Changes in version 1.6.2 - Remove ks dependency (moved to Suggests) for rejection sampling. Changes in version 1.5.19 - Remove speedglm dependency as it was removed from CRAN (April 2023). Changes in version 1.1.13 - Bug fix that allows nearest matching method to handle categorical (or categorical-like) covariates. Changes in version 1.1.4 - Needed to drop features that have 0 width after trimming in bootRanges. - Made the validity test for bootRanges only look for iter. Changes in version 1.1.1 - Change to factor-Rle output for bootRanges to simplify the downstream plyranges. Changes in version 1.0.0 - nullranges is released on Bioconductor! the package offers the creation of null genomic feature sets, either through sampling from a pool in order to match covariates with a particular focal set, or via block bootstrapping of features optionally with respect to a genome segmentation. Critically, nullranges is designed as a modular package, solely for the purpose of generating null feature sets, and to be used in conjunction with another package for calculating overlaps, such as GenomicRanges or plyranges. Let us know your comments, suggestions or feedback on Bioconductor support site or through GitHub Issues.