_Guppy,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_noweight <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_noweights,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # muts_single <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_single), wildtype) # muts_guppy <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_guppy), wildtype) # muts_noweight <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_noweight), wildtype) # # n_single <- length(muts_single) # n_guppy <- length(muts_guppy) # n_noweight <- length(muts_noweight) # n_tot <- n_single+n_guppy+n_noweight # df <- data.frame(barcode = rep(kt7_barcodes[i],n_tot), # nseqs=s,repetition=r, # mutation=c(muts_single,muts_guppy,muts_noweight), # method = c(rep("SINGLe", n_single), # rep("Guppy",n_guppy), # rep("No weights",n_noweight))) # # write.table(df, append = T, col.names = F,row.names = F, file = file_out_consensus) # counter <- counter+1 # setTxtProgressBar(pb,counter) # } # } # # } # rm(data) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----cons subsets single homopol, eval= F------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # for(i in 1:7){ # # #Load corrected data # seqs_single <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, kt7_barcodes[i],"_SINGLe.fastq")) # aux_seqs <- vapply(as.character(seqs_single),strsplit, split="") # aux_quals <- 1-as(quality(seqs_single),"NumericList") # aux_pos <- lapply(aux_seqs, seq_along) # aux_names <- c(vapply(names(seqs_single),rep, each=1662)) # data_single <- data.frame(nucleotide = unlist(aux_seqs), # p_SINGLe=unlist(aux_quals), # position=unlist(aux_pos) , # SeqID=aux_names) # rownames(data_single)<-NULL # # seqs_original <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, kt7_barcodes[i],"_SINGLe_original.fastq")) # aux_seqs <- vapply(as.character(seqs_original),strsplit, split="") # aux_quals <- 1-as(quality(seqs_original),"NumericList") # aux_pos <- lapply(aux_seqs, seq_along) # aux_names <- c(vapply(names(seqs_original),rep, each=1662)) # data_guppy <- data.frame(SeqID=aux_names, # position=unlist(aux_pos), # nucleotide = unlist(aux_seqs), # p_Guppy=unlist(aux_quals) # ) # rownames(data_guppy) <- NULL # # data <- full_join(data_single,data_guppy, by=c("SeqID","nucleotide","position")) %>% # mutate(isWT = nucleotide==wildtype[position]) %>% # mutate(p_SINGLe=ifelse(is.na(p_SINGLe), 1, p_SINGLe))%>% # mutate(p_noweights=1) # # # # #Compute consensus for each barcode using all sequences available and using the three available methods # file_out_consensus<- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,kt7_barcodes[i],"_ConsensusBySINGLE_rmHomopolforVCS.txt") # if(file.exists(file_out_consensus)){file.remove(file_out_consensus)} # cat("Barcode\tnseqs\trepetition\tmutation\n", file=file_out_consensus,append=F) # pb <- txtProgressBar(0,length(subsets)*n_repetitions,style=3) # # counter <- 0 # bc_seqsID <- unique(data$SeqID) # for( s in subsets){ # for (r in 1:n_repetitions) { # subset_bc_reads <- data %>% # filter(SeqID %in% sample(bc_seqsID, s)) # # index_homopolymers <- which(subset_bc_reads$position %in% pos_wt_homopolymers & subset_bc_reads$nucleotide=="-") # n_memory <- c() # for(n in index_homopolymers){ # if(n %in% n_memory){next()} # hp_pos <- subset_bc_reads$position[n] # hp_pos_ref <- wt_homopolymers[vapply(wt_homopolymers, function(x){hp_pos %in% x})][[1]] # hp_vec_logical <- hp_pos_ref==hp_pos # hp_vec_length <- length(hp_vec_logical) # hp_vec <- rep(NA,hp_vec_length) # ind_aux <- which(hp_vec_logical) # # hp_vec[1:ind_aux] <- rev(n+1-1:ind_aux) # if(ind_aux% arrange(SeqID,position) # # cons_single <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_SINGLe,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_guppy <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_Guppy,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_noweight <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_noweights,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # muts_single <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_single), wildtype) # muts_guppy <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_guppy), wildtype) # muts_noweight <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_noweight), wildtype) # # n_single <- length(muts_single) # n_guppy <- length(muts_guppy) # n_noweight <- length(muts_noweight) # n_tot <- n_single+n_guppy+n_noweight # if(n_tot==0){ # df <- data.frame(barcode = rep(kt7_barcodes[i],3), # nseqs=s, # repetition=r, # mutation="wildtype", # method = c("SINGLe", "Guppy","No weights")) # # }else{ # df <- data.frame(barcode = rep(kt7_barcodes[i],n_tot), # nseqs=s, # repetition=r, # mutation=c(muts_single,muts_guppy,muts_noweight), # method = c(rep("SINGLe", n_single),rep("Guppy",n_guppy), rep("No weights",n_noweight))) # } # write.table(df, append = T, col.names = F,row.names = F, file = file_out_consensus) # counter<- counter+1 # setTxtProgressBar(pb,counter) # } # } # # } # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- fast5 for nanopolish, eval= F------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # PATH_TO_FAST5_FILES<- "2_NanoporeRawReads/SmallSet_fast5/" #PATH_TO_FAST5_FILES location of nanopore reads # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"fast5files/")) # individual fast5 files will be stored there temporally # # # Split to individual files # split_fast5 <- paste0("multi_to_single_fast5 -i ",PATH_TO_FAST5_FILES, " -s ",path_analysis_lib7, "fast5files/") # system2(split_fast5) # # input_table_barcodes <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"barcoding_summary.txt"),header=T) # input_table_barcodes <- input_table_barcodes %>% # filter(barcode_arrangement %in% kt7_barcodes) %>% # select(read_id,barcode_arrangement) # # # # Split individual files into folders according to barcode # individual_files <- dir(pattern="*.fast5",path=paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"fast5files/"),recursive=T) # individual_files <- data.frame(file =individual_files) # individual_files$read_id <- vapply(individual_files$file, function(x) { # sub(pattern = ".fast5",replacement = "",x=strsplit(x,split="/", fixed=T)[[1]][2]) # }) # individual_files <- left_join(individual_files,input_table_barcodes) # # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"fast5files/", bc)) # barcode_files <- individual_files %>% filter(barcode_arrangement==bc) # # commands <- paste0("mv ",path_analysis_lib7,"fast5files/", barcode_files$file," ", path_analysis_lib7,"fast5files/",bc,"/") # vapply(commands,system2) # } # # # Create one file per barcode # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, "fast5files_grouped")) # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, "fast5files_grouped/",bc)) # command <- paste0("single_to_multi_fast5 -i ",path_analysis_lib7,"fast5files/", bc, " -s ", path_analysis_lib7,"fast5files_grouped/",bc, " -f ", bc, " -n ", 1000) # system2(command) # } # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"subsets/")) # wd <- getwd() # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # cat(bc,"\n") # # store_path <- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"subsets/") # fastq_file <- readLines(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, bc,".fastq")) # name_lines <- grep(pattern="^@",x=fastq_file) # bash_file <- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc, ".sh") # cat("#!/bin/bash \n",file=bash_file, append=F) # cat(paste0("cd ", wd,"\n"), file=bash_file,append=T) # # results_racon <- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc,"_ConsensusbyRacon.txt") # results_medaka <- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc,"_ConsensusbyMedaka.txt") # nanopolish_results <- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc,"_ConsensusbyNanopolish.txt") # file.create(results_racon,overwrite=TRUE) # file.create(results_medaka,overwrite=TRUE) # file.create(nanopolish_results,overwrite=TRUE) # # for(ns in subsets){ # cat("\t subset size",ns,"\n") # if(ns> length(name_lines)){next()} # for(r in 1:n_repetitions){ # # cat("----------------",ns, r, "\n") # basename <- paste0(bc,"_",ns,"_",r) # filename <- paste0(store_path,basename) # fastq <- paste0(filename,".fastq") # # ## Make file of subset of sequences # choose_lines <- sample(name_lines, size= ns) # choose_lines_all <- sort(c(choose_lines,choose_lines+1,choose_lines+2,choose_lines+3)) # writeLines(text = fastq_file[choose_lines_all], con = file(fastq)) # # sam <- paste0(filename,".sam") # sorted <- paste0(filename,".sorted.fasta") # racon <- paste0(filename,".racon.fasta") # medaka <- paste0(filename,"_medaka.fasta") # nanopolish <- paste0(filename,"_nanopolish.txt") # # ## Run minimap2 # line_minimap <- paste0("minimap2 -ax map-ont ", reference_file, " ", fastq," > ", sam) # # ## Run racon # line_racon <- paste0("racon ",fastq," ",sam, " ",reference_file, " >> ", racon) # line_results_racon <- paste0("echo '>",basename, "' >> ",results_racon) # line_results_racon2 <- paste0("tail -n 1 ",racon, " >> ",results_racon) # line_remove_racon <- paste0("rm ", racon,".fai ",racon, ".mmi ",racon ) # # ## Run Medaka # line_medaka <- paste0("medaka_consensus -i ",fastq," -d ",racon," -o ", medaka," -t 4 ") # line_results_medaka <- paste0("echo '>",basename, "' >> ",results_medaka) # line_results_medaka2 <- paste0("tail -n 1 ",filename,"_medaka.fasta/consensus.fasta", " >> ",results_medaka) # line_remove_medaka <- paste0("rm -r ",filename,"_medaka.fasta/") # # ## Run nanopolish # line_nanopolish_index <- paste0("nanopolish index -d ", path_analysis_lib7, "fast5files_grouped/",bc," ",fastq) # line_nanpolish_sort <- paste0(" samtools sort ",sam," -o ",filename,".sorted.fastq -T temporal.tmp ") # line_nanopolish_index2 <- paste0("samtools index ", filename,".sorted.fastq") # line_nanopolish_variants <- paste0("nanopolish variants --consensus -o ", nanopolish, " -r ",fastq," -b ",filename,".sorted.fastq -g ", reference_file) # line_results_nanopolish <- paste0("awk '!/^#/ {print \"",filename,"\\t\" $0}' ",nanopolish, " >> ",nanopolish_results) # line_remove_nanopolish <- paste0("rm ", filename,".fastq.index* ", filename,".sorted* ", nanopolish, " ", filename,".sam ") # # cat(line_minimap, # line_racon, # line_results_racon, # line_results_racon2, # line_medaka, # line_results_medaka, # line_results_medaka2, # line_nanopolish_index, # line_nanpolish_sort, # line_nanopolish_index2, # line_nanopolish_variants, # line_results_nanopolish, # line_remove_racon, # line_remove_medaka, # line_remove_nanopolish, # file=bash_file, sep="\n", append=T) # } # } # } # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- nextpolish, eval= F----------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # create_run_cfg <- function(run_cfg_file, ref_fasta, workdir){ # cat("[General]\n", file=run_cfg_file, append=FALSE) # cat('job_type = local\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('job_prefix = nextPolish\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('task = best\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('rewrite = yes\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('rerun = 3\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('parallel_jobs = 2\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('multithread_jobs = 4\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('genome =', ref_fasta,' #genome file\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('genome_size = auto\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('workdir =',workdir, "\n",file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE, sep="") # cat(' polish_options = -p {multithread_jobs}\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('[lgs_option]\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('lgs_fofn =lgs.fofn\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('lgs_options = -min_read_len 1k -max_depth 100\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # cat('lgs_minimap2_options = -x map-ont\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # return(0) # } # # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/")) # system2(paste0("cp ", reference_file, " ",path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/")) # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # save_file <- paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc, "_ConsensusbyNextPolish.fasta") # # for(ns in subsets){ # cat("\t",ns,"\n") # if(ns> length(name_lines)){next()} # for(r in 1:n_repetitions){ # cat("----------------",ns, r, "\n") # # #Create file with subset of sequences # subset_name <- paste0(bc,"_",ns, "_",r) # filename_subset <- paste0(run_folder,subset_name,".fastq") # # ## Run nextpolish # system2(paste0("mv ", path_analysis_lib7,"subsets/", subset_name, ".fastq ", path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/")) # system2(paste0("echo '", subset_name,".fastq' >", path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/lgs.fofn")) # create_run_cfg(run_cfg_file=paste0(path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/run.cfg"), # ref_fasta="KTrefORF_1662.fasta", # workdir=paste0(subset_name,"/")) # system2(paste0("cd ",path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/ ; nextPolish run.cfg")) # system2(paste0("sed -i '1s/.