%\VignetteIndexEntry{Reverse-engineer transcriptional regulatory networks using qpgraph}
%\VignetteKeywords{qp-graph, microarray, network}

<<style, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results=tex>>=


\bioctitle[Reverse engineering networks using \Biocpkg{qpgraph}]%
    {Reverse engineering transcriptional regulatory networks \\ from
       gene expression microarray data using \Biocpkg{qpgraph}}
\author{Robert Castelo$^1$ and Alberto Roverato$^2$}



1. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain. \\
2. Universit\`a di Bologna, Bologna, Italy.


This vignette describes how to use the package \Biocpkg{qpgraph} in order to reverse
engineer a transcriptional regulatory network from a particular gene
expression microarray data set of Escherichia coli (E. coli). Concretely, 
the data corresponds to $n=43$ experiments of various mutants under oxygen
deprivation \citep{Covert:2004fx}. The mutants were designed to monitor the
response from E. coli during an oxygen shift in order to target the {\it a
priori} most relevant part of the transcriptional netwok by using six strains
with knockouts of the following key transcriptional regulators in the oxygen
response: $\Delta${\it arcA}, $\Delta${\it appY}, $\Delta${\it fnr},
$\Delta${\it oxyR}, $\Delta${\it soxS} and the double knockout
$\Delta${\it arcA}$\Delta${\it fnr}. To get started, load the following packages:

<<setup, echo=TRUE, results=hide>>=
Within the \Biocpkg{qpgraph} package there is a data file called \verb+EcoliOxygen+
in which we will find the following objects stored:

<<setup, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
where \verb+filtered.regulon6.1+ contains a subset of the E. coli transcriptional
network from RegulonDB 6.1 \citep{Gama-Castro:2008le} obtained through the
filtering steps described in \citep{Castelo:2009fk} and \verb+gds680.eset+ is an
\verb+ExpressionSet+ object with the $n=43$ microarray experiments of
\cite{Covert:2004fx} described before. These experiments provide expression
profiles for $p=4\,205$ genes derived from the original data set downloaded from
the Gene Expression Omnibus \citep{Barrett:2007dq} with accession \verb+GDS680+
by applying the filtering described in \citep{Castelo:2009fk}. You can
see a summary of the data contained in this object by simply typing its name on
the R-shell:

<<setup, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
where the usual probeset identifiers in the \verb+featureNames+ slot have been
already replaced by the corresponding Entrez IDs according to the filtering steps
taken in \citep{Castelo:2009fk}.

\section{Preprocessing steps}

In order to keep time and space requirements of the calculations at a manageable
level for a vignette, we will use a subset of these data. Concretely, we will
consider first those genes forming part in RegulonDB of the regulatory modules of
the five knocked-out transcription factors and select the 100 genes with largest
variability measured by the interquartile range (IQR). In the \Biocpkg{qpgraph}
package the filtered RegulonDB data is stored in the form of a data frame where
each row corresponds to a transcriptional regulatory relationship, the first two
columns contain Blattner IDs of the transcription factor (TF) and target (TG)
genes, respectively, and the following two correspond to the same genes but
specified by Entrez IDs. The fifth column contains the direction of the
regulation according to RegulonDB and this is how the first rows look like:

<<preprocessing, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
We select the rows of \verb+filtered.regulon6.1+ that correspond to the subnetwork
of the 5 knocked-out TFs as follows. First, obtain the Entrez IDs of these genes
from their symbols:

<<preprocessing, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
knockoutsyms <- c("arcA","appY","oxyR","soxS","fnr")
rmap <- revmap(getAnnMap("SYMBOL", "org.EcK12.eg.db"))
knockoutEgIDs <- unlist(mget(knockoutsyms, rmap))
Next, get all transcriptional regulatory relationships from these TFs and obtain
the subset of non-redundant genes involved in this subnetwork:

<<preprocessing, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
mt <- match(filtered.regulon6.1[,"EgID_TF"], knockoutEgIDs)
cat("These 5 TFs are involved in",sum(!is.na(mt)),"TF-TG interactions\n")
genesO2net <- as.character(unique(as.vector(
cat("There are",length(genesO2net),"different genes in this subnetwork\n")
and, finally, select the 100 most variable genes by using the IQR:

<<preprocessing, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
IQRs <- apply(exprs(gds680.eset[genesO2net,]), 1, IQR)
largestIQRgenesO2net <- names(sort(IQRs,decreasing=TRUE)[1:100])
Using these genes we create a new \verb+ExpressionSet+ object, which we shall call
\verb+subset.gds680.eset+ by subsetting directly from \verb+gds680.eset+:

