%\VignetteIndexEntry{An R package for prediction of nucleosome positioning}



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\title{An introduction to the nuCpos package}
\author{Hiroaki Kato\thanks{hkato@med.shimane-u.ac.jp}, \  Takeshi Urano\\
Department of Biochemistry, Shimane University School of Medicine}


\section{About nuCpos}

\Rpackage{nuCpos}, a derivative of \Rpackage{NuPoP}, 
is an R package for predicting \textbf{\textit{nuc}}leosome 
\textbf{\textit{pos}}itions. In \Rpackage{nuCpos}, 
a duration hidden Markov model is trained with a 
\textbf{\textit{C}}hemical map of nucleosomes either from 
budding yeast \textit{Saccharomyces cerevisiae} 
(\cite{stat:Brogaard2012}), fission yeast 
\textit{Schizosaccharomyces pombe} (\cite{stat:Moyle-Heyrman2013}), 
or embryonic stem cells of house mouse \textit{Mus musculus} 
(\cite{stat:Voong2016}). \Rpackage{nuCpos} outputs the Viterbi 
(most probable) path of nucleosome-linker states, 
predicted nucleosome occupancy scores and histone binding affinity 
(HBA) scores as \Rpackage{NuPoP} does. \Rpackage{nuCpos} can also 
calculate local and whole nucleosomal HBA scores for 
a given 147-bp sequence. Furthermore, effect of genetic alterations 
on nucleosome occupancy can be predicted with this package.

The parental package \Rpackage{NuPoP}, licensed under GPL-2, 
was developed by Ji-Ping Wang and Liqun Xi. Please refer to 
\cite{stat:XiWang2010} and \cite{stat:WangWidom2008} for 
technical details of \Rpackage{NuPoP}. Note that \Rpackage{NuPoP} 
uses an MNase-seq-based map of budding yeast nucleosomes to train 
a duration hidden Markov model.

\section{nuCpos functions}
\Rpackage{nuCpos} has four functions: \verb@predNuCpos@, 
\verb@HBA@, \verb@localHBA@ and \verb@mutNuCpos@. 
The \verb@predNuCpos@ function can serve 
a chemical counterpart of the 
\verb@predNuPoP@ function of \Rpackage{NuPoP}: it predicts the 
nucleosome positioning and nucleosome occupancy. 

The functions \verb@HBA@ and \verb@localHBA@ receive a sequence of 
147-bp DNA and calculate whole nucleosomal and local HBA scores. 
The \verb@mutNuCpos@ function receives a wild-type DNA sequence 
and information on a genetic alteration to predict the effect of 
the mutation on nucleosome positioning. 

\Rpackage{nuCpos} requires the \Rpackage{Biostrings} package, 
especially when DNA sequences are given as DNAString objects to 
the functions \verb@HBA@, \verb@localHBA@ and \verb@mutNuCpos@. 
These functions can also receive DNA sequences as simple character 
string objects without loading the \Rpackage{Biostrings} package. 
Note: \Rpackage{nuCpos} requires the \Rpackage{NuPoP} package to perform 
some example runs.

Load the \Rpackage{nuCpos} package as follows:


\section{Performing predictions with predNuCpos}
The \verb@predNuCpos@ function acts like the \verb@predNuPoP@ 
function of \Rpackage{NuPoP}. 
When the $\Rfunarg{ActLikePredNuPoP}$ argument is set as TRUE, 
\verb@predNuCpos@ reads a DNA 
sequence file in FASTA format and invokes a Fortran subroutine 
to perform predictions. The prediction results will be saved 
in the working directory. \textit{TRP1ARS1x1.fasta}, the DNA 
sequence of \textit{TRP1ARS1} circular minichromosome (1,465 bp) 
(\cite{stat:Fuse2017}), in \Robject{extdata} can be used for 
an example run. Call the \verb@predNuCpos@ function as follows:

predNuCpos(file = system.file("extdata", "TRP1ARS1x1.fasta", 
    package = "nuCpos"), species = "sc", smoothHBA = FALSE, 
    ActLikePredNuPoP = TRUE)