*/>",subset_name,"'/ ",path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/",subset_name, "/genome.nextpolish.fasta ")) # system2(paste0("cat ",path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/", subset_name, "/genome.nextpolish.fasta >>", save_file)) # system2(paste0("rm -r ", path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/", subset_name)) # system2(paste0("rm -r ", path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/", subset_name,".fastq")) # system2(paste0("rm -r ", path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/lgs.fofn")) # system2(paste0("rm -r ", path_analysis_lib7,"nextpolish/run.cfg")) # } # } # } # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----identify mutations, eval= F---------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # df_nextpolish <- data.frame( # Barcode=NA, # Nreads=NA, # repetition=NA, # mutation=NA # ) # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # np<- readDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc, "_ConsensusbyNextPolish.fasta")) # # ali <- pairwiseAlignment(pattern = np, subject = wildtypye_bstr) # for(i in seq_along(ali)){ # ref <- biostr_to_char(subject(ali[i])) # seq <- biostr_to_char(pattern(ali[i])) # ind_noI <- which(ref!="-") # ref <- ref[ind_noI] # seq <- seq[ind_noI] # mutations <- detect_mutations(seq,ref) # ids <- str_split(names(np)[i], "_")[[1]] # if(length(mutations)==0){next()} # df_aux <- data.frame(Barcode=ids[1], # Nreads=as.numeric(str_remove(ids[2],"s")), # repetition=as.numeric(str_remove(ids[3],"r")), # mutation = mutations) # df_nextpolish <- rbind(df_nextpolish,df_aux) # } # } # df_nextpolish <- df_nextpolish %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # # Racon # racon_mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode=NA,Nreads=NA,repetition=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA,base.mutated=NA,mutation=NA) # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # racon_consensus <- readDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc,"_ConsensusbyRacon.txt")) # for(i in seq_along(racon_consensus)){ # name <- names(racon_consensus)[i] # info <- strsplit(split="_",x=name)[[1]] # # racon <- racon_consensus[[i]] # ali <- pairwiseAlignment(wildtype_bstr,racon) # ref <- strsplit(as.character(pattern(ali)), split="")[[1]] # read <- strsplit(as.character(subject(ali)),split="")[[1]] # index <- which(ref!=read) # mismatches <- paste0(ref[index],index,read[index]) # if(length(mismatches)>0){ # df_aux <- data.frame(Barcode=bc,Nreads=info[2],repetition=info[3],Position=index, # base.original=ref[index],base.mutated=read[index],mutation=mismatches) # racon_mismatches <- racon_mismatches %>% rbind(df_aux) # } # } # } # racon_mismatches <- racon_mismatches %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) %>% mutate(method="Racon",homopolymers=NA) # # # Medaka # medaka_mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode=NA,Nreads=NA,repetition=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA,base.mutated=NA,mutation=NA) # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # medaka_consensus <- readDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib7,bc,"_ConsensusbyMedaka.txt")) # for(i in seq_along(medaka_consensus)){ # name <- names(medaka_consensus)[i] # info <- strsplit(split="_",x=name)[[1]] # # medaka <- medaka_consensus[[i]] # ali <- pairwiseAlignment(wildtype_bstr,medaka) # ref <- strsplit(as.character(pattern(ali)), split="")[[1]] # read <- strsplit(as.character(subject(ali)),split="")[[1]] # index <- which(ref!=read) # mismatches <- paste0(ref[index],index,read[index]) # if(length(mismatches)>0){ # df_aux <- data.frame(Barcode=bc,Nreads=info[2],repetition=info[3],Position=index, # base.original=ref[index],base.mutated=read[index],mutation=mismatches) # medaka_mismatches <- medaka_mismatches %>% rbind(df_aux) # } # } # } # medaka_mismatches <- medaka_mismatches %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) %>% mutate(method="Medaka",homopolymers=NA) # # # Nanopolish # nanopolish_mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode=NA,Nreads=NA,repetition=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA,base.mutated=NA) # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # # results_nanopolish <- system2(paste0("awk \'/^[^#]/ \' ",bc,"_ConsensusbyNanopolish.txt"), intern = T) # if(length(results_nanopolish)==0){next()} # aux_nanopolish <- do.call(rbind,vapply(results_nanopolish, strsplit, split="\t")) # colnames(aux_nanopolish) <- rownames(aux_nanopolish) <- NULL # aux_nanopolish <- aux_nanopolish[,c(1,3,5,6)] # info <- vapply(aux_nanopolish[,1],strsplit,split="_") # # if(nrow(aux_nanopolish)>0){ # aux_nanopolish <- data.frame(Barcode=bc, # Nreads=vapply(info, function(x){x[2]}), # repetition=vapply(info, function(x){x[3]}), # Position=aux_nanopolish[,2], # base.original=aux_nanopolish[,3],base.mutated=aux_nanopolish[,4]) # nanopolish_mismatches <- nanopolish_mismatches %>% rbind(aux_nanopolish) # } # } # # nanopolish_mismatches <- nanopolish_mismatches %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) %>% # mutate(Nreads=as.numeric(Nreads), repetition=as.numeric(repetition), Position=as.numeric(Position)) # # #remove insertions # ind_insertions <- nchar(nanopolish_mismatches$base.mutated)>1 # nanopolish_mismatches$base.mutated[ind_insertions] <- vapply(nanopolish_mismatches$base.mutated[ind_insertions] , substr,1,1) # nanopolish_mismatches <- nanopolish_mismatches %>% filter(base.mutated!=base.original) # # #split deletions # index_aux <- which(nchar(nanopolish_mismatches$base.original)==2) # nanopolish_mismatches$base.original[index_aux] <- substr(nanopolish_mismatches$base.original[index_aux],2,2) # nanopolish_mismatches$base.mutated[index_aux] <- "-" # nanopolish_mismatches$Position[index_aux] <- as.numeric(nanopolish_mismatches$Position[index_aux])+1 # # index_aux_3 <- which(nchar(nanopolish_mismatches$base.original)==3) # aux_df_1 <- nanopolish_mismatches[index_aux_3,] # aux_df_1$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_1$Position)+1 # aux_df_1$base.original <- substr(aux_df_1$base.original, 2,2) # aux_df_1$base.mutated <- "-" # # aux_df_2 <- nanopolish_mismatches[index_aux_3,] # aux_df_2$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_2$Position)+2 # aux_df_2$base.original <- substr(aux_df_2$base.original, 3,3) # aux_df_2$base.mutated <- "-" # # nanopolish_mismatches <- nanopolish_mismatches[-index_aux_3,] # nanopolish_mismatches <- nanopolish_mismatches %>% rbind(aux_df_1) %>% rbind(aux_df_2) %>% arrange(Barcode,Nreads,repetition,Position) %>% mutate(method="Nanopolish",homopolymers=NA, mutation=paste0(base.original,Position,base.mutated)) # # #SINGLe # # single_mismatches <- lapply(kt7_barcodes, # function(x){ # name=paste0(x,"_ConsensusBySINGLE.txt") # y = read.table(name, header=T,row.names=NULL) # return(y)}) # colnames(single_mismatches) <- c("Barcode","Nreads","repetition","mutation","method") # single_mismatches$homopolymers <- "original" # # # single_mismatches_sortHP <- lapply(kt7_barcodes, # function(x){ # name=paste0(x,"_ConsensusBySINGLE_50reps_rmHomopolforVCS.txt") # y = read.table(name, header=T,row.names=NULL) # return(y)}) # colnames(single_mismatches_sortHP) <- c("Barcode","Nreads","repetition","mutation","method") # single_mismatches_sortHP$homopolymers = "sorted_at_VCS" # # single_mismatches <- rbind(single_mismatches_sortHP,single_mismatches) %>% # mutate(base.original = str_sub(mutation,1,1), # base.mutated=str_sub(mutation,-1,-1), # position=str_sub(mutation,start=2,end=-2)) %>% # mutate(position = as.numeric(position)) %>% dplyr::rename(Position=position) %>% # mutate(method = recode(method,!!!setNames(c("SINGLe","Guppy","No weights"),c("single","nanopore","no_weights")))) # # # df_nextpolish <- df_nextpolish %>% # mutate(method="NextPolish") %>% # mutate(homopolymers=NA) %>% # mutate(base.original = str_sub(mutation, 1,1)) %>% # mutate(base.mutated = str_sub(mutation, -1,-1)) %>% # mutate(Position = str_sub(mutation,2,-2)) # # #Save # kt7_mismatches_subsets_allMethods <- rbind(medaka_mismatches,nanopolish_mismatches,single_mismatches, df_nextpolish) # write.table(kt7_mismatches_subsets_allMethods, file=paste0(path_analysis_lib7, "KT7_ConsensusConvergence.txt")) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # kt7_mismatches_subsets_allMethods <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, "KT7_ConsensusConvergence.txt"), header=T) ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # consensus_by_method <- kt7_mismatches_subsets_allMethods %>% # mutate(variant = recode(Barcode, !!!kt7_bc2mut)) # # #correct equivalent deletion # ind_aux <- which(consensus_by_method$mutation=="G489-") # consensus_by_method$mutation[ind_aux] <- "G490-" # consensus_by_method$Position[ind_aux] <- 490 # # consensusStrand_by_method <- consensus_by_method %>% # group_by(Barcode,variant,Nreads,repetition,method,homopolymers) %>% # summarise(consensus = paste(mutation, collapse=" ")) %>% # left_join(kt7_true_mutants, by="Barcode") %>% # mutate(correct = consensus==true_consensus) # # n_correct_consensus_average <- consensusStrand_by_method %>% # group_by(Barcode,variant,Nreads,method,homopolymers) %>% # summarise(total_correct = sum(correct)) %>% # mutate(success_rate = total_correct/50) # # # nmismatches_by_method <- consensus_by_method %>% # group_by(Barcode,variant,Nreads,repetition, method,homopolymers) %>% # summarise(n_mismatches=n()) # # average_nmismatches_by_method <- nmismatches_by_method %>% # group_by(Barcode,variant,Nreads,method,homopolymers) %>% # summarise(mean=sum(n_mismatches)/50,median=median(n_mismatches)) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) ## ---- fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval= F-------------------------------------- # # linetype_vector <- c("solid","solid","dashed","dashed","solid","solid") # names(linetype_vector) <- c("Medaka","Nanopolish","Guppy","No weights","SINGLe","NextPolish") # # average_mismatch_to_plot <- average_nmismatches_by_method %>% # filter(method !="Racon") %>% # filter((method=="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="sorted_at_VCS") | # is.na(homopolymers) | # (method!="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="original") ) # # n_correct_to_plot <- n_correct_consensus_average %>% filter(method !="Racon") %>% # filter((method=="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="sorted_at_VCS") |is.na(homopolymers) | (method!="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="original") ) # # Figure_2C <- ggplot(average_mismatch_to_plot %>%filter(Barcode=="barcode09"), # aes(x=Nreads, y=mean, col=method,lty=method))+ # geom_point(size=0.5)+geom_line()+ # ylab("Mismatches")+ # xlab("Reads")+xlim(c(0,20))+ # scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital)+ # scale_linetype_manual(values=linetype_vector, guide="none")+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.position = "none",plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"))+ # labs(tag = "C") # # Figure_2C ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure_2D <- ggplot(n_correct_to_plot , # aes(x=Nreads,y=success_rate,col=method, lty=method))+ # geom_point(size=1)+ # geom_line()+ # guides(col=guide_legend(ncol=1))+ # geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.9),col=grey(.5),linetype="dashed")+ # scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[-6])+ # scale_linetype_manual(values=linetype_vector, guide="none")+ # theme_plot+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,.5,1), limits = c(0,1))+ # scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(10,30,50))+ # theme( # legend.position = c(0.8,0.5), # legend.box.margin = margin(0,0,0,0), # legend.box.spacing=unit(1,"pt"))+ # facet_wrap(~variant, ncol=3, dir = "v")+ # labs(tag = "D",x="Reads",y="Success rate",col="Method") # # Figure_2D ## ---- fig.width=7, fig.height=10, eval= F------------------------------------- # Figure2 <- grid.arrange(Figure_2A , Figure_2B ,Figure_2C, Figure_2D, # layout_matrix=matrix(c(1,2,3,4,4,4), byrow = T,nrow=2), # heights=c(1,3)) # Figure2 # ggsave(Figure2, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"Figure2.png"), dpi = 'print', width = 16, height=20,units="cm") # ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # kt7_mismatches_subsets_allMethods <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, "KT7_ConsensusConvergence.txt"), header=T) # # consensus_by_method <- kt7_mismatches_subsets_allMethods %>% # mutate(variant = recode(Barcode, !!!kt7_bc2mut)) # # data_mutations_local <- kt_true_mutations %>% # mutate(wt = wildtype[position]) %>% # mutate(mutation =paste0(wt,position,nucleotide)) %>% # dplyr::rename(Barcode=sequence_id)%>% # select(Barcode, mutation) %>% # mutate(true_mut =1) %>% # group_by(Barcode) %>% # mutate(n_muts = n()) # # a <- consensus_by_method %>% # filter(method!