<<preprocessing, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
subset.gds680.eset <- gds680.eset[largestIQRgenesO2net,]
In order to compare later our results against the transcriptional network from
RegulonDB we will extract the subnetwork that involves exclusively these selected
100 genes as follows. First extract the corresponding rows:

<<preprocessing, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
mtTF <- match(filtered.regulon6.1[,"EgID_TF"],largestIQRgenesO2net)
mtTG <- match(filtered.regulon6.1[,"EgID_TG"],largestIQRgenesO2net)

cat(sprintf("The 100 genes are involved in %d RegulonDB interactions\n",
    sum(!is.na(mtTF) & !is.na(mtTG))))

subset.filtered.regulon6.1 <- filtered.regulon6.1[!is.na(mtTF) & !is.na(mtTG),]
Next, we need to build an incidence matrix of this subset of interactions, which
we shall call \verb+subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I+, in order to ease posterior
comparisons with reverse-engineered networks and for this purpose we should first
map the Entrez IDs to the indexed position they have within the
\verb+ExpressionSet+ object and then build the incidence matrix:

<<preprocessing, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
TFi <- match(subset.filtered.regulon6.1[,"EgID_TF"],
TGi <- match(subset.filtered.regulon6.1[,"EgID_TG"],

subset.filtered.regulon6.1 <- cbind(subset.filtered.regulon6.1,
                                    idx_TF=TFi, idx_TG=TGi)

p <- dim(subset.gds680.eset)["Features"]

subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=p, ncol=p)
rownames(subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I) <- featureNames(subset.gds680.eset)
colnames(subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I) <- featureNames(subset.gds680.eset)

idxTFTG <- as.matrix(subset.filtered.regulon6.1[,c("idx_TF","idx_TG")])

subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I[idxTFTG] <-
   subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I[cbind(idxTFTG[,2],idxTFTG[,1])] <- TRUE

\section{Reverse engineer a transcriptional regulatory network}

We are set to reverse engineer a transcriptional regulatory network from the
subset of the oxygen deprivation microarray data formed by the selected 100 genes
and we will use three methods: 1. the estimation of Pearson correlation
coefficients (PCCs); 2. the estimation of average non-rejection rates (avgNRRs);
and, as a baseline comparison, 3. the assignment of random correlations drawn from
a uniform distribution between -1 and +1 to every pair of genes. We can estimate
PCCs for all gene pairs with the function \verb+qpPCC+ from the \Biocpkg{qpgraph}
package as follows:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
pcc.estimates <- qpPCC(subset.gds680.eset)
which returns a list with two members, one called \verb+R+ with the PCCs and
another called \verb+P+ with the corresponding two-sided P-values for the null
hypothesis of zero correlation. Let's take a look to the distribution of absolute
PCCs between all possible TF-TG pairs in this subset of 100 genes:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
largestIQRgenesO2net_i <- match(largestIQRgenesO2net,
largestIQRgenesO2netTFs <- largestIQRgenesO2net[!is.na(
largestIQRgenesO2netTFs_i <- match(largestIQRgenesO2netTFs,
TFsbyTGs <- as.matrix(expand.grid(largestIQRgenesO2netTFs_i,
TFsbyTGs <- rbind(TFsbyTGs,t(combn(largestIQRgenesO2netTFs_i, 2)))
Note that they are distributed almost uniformly at random throughout the
entire range [0,1] while if we look at the distribution of the PCC estimates for
the entire RegulonDB data, i.e., for all possible TF-TG pairs among the initial
$p=4\,205$ genes:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
regulonDBgenes <- as.character(unique(c(filtered.regulon6.1[, "EgID_TF"],
                                        filtered.regulon6.1[, "EgID_TG"])))
cat(sprintf("The RegulonDB transcriptional network involves %d genes",

pcc.allRegulonDB.estimates <- qpPCC(gds680.eset[regulonDBgenes,])