The argument $\Rfunarg{file}$ is the path to the fasta file. 
The argument $\Rfunarg{species}$ can be specified as follows: 
mm = \textit{M. musculus};  sc = \textit{S. cerevisiae}; 
sp = \textit{S. pombe}. Re-scaling of the nucleosome and linker 
models for the prediction of other species' nucleosomes are 
not supported. \Rpackage{nuCpos} uses 4th order Markov chain 
models for the prediction. 

The name of the output file will be like 
As in the output file produced by the parental \Rpackage{NuPoP} 
package, it will contain five columns: 
    \item{\Robject{Position}: position in the input DNA sequence.}
    \item{\Robject{P-start}:  probability that a nucleosome starts at.}
    \item{\Robject{Occup}:    nucleosome occupancy score.}
    \item{\Robject{N/L}:      Viterbi path (1 and 0 for the 
        nucleosome and linker states, respectively).}
    \item{\Robject{Affinity}: histone binding affinity score.} 

To import the output into R, the \verb@readNuPoP@ function of 
    \Rpackage{NuPoP} can be used:
results.TRP1ARS1x1 <- readNuPoP("TRP1ARS1x1.fasta_Prediction4.txt", 
    startPos = 1, endPos = 1465)

The arguments $\Rfunarg{startPos}$ and $\Rfunarg{endPos}$ are used 
to import a part of the prediction results. In this example, 
the prediction results for the whole tested sequence is imported. 
First and last 73-bp regions do not have HBA scores 
(\Robject{Affinity}) as they cannot be calculated. 
The HBA scores start from the 74th position:


For visualization of the prediction results, the \verb@plotNuPoP@ 
function of \Rpackage{NuPoP} can be used. This function draws 
two plots in the graphical window. The top one shows predicted 
nucleosome occupancy. In the bottom one, probability of a nucleosome 
to start at the given position (blue vertical lines) and the 
Viterbi path (red lines) are shown as well as the nucleosome 
occupancy (gray). 


For prediction of nucleosome positioning in short circular DNA, 
one can use a triplicated sequence for prediction and read only 
the central copy for the evaluation. By triplicating the DNA, 
inaccurate prediction near the DNA ends, which are joined to 
each other in the circular form, can be avoided.

predNuCpos(file = system.file("extdata", "TRP1ARS1x3.fasta", 
    package = "nuCpos"), species = "sc", smoothHBA = FALSE, 
    ActLikePredNuPoP = TRUE)
results.TRP1ARS1 <- readNuPoP("TRP1ARS1x3.fasta_Prediction4.txt", 
    startPos = 1466, endPos = 2930)

Here, \Robject{TRP1ARS1x3.fasta} in \Robject{extdata} is a 
triplicated sequence (4,395 bp) of the \textit{TRP1ARS1} 
minichromosome (1,465 bp). 
The central part (from the coordinate 1,466 to 2,930) of the 
prediction results is read by \verb@readNuPoP@. They are apparently 
different from the previous results near the terminal regions.

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1x1[,3], type = "n", 
    ylim = c(-0.05, 1), xlab = "Position from the EcoRI site #1", 
    ylab = "probability/occupancy")
title("Not triplicated")
polygon(c(1, 1:1465, 1465), c(0, results.TRP1ARS1x1[,3], 0), col = 8)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1x1[,4], type = "l", col = 2)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1x1[, 2], type = "h", col = 4)

plot(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,3], type = "n", 
    ylim = c(-0.05, 1), xlab = "Position from the EcoRI site #1", 
    ylab = "probability/occupancy")
title("Triplicated: central copy")
polygon(c(1, 1:1465, 1465), c(0, results.TRP1ARS1[,3], 0), col = 8)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,4], type = "l", col = 2)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[, 2], type = "h", col = 4)

The main difference between the \verb@predNuCpos@ function of 
\Rpackage{nuCpos} and the \verb@predNuPoP@ function of 
\Rpackage{NuPoP} is the nucleosome maps for constructing 
statistical models. As \Rpackage{NuPoP} is based on an 
MNase-based-map, it can be affected by MNase's enzymatic 
preference to cut AT-rich sequence. 