="Racon") %>% # filter((method=="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="sorted_at_VCS") |is.na(homopolymers) | (method!="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="original") )%>% # select(Barcode, Nreads, repetition, mutation, method) %>% # left_join(data_mutations_local %>% select(-n_muts), by=c("Barcode", "mutation")) %>% # mutate(true_mut = ifelse(is.na(true_mut), 0,true_mut)) %>% # left_join(data_mutations_local %>% select(-true_mut, - mutation) %>% unique(), by=c("Barcode"))%>% # mutate(variant = recode(Barcode, !!!kt7_bc2mut)) %>% # select(-Barcode) %>% # dplyr::rename(Method=method) # # class_vec <- c("True mutations", "False mutations", "False wild type", "True wild type", "Detected mutations") # names(class_vec) <- c("true_pos","false_pos","false_neg","true_neg", "total_mut") # # sum_a_melt_av <- a %>% # group_by(variant,Nreads, repetition,Method) %>% # summarise(total_mut = n(), # true_pos = sum(true_mut), # false_pos =sum(1-true_mut), # n_muts=mean(n_muts)) %>% # mutate(false_neg = n_muts-true_pos, true_neg=1662-total_mut-false_neg) %>% # reshape2::melt(c("variant","Nreads","repetition","Method")) %>% # group_by(variant,Nreads, Method, variable) %>% # dplyr::summarise(mean_value = mean(value))%>% # mutate(variable = recode(variable, !!!class_vec)) # # sum_sens <- sum_a_melt_av %>% # group_by(Nreads, variant, Method) %>% # reshape2::dcast(Nreads+ variant+Method~variable) %>% # mutate(sensitivity = `True mutations`/(`True mutations` + `False wild type`) ) %>% # mutate(specificity = `True wild type`/(`True wild type` + `False mutations`) ) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- fig.width=7, fig.height=10, eval= F------------------------------------- # Figure_S6A <- ggplot(sum_a_melt_av %>% filter(Nreads <10 & variable != "n_muts" ), # aes(x=Nreads, y=mean_value, col=Method))+ # geom_line()+ # facet_grid(variable~variant, scales = "free_y", labeller = label_wrap_gen(width=10))+ # xlab("Reads")+ylab("Mean of counts")+ # theme_plot+ # scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[-6])+ # theme(legend.position = "none")+ # ggtitle(label="A") # # Figure_S6B <-ggplot(sum_sens %>% filter(Nreads <10 ), # aes(x=specificity, y=sensitivity, col=Method))+ # facet_grid(~variant, labeller = label_wrap_gen(width=10))+ # geom_point()+geom_line()+ # theme_plot+ # scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[-6])+ # theme(legend.position = "bottom", strip.background = element_blank(), # strip.text.x = element_blank(),plot.margin = margin(t = 0,r=35,b = 0,l = 10))+ # ggtitle(label="B")+ # scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(0.990,1))+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0.2,0.6,1.0)) # # # Figure_S6 <- grid.arrange(Figure_S6A , Figure_S6B, # layout_matrix=matrix(c(1,2), byrow = T,nrow=2), # heights=c(2.5,1)) # # ggsave(Figure_S6,filename=paste0(path_save_figures,"FigureS6.png"), width=16, height = 18, units = "cm", dpi='print') # # ## ---- eval= F----------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure_S4 <- ggplot(n_correct_consensus_average %>% filter(method %in% c("SINGLe","No weights","Guppy")), # aes(x=Nreads,y=success_rate,col=method,lty=homopolymers))+ # geom_line()+facet_grid(method~variant)+ # ylab("Success rate")+geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.9),col=grey(.5), lty="dashed")+ # xlab("Reads")+ # scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[c(1,3,5)],name="Method")+ # scale_linetype_manual(values=c("solid","dashed"),name="Homopolymers",labels=c("Original","Sorted"))+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,.5,1), limits = c(0,1))+scale_x_continuous(breaks=c(10,20,30,40,50))+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.position = "bottom",legend.spacing.y = unit(0,"line"), # legend.key.size = unit(1.5,"line"), # plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"), # strip.background = element_rect(fill= "white")) # Figure_S4 # # ggsave(Figure_S4,filename=paste0(path_save_figures,"FigureS4.png"), width=17, height = 10, units = "cm", dpi='print') # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # file_out_consensus<- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/KTLib_ConsensusSINGLe.txt") # file_out_consensus_topten <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"KTLib_ConsensusbySINGLe_toptenBC.txt") # file_consensus_KTLib <- paste0(path_analysis_lib, "KTLib_consensus_table.txt") ## ----LIBfilter Q, eval=F------------------------------------------------------ # seqsum_ktlib <- read.table("3_Analysis/LargeSet_SUP/sequencing_summary.txt", header=T) %>% # filter(passes_filtering & mean_qscore_template>15) %>% # select(read_id) # # file_ktlib_fastq <- "3_Analysis/KTLib/KTLib_1700_2100.fastq"#LargeSet_1700_2100.fastq" # file_ktlib_q15_fastq <- "3_Analysis/KTLib/KTLib_1700_2100_Q15.fastq" # nlines <- as.numeric(str_split(system2(paste0("wc -l ",file_ktlib_fastq), intern=T), pattern=" ")[[1]][1]) # connectionFile <- file(file_ktlib_fastq,"r") # n<-0 # pb <- txtProgressBar(0,nlines,style = 3) # while(n < nlines){ # line <- readLines(connectionFile,n=1) # id <- substr(line,2,37) # if(id %in% seqsum_ktlib$read_id){ # cat(line,"\n",file = file_ktlib_q15_fastq, append=T, sep="") # line <- readLines(connectionFile,n=1) # cat(line,"\n",file = file_ktlib_q15_fastq, append=T, sep="") # line <- readLines(connectionFile,n=1) # cat(line,"\n",file = file_ktlib_q15_fastq, append=T, sep="") # line <- readLines(connectionFile,n=1) # cat(line,"\n",file = file_ktlib_q15_fastq, append=T, sep="") # }else{ # line <- readLines(connectionFile,n=3) # } # n <- n+4 # setTxtProgressBar(pb,n) # } # close(connectionFile) ## ----LIBSINGLe, eval=F-------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # pos_start <- 103 # pos_end <- 1764 # # single_evaluate(bamfile = "3_Analysis/KTLib/KTLib_1700_2100_Q15.sorted.bam", # single_fits = single_train, # output_file = "3_Analysis/KTLib/KTLib_1700_2100_Q15_SINGLe.fastq", # refseq_fasta = reference_file, # pos_start=pos_start,pos_end=pos_end, # verbose=T,gaps_weights="minimum",save=TRUE, # save_original_scores=TRUE) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIB detect barcodes, eval=F---------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # ## Inputs # bc_before <- "actggc" # bc_after <- "aagcc" # bc_before <- toupper(bc_before) # bc_after <- toupper(bc_after) # l <- nchar(bc_before) # length_bc <- 36 # length_deltabc <- 2 # # inFile <- "KTLib_1700_2100_Q15.fastq" # out.file <- "KTLib_1700_2100_barcodes.txt" # code.file <- "3_Analysis/KTLib/FindBarcodes.sh" # # bc_min <- length_bc-length_deltabc # bc_max <- length_bc+length_deltabc # # ## All possible variations of barcodes # bc_before_compl <- dna_reverse_complement_string(bc_before) # bc_after_compl <- dna_reverse_complement_string(bc_after) # # bc_before_all <- bc_one_mutation(bc_before) # bc_before_compl_all <- bc_one_mutation(bc_before_compl) # bc_after_all <- bc_one_mutation(bc_after) # bc_after_compl_all <- bc_one_mutation(bc_after_compl) # # bc_combinations <- rbind(data.frame(before=bc_before,after= bc_after, forw=TRUE), # data.frame(before=bc_before_all, after=bc_after, forw=TRUE), # data.frame(before=bc_before, after=bc_after_all, forw=TRUE), # data.frame(before=bc_after_compl, after=bc_before_compl, forw=FALSE), # data.frame(before=bc_after_compl, after=bc_before_compl_all, forw=FALSE), # data.frame(before=bc_after_compl_all, after=bc_before_compl, forw=FALSE)) # # # ## Main # if(file.exists(code.file)){file.remove(code.file)} ; file.create(code.file) # cat("#!/bin/bash\n\n",file=code.file) # cat("echo \"Name\tLineInFile\tBCsequence\tBCposition\tDirectionRead\" > ",out.file," \n", file=code.file, append=FALSE) # # #2. Sequences with barcodes # for(i in 1:nrow(bc_combinations)){ # bc_before <- as.character(bc_combinations$before[i]) # bc_after <- as.character(bc_combinations$after[i]) # forward <- bc_combinations$forw[i] # # awk_in <- paste0("awk '") # awk_match <- paste0("NR%4==2 && match($0,/", bc_before, "([ACGT]{", bc_min,",",bc_max,"})", bc_after,"/)") # if(forward){ # awk_print <- paste0(" {print a \"\t\" NR \"\t\" substr($0,RSTART+",l,",RLENGTH-",2*l,") \"\t\" RSTART+",l," \"\t+\" } {a=$0}' ",inFile, ">> ", out.file) # }else{ # awk_print <- paste0(" {print a \"\t\" NR \"\t\" substr($0,RSTART+",l,",RLENGTH-",2*l,") \"\t\" RSTART+",l," \"\t-\" } {a=$0}' ",inFile, ">> ", out.file) # } # y_awk <- paste0(awk_in, awk_match, awk_print) # cat(y_awk,"\n", file=code.file, append=TRUE) # } # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) ## ----LIBfilter BC>3, eval=F--------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # barcodes_table <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"KTLib_1700_2100_barcodes.txt"),header=T, sep="\t") # barcodes_counts <- barcodes_table %>% group_by(BCsequence) %>% summarise(counts=n()) %>% filter(counts>3) # barcodesID <- unique(barcodes_counts$BCsequence); n_bc <- length(barcodesID) # barcodes_table_fourcounts <- barcodes_table %>% # filter(BCsequence %in% barcodesID)%>% # mutate(readID=str_sub(Name, 2, 37)) ; # nrow_bc <- nrow(barcodes_table_fourcounts) # write.table(barcodes_table_fourcounts,file=paste0(path_analysis_lib,"KTLib_1700_2100_barcodes_4reads.txt")) # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # barcodes_4reads <- read.table(file=paste0(path_analysis_lib,"KTLib_1700_2100_barcodes_4reads.txt")) %>% # select(readID, BCsequence) %>% arrange(BCsequence) # # barcodes_unique <- unique(barcodes_4reads$BCsequence) # ## ----create fast files, eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # dir.create( paste0(path_analysis_lib, "fastq_per_barcode")) # dir.create( paste0(path_analysis_lib, "fasta_per_barcode")) # # KTLib_Q15_seqs <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"KTLib_1700_2100_Q15.fastq")) # names(KTLib_Q15_seqs) <- str_sub(names(KTLib_Q15_seqs) , 1, 36) # for(s in 1:nrow(barcodes_4reads)){ # seq_name <- barcodes_4reads$readID[s] # bc_name <- barcodes_4reads$BCsequence[s] # file_name_q <- paste0(path_analysis_lib, "fastq_per_barcode/", bc_name,".fastq") # file_name_a <- paste0(path_analysis_lib, "fasta_per_barcode/", bc_name,".fasta") # # which(names(KTLib_Q15_seqs)==seq_name) # writeQualityScaledXStringSet(KTLib_Q15_seqs[seq_name], filepath = file_name_q, append = T) # writeXStringSet(KTLib_Q15_seqs[seq_name], filepath = file_name_a, append = T) # } # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIBconsensus load seqs, eval=F------------------------------------------- # # tic <- proc.time() # seqs_single_ktlib <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/KTLib_1700_2100_Q15_SINGLe.fastq")) # aux_seqs <- vapply(as.character(seqs_single_ktlib),strsplit, split="") # aux_quals <- 1-as(quality(seqs_single_ktlib),"NumericList") # aux_pos <- lapply(aux_seqs, seq) # aux_names <- c(vapply(names(seqs_single_ktlib),rep, each=1662)) # data_single_ktlib <- data.frame(nucleotide = unlist(aux_seqs), # p_SINGLe=unlist(aux_quals), # position=unlist(aux_pos), # readID=aux_names) # rownames(data_single_ktlib)<-NULL # # seqs_guppy_ktlib <- readQualityScaledDNAStringSet(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/KTLib_1700_2100_Q15_SINGLe_original.fastq")) # aux_seqs <- vapply(as.character(seqs_single_ktlib),strsplit, split="") # aux_quals <- 1-as(quality(seqs_single_ktlib),"NumericList") # aux_pos <- lapply(aux_seqs, seq) # aux_names <- c(vapply(names(seqs_single_ktlib),rep, each=1662)) # data_guppy_ktlib <- data.frame(nucleotide = unlist(aux_seqs), # p_Guppy=unlist(aux_quals), # position=unlist(aux_pos), # readID=aux_names) # rownames(data_guppy_ktlib)<-NULL # # # data_single_ktlib <- data_single_ktlib %>% # left_join(data_guppy_ktlib, by = c("nucleotide", "position", "readID"))%>% # left_join(barcodes_4reads, by = "readID")%>% # filter(!is.na(BCsequence)) %>% # mutate(isWT = nucleotide==wildtype[position]) %>% # mutate(p_SINGLe=ifelse(is.na(p_SINGLe), 1, p_SINGLe))%>% # mutate(p_noweights=1) # # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # # barcodes_unique <- unique(data_single_ktlib$BCsequence) # n_bc <- length(barcodes_unique) # # # save.image(file='myEnvironment.RData') ## ---- eval=F------------------------------------------------------------------ # # load('myEnvironment.RData') ## ----LIBconsensus by single, eval=F------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # #Compute consensus for each barcode using all sequences available and using the three available methods # # cat("Barcode;Nreads;mutations_by_single;mutations_by_nanopore;mutations_no_weights\n", file=file_out_consensus, append=F) # # pb <- txtProgressBar(0,n_bc,style=3) # counter<-0 # wt_homopolymers <- detect_homopolymer_positions(wildtype) # wt_homopolymers <- wt_homopolymers[vapply(wt_homopolymers,length)>1] # pos_wt_homopolymers <- unlist(wt_homopolymers) # # for( bc in barcodes_unique){ # bc_reads <- data_single_ktlib %>% # filter(BCsequence==bc) # # index_homopolymers <- which(bc_reads$position %in% pos_wt_homopolymers & bc_reads$nucleotide=="-") # n_memory <- c() # for(n in index_homopolymers){ # if(n %in% n_memory){next()} # hp_pos <- bc_reads$position[n] # hp_pos_ref <- wt_homopolymers[vapply(wt_homopolymers, function(x){hp_pos %in% x})][[1]] # hp_vec_logical <- hp_pos_ref==hp_pos # hp_vec_length <- length(hp_vec_logical) # hp_vec <- rep(NA,hp_vec_length) # ind_aux <- which(hp_vec_logical) # # hp_vec[1:ind_aux] <- rev(n+1-1:ind_aux) # if(ind_aux% arrange(readID,position) # # cons_single <- weighted_consensus(df = bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_SINGLe,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_nanopore <- weighted_consensus(df = bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_Guppy,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_noweight <- weighted_consensus(df = bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_noweights,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # # muts_single <- c(detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_single), wildtype)) # muts_nanopore <- c(detect_mutations( biostr_to_char(cons_nanopore), wildtype)) # muts_noweight <- c(detect_mutations( biostr_to_char(cons_noweight), wildtype)) # # n_single <- length(muts_single) # n_nanopore <- length(muts_nanopore) # n_noweight <- length(muts_noweight) # # if(n_single==0){n_single=1;muts_single="wildtype"} # if(n_nanopore==0){n_nanopore=1;muts_nanopore="wildtype"} # if(n_noweight==0){n_noweight=1;muts_noweight="wildtype"} # n_tot = n_single+n_nanopore+n_noweight # # df <- data.frame(barcode = rep(bc,n_tot),nseqs=length(unique(bc_reads$readID)), # mutation=c(muts_single,muts_nanopore,muts_noweight), # method = c(rep("single", n_single), # rep("nanopore",n_nanopore), # rep("no_weights",n_noweight))) # # write.table(df, append = T, col.names = F,row.names = F, file = file_out_consensus) # counter <- counter+1 # setTxtProgressBar(pb,counter) # } # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # # # save.image(file='myEnvironment.RData') # ## ----LIBprepare fast5, eval=F------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/fast5files/") )# individual fast5 files will be stored there temporally # # split_fast5 <- paste0("multi_to_single_fast5 -i 2_NanoporeRawReads/LargeSet_fast5 -s 3_Analysis/KTLib/fast5files/") #PATH_TO_FAST5_FILES location of nanopore reads # system2(split_fast5) # # # Place them in folders according to barcode # single_files <- dir(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/fast5files/"), full.names = T, recursive = T) # single_files_name <- dir(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/fast5files/"), full.names = F, recursive = T) # # single_files <- data.frame(file=single_files, readID=single_files_name) %>% # mutate(readID = sub(readID, pattern=".fast5",replacement="")) %>% # mutate(readID = sub(readID, pattern="[[:digit:]]+/", replacement="")) # # barcodes_table_fourcounts <- barcodes_table %>% left_join(single_files, by="readID") # nrow_bc <- nrow(barcodes_table_fourcounts) # pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow_bc, style = 3) # for(i in 1:nrow_bc){ # setTxtProgressBar(pb,i) # seqid <- barcodes_table_fourcounts$readID[i] # barcode <- barcodes_table_fourcounts$BCsequence[i] # barcode_dir <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"fast5files/",barcode) # file <- barcodes_table_fourcounts$file[i] # if(!dir.exists(barcode_dir)){ dir.create(barcode_dir)} # command <- paste0("cp ", file, " ",barcode_dir) # system2(command) # } # # # Create unique fast5 file per barcode # pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow_bc, style = 3) # for(bc in barcodesID){ # setTxtProgressBar(pb,bc) # command <- paste0("single_to_multi_fast5 -i 3_Analysis/KTLib/fast5files/",bc," -s 3_Analysis/KTLib/fast5files_byBC/ -f ",bc) # system2(command) # } # # barcodes_table_fourcounts <- barcodes_table_fourcounts %>% select(-file) # rm(single_files,path_fast5,path_fast5_individual,path_fast5_individual_out) # # ### Create fastq file for interesting barcodes # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/fastq/")) # fastq_file <- readLines(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/KTLib_1700_2100_Q15.fastq")) # n_fastq <- length(fastq_file) # for(i in seq(1,n_fastq, by=4)){ # ind <- grep(pattern = substr(fastq_file[i],2,37),x=barcodes_table_fourcounts$SeqID) # if(length(ind)==0){next(i,"not found \n")} # write(fastq_file[c(i,i+1,i+2,i+3)], # file=paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/fastq/",barcodes_table_fourcounts$BCsequence[ind],".fastq"), # append=T) # } # # # ### Create fasta from fastq # fastq_files <- dir(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/fastq/"), full.names = T, pattern="*.fastq") # fasta_files <- str_replace_all(fastq_files, "fastq", "fasta") # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/fasta/")) # commands <- paste0("seqtk seq -a ", fastq_files, " > ",fasta_files) # vapply(commands, system2) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIBconsensus others, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------ # # # Load data # tic <- proc.time() # #outputs # bash_file <- "ConsensusByMethods.sh" # results_medaka <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"ConsensusbyMedaka.txt") # nanopolish_results <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"Consensus_by_Nanopolish.txt") # # for(bc in barcodes_unique){ # #all filenames # filename <- bc # fasta <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"fasta/",bc,".fasta") # fastq <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"fastq/",bc,".fastq") # sam <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,bc,".sam") # sorted <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,bc,".sorted.fasta") # racon <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,bc,".racon.fasta") # medaka <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,bc,"_medaka.fasta") # nanopolish <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,bc,"_nanopolish.txt") # # ## Run minimap2 # line_minimap <- paste0("minimap2 -ax map-ont ", reference_file, " ", fastq," > ", sam) # # ## Run racon # line_racon <- paste0("racon ",fastq," ",sam, " ",reference_file, " >> ", racon) # line_remove_racon <- paste0("rm ", racon,".fai ",racon, ".mmi ",racon ) # # ## Run Medaka # line_medaka <- paste0("medaka_consensus -i ",fastq," -d ",racon," -o ", medaka," -t 4 ") # line_results_medaka <- paste0("echo '>",filename, "' >> ",results_medaka) # line_results_medaka2 <- paste0("tail -n 1 ",filename,"_medaka.fasta/consensus.fasta", " >> ",results_medaka) # line_remove_medaka <- paste0("rm -r ",filename,"_medaka.fasta/") # # ## Run nanopolish # line_nanopolish_index <- paste0("nanopolish index -d ",bc,"/ ",fastq) # line_nanopolish_sort <- paste0("samtools sort ",sam," -o ",sorted," -T temporal.tmp ") # line_nanopolish_index2 <- paste0("samtools index ", sorted) # line_nanopolish_variants <- paste0("nanopolish variants --consensus -o ", nanopolish, " -r ",fastq," -b ",sorted," -g ", reference_file) # line_results_nanopolish <- paste0("awk '!/^#/ {print \"",filename,"\\t\" $0}' ",nanopolish, " >> ",nanopolish_results) # line_remove_nanopolish <- paste0("rm ", fastq,".index* ", filename,".sorted* ", nanopolish, " ", sam) # # cat(line_minimap, # line_racon, # line_medaka, # line_results_medaka, # line_results_medaka2, # line_nanopolish_index, # line_nanopolish_sort, # line_nanopolish_index2, # line_nanopolish_variants, # line_results_nanopolish, # line_remove_racon, # line_remove_medaka, # line_remove_nanopolish, # file=bash_file, sep="\n", append=T) # } # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIBconsensus parse, eval=F----------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # pos_initial <- 1 # pos_final <- length(wildtype) # # cigar_reference_counts <- c("M","D","N","=","X") # cigar_query_counts <- c("M","I","S","=","X") # # sam_data_medaka <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"ConsensusbyMedaka_aligned.sam"), skip=2) # medaka_mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA,base.mutated=NA) # for(i in 1:nrow(sam_data_medaka)){ # # line_data <- unlist(sam_data_medaka[i,]) # pos_ini_aliref <- as.numeric(line_data[4]) # cigar <- line_data[6] # sequence <- strsplit(line_data[10],split="")[[1]] # # #Obtain CIGAR vector # cigar.table <- data.frame(n=as.numeric(strsplit(cigar, split="[MIDNSHP=X]")[[1]]),Op= strsplit(cigar, split="[0-9]+")[[1]][-1]) # cigar_vec <- unlist(apply(cigar.table,1, function(x){rep(x[2],x[1])})) # names(cigar_vec) <- NULL # if(pos_ini_aliref>1){cigar_vec <- c(rep("D",pos_ini_aliref-1),cigar_vec)} # # #Data frame for the original sequence, and reference for the model (full) # mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode =rep(line_data[1], length(cigar_vec)), # cigar=cigar_vec, # base.mutated=NA,pos_in_samalig=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA) # # rows_with_query <- mismatches$cigar%in%cigar_query_counts # rows_with_reference <- mismatches$cigar%in%cigar_reference_counts # # mismatches$base.mutated[rows_with_query] <- sequence #Nucleotide # mismatches$base.mutated[is.na(mismatches$base.mutated)] <- "-" # # mismatches$pos_in_samalig[rows_with_reference] <- pos_ini_aliref + c(0:(sum(rows_with_reference)-1)) #position - according to aligning reference # # mismatches$Position[rows_with_reference] <- 1:length(wildtype) #position - according to single reference # mismatches$base.original[rows_with_reference] <- wildtype # # index <- which(mismatches$base.mutated!=mismatches$base.original) # # mismatches <- mismatches[index,c("Barcode", "Position","base.original","base.mutated")] # medaka_mismatches <- medaka_mismatches %>% rbind(mismatches) # # } # medaka_mismatches <- medaka_mismatches %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) %>% mutate(method="Medaka",mutation=paste0(base.original,Position,base.mutated)) # # sam_data_racon <- read.table("ConsensusbyRacon_aligned.sam", skip=2) # racon_mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA,base.mutated=NA) # for(i in 1:nrow(sam_data_racon)){ # # line_data <- unlist(sam_data_racon[i,]) # pos_ini_aliref <- as.numeric(line_data[4]) # cigar <- line_data[6] # sequence <- strsplit(line_data[10],split="")[[1]] # # #Obtain CIGAR vector # cigar.table <- data.frame(n=as.numeric(strsplit(cigar, split="[MIDNSHP=X]")[[1]]),Op= strsplit(cigar, split="[0-9]+")[[1]][-1]) # cigar_vec <- unlist(apply(cigar.table,1, function(x){rep(x[2],x[1])})) # names(cigar_vec) <- NULL # if(pos_ini_aliref>1){cigar_vec <- c(rep("D", pos_ini_aliref-1), cigar_vec)} # # #Data frame for the original sequence, and reference for the model (full) # mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode =rep(line_data[1], length(cigar_vec)), # cigar=cigar_vec, # base.mutated=NA,pos_in_samalig=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA) # # rows_with_query <- mismatches$cigar%in%cigar_query_counts # rows_with_reference <- mismatches$cigar%in%cigar_reference_counts # # mismatches$base.mutated[rows_with_query] <- sequence #Nucleotide # mismatches$base.mutated[is.na(mismatches$base.mutated)] <- "-" # # mismatches$pos_in_samalig[rows_with_reference] <- pos_ini_aliref + c(0:(sum(rows_with_reference)-1)) #position - according to aligning reference # # mismatches$Position[rows_with_reference] <- 1:length(wildtype) #position - according to single reference # mismatches$base.original[rows_with_reference] <- wildtype # # index <- which(mismatches$base.mutated!