allTFs_i <- match(unique(filtered.regulon6.1[, "EgID_TF"]), regulonDBgenes)
allTFsbyTGs <- as.matrix(expand.grid(allTFs_i,
                                     setdiff(1:length(regulonDBgenes), allTFs_i)))
allTFsbyTGs <- rbind(allTFsbyTGs,t(combn(allTFs_i, 2)))
we see that, opposite to what happens in the subset of 100 genes, most of the
absolute PCC values for all (i.e., present and absent from RegulonDB) TF-TG pairs
are small. The high level of correlation among most of the 100 genes is probably
due to the coordinated transcriptional program to which all these genes belong
to, since they form part of some of the key regulatory modules in the response to
oxygen deprivation. Recall that five TFs in these regulatory modules were
knocked-out in the assayed experimental conditions and we selected the most
variable 100 genes. Concretely, among the five TFs the following ones were
finally included in these 100 most variable genes:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
mt <- match(knockoutEgIDs,largestIQRgenesO2net)
If we look now to the distribution of absolute PCC values for only those TF-TG
pairs that are present in the subset of RegulonDB involved in the 100 genes:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
maskRegulonTFTG <- subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I & upper.tri(subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I)
they show much lower values (50\% < 0.3) and thus we can expect that a
substantial number of TF-TG pairs absent from RegulonDB but with strong PCC
values will sneak in as false positives in our assessment below of the estimation
of PCCs as a reverse engineering method. If we look at the distribution of the
PCC values from the RegulonDB interactions separetely by each of the
regulatory modules within these 100 genes (i.e., by each of the TFs) we can
see that {\it fnr} is one of the responsibles for having low PCCs in a large
fraction of this subset of RegulonDB. We have used the R code below to produce
Figure~1 where this is shown.

<<PCCdistByTF, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim, height=6, width=6>>=
pccsbyTF <- list()
for (TFi in subset.filtered.regulon6.1[,"idx_TF"])
  pccsbyTF[[featureNames(subset.gds680.eset)[TFi]]] <-
    abs(pcc.estimates$R[TFi, subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I[TFi,]])
bp <- boxplot(pccsbyTF,names=sprintf("%s",mget(names(pccsbyTF),org.EcK12.egSYMBOL)),
              ylab="Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC)",
              main=paste("Distribution of PCCs in each RegulonDB",
                         "regulatory module within the 100 genes data set", sep="\n"))
nint <- sprintf("(%d)",sapply(names(pccsbyTF), function(x)
mtext(nint, at=seq(bp$n), line=+2, side=1)
mtext("Transcription factor (# RegulonDB interactions)", side=1, line=+4)
As observed by \cite{Covert:2004fx} when {\it fnr} becomes active under anaerobic
conditions its mRNA level is significantly reduced and we hypothesize that this
fact probably leads to weak correlations of the expression level with its target

\caption{Distribution of Pearson correlation coefficients (PCCs) calculated from
the \cite{Covert:2004fx} oxygen deprivation data between genes forming RegulonDB
interactions. Distributed values are shown separately by each regulatory module
defined as a transcription factor (TF) and its set of target genes.}

Now we will show how can we use qp-graphs to tackle such a challenging
situation. We should start by estimating avgNRRs with the function
\verb+qpAvgNrr()+ but before we do that, and for the sake of reproducibility of
the results of this vignette, we should take into account that because the
non-rejection rate is estimated by a random sampling procedure
\citep[see][]{Castelo:2006yu}, its value may vary slightly from run to run and
thus edges with very similar avgNRR values may alternate their positions when
ranking them and thus show up differently in different qp-graphs obtained from
different runs if, within the ranking, they lie at the boundary of the precision
threshold we may be using later. For this reason, and in order to let the reader
reproduce exactly the results contained in this vignette, we will specify a
particular seed to the random number generator as follows:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
Moreover, in this exercise, we are only interested in TF-TG relationships and
thus we will speed-up the calculations by restricting the formation of gene pairs
with the parameters \verb+pairup.i+ and \verb+pairup.j+ in the following way:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
avgnrr.estimates <- qpAvgNrr(subset.gds680.eset,
                             pairup.j=largestIQRgenesO2net, verbose=FALSE)
The function \verb+qpAvgNrr()+ uses by default four equidistant q-values along the
available range and returns a matrix with the estimates for all gene pairs except
when, as in this case, we restrict the genes allowed to pair with each other. In
order to assess the accuracy of the PCC and qp-graph methods we will use the
transcriptional regulatory relationships in the subset of RegulonDB that we
selected before and calculate precision-recall curves \citep{Fawcett:2006fj}
using the \verb+qpPrecisionRecall+ function from the \Biocpkg{qpgraph} package.