For comparison, use the \verb@predNuPoP@ function of \Rpackage{NuPoP} 
and plot the results alongside those obtained with \Rpackage{nuCpos}. 
Please ignore the line starting with \textit{Prediction output} 
and running past the right margin because it cannot be suppressed.

predNuPoP(file = system.file("extdata", "TRP1ARS1x3.fasta", 
    package = "nuCpos"), species = 7, model = 4)
results.NuPoP <- readNuPoP("TRP1ARS1x3.fasta_Prediction4.txt", 
    startPos = 1466, endPos = 2930)

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,3], type = "n", 
    ylim = c(-0.05, 1), xlab = "Position from the EcoRI site #1", 
    ylab = "probability/occupancy")
title("NuCpos: Eight nucleosomes on the Viterbi path")
polygon(c(1, 1:1465, 1465), c(0, results.TRP1ARS1[,3], 0), col = 8)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,4], type = "l", col = 2)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[, 2], type = "h", col = 4)
text(x = 800, y = 0.5, labels = "*", cex = 2)

plot(x = 1:1465, y = results.NuPoP[,3], type = "n", 
    ylim = c(-0.05, 1), xlab = "Position from the EcoRI site #1", 
    ylab = "probability/occupancy")
title("NuPoP: Seven nucleosomes on the Viterbi path")
polygon(c(1, 1:1465, 1465), c(0, results.NuPoP[,3], 0), col = 8)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.NuPoP[,4], type = "l", col = 2)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.NuPoP[, 2], type = "h", col = 4)

As shown above, eight and seven nucleosomes are predicted along 
the \textit{TRP1ARS1} minichromosome by \Rpackage{nuCpos} and 
\Rpackage{NuPoP}, respectively. Most of the nucleosomes 
predicted by \Rpackage{nuCpos} are in similar locations 
\textit{in vivo} (\cite{stat:Fuse2017}). The predicted 
nucleosomes \#1-4 appear to correspond to the \textit{in vivo} 
nucleosomes IV-VII, which locates in the \textit{TRP1} gene. 
Whereas the predicted nucleosomes \#6-8 appear to correspond to 
the \textit{in vivo} nucleosomes I-III, which locates between 
the DNase hypersensitive regions (HSR) A and B. The predicted 
nucleosome \#5 (labeled with *) is positioned in the 
\textit{in vivo} nucleosome free region HSR-A, which contains 
the DNA replication origin \textit{ARS1}, where origin recognition 
complex may inhibit nucleosome formation \textit{in vivo}. 

By specifying the argument $\Rfunarg{smoothHBA}$ as TRUE, 
HBA scores can be smoothed in a 55-bp window as being done by 
the \verb@predNuPoP@ function of \Rpackage{NuPoP}.

predNuCpos(file = system.file("extdata", "TRP1ARS1x3.fasta", 
    package = "nuCpos"), species = "sc", smoothHBA = TRUE, 
    ActLikePredNuPoP = TRUE)
results.TRP1ARS1.smooth <- readNuPoP("TRP1ARS1x3.fasta_Prediction4.txt", 
    startPos = 1466, endPos = 2930)

par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
plot(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,3], type = "n", 
    ylim = c(-0.05, 1), xlab = "Position from the EcoRI site #1", 
    ylab = "probability/occupancy")
polygon(c(1, 1:1465, 1465), c(0, results.TRP1ARS1[,3], 0), col = 8)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,4], type = "l", col = 2)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[, 2], type = "h", col = 4)

plot(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,5], type = "n", 
    xlab = "Position from the EcoRI site #1", 
    ylab = "HBA", main = "HBA(red)/smoothed HBA(blue)")
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1[,5], type = "l", col = 2)
points(x = 1:1465, y = results.TRP1ARS1.smooth[,5], type = "l", col = 4)