=mismatches$base.original) # # mismatches <- mismatches[index,c("Barcode", "Position","base.original","base.mutated")] # racon_mismatches <- racon_mismatches %>% rbind(mismatches) # # } # racon_mismatches <- racon_mismatches %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) %>% mutate(method="Racon", mutation=paste0(base.original,Position,base.mutated)) # # results_nanopolish <- readLines("ConsensusbyNanopolish.txt") # results_nanopolish <- do.call(rbind,vapply(results_nanopolish, strsplit, split="\t")) # colnames(results_nanopolish) <- rownames(results_nanopolish) <- NULL # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish[,c(1,3,5,6)] # colnames(results_nanopolish) <- c("Barcode","Position","base.original","base.mutated") # results_nanopolish <- as.data.frame(results_nanopolish) # results_nanopolish$Position <- as.numeric(results_nanopolish$Position) # # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) # # #remove insertions # ind_insertions <- nchar(results_nanopolish$base.mutated)>1 # results_nanopolish$base.mutated[ind_insertions] <- vapply(results_nanopolish$base.mutated[ind_insertions] , substr,1,1) # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish %>% filter(base.mutated!=base.original) # # #Split deletions # index_aux <- which(nchar(results_nanopolish$base.original)==2) # results_nanopolish$base.original[index_aux] <- substr(results_nanopolish$base.original[index_aux],2,2) # results_nanopolish$base.mutated[index_aux] <- "-" # results_nanopolish$Position[index_aux] <- as.numeric(results_nanopolish$Position[index_aux])+1 # # index_aux_3 <- which(nchar(results_nanopolish$base.original)==3) # aux_df_1 <- results_nanopolish[index_aux_3,] # aux_df_1$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_1$Position)+1 # aux_df_1$base.original <- substr(aux_df_1$base.original, 2,2) # aux_df_1$base.mutated <- "-" # # aux_df_2 <- results_nanopolish[index_aux_3,] # aux_df_2$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_2$Position)+2 # aux_df_2$base.original <- substr(aux_df_2$base.original, 3,3) # aux_df_2$base.mutated <- "-" # # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish[-index_aux_3,] # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish %>% rbind(aux_df_1) %>% rbind(aux_df_2) # rm(aux_df_1,aux_df_2) # # index_aux_4 <- which(nchar(results_nanopolish$base.original)==4) # aux_df_1 <- results_nanopolish[index_aux_4,] # aux_df_1$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_1$Position)+1 # aux_df_1$base.original <- substr(aux_df_1$base.original, 2,2) # aux_df_1$base.mutated <- "-" # # aux_df_2 <- results_nanopolish[index_aux_4,] # aux_df_2$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_2$Position)+2 # aux_df_2$base.original <- substr(aux_df_2$base.original, 3,3) # aux_df_2$base.mutated <- "-" # # aux_df_3 <- results_nanopolish[index_aux_4,] # aux_df_3$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_3$Position)+3 # aux_df_3$base.original <- substr(aux_df_3$base.original, 4,4) # aux_df_3$base.mutated <- "-" # # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish[-index_aux_3,] # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish %>% rbind(aux_df_1) %>% rbind(aux_df_2)%>% rbind(aux_df_3) %>% arrange(Barcode,Position) %>% mutate(method="Nanopolish", mutation=paste0(base.original,Position,base.mutated)) # # # save(results_nanopolish, medaka_mismatches, racon_mismatches, file=paste0(path_consensus,"Mismatches_by_Method.Rdata")) # # # single_mismatches <- read.table("ConsensusBySINGLE.txt", header=F,skip=1) # colnames(single_mismatches) <- colnames(single_mismatches_sortHPinVCS) <- c("Barcode","Nreads","mutation","method") # # single_mismatches <- single_mismatches %>% # mutate(base.original = stringr::str_sub(mutation,1,1)) %>% # mutate(base.mutated = stringr::str_sub(mutation,-1,-1)) %>% # mutate(Position = stringr::str_sub(mutation,2,-2)) %>% # select(Barcode,base.original,base.mutated,Position,method,mutation) # # # KTLib_mutations <- rbind(single_mismatches,single_mismatches_sortHPinVCS, results_nanopolish, medaka_mismatches,racon_mismatches) # write.table(KTLib_mutations, file=file_consensus_KTLib) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIB10BCs, eval=F--------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # KTLib_topBC <- barcodes_4reads %>% # group_by(BCsequence) %>% # summarise(n=n()) %>% # arrange(-n)%>% # head(n=10) # KTLib_topBC_reads<- barcodes_4reads %>% # filter(BCsequence %in% KTLib_topBC$BCsequence) # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIB10BCs create fastq, eval=F-------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # for(i in unique(KTLib_topBC$BCsequence)){ # reads_bc_i <- KTLib_topBC_reads %>% filter(BCsequence==i) # sequences_bc_i <- seqs_single_ktlib [names(seqs_single_ktlib) %in% reads_bc_i$readID] # writeQualityScaledXStringSet(sequences_bc_i, file=paste0(path_analysis_lib, i, ".fastq")) # } # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIB10BCs consensus single, eval=F---------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # #Load corrected data # data_single_ktlib_topten <- data_single_ktlib %>% # filter(Name %in% KTLib_topBC_reads$Name ) # # # # Load data # # reads_corrected <- read.table("3_PreprocessedData/SINGLed_data/LargeSet_F_corrected.txt", header=T) # # reads_corrected <- reads_corrected %>% filter(SeqID %in% KTLib_BC_reads$SeqID ) # # reads_corrected_rev <- read.table("3_PreprocessedData/SINGLed_data/LargeSet_R_corrected.txt", header=T) # # reads_corrected_rev <- reads_corrected_rev %>% filter(SeqID %in% KTLib_BC_reads$SeqID ) # # reads_corrected_all <- rbind(reads_corrected,reads_corrected_rev) # # # # reads_corrected <- left_join(reads_corrected_all, KTLib_topBC_reads %>% select(SeqID,BCsequence) , by="SeqID") # # reads_corrected <- reads_corrected %>% filter(!is.na(reads_corrected$BCsequence)) # # reads_corrected$p_right_priors_model[is.na(reads_corrected$p_right_priors_model)]<-1 # # # #Compute consensus for each barcode using all sequences available and using the three available methods # cat("Barcode\tNreads\trepetition\tmutation\tmethod\n", file=file_out_consensus_topten, append=F) # # barcodes_unique <- unique(data_single_ktlib_topten$BCsequence) # n_bc <- length(barcodes_unique) # # for(bc in barcodes_unique){ # cat(bc, "\n") # bc_reads <- data_single_ktlib_topten %>% # filter(BCsequence==bc) # # #compute consensus on subsets # bc_seqsID <- unique(bc_reads$readID) # for( s in subsets){ # cat(s, "\t") # counter<- 0 # pb <- txtProgressBar(0,n_repetitions,style=3) # for (r in 1:n_repetitions) { # counter <- counter+1 # setTxtProgressBar(pb,counter) # # subset_bc_reads <- bc_reads %>% # filter(readID %in% sample(bc_seqsID, s)) # # #sort homopolymers # index_homopolymers <- which(subset_bc_reads$position %in% pos_wt_homopolymers # & subset_bc_reads$nucleotide=="-") # n_memory <- c() # for(n in index_homopolymers){ # if(n %in% n_memory){next()} # hp_pos <- subset_bc_reads$position[n] # hp_pos_ref <- wt_homopolymers[vapply(wt_homopolymers, function(x){hp_pos %in% x})][[1]] # hp_vec_logical <- hp_pos_ref==hp_pos # hp_vec_length <- length(hp_vec_logical) # hp_vec <- rep(NA,hp_vec_length) # ind_aux <- which(hp_vec_logical) # # hp_vec[1:ind_aux] <- rev(n+1-1:ind_aux) # if(ind_aux% arrange(readID,position) # # cons_single <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_SINGLe,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_guppy <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_Guppy,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # cons_noweight <- weighted_consensus(df = subset_bc_reads %>% # select(nucleotide,p_noweights,position), # cutoff_prob = 0) # muts_single <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_single), wildtype) # muts_guppy <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_guppy), wildtype) # muts_noweight <- detect_mutations(biostr_to_char(cons_noweight), wildtype) # # n_single <- length(muts_single) # n_guppy <- length(muts_guppy) # n_noweight <- length(muts_noweight) # n_tot <- n_single+n_guppy+n_noweight # if(n_tot==0){next()} # df <- data.frame(barcode = rep(bc,n_tot),nseqs=s,repetition=r, # mutation=c(muts_single,muts_guppy,muts_noweight), # method = c(rep("SINGLe", n_single), # rep("Guppy",n_guppy), # rep("No weights",n_noweight))) # write.table(df, append = T, col.names = F,row.names = F, file = file_out_consensus_topten) # } # } # # } # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) ## ----LIB10BCs consensus others, eval=F---------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # dir.create(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/subsets/")) # file.copy(reference_file, paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/subsets/")) # ## Make fastq files with subsets # for(bc in unique(KTLib_topBC_reads$BCsequence)){ # # fastq_file <- readLines(paste0(path_analysis_lib, bc,".fastq")) # name_lines <- grep(pattern="^@",x=fastq_file) # # for(ns in subsets){ # if(ns> length(name_lines)){next()} # for(r in 1:n_repetitions){ # fastq_subset_out <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"subsets/",bc,"_",ns,"_",r,".fastq") # # ## Make file of subset of sequences # choose_lines <- sample(name_lines, size= ns) # choose_lines_all <- sort(c(choose_lines,choose_lines+1,choose_lines+2,choose_lines+3)) # writeLines(text = fastq_file[choose_lines_all], con = file(fastq_subset_out)) # } # } # } # # in_files <- # dir(pattern=".fastq", path=paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/subsets/")) # # ## .sh for minimap2 # for(i in seq_along(in_files)){ # fastq_file <- in_files[i] # sam_file <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = ".sam", x=fastq_file) # line_minimap <- paste0("minimap2 -ax map-ont KTrefORF_1662.fasta ",fastq_file," > ", sam_file) # cat(line_minimap,file=paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/subsets/Minimap_allBC.sh"), sep="\n", append=i!=1) # } # # # .sh for racon # results_racon <- "../ConsensusbyRacon_subsets.txt" # for(i in seq_along(in_files)){ # fastq_file <- in_files[i] # sam_file <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = ".sam", x=fastq_file) # racon <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = ".racon.fasta", x=fastq_file) # filename <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = "", x=fastq_file) # # ## Run racon # line_racon <- paste0("racon ",fastq_file," ",sam_file, " KTrefORF_1662.fasta >> ", racon) # line_results_racon <- paste0("echo '>",filename, "' >> ",results_racon) # line_results_racon2 <- paste0("tail -n 1 ",racon, " >> ",results_racon) # # cat(line_racon,line_results_racon,line_results_racon2,file=paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/subsets/Racon_allBC.sh"), sep="\n", append= i!=1) # } # # # .sh for Medaka # for(i in seq_along(in_files)){ # fastq_file <- in_files[i] # racon <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = ".racon.fasta", x=fastq_file) # filename <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = "", x=fastq_file) # medaka <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = "_medaka.fasta", x=fastq_file) # results_medaka <- paste0("Consensus_",filename,".fasta") # # ## Run Medaka # line_medaka <- paste0("medaka_consensus -i ",fastq_file," -d ",racon," -o ", medaka," -t 4 ") # line_results_medaka <- paste0("echo '>",filename, "' >> ",results_medaka) # line_results_medaka2 <- paste0("tail -n 1 ",filename,"_medaka.fasta/consensus.fasta", " >> ",results_medaka) # line_remove_medaka <- paste0("rm -r ",medaka) # # cat(line_medaka,line_results_medaka,line_results_medaka2,line_remove_medaka,file=paste0(path_analysis_lib,"/subsets/Medaka_",filename,".sh"), sep="\n", append=F) # } # # # .sh for nanopolish # for(i in seq_along(in_files)){ # fastq_file <- in_files[i] # sam_file <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = ".sam", x=fastq_file) # nanopolish_file <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = "_nanopolish.txt", x=fastq_file) # filename <- sub(pattern=".fastq", replacement = "", x=fastq_file) # nanopolish_results <- paste0(filename,"_ConsensusbyNanopolish_subsets.txt") # bc <- strsplit(filename, split="_")[[1]][1] # # fast5_dir <- paste0("../fast5/individualfiles/",bc) # # ## lines nanopolish # line_nanopolish_index <- paste0("nanopolish index -d ../fast5/ subsets/",fastq_file) # line_nanpolish_sort <- paste0("samtools sort subsets/",sam_file," -o ",filename,".sorted.fasta -T temporal.tmp ") # line_nanopolish_index2 <- paste0("samtools index ", filename,".sorted.fasta") # line_nanopolish_variants <- paste0("nanopolish variants --consensus -o ", nanopolish_file, " -r BCtopten/",fastq_file," -b ",filename,".sorted.fasta -g ", reference_file) # line_results_nanopolish <- paste0("awk '!