Changes in version 1.7.14 - Various improvements for GenRearrScen, improves consistency and output formatting - Major bugfix for ProtWeaver methods using dendrogram objects - ProtWeaver now correctly guards against non-bifurcating dendrograms in methods that expect it Changes in version 1.7.13 - Introduces new ProtWeaver class to predict functional association of genes from COGs or gene trees. This implements many algorithms commonly used in the literature, such as MirrorTree and Inverse Potts Models. - predict(ProtWeaverObject) returns a ProtWeb class with information on predicted associations. - Adds BlastSeqs to run BLAST queries on sequences stored as an XStringSet or FASTA file. Changes in version 1.7.12 - Updates to ExtractBy function. Methods and inputs simplified and adjusted, and significant improvements to speed. Changes in version 1.7.11 - Updated NucleotideOverlaps to now correctly registers hits in genes with a large degree of overlap with the immediately preceding gene. - Fixed aberrant behavior in BlockExpansion where contigs with zero features could cause an error in expansion attempts. Changes in version 1.7.10 - BlockReconciliation now allows for setting either block size or mean PID for reconciliation precedence. Changes in version 1.7.9 - Added retention thresholds to BlockReconciliation. Changes in version 1.7.8 - BlockExpansion cases corrected for zero added rows. Changes in version 1.7.7 - Improvements to BlockExpansion and BlockReconciliation functions. Changes in version 1.7.5 - Began integration of DECIPHER's ScoreAlignment function. Changes in version 1.7.4 - Fixed a bug in PairSummaries function. Changes in version 1.7.3 - Added BlockExpansion function. Changes in version 1.7.2 - Adjustment in how PairSummaries handles default translation tables and GFF derived gene calls. Changes in version 1.7.1 - Large changes under the hood to PairSummaries. - Failure to accurately assign neighbors in some cases should now be fixed. - Extraction of genomic features is now faster. - OffSetsAllowed argument now defaults to FALSE. This argument may be dropped in the future in favor of a more complex function post-summary. - Small edits to SequenceSimilarity Changes in version 1.5.4 - Added the function SubSetPairs that allows for easy trimming of predicted pairs based on conflicting predictions and / or prediction statistics. - Added the function EstimageGenomeRearrangements that generates rearrangement scenarios of large scale genomic events using the double cut and join model. Changes in version 1.5.3 - Added the function SequenceSimilarity and made improvements to runtime in DisjointSet. Changes in version 1.4.1 - Fixed a small bug in consensus scores in PairSummaries where features facing on different strands had their score computed incorrectly. Changes in version 1.3.15 - Changes to concensus score in PairSummaries. Changes in version 1.3.14 - Major changes to the PairSummaries function and minor changes to NucleotideOverlaps, ExtractBy, and FindSets. Adjustments to the model that PairSummaries calls on to predict PIDs. Changes in version 1.3.13 - ExtractBy function has been added. Allows extraction of feature sequences into XStingSets organized by the a PairSummaries object or the single linkage clusters implied by pairings within the PairSummaries objects. - DisjointSet function added to extract single linkage clusters from a PairSummaries object. Changes in version 1.3.12 - PairSummaries now computes 4-mer distance between predicted pairs. Changes in version 1.3.11 - PairSummaries now returns a column titled Adjacent that provides the number of directly adjacent neighbor pairs to a predicted pair. Gap filling code adjusted. - The function FindSets has been added and performs single linkage clustering on a pairs list as represented by vectors of integers using the Union-Find algorithm. Long term this function will have a larger wrapper function for user ease of access but will remain exposed. Changes in version 1.3.10 - NucleotideOverlap now passes it's GeneCalls object forward, allowing PairSummaries to forego inclusion of that object as an argument. Changes in version 1.3.9 - Minor vignette and suggested package changes. Changes in version 1.3.8 - PairSummaries now allows users to fill in specific matching gaps in blocks of predicted pairs with the arguments AllowGaps and OffSetsAllowed. Changes in version 1.3.7 - Adjustments to progress bars in both PairSummaries and NucleotideOverlap. - PID prediction models in PairSummaries adjusted. Changes in version 1.3.6 - Contig name matching has been implemented. Scheme expects users to follow NCBI contig naming and gff formats, accepting contig names from gffs directly, and removing the first whitespace and everything thereafter from FASTA headers. Contig name matching can be disabled if users wish, using the argument AcceptContigNames, but ensuring that the correct contigs in GeneCalls objects are matched to the appropriate contigs in Synteny objects are then the user's responsibility. Changes in version 1.3.5 - PairSummaries now translates sequences based on transl_table attributes provided by gene calls - PairSummaries now uses a generic model for predicting PID - gffToDataFrame now parses out the transl_table attribute Changes in version 1.3.2 - Minor changes to NucleotideOverlap - Major changes to PairSummaries - can now take in objects of class Genes build by the DECIPHER function FindGenes() Changes in version 0.99.30 - Vignette and help files edited for clarity Changes in version 0.99.1 - SynExtend submitted to Bioconductor - Added function gffToDataFrame - Added function NucleotideOverlap - Added function PairSummaries