As shown as a red line in the bottom one of the above plots, 
non-smoothed HBA scores in eukaryotic sequences exhibit 
about 10-bp periodicity. The dyads of predicted nucleosomes usually 
locate at the coordinates with high HBA scores. HBA scores in 
the output of \verb@predNuCpos@ can be standardized as being done 
by the \verb@predNuPoP@ function of \Rpackage{NuPoP} by specifying 
the argument $\Rfunarg{std}$ of \verb@predNuCpos@ as TRUE. 
The default setting for $\Rfunarg{std}$ is FALSE.

When the argument $\Rfunarg{ActLikePredNuPoP}$ is set as FALSE, 
which is the default setting, 
\verb@predNuCpos@ receives a character string or DNAString object 
as $\Rfunarg{inseq}$. 
In this case, prediction results will be returned to the 
R environment, and no file will be generated in the working directory.
The input sequence ($\Rfunarg{inseq}$) must not contain characters 
other than A/C/G/T. 

The results will contain five columns: 
    \item{\Robject{pos}: position in the input DNA sequence.}
    \item{\Robject{pstart}:  probability that a nucleosome starts at.}
    \item{\Robject{nucoccup}:    nucleosome occupancy score.}
    \item{\Robject{viterbi}:      Viterbi path (1 and 0 for the 
        nucleosome and linker states, respectively).}
    \item{\Robject{affinity}: histone binding affinity score.} 

TRP1ARS1 <- paste(scan(file = 
    system.file("extdata", "TRP1ARS1x1.fasta", package = "nuCpos"), 
    what = character(), skip = 1), sep = "", collapse = "")
results.TRP1ARS1.internal <- 
    predNuCpos(inseq = TRP1ARS1, species = "sc", smoothHBA = FALSE, 
    ActLikePredNuPoP = FALSE)

\section{Histone binding affinity score calculation with HBA}

HBA score can be calculated for a given 147-bp sequence with the 
\verb@HBA@ function. In the examples bellow, a character string 
object \Robject{inseq} and a DNAString object \Robject{INSEQ} with 
the same 147-bp DNA sequences are given to \verb@HBA@. Note: the 
\Rpackage{Biostrings} package is required for the latter case.

load(system.file("extdata", "inseq.RData", package = "nuCpos"))
HBA(inseq = inseq, species = "sc")
for(i in 1:3) cat(substr(inseq, start = (i-1)*60+1, 
    stop = (i-1)*60+60), "\n")
load(system.file("extdata", "INSEQ_DNAString.RData", 
    package = "nuCpos"))
HBA(inseq = INSEQ, species = "sc")

The argument $\Rfunarg{inseq}$ is the character string object to 
be given. Alternatively, a DNAString object can be used here. 
The length of DNA must be 147 bp. The argument $\Rfunarg{species}$ 
can be specified as follows: mm = \textit{M. musculus}; 
sc = \textit{S. cerevisiae}; sp = \textit{S. pombe}. 