/^#/ {print \"",filename,"\\t\" $0}' ",nanopolish_file, " >> ",nanopolish_results) # line_remove_nanopolish <- paste0("rm ", filename,"_nanopolish.txt ", filename,".sorted* ") # # cat("cd ../ \n", # line_nanopolish_index, # line_nanpolish_sort, # line_nanopolish_index2, # line_nanopolish_variants, # line_results_nanopolish, # line_remove_nanopolish, # file=paste0("subsets/Nanopolish_",filename,".sh"), sep="\n", append=F) # } # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # file_consensus_top10_inLIB <- paste0(path_analysis_lib,"Convergence_10top_mismatches.txt" ) # ## ----LIB10BCs consensus to muts, eval=FALSE----------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # pos_initial <- 1 # pos_final <- length(wildtype) # # cigar_reference_counts <- c("M","D","N","=","X") # cigar_query_counts <- c("M","I","S","=","X") # # sam_data_medaka <- read.table("subsets/ConsensusbyMedaka_subsets_aligned.sam", skip=2) # medaka_mismatches_subsets <- data.frame(Barcode=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA,base.mutated=NA) # for(i in 1:nrow(sam_data_medaka)){ # line_data <- unlist(sam_data_medaka[i,]) # pos_ini_aliref <- as.numeric(line_data[4]) # cigar <- line_data[6] # sequence <- strsplit(line_data[10],split="")[[1]] # # #Obtain CIGAR vector # cigar.table <- data.frame(n=as.numeric(strsplit(cigar, split="[MIDNSHP=X]")[[1]]),Op= strsplit(cigar, split="[0-9]+")[[1]][-1]) # cigar_vec <- unlist(apply(cigar.table,1, function(x){rep(x[2],x[1])})) # names(cigar_vec) <- NULL # if(pos_ini_aliref>1){cigar_vec <- c(rep("D",pos_ini_aliref-1),cigar_vec)} # # #Data frame for the original sequence, and reference for the model (full) # mismatches <- data.frame(Barcode =rep(line_data[1], length(cigar_vec)), # cigar=cigar_vec, # base.mutated=NA,pos_in_samalig=NA,Position=NA,base.original=NA) # # rows_with_query <- mismatches$cigar%in%cigar_query_counts # rows_with_reference <- mismatches$cigar%in%cigar_reference_counts # # mismatches$base.mutated[rows_with_query] <- sequence #Nucleotide # mismatches$base.mutated[is.na(mismatches$base.mutated)] <- "-" # # mismatches$pos_in_samalig[rows_with_reference] <- pos_ini_aliref + c(0:(sum(rows_with_reference)-1)) #position - according to aligning reference # # mismatches$Position[rows_with_reference] <- 1:length(wildtype) #position - according to single reference # mismatches$base.original[rows_with_reference] <- wildtype # # index <- which(mismatches$base.mutated!=mismatches$base.original) # # mismatches <- mismatches[index,c("Barcode", "Position","base.original","base.mutated")] # medaka_mismatches_subsets <- medaka_mismatches_subsets %>% rbind(mismatches) # } # # medaka_mismatches_subsets <- medaka_mismatches_subsets %>% filter(!is.na(Barcode)) # medaka_aux <- do.call(rbind,vapply(medaka_mismatches_subsets[,1],strsplit,split="_")) # medaka_mismatches_subsets <- medaka_mismatches_subsets %>% mutate(Barcode = medaka_aux[,1], Nreads=as.numeric(medaka_aux[,2]), repetition=as.numeric(medaka_aux[,3])) # medaka_mismatches_subsets <- medaka_mismatches_subsets %>% mutate(Method="Medaka", homopolymers=NA, mutation=paste0(base.original,Position,base.mutated)) %>% dplyr::rename(repetition=repetitions) # # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets = data.frame(barcode=NA,nseqs=NA,repetition=NA,position=NA,base.original=NA,base.mutated=NA) # results_nanopolish <- system2(paste0("awk \'/^[^#]/ \' BCtopten/nanopolish_consensus/*"), intern = T) # results_nanopolish <- do.call(rbind,vapply(results_nanopolish, strsplit, split="\t")) # results_nanopolish <- results_nanopolish[,c(1,3,5,6)] # nanopolish_aux <- do.call(rbind,vapply(results_nanopolish[,1],strsplit,split="_")) # results_nanopolish <- cbind(nanopolish_aux,results_nanopolish[,-1]) # colnames(results_nanopolish) <- c("Barcode","Nreads","repetition", "Position","base.original","base.mutated" ) # rownames(results_nanopolish) <- NULL # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets <- data.frame(Barcode = results_nanopolish[,1], # Nreads=as.numeric(results_nanopolish[,2]), # repetition = as.numeric(results_nanopolish[,3]), # Position = as.numeric(results_nanopolish[,4]), # base.original=results_nanopolish[,5], # base.mutated = results_nanopolish[,6]) # # #remove insertions # ind_insertions <- nchar(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.mutated)>1 # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.mutated[ind_insertions] <- vapply(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.mutated[ind_insertions] , substr,1,1) # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets %>% filter(base.mutated!=base.original) # # #Split deletions # index_aux <- which(nchar(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.original)==2) # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.original[index_aux] <- substr(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.original[index_aux],2,2) # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.mutated[index_aux] <- "-" # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$Position[index_aux] <- as.numeric(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$Position[index_aux])+1 # # index_aux_3 <- which(nchar(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.original)==3) # aux_df_1 <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets[index_aux_3,] # aux_df_1$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_1$Position)+1 # aux_df_1$base.original <- substr(aux_df_1$base.original, 2,2) # aux_df_1$base.mutated <- "-" # # aux_df_2 <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets[index_aux_3,] # aux_df_2$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_2$Position)+2 # aux_df_2$base.original <- substr(aux_df_2$base.original, 3,3) # aux_df_2$base.mutated <- "-" # # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets[-index_aux_3,] # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets %>% rbind(aux_df_1) %>% rbind(aux_df_2) # rm(aux_df_1,aux_df_2) # # index_aux_4 <- which(nchar(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets$base.original)==4) # aux_df_1 <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets[index_aux_4,] # aux_df_1$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_1$Position)+1 # aux_df_1$base.original <- substr(aux_df_1$base.original, 2,2) # aux_df_1$base.mutated <- "-" # # aux_df_2 <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets[index_aux_4,] # aux_df_2$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_2$Position)+2 # aux_df_2$base.original <- substr(aux_df_2$base.original, 3,3) # aux_df_2$base.mutated <- "-" # # aux_df_3 <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets[index_aux_4,] # aux_df_3$Position <- as.numeric(aux_df_3$Position)+3 # aux_df_3$base.original <- substr(aux_df_3$base.original, 4,4) # aux_df_3$base.mutated <- "-" # # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets[-index_aux_3,] # nanopolish_mismatches_subsets <- nanopolish_mismatches_subsets %>% rbind(aux_df_1) %>% rbind(aux_df_2)%>% rbind(aux_df_3) %>% arrange(Barcode,Nreads,repetition,Position) %>% mutate(Method="Nanopolish",homopolymers=NA, mutation=paste0(base.original,Position,base.mutated)) # # # single_mismatches <- read.table(paste0(path_analysis_lib,"ConsensusSINGLE_toptenBC.txt"), header=F,row.names=NULL, skip=1) # colnames(single_mismatches)<-c("Barcode","Nreads","repetition","mutation","Method") # single_mismatches <- single_mismatches %>% # mutate(base.original = str_sub(mutation,1,1), # base.mutated=str_sub(mutation,-1,-1), # Position=str_sub(mutation,start=2,end=-2)) %>% # mutate(Position = as.numeric(Position), homopolymers="original") #%>% select(-mutation) # # # write.table(rbind(nanopolish_mismatches_subsets %>% mutate(Method="Nanopolish"), # medaka_mismatches_subsets %>% mutate(Method="Medaka"), # single_mismatches, file=file_consensus_top10_inLIB)) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # # KTLib_topBC_true_mutations <- read.table("3_PreprocessedData/Fig3_LargeSet_Consensus.txt", header=T) %>% # dplyr::rename(Method=method) %>% # mutate(Method = recode(Method,!!!methods_capital))%>% # filter(Barcode %in% KTLib_topBC$BCsequence) %>% # filter(Method!="Racon") %>% # filter((Method=="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="sorted_in_VCS") | # is.na(homopolymers) | # (Method!="SINGLe" & homopolymers=="original") )%>% # mutate(mutation=paste0(base.original,Position,base.mutated)) %>% # select(Barcode,Method,mutation) # rownames(KTLib_topBC_true_mutations) <- NULL # # #manually replace equivalent mutations # KTLib_topBC_true_mutations <- KTLib_topBC_true_mutations %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G677-","G676-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G419-","G416-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G63-","G62-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G429-","G428-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="A1545-","A1543-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G244-","G243-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G263-","G261-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G677-","G676-", mutation)) # # aux_nanopolish <- data.frame(Barcode= KTLib_topBC_true_mutations$Barcode[KTLib_topBC_true_mutations$mutation=="GGAC1306G"], # Method="Nanopolish", # mutation=c("G1307-","A1308-", "C1309-")) # # KTLib_topBC_true_mutations <- KTLib_topBC_true_mutations %>% # filter(mutation!="GGAC1306G") %>% # rbind(aux_nanopolish) # # compare_mutations <- reshape2::dcast(KTLib_topBC_true_mutations %>% # select(Barcode, Method, mutation), # Barcode+mutation~Method) # # KTLib_topBC_true_mutants <- KTLib_topBC_true_mutations %>% # group_by(Barcode,Method) %>% # summarise(n_mutations=n(),mutant = paste0(mutation, collapse = " ")) %>% # ungroup() # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----LIB10BCs success rate, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # # consensus_by_method # KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations <- read.table("3_PreprocessedData/Fig3_ConvergenceConsensus_top10BC.txt", header=T) %>% # filter(Method!="racon") %>% # filter((Method=="single" & homopolymers=="sorted_for_VCS") | # is.na(homopolymers) | # (Method!="single" & homopolymers=="original") ) %>% # select(-homopolymers,-variant) %>% # select(-base.original,-Position,-base.mutated)%>% # mutate(Method = recode(Method,!!!methods_capital)) # # KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations <- KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G677-","G676-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G419-","G416-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G63-","G62-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G429-","G428-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="A1545-","A1543-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G244-","G243-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G263-","G261-", mutation)) %>% # mutate(mutation=ifelse(mutation=="G677-","G676-", mutation)) # # indx <- which(KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations$mutation=="GGAC1306G") # aux_nanopolish <- data.frame(Barcode= rep(KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations$Barcode[indx],3), # Nreads = rep(KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations$Nreads[indx], each=3), # repetition = rep(KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations$repetition[indx], each=3), # Method="Nanopolish", # mutation=rep(c("G1307-","A1308-", "C1309-"), lenght.out=length(indx))) # # KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations <- KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations %>% # filter(mutation!="GGAC1306G") %>% # rbind(aux_nanopolish) # # KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutant <- KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutations %>% # select(Barcode,Nreads,repetition,Method,mutation) %>% # group_by(Barcode,Nreads,repetition,Method) %>% # summarise(n_mutations=n(),mutant=paste(mutation, collapse = " ")) # # KTLib_topBC_subsets_success_rate <- left_join(KTLib_topBC_subsets_mutant, # KTLib_topBC_true_mutants, # by=c("Barcode","Method"), # suffix=c(".subset",".true")) %>% # mutate(equal = mutant.subset==mutant.true ) %>% # filter(!is.na(n_mutations.true)) %>% # group_by(Barcode,Nreads,Method) %>% # dplyr::summarise(success_rate= sum(equal)/n()) # # ggplot(KTLib_topBC_subsets_success_rate,aes(x=Nreads,y=success_rate,col=Method) )+geom_point()+geom_line()+ # facet_wrap(~Barcode,ncol=2)+scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[-6])+ # ylab("Success rate") # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----Fig3A, fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval=FALSE----------------------------- # fig_3a <- ggplot(KTLib_topBC_subsets_success_rate %>% # filter((Method =="SINGLe"|Method=="Medaka") & Barcode=="TCAGTTATTACGTCCTGCGGACAGTAAGGTCCGAG"), # aes(x=Nreads,y=success_rate,col=Method) )+ # geom_point()+ # geom_line()+ # scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[1:2])+ # scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,1),breaks = c(0,.25,.5,.75,1))+ # geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.9), col=grey(0.5),lty="dashed")+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.position = c(.9,0.4), # legend.justification = c("right","top"), # legend.title = element_blank(), # legend.spacing.y = unit(0,"line"))+ # labs(tag = "A",x="Reads", y="Success rate") # # fig_3a ## ----FigS7, fig.width=7, fig.height=10, eval=F-------------------------------- # Fig_Sup7<- ggplot(KTLib_topBC_subsets_success_rate %>% filter(Method!