%\VignetteIndexEntry{msmsEDA: Batch effects detection in LC-MSMS experiments}
%\VignetteKeywords{multivariate, hplot}



\title{msmsEDA \\
       LC-MS/MS Exploratory Data Analysis}
\author{Josep Gregori, Alex Sanchez, and Josep Villanueva\\
   Vall Hebron Institute of Oncology \&\\
   Statistics Dept. Barcelona University\\
%\date{January 18,2014}



In biomarker discovery, label-free differential proteomics is based 
on comparing the
expression of proteins between different biological conditions
\cite{mallik2010} \cite{neilson2011}.
The experimental design involved for these experiments 
requires of randomization and blocking \cite{quinn}. 
Working with balanced blocks in which all
biological conditions are measured by a number of technical and/or
biological replicates, and within the shortest time window possible, 
helps to reduce experimental bias. Unfortunately, there are many
factors that may bias the results in a systematic manner:
different operators, different chromatographic columns, different
protein digestions, an eventual repair of the LC-MS system,
and different laboratory environment conditions. Blocking and
randomization help to control to some extent these factors.
However, even using the best experimental design some
uncontrolled variables may still interfere with differential
proteomics experiments. These uncontrolled variables may be
responsible for the manifestation of batch effects. 
Effects which are usually evidenced when samples do not cluster 
by their biological condition using multidimensional unsupervised 
techniques such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA) or 
Hierarchical Clustering (HC) \cite{husson2010}. 
The most benign consequence of batch effects is an
increase in the observed variability with a decreased
sensitivity to detect biological differences. In the worst
scenario, batch effects can mask completely the underlying
biology in the experiment.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) helps in evidencing confounding
factors and eventual outliers. In front of any '-omics' experiment
it is always wise to perfom an EDA before any differential expression
statistical analysis \cite{luo2010} \cite{josep2012}. The results of 
this exploratory analysis, 
visualized by PCA maps, HC trees, and heatmaps, will inform about
the extent of batch effects and the presence of putative outliers.
As a result the analyst may decide on the inclusion of a blocking 
factor to take into account the batch effects, or about the exclusion
of a bad conditioned sample.

\section{An example LC-MS/MS dataset}

The dataset of this example \cite{josep2012} is the result of an spiking 
showing LC-MS/MS data obtained in ideal conditions, and optimal 
to detect batch effects. Samples of 500 micrograms of a standard 
yeast lysate are spiked either with 200fm or 600fm of a complex mix of 
48 human proteins (UPS1, Sigma-Aldrich\textregistered). The measures were done in two
different runs, separated by a year time. The first run consisted of
four replicates of each condition, and the second run consisted of
three replicates of each condition.
The dataset consists in an instance of the \emph{MSnSet} class, defined in the 
MSnbase package \cite{Gatto2012}, a S4 class \cite{chambers} \cite{genolini}. 
This \emph{MSnSet} object contains
a spectral counts (SpC) matrix in the \emph{assayData}
slot, and factors treatment and batch in the \emph{phenoData} slot.
(See also the expressionSet vignette \cite{gentleman})

options(continue=" ")

<<Chunk0, echo = TRUE>>=
  table(pData(msms.dataset)$treat, pData(msms.dataset)$batch)

The aim of the exploratory data analysis, in this case, is to evidence 
the existence of batch effects between the two runs. And eventually to
check the opportunity of a simple batch effects correction.

Before proceeding to the EDA, a data pre-processing is required to solve
NAs and to remove improper rows in the spectral counts matrix.
The NAs, common when joining datasets in which not exactly the same
proteins are identified, should be substituted by 0.
By improper rows to be removed, we mean: i) the rows with all zeroes, which 
could come from the subsetting from a bigger SpC matrix. 
ii) The rows belonging to artefactual identifications of '-R' proteins.

<<Chunk1, echo=TRUE>>=
e <- pp.msms.data(msms.dataset)
setdiff(featureNames(msms.dataset), featureNames(e))

\section{SpC distribution} 

A first glance to the contents of the spectral counts matrix 
is given by the distribution of SpC by sample, including the
number of proteins identified and the total spectral counts
by sample.