\section{Local histone binding affinity score calculation 
    with localHBA}

Local HBA scores are defined as HBA scores for 13 overlapping 
subnucleosomal segments named A to M. They can be calculated for 
a given 147-bp sequence with the \verb@localHBA@ function. 
Like \verb@HBA@, this function can receive either a character 
string object or a DNAString object. The segment G corresponds to 
the central 21 bp region, in which the dyad axis passes through 
the 11th base position. This means that the local HBA score for 
the G segment implies the relationship between DNA and histone 
proteins at around superhelical locations -0.5 and +0.5. 
The neighboring F segment, which is 20 bp in length, 
is for SHLs -1.5 and -0.5. The result of example run shown below 
suggests that subsequence of \Robject{inseq} around SHL -3.5 and 
-2.5 is suitable for nucleosome formation. 

localHBA(inseq = inseq, species = "sc")
barplot(localHBA(inseq = inseq, species = "sc"), 
    names.arg = LETTERS[1:13], xlab = "Nucleosomal subsegments", 
    ylab = "local HBA", main = "Local HBA scores for inseq")

\section{Prediction of nucleosome positioning in wild-type 
    and mutant sequences with mutNuCpos}

The function \verb@mutNuCpos@ is designed to examine the effect of 
genetic alterations on nucleosome positioning. 
In the example run below, the \textit{TALS} circular minichromosome 
(1,811 bp) is used as a wild-type sequence. \cite{stat:Ichikawa2014} 
showed that insertion of telomere repeats into the \textit{TALS} 
minichromosome inhibits formation of positioned nucleosome 
\textit{in vivo}. Here, a 178-bp telomere repeat sequence is 
inserted at the base position 1,464 of \textit{TALS}.

TALS <- paste(scan(file = 
    system.file("extdata", "TALS.fasta", package = "nuCpos"), 
    what = character(), skip = 1), sep = "", collapse = "")
for(i in 1:23) cat(substr(TALS, 
    start = (i-1)*80+1, stop = (i-1)*80+80), "\n")
TTAGGGx29 <- paste(scan(file = 
    system.file("extdata", "TTAGGGx29.fasta", package = "nuCpos"), 
    what = character(), skip = 1), sep = "", collapse = "")
for(i in 1:3) cat(substr(TTAGGGx29, 
    start = (i-1)*80+1, stop = (i-1)*80+80), "\n")
mut.results <- mutNuCpos(wtseq = TALS, site = 1464, ins = TTAGGGx29, 
    species = "sc", smoothHBA = TRUE, plot.window = 601, 
    ylim.HBA = c(-15, 0), show.occup.window = TRUE, 
    annotation = data.frame(name = "alpha2", color = "purple", 
    left = 1534, right = 1559), full = TRUE)

The function \verb@mutNuCpos@ can receive either character string 
objects or DNAString objects as the arguments $\Rfunarg{wtseq}$ 
and $\Rfunarg{ins}$. The position of insertion is specified by 
the argument $\Rfunarg{site}$. The argument $\Rfunarg{species}$ 
is set as in other functions such as \verb@predNuCpos@. 
When $\Rfunarg{show.occup.window}$ is TRUE, the regions used for 
calculation of \textit{Difference in occupancy}, which is stored 
in the results 
(or printed in the console when \Robject{full = TRUE}), 
are shaded in the nucleosome occupancy plots. 

\verb@mutNuCpos@ does not save any data in the working directory. 
To receive calculation results from the function, use the 
assignment operator and set the $\Rfunarg{full}$ argument as TRUE 
to do so. One can obtain the prediction results for a wild-type 
sequence (or a mutant sequence by giving it as $\Rfunarg{wtseq}$) 
by setting the arguments $\Rfunarg{ins}$ and $\Rfunarg{del}$ 
as defaults. 

The argument $\Rfunarg{annotation}$ is useful for indicating 
positions of relevant elements. In this example, the alpha-2 
operator is shown as purple horizontal lines. The red horizontal 
lines indicate insertions. 

This function receives a wild-type DNA sequence longer than 1,000 bp. 
The sequence can only contain A, C, G and T. The received sequence 
is mutagenized and pentaplicated before performing predictions to 
avoid terminal effects. The coordinates (\Robject{pos}) for the 
results are with respect to the central copy of the pentaplicated 


We would like to thank Drs. Shimizu, Fuse and Ichikawa for 
sharing DNA sequences and \textit{in vivo} data, 
and giving fruitful comments.



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