We have to be careful with the fact that while we calculated avgNRRs only for
TF-TG pairs, the matrix \verb+pcc.estimates$R+ contains PCC values for all pairs
of genes and thus in order to obtain comparable precision-recall curves we
will have to inform \verb+qpPrecisionRecall+ of the pairs that should be
considered when giving it the matrix of PCC values. This is not necessary with
avgNRRs as the matrix has \verb+NA+ values on the cells corresponding to pairs
where no calculation was performed (on the pairs of non-transcription factor

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
pcc.prerec <- qpPrecisionRecall(abs(pcc.estimates$R), subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I,
                                decreasing=TRUE, pairup.i=largestIQRgenesO2netTFs,
Note also that, opposite to PCCs, in avgNRR estimates the value indicating the
smallest strength of the interaction is 1 instead of 0 and therefore we should
set \verb+decreasing=FALSE+:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
avgnrr.prerec <- qpPrecisionRecall(avgnrr.estimates, subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I,
Finally, in order to have the assignment of random correlations as a
baseline comparison we should do the following:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
rndcor <- qpUnifRndAssociation(100, featureNames(subset.gds680.eset))
random.prerec <- qpPrecisionRecall(abs(rndcor), subset.filtered.regulon6.1.I,
                                   decreasing=TRUE, pairup.i=largestIQRgenesO2netTFs,
where again we have specified a seed for the random number generator in order to
enforce reproducing the same random correlations each time we run this vignette.

A way to quantitatively compare these three precision-recall curves is to
calculate the area under these curves where the larger it is, the more
accurate the method is:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
f <- approxfun(pcc.prerec[,c("Recall","Precision")])
area <- integrate(f,0,1)$value
f <- approxfun(avgnrr.prerec[,c("Recall","Precision")])
area <- cbind(area, integrate(f,0,1)$value)
f <- approxfun(random.prerec[,c("Recall","Precision")])
area <- cbind(area, integrate(f,0,1)$value)
colnames(area) <- c("PCC", "avgNRR", "Random")
rownames(area) <- "AreaPrecisionRecall"
From these values we may conclude that, for these data ($n=43$ microarray
experiments on $p=100$ genes among which 7 are TFs, and with 128 transcriptional
regulatory relationships from RegulonDB for comparison), the random method
outperforms the usage of PCCs but it performs worse than the qp-graph method
with avgNRRs which, therefore, constitutes the best solution among these three
approaches. While it may sound a bit counter-intuitive that the assignment of a
random correlation provides better results than using PCCs, the reason for this
lies in the fact that with these data we have $7\times 93 + {7\choose 2} = 672$
possible TF-TG interactions out of which 128 from RegulonDB form our
gold-standard. This yields a bottomline precision of
$(128/672)\times 100\approx 19\%$ which is quickly attained by drawing random
correlations. However, we saw before that absolute PCCs of the RegulonDB
interactions forming our gold-standard are most of them distributed under 0.5
and this yields, for this particular data set, a performance that is worse than
random at regions of high-precision. We may see this situation depicted in
Figure~2 whose left panel has been produced with the following R code:

<<preRecComparison, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim, height=6, width=6>>=
plot(avgnrr.prerec[,c(1,2)], type="b", lty=1, pch=19, cex=0.65, lwd=4, col="red",
     xlim=c(0,0.1), ylim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE,
     xlab="Recall (% RegulonDB interactions)", ylab="Precision (%)")
axis(1, at=seq(0,1,0.01), labels=seq(0,100,1))
axis(2, at=seq(0,1,0.10), labels=seq(0,100,10))
axis(3, at=avgnrr.prerec[,"Recall"],
title(main="Precision-recall comparison", line=+5)
lines(pcc.prerec[,c(1,2)], type="b", lty=1, pch=22, cex=0.65, lwd=4, col="blue")
lines(random.prerec[,c(1,2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=4, col="black")
mtext("Recall (# RegulonDB interactions)", 3, line=+3)
legend(0.06, 1.0, c("qp-graph","PCC","Random"), col=c("red","blue","black"),
       lty=c(1,1,2), pch=c(19,22,-1), lwd=3, bg="white",pt.cex=0.85)

<<preRecComparisonFullRecall, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim, height=6, width=6>>=
plot(avgnrr.prerec[,c(1,2)], type="b", lty=1, pch=19, cex=0.65, lwd=4, col="red",
     xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), axes=FALSE,
     xlab="Recall (% RegulonDB interactions)", ylab="Precision (%)")
axis(1, at=seq(0,1,0.10), labels=seq(0,100,10))
axis(2, at=seq(0,1,0.10), labels=seq(0,100,10))
axis(3, at=avgnrr.prerec[,"Recall"],
title(main="Precision-recall comparison", line=+5)
lines(pcc.prerec[,c(1,2)], type="b", lty=1, pch=22, cex=0.65, lwd=4, col="blue")
lines(random.prerec[,c(1,2)], type="l", lty=2, lwd=4, col="black")
mtext("Recall (# RegulonDB interactions)", 3, line=+3)
legend(0.6, 1.0, c("qp-graph","PCC","Random"), col=c("red","blue","black"),
       lty=c(1,1,2), pch=c(19,22,-1), lwd=3, bg="white",pt.cex=0.85)
\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{qpTxRegNet-preRecComparison} &
\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{qpTxRegNet-preRecComparisonFullRecall} \\
(a) & (b)
\caption{Comparison of precision-recall curves for various reverse-engineering
methods with panel (a) showing a high-precision recall region of [0,0.1] and
panel(b) showing the entire recall range.}