= "Racon"), # aes(x=Nreads,y=success_rate,col=Method) )+ # geom_point()+geom_line()+ # facet_wrap(~Barcode,ncol=2)+scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[-6])+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,.5,1))+ # geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0.9), col=grey(.5),linetype="dashed")+ # ylab("Success rate") +theme_plot+ # theme(plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"), # strip.background = element_rect(fill= "white"), # strip.text = element_text(size=8), # legend.position = "bottom") # # Fig_Sup7 # ggsave(Fig_Sup7, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"FigureS7.png"), # dpi = 'print', width = 17, height=18,units="cm") # ## ---- eval=F------------------------------------------------------------------ # tic <- proc.time() # KTLib_mutations <- read.table("3_PreprocessedData/Fig3_LargeSet_Consensus.txt") %>% # filter(method!="Racon") %>% # filter((method=="single" & homopolymers=="sorted_in_VCS") | # is.na(homopolymers) | # (method!="single" & homopolymers=="original") ) # # aux_nanopolish <- KTLib_mutations %>% # filter(nchar(base.original)>1) %>% # mutate(base.mutated="-") # aux_nanopolish <- (aux_nanopolish %>% mutate(base.original=str_sub(base.original, 2,2)) ) %>% # rbind(aux_nanopolish%>% mutate(base.original=str_sub(base.original, 3,3))) %>% # rbind(aux_nanopolish%>% mutate(base.original=str_sub(base.original, 4,4))) # # KTLib_mutations <- KTLib_mutations %>% # filter(!nchar(base.original)>1) %>% # rbind(aux_nanopolish) # # # # KTLib_nreads_per_barcode <- barcodes_4reads %>% # group_by(BCsequence) %>% dplyr::summarise(Nreads=n()) %>% # mutate(Barcode = BCsequence) %>% select(-BCsequence) %>% select(Barcode, Nreads) %>% # arrange(Barcode) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- fig.width=3, fig.height=3, eval=F--------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # n_mutations <- KTLib_mutations %>% # filter(method=="single") %>% # group_by(Barcode) %>% # dplyr::summarise(n_mutations = n()) %>% # left_join(KTLib_nreads_per_barcode) %>% filter(Nreads>5) # # plot_nmutations <- ggplot(n_mutations, aes(x=n_mutations))+ # geom_histogram()+ # theme_plot+ # labs(x="Number of mutations", y="Counts") # mean_n_mutations <- mean(n_mutations$n_mutations) # median_n_mutations <- median(n_mutations$n_mutations) # sd_n_mutations <- sd(n_mutations$n_mutations) # # mutation_rate_measured <- mean_n_mutations/1662*1000 # sd_n_mutations/1662*1000 # # # plot_nmutations # cat("Mean N mutations: ", round(mean_n_mutations,2), # "\nMedian N mutations: ", round(median_n_mutations,2), # "\nSD N mutations: ", round(sd_n_mutations,2), # "\nMutation rate measured: ", round(mutation_rate_measured,2), "muts/kb") # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ---- eval=F------------------------------------------------------------------ # tic <- proc.time() # consensus_mismatches_ms <- KTLib_mutations %>% # filter((method=="Medaka" )| (method=="single")) # # nmismatches_ms <- consensus_mismatches_ms %>% # group_by(Barcode, method) %>% # summarise(n_mismatches=n()) # # # # nmismatches_ms_difference <- left_join(nmismatches_ms %>% filter(method=="Medaka" ), # nmismatches_ms %>% filter(method=="single" ), # by="Barcode", suffix=c("",".single")) %>% # mutate(difference = n_mismatches.single-n_mismatches) %>% # left_join(KTLib_nreads_per_barcode, by = "Barcode") %>% # ungroup() %>% # mutate(Reads = ifelse(Nreads<=5,"5 or less reads", ifelse(Nreads<=10,"6 to 10 reads","10 or more reads"))) %>% # mutate(Reads=factor(Reads, levels=c("5 or less reads","6 to 10 reads","10 or more reads")))%>% # select(-Nreads) %>% ungroup() %>% filter(!is.na(n_mismatches.single)) # # # nmismatches_ms_difference_hist <- nmismatches_ms_difference %>% # group_by(method,difference,Reads) %>% # summarise(counts=n()) # # nmismatches_ms_difference_hist <- nmismatches_ms_difference %>% # ungroup()%>% # mutate(difference = ifelse(difference< -6, -6, difference))%>% # group_by(method,difference,Reads) %>% # summarise(counts=n()) %>% # group_by(Reads) %>% mutate(perc = counts/sum(counts)*100) # # table_mutations_compare <- nmismatches_ms_difference_hist %>% # mutate(diff = ifelse(difference<0,-1,ifelse(difference==0,0,1)))%>% # group_by(Reads, diff) %>% summarise(n=sum(counts)) %>% # group_by(Reads) %>% # mutate(perc=n/sum(n)*100) # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----Fig 3B, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, eval=F-------------------------------- # fig_3b <- ggplot(table_mutations_compare , aes(x=diff,y=perc))+ # geom_bar(position = position_dodge2(preserve="single"),stat="identity")+ # xlab("Method that reports more mutations")+ylab("Percentage")+ # facet_wrap(~Reads, ncol=1, strip.position = "right", labeller = label_wrap_gen(width=12))+ # scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,110), breaks=c(50,100))+ # scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(-1,1,by=1), labels=c("Medaka", "Both match", "SINGLe"))+ # theme(legend.position = c(0,1), # legend.justification = c("left","top"), # legend.title = element_text(size = rel(1)), # legend.text = element_text(size=rel(1)), # legend.spacing.y = unit(0.5,"line"), # legend.key.size = unit(2,"pt"), # plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"), # strip.background = element_rect(fill=grey(.95)))+ # labs(tag = "B")+ # geom_text(aes(y=perc,label=paste0(round(perc),"%"),vjust=-.2)) # # fig_3b ## ----skewness, eval=F--------------------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # results_for_entropy<- KTLib_mutations %>% # filter(base.original!="wildtype" ) %>% # filter(Position >0 & Position <=1662) %>% # left_join(KTLib_nreads_per_barcode, by="Barcode") %>% # mutate(group_Nreads_barcode = ifelse(Nreads>10, "> 10 reads", # ifelse(Nreads>5,"6 to 10 reads","5 or less reads"))) %>% # mutate(group_Nreads_barcode=factor(group_Nreads_barcode, levels=c("5 or less reads","6 to 10 reads", "> 10 reads")))%>% # group_by(method,Position,group_Nreads_barcode, homopolymers) %>% # dplyr::summarise(n=n())%>% ungroup() %>% # mutate(Method = recode(method,!!!setNames(c("Nanopolish","Medaka","SINGLe","Guppy","No weights"),c("nanopolish","medaka","single","nanopore","no_weights")))) %>% # select(-method) # # # skewness <- results_for_entropy%>% # group_by(Method, group_Nreads_barcode) %>% # dplyr::summarise(skewness=skewness(n)) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----Fig3C, fig.width=5, fig.height=5, eval=F--------------------------------- # fig_3c <- ggplot(results_for_entropy %>% filter(Method=="Medaka" | Method == "SINGLe"), # aes(x=Position, y=n, col=Method))+ # geom_point(size=0.5)+ # scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital)+ # ylab("Counts")+ # facet_grid(Method~group_Nreads_barcode)+ # geom_text( # data = skewness %>% filter(Method=="Medaka" | Method == "SINGLe"), # mapping = aes(x = -Inf, y = -Inf, label = paste0("sk=", round(skewness,2))), # hjust = 0, # vjust = 1, # y=rep(140,6), x=rep(80,6), # col="black" # )+ # theme_plot+ # theme(legend.position = "none",plot.margin = unit(c(1,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"),)+ # labs(tag = "C") # # fig_3c ## ----FigS8, eval=F------------------------------------------------------------ # Figure_S8 <- ggplot(results_for_entropy , # aes(x=Position, y=n, col=Method))+ # geom_point(size=0.5)+scale_color_manual(values=colors_vector_capital[-6])+geom_line()+ # ylab("Counts")+ # facet_grid(Method~group_Nreads_barcode)+ # geom_text( # data = skewness, # mapping = aes(x = -Inf, y = -Inf, label = paste0("sk=", round(skewness,2))), # hjust = 0, # vjust = 1, # y=rep(200,nrow(skewness)), x=rep(80,nrow(skewness)), # col="black" # )+theme_plot+ theme(legend.position = "none",plot.margin = unit(c(0,5.5,5.5,5.5),"points"),strip.background = element_rect(fill="white"),strip.text = element_text(size=8)) # # Figure_S8 # ggsave(Figure_S8, filename="6_Figures/FigureS8.png",dpi = 'print', width = 17, units = "cm", height=20) # ## ----Fig3, eval=F------------------------------------------------------------- # Figure3 <- ( fig_3a | fig_3b) / fig_3c # Figure3 # ggsave(Figure3, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"Figure3.png"), # dpi = 'print', width = 16, height=16,units="cm") # ## ----FigS9, eval=F------------------------------------------------------------ # kit_rates <- data.frame( # Mutation=c("Deletion", "Ts AG TC" ,"Ts GA CT" ,"Tv AT TA","Tv AC TG" ,"Tv GC CG", "Tv GT CA"), # true_perc=c(4.8,17.5,25.5,28.5,4.7,4.1,14.1)) # aux <- KTLib_mutations %>% # left_join(KTLib_nreads_per_barcode,by="Barcode") %>% # mutate(reads_number = case_when( # Nreads<6 ~ "4 or 5 reads", # Nreads <11 ~ "6 to 10 reads", # Nreads>10 ~ "more than 10 reads") )%>% # mutate(reads_number= factor(reads_number, levels=c("4 or 5 reads", "6 to 10 reads", "more than 10 reads")))%>% # mutate(Mutation=case_when( # base.mutated=="-"~ "Deletion", # base.original=="A" & base.mutated=="G" ~ "Ts AG TC", # base.original=="T" & base.mutated=="C" ~ "Ts AG TC", # base.original=="G" & base.mutated=="A" ~ "Ts GA CT", # base.original=="C" & base.mutated=="T" ~ "Ts GA CT", # base.original=="A" & base.mutated=="T" ~ "Tv AT TA", # base.original=="T" & base.mutated=="A" ~ "Tv AT TA", # base.original=="A" & base.mutated=="C" ~ "Tv AC TG", # base.original=="T" & base.mutated=="G" ~ "Tv AC TG", # base.original=="G" & base.mutated=="C" ~ "Tv GC CG", # base.original=="C" & base.mutated=="G" ~ "Tv GC CG", # base.original=="G" & base.mutated=="T" ~ "Tv GT CA", # base.original=="C" & base.mutated=="A" ~ "Tv GT CA" # )) %>% # group_by(method,reads_number,Mutation)%>% # summarise(counts = n()) %>% # group_by(method,reads_number) %>% # mutate(counts=counts/sum(counts)*100) %>% # left_join(kit_rates, by="Mutation")%>% # ungroup()%>% # mutate(Method = recode(method,!!!setNames(c("Nanopolish","Medaka","SINGLe","Guppy","No weights"),c("nanopolish","medaka","single","nanopore","no_weights")))) %>% # select(-method) # # plot_mr_xy <- ggplot(aux, aes(col=Method, x=true_perc, y=counts, shape=Mutation,label=Mutation))+ # geom_point()+ # geom_abline(aes(slope=1,intercept=0), lty="dashed", col=grey(.5))+ # facet_wrap(~reads_number,ncol=1)+xlim(c(0,30))+scale_shape_manual(values=1:7)+theme_plot+ # xlab("By manufacturer (%)")+ # ylab("Observed (%)")+theme_plot+ggtitle("Mutation rate") # # # plot_mr_cor <- ggplot(aux %>% group_by(Method, reads_number) %>% # summarise(cor=cor(counts, true_perc)) %>% # ungroup(), aes(x=reads_number, y=cor, col=Method))+ # geom_point()+ # geom_line(aes(x=as.numeric(reads_number)))+ # ylab("Correlation")+xlab("")+ # # ggtitle("Compare observed mutation rate vs. manufacturer's report")+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0.8,0.9,1), limits = c(0.8,1))+theme_plot+ # theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=90,hjust = 1,vjust=0.5)) # # # FigureS9 <- grid.arrange(plot_mr_xy , plot_mr_cor+theme(legend.position = "none"), ncol=2) # # ggsave(FigureS9, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"FigureSMutRate.png"), # dpi = 'print', width = 16, height=12,units="cm") # ## ---- eval=F------------------------------------------------------------------ # tic <- proc.time() # a <- load("/media/rocio/Data10TB/Work/Bibliography/RondelezLab/2022_SINGLe/GigaScience_submission/Espada_et_al/5_Revision/01_Subsets/01_KlenTaq/barcode01_allseqs_countspnq.Rdata") # full_fits <- read.table("/media/rocio/Data10TB/Work/Bibliography/RondelezLab/2022_SINGLe/GigaScience_submission/Espada_et_al/5_Revision/01_Subsets/01_KlenTaq/barcode01_allreads_fits.txt", header=T) # # full_fits <- full_fits %>% # mutate(rqs = 1-deviance/null_deviance) # # error_rate <- data_mut %>% # group_by(pos,strand,nucleotide) %>% # dplyr::summarise(error_rate = sum(count)/(sum(count)+sum(counts.wt)), # counts_mut = sum(count)) # # full_fits<- full_fits %>% # left_join(error_rate, by=c("strand","pos","nucleotide")) # # ## Full fits mutated positions # mutationstested <- kt_true_mutations %>% # select(position, nucleotide) %>% # dplyr::rename(pos=position) # full_fits_mut <- left_join(mutationstested, full_fits) # hex <- scales::hue_pal()(4) # names(hex)<- c(303,331,879,1316) # # full_fits_mut_examples <- full_fits_mut %>% # filter( (pos==1316 & nucleotide=="A" & strand=="+")| # (pos==879 & nucleotide=="T" & strand=="-")| # (pos==303 & nucleotide=="A" & strand=="-")| # (pos==331 & nucleotide=="T" & strand=="+")) # # plot_counts_RSQ <- ggplot(full_fits,aes(x=rqs,y=counts_mut))+ # geom_point(col=rgb(0,0,0,0.1), stroke=0, size=2)+ # scale_y_log10()+ # theme_plot+ # geom_point(data=full_fits_mut_examples, # aes(x=rqs,y=counts_mut, col=as.factor(pos)), # size=2,shape="square")+ # scale_color_manual(values=hex)+ # labs(x="Quality (Q)", y="Counts(C)")+theme(legend.position = "none") # # xlim <- 1:50 # plots <- list() # for(i in 1:nrow(full_fits_mut_examples)){ # nuc <- full_fits_mut_examples$nuc[i] # pot <- full_fits_mut_examples$pos[i] # str <- full_fits_mut_examples$strand[i] # aux_df <- data_mut %>% # dplyr::filter(pos==pot & nucleotide ==nuc & strand==str)%>% # dplyr::select(strand,QUAL,count, counts.wt,counts.scaled,counts.wt.scaled) %>% # dplyr::mutate(tot.scaled=counts.scaled+counts.wt.scaled) %>% # dplyr::mutate(proportion.wt.scaled=counts.wt.scaled/tot.scaled) %>% # arrange(QUAL) # qval <- aux_df$QUAL # yvals <- aux_df$proportion.wt.scaled # no <- !is.na(yvals) # yvals <-yvals[no] # qval <- qval[no] # # fitt <- stats::glm(yvals~ qval,family = "binomial") # # prediction <- data.frame(QUAL=xlim, fitted = predict(fitt,list(qval=xlim), type = "response")) # # lines(qval,predict(fitt,list(qval=qval),type="response"), col=2, lwd=2) # # qq<- format((full_fits_mut_examples %>% # filter(pos==pot & nucleotide ==nuc & strand==str))$rqs,scientific=F, digits=2) # cc<- (full_fits_mut_examples %>% # filter(pos==pot & nucleotide ==nuc & strand==str))$counts # # plots[[i]] <- ggplot(aux_df, aes(x=QUAL,y=proportion.wt.scaled))+ # geom_point()+ # # geom_line(data=prediction, aes(x=QUAL, y=fitted), # col=hex[as.character(pot)])+ # ggtitle(paste(pot,nuc,str), # subtitle=paste("C:", cc, " QF:",qq))+ # labs(x="Qscore", y="ncorrect")+ # xlim(range(xlim))+ # scale_y_continuous(breaks=c(0,1), limits = c(0,1))+ # theme(plot.title = element_text(margin = margin(0,0,0,0)), # plot.subtitle = element_text(margin = margin(0,0,0,0))) # # } # # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----FigS10, eval=F----------------------------------------------------------- # FigureS10 <- grid.arrange(plot_counts_RSQ , plots[[1]], plots[[4]], plots[[3]], plots[[2]] , # layout_matrix=matrix(c(1,1,2,3,4,5), byrow = F,nrow=2), # widths=c(2.5,1,1)) # ggsave(FigureS10, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"FigureExtra.png"), dpi = 'print', # height = 8.7, width=20,units="cm") # # FigureS10 ## ----Qscore correlation, eval=F----------------------------------------------- # tic <- proc.time() # path_11 <- "/media/rocio/Data10TB/minIONreads/KlenTaq/2019_11_KT/KT7_fullpipeline/KT7/BasecallSuperior/pass/out/Demultiplex/minimap2/SINGLE/" # # data_11 <- read.table(paste0(path_11, "barcode05.for_corrected.txt"), header=T) # data_11 <- data_11 # error_lines <- which(!data_11$isWT& # !(data_11$position==867 & data_11$nucleotide=="G")& # !(data_11$position==1120 & data_11$nucleotide=="A") & # !(data_11$position==1214 & data_11$nucleotide=="T") & # !(data_11$position==1316 & data_11$nucleotide=="A") & # !(data_11$nucleotide=="-")) # correct_lines <- which(data_11$isWT & # !(data_11$position==867 & data_11$nucleotide=="G")& # !(data_11$position==1120 & data_11$nucleotide=="A") & # !(data_11$position==1214 & data_11$nucleotide=="T") & # !(data_11$position==1316 & data_11$nucleotide=="A") & # !(data_11$nucleotide=="-")) # # # rand_pos <- sample(1:nrow(data_11), 200) # df11 <- rbind( # data.frame(type="Errors", # difference = abs(data_11$original_quality[error_lines]-data_11$original_quality[error_lines+1]), wt = data_11$isWT[error_lines+1]), # data.frame(type="Correct", # difference = abs(data_11$original_quality[correct_lines]-data_11$original_quality[correct_lines+1]), wt = data_11$isWT[correct_lines+1])) %>% # rbind( data.frame(type="Random", # difference = abs(data_11$original_quality[rand_pos]-data_11$original_quality[sample(1:nrow(data_11), 200)]), wt = data_11$isWT[rand_pos]) # ) %>% # mutate(difference = ifelse(difference>20, 20, difference)) # # toc <- proc.time() # cat("it took" , (toc-tic)[3], "s to run this chunk\n"); rm(tic, toc) # ## ----FigS3, fig.width=7, fig.height=3, eval=F--------------------------------- # FigureS3 <- ggplot(df11, aes(x=difference))+ # geom_histogram(binwidth = 1,aes(y=..density.., text=..density..))+ # xlab("Qscore difference with next nucleotide")+ # ylab("Counts")+ # labs(tag="C")+ # facet_wrap(~type, scales = "free") # # ggsave(FigureS3, file=paste0(path_save_figures,"FigureS3.png"), dpi = 'print', # height = 5, width=15,units="cm") # # FigureS3 ## ---- eval=F------------------------------------------------------------------ # # create_run_cfg <- function(run_cfg_file, ref_fasta, workdir){ # # cat("[General]\n", file=run_cfg_file, append=FALSE) # # cat('job_type = local\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('job_prefix = nextPolish\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('task = best\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('rewrite = yes\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('rerun = 3\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('parallel_jobs = 2\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('multithread_jobs = 4\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('genome =', ref_fasta,' #genome file\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('genome_size = auto\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('workdir =',workdir, "\n",file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE, sep="") # # cat(' polish_options = -p {multithread_jobs}\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # # # cat('[lgs_option]\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('lgs_fofn =lgs.fofn\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('lgs_options = -min_read_len 1k -max_depth 100\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # cat('lgs_minimap2_options = -x map-ont\n', file=run_cfg_file, append=TRUE) # # return(0) # # } # # # # # # path0 <- "/home/respada/22nextpolish/bc06/" # # setwd(path0) # # run_folder <- "RunFolder/" # # save_folder <- "" # # data_folder <- "" # # # # for(bc in kt7_barcodes){ # # # # #Load fastq file with all reads # # all_sequences <- readLines(paste0(path_analysis_lib7, bc,".fastq")) # # name_lines <- grep(pattern="^@",x=all_sequences) # # save_file <- paste0(save_folder,bc, "_ConsensusByNextPolish.fasta") # # # # for(ns in subsets){ # # cat("\t",ns,"\n") # # if(ns> length(name_lines)){next()} # # for(r in 1:n_repetitions){ # # cat("----------------",ns, r, "\n") # # # # #Create file with subset of sequences # # subset_name = paste0(bc,"_s",ns, "_r",r) # # filename_subset <- paste0(run_folder,subset_name,".fastq") # # choose_lines <- sample(name_lines, size= ns) # # choose_lines_all <- sort(c(choose_lines,choose_lines+1,choose_lines+2,choose_lines+3)) # # writeLines(text = all_sequences[choose_lines_all], con = file(filename_subset)) # # # # ## Run nextpolish # # system2(paste0("echo '", subset_name,".fastq' >", run_folder, "lgs.fofn")) # # create_run_cfg(run_cfg_file=paste0(run_folder, "run.cfg"), # # ref_fasta=reference_file, # # workdir=paste0(subset_name,"/")) # # system2(paste0("cp ", reference_file, " ",run_folder, reference_file )) # # system2(paste0("cd ",run_folder,"; nextPolish run.cfg")) # # system2(paste0("sed -i '1s/.*/>",subset_name,"'/ ", run_folder, subset_name, "/genome.nextpolish.fasta ")) # # system2(paste0("cat ",run_folder, subset_name, "/genome.nextpolish.fasta >>", save_file)) # # system2(paste0("rm -r ", run_folder, subset_name)) # # system2(paste0("cd ",run_folder,";rm lgs.fofn run.cfg")) # # # # } # # } # # } ## ---- eval=F------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # ### OPTION # t0 <- proc.time() # a <- str_locate_all(reads_aligned, "-+") # for(i in seq(a)){ # if(nrow(a[[i]])==0){next()} # pos_to_replace <- IRanges(a[[i]][,"start"], a[[i]][,"end"]) # pos_to_average_start <- IRanges(a[[i]][,"start"]-1,a[[i]][,"start"]-1) # pos_to_average_end <- IRanges(a[[i]][,"end"]+1,a[[i]][,"end"]+1) # # if(start(pos_to_average_start)[1]==0){ # start(pos_to_average_start)[1] <- end(pos_to_average_start)[1] <- start(pos_to_average_end)[1] # } # n <- length(pos_to_average_start) # pos_max <- width(reads_aligned)[i] # if(start(pos_to_average_end)[n]>pos_max){ # start(pos_to_average_end)[n] <- start(pos_to_average_start)[n] # end(pos_to_average_end)[n] <- start(pos_to_average_start)[n] # } # # before <- extractAt(scores_aligned[[i]], at = pos_to_average_start) # before <- unlist(as(PhredQuality(before),"NumericList")) # after <- extractAt(scores_aligned[[i]], at = pos_to_average_end) # after <- unlist(as(PhredQuality(after),"NumericList")) # both <- cbind(before,after) # if(gaps_weights=="mean"){ # replace_qscore <- apply(both,1, mean) # }else if(gaps_weights=="minimum"){ # replace_qscore <- apply(both,1, min) # } # replace_qscore <- lapply(replace_qscore, function(x){as(x,"PhredQuality")}) # replace_qscore_v <- vapply(seq(replace_qscore), function(x){paste0(rep(replace_qscore[[x]], times=width(pos_to_replace)[x]), collapse="")}) # # print(scores_aligned[[i]]) # scores_aligned[i] <- replaceAt(scores_aligned[i],at = pos_to_replace, value = replace_qscore_v) # # print(scores_aligned[[i]]) # } # t1 <- proc.time() # # t1-t0 # # # # ### ORIGINAL # if(verbose){message("Assign values to deletions\n")} # if(verbose){pb=utils::txtProgressBar(min =0,max=length(reads_aligned),style = 3)} # t2 <- proc.time() # # for(i in seq(length(reads_aligned))){ # # if(verbose){utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb,i)} # ## REPLACE DELETION SCORES # del_positions <- BiocGenerics::start(Biostrings::vmatchPattern("-",reads_aligned[i])[[1]]) # ndel <- length(del_positions) # # if(ndel==0){next()} # nr <- width(reads_aligned)[i] # # #If they are at the beginning, I replace by the first Qscore # if(del_positions[1]==1){ # n_del_start=1 # if(length(del_positions)==1){ # n_del_start <- 1 # }else{ # condition = del_positions[n_del_start+1]==del_positions[n_del_start]+1 # while(condition){ # n_del_start <- n_del_start+1 # condition1 = is.na(del_positions[n_del_start+1]) # if(condition1){ # condition=FALSE # }else{ # condition = del_positions[n_del_start+1]==del_positions[n_del_start]+1 # } # } # } # scores_aligned[i] <- Biostrings::replaceAt(scores_aligned[i],at=IRanges(1,n_del_start),as.character(subseq(scores_aligned[i], 1, n_del_start))) # }else{n_del_start=NA} # # #If they are at the end, I replace by the last Qscore # if(del_positions[ndel]==nr){ # #detect which are the values on the end of the string # Breaks <- c(0, which(diff(del_positions) != 1), length(del_positions)) # Breaks_ini <- Breaks[length(Breaks)-1]+1 # Breaks_end <- Breaks[length(Breaks)] # del_pos_ini <- del_positions[Breaks_ini] # del_pos_end <- del_positions[Breaks_end] # replacement <- paste0(rep(as.character(subseq(scores_aligned[i], del_pos_ini-1, del_pos_ini-1)), Breaks_end-Breaks_ini+1),collapse="") # scores_aligned[i] <-Biostrings::replaceAt(scores_aligned[i], # at=IRanges(del_pos_ini,del_pos_end), # replacement) # n_del_end <- length(Breaks_ini:Breaks_end) # }else{n_del_end=NA} # # if(!is.na(n_del_end)){del_positions <- del_positions[-seq(ndel-n_del_end+1,ndel)]} # if(!is.na(n_del_start)){del_positions <- del_positions[-seq(n_del_start)]} # if(length(del_positions)==0){next()} # ndel <- length(del_positions) # for(j in seq_along(del_positions)){ # jmin <- j # while(j < ndel && del_positions[j+1]==del_positions[j]+1){ j <- j+1 } # jmax<-j # # q_upstr <- subseq(scores_aligned[i], del_positions[jmin]-1, del_positions[jmin]-1) # q_dwstr <- subseq(scores_aligned[i], del_positions[jmax]+1, del_positions[jmax]+1) # # if(gaps_weights=="mean"){ # prob_upstr <- as(q_upstr,"NumericList")[[1]] # prob_dwstr <- as(q_dwstr,"NumericList")[[1]] # prob <- mean(prob_dwstr,prob_upstr) # }else if(gaps_weights=="minimum"){ # prob_upstr <- as(q_upstr,"NumericList")[[1]] # prob_dwstr <- as(q_dwstr,"NumericList")[[1]] # prob <- min(prob_dwstr,prob_upstr) # } # # qscore_new <- as(prob,"PhredQuality") # qscore_new_vec <- paste0(rep(as.character(qscore_new), jmax-jmin+1), collapse="") # scores_aligned[i] <- Biostrings::replaceAt(scores_aligned[i],at=IRanges(del_positions[jmin],del_positions[jmax]),qscore_new_vec) # } # # } # # t3 <- proc.time() # # t3-t2 # # # ## ----sessionInfo, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- # sessionInfo()