The final step in this analysis is to get a transcriptional regulatory network
from a qp-graph using avgNNRs and, if possible, obtain estimates of partial
correlation coefficients (PAC) for the interactions. A qp-graph can be obtained
by thresholding on the avgNRRs using the function \verb+qpGraph+. When, as in our
case now, we have a gold-standard network like RegulonDB, a sensible strategy
to decide on a particular threshold is to derive it from a nominal precision
level with respect to the gold-standard network. We can do this with the
function \verb+qpPRscoreThreshold+ which reads the output of
\verb+qpPrecisionRecall+ and takes a desired precision or recall level. We will
use it with a nominal precision level of 50\%:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
thr <- qpPRscoreThreshold(avgnrr.prerec, level=0.5, recall.level=FALSE, max.score=0)
In order to manipulate the final reverse engineered transcriptional regulatory network
from this 50\%-precision qp-graph we will obtain a \verb+graphNEL+ object
through the \verb+qpGraph()+ function:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
g <- qpGraph(avgnrr.estimates, threshold=thr, return.type="graphNEL")
We are going to estimate now the corresponding PACs for the interactions. First,
we should see if this is at all possible by calculating the size of the largest
clique in this undirected graph with the \verb+qpCliqueNumber+ function from the
\Biocpkg{qpgraph} package:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
qpCliqueNumber(g, verbose=FALSE)
The maximum clique size (aka clique number) is smaller than the number of
observations in the data ($n=43$) and therefore we can go on with the PAC
estimation \citep[see][for further details on this]{Lauritzen:1996fj}:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
pac.estimates <- qpPAC(subset.gds680.eset, g, verbose=FALSE)
Before making a graphical representation of the transcriptional regulatory
network we have in \verb+g+ we would like to make a text-based summary of the
interactions, more amenable for an occasional automatic processing of them
outside R, including their presence or absence of RegulonDB and corresponding
avgNRRs, PACs and PCCs. We start by building a matrix of the directed edges,

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
edL <- edges(g)[names(edges(g))[unlist(lapply(edges(g),length)) > 0]]
edM <- matrix(unlist(sapply(names(edL),
              function(x) t(cbind(x,edL[[x]])),USE.NAMES=FALSE)),
and continue by gathering all the necessary information on these edges,

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
edSymbols <- cbind(unlist(mget(edM[,1], org.EcK12.egSYMBOL)),
                   unlist(mget(edM[,2], org.EcK12.egSYMBOL)))
idxTF <- match(edM[,1], featureNames(subset.gds680.eset))
idxTG <- match(edM[,2], featureNames(subset.gds680.eset))
nrrs <- avgnrr.estimates[cbind(idxTF, idxTG)]
pacs.rho <- pac.estimates$R[cbind(idxTF, idxTG)]
pacs.pva <- pac.estimates$P[cbind(idxTF, idxTG)]
pccs.rho <- pcc.estimates$R[cbind(idxTF, idxTG)]
pccs.pva <- pcc.estimates$P[cbind(idxTF, idxTG)]

idxRegDB <- apply(edM,1,function(x) { 
                          regdbmask <-
                            1, function(y) sum(!is.na(y))) == 2 ;
                          if (sum(regdbmask) > 0)

isinRegDB <- matrix(c("present","absent"),
                    nrow=2, ncol=length(idxRegDB))[t(cbind(!is.na(idxRegDB),
to end up creating a data frame that includes all the information,

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
txregnet <- data.frame(RegulonDB=isinRegDB,
rownames(txregnet) <- paste(edSymbols[,1],edSymbols[,2],sep=" -> ")
and which allows us to display the transcriptional regulatory network as a list
of edges ordering them, for instance, by the avgNRR from the stronger (0.0) to
the weaker (1.0) support for the presence of that interaction in the network:

<<getthenet, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim>>=
We can plot the network with the function \verb+qpPlotNetwork+ as follows and
obtain the result shown in Figure~3.

<<txNet50pctpre, fig=TRUE, include=FALSE, echo=TRUE, results=verbatim, height=7, width=7>>=
qpPlotNetwork(g, pairup.i=largestIQRgenesO2netTFs, pairup.j=largestIQRgenesO2net,
\caption{Reverse-engineered transcriptional network using a qp-graph at a nominal
50\% precision.}

\section{Session Information}

<<info, results=tex>>=