<<Chunk2, echo=TRUE>>=
tfvnm <- count.stats(e)  
{ cat("\nSample statistics after removing NAs and -R:\n\n")
  cat("SpC matrix dimension:",dim(e),"\n\n")

Three graphical means will contribute to visualize this distribution:

A barplot of total SpC by sample scaled to the median. Ideally when the
same amount of total protein is measured in each sample, the same total number
of spectral counts will be observed. A good quality experiment will show all 
the bars near 1. 
A set of SpC boxplots by sample. As most proteins in a 
sample may show very low signal, 0 or 1 SpC, resulting in sparce SpC vectors, 
more informative boxplots are obtained when removing the values below a given
threshold. Here the proteins with SpC below \texttt{minSpC} are excluded of
a sample. The boxplots show the distribution of the remaining $log_2$ 
transformed SpC values by sample. 
Superposed SpC density plots by sample. As before the 
proteins with SpC below \texttt{minSpC} are excluded of each sample and the 
SpC are $log_2$ transformed.

<<fig=TRUE,echo=TRUE, width=6, height=9.5>>=
             main="UPS1 200fm vs 600fm")
\caption{A) Total SpC by sample scaled to the median.
 B) Samples SpC boxplots.}\label{boxplot}

<<fig=TRUE,echo=TRUE, width=6, height=6>>=
                 main="UPS1 200fm vs 600fm")
\caption{Samples SpC density plots.}\label{density}

\section{Principal Components Analysis} 

A plot on the two principal components of the SpC matrix visualizes the
clustering of samples. Ideally the samples belonging to the same condition 
should cluster together. Any mixing of samples of different conditions
may indicate the influence of some confounding factors.

<<fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE, width=6.5, height=8>>=
facs <- pData(e)
snms <- substr(as.character(facs$treat),1,2)
snms <- paste(snms,as.integer(facs$batch),sep=".")
counts.pca(e, facs = pData(e)[, "treat", drop = FALSE],snms=snms)
counts.pca(e, facs = pData(e)[, "batch", drop = FALSE],snms=snms)
\caption{PCA plot on PC1/PC2, showing confounding. The labels are colored 
by treatment level on top, and by batch number bellow.
Labels themselves are selfexplicative of treatment condition and batch.

<<ChunkPCA, echo=TRUE, tidy=FALSE>>=
facs <- pData(e)
snms <- substr(as.character(facs$treat),1,2)
snms <- paste(snms,as.integer(facs$batch),sep=".")
pcares <- counts.pca(e)
smpl.pca <- pcares$pca
{ cat("Principal components analisis on the raw SpC matrix\n")
  cat("Variance of the first four principal components:\n\n")

Note how in these plots the samples tend to cluster by batch instead of by
treatment, this is evidence of a confounding factor. Something uncontrolled
contributes globally to the results in a higer extend than the treatment 

\section{Hierarchical clustering} 

The hierarchical clustering of samples offers another view of the same 

<<fig=TRUE, echo=TRUE, width=6.5, height=5>>=
counts.hc(e,facs=pData(e)[, "treat", drop = FALSE])
\caption{Hirearchical clustering of samples, showing confounding. The labels 
are colored by treatment level.

<<fig=TRUE, echo=TRUE, width=6.5, height=5>>=
counts.hc(e,facs=pData(e)[, "batch", drop = FALSE])
\caption{Hirearchical clustering of samples, showing confounding. The labels 
are colored by batch number.


A heatmap may be more informative than the dendrogram of samples, in the sense
that it allows to identify the proteins most sensitive to this confounding. In
this case we need a heatmap heigh enough to allow  room for all the protein
names. The function \emph{counts.heatmap} provides two heatmaps, the first one 
is fitted on an A4
page and offers a general view, the second one is provided in a separate pdf
file and is drawn with 3mm high rows to allow a confortable identification of
each protein and its expression profile in the experiment.

<<fig=TRUE, echo=TRUE,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,width=6,height=6>>=
counts.heatmap(e,etit="UPS1",fac=pData(e)[, "treat"])
\caption{Global view heatmap. The column color bar is colored as per
treatment levels.

\section{Batch effects correction} 

When counfounding is detected due to batch effects, as in this case, and the
runs are balanced in the two conditions to be compared, blocking may help in 
the reduction of the residual variance, improving the sensitivity of the
statistical tests. When dealing with spectral counts the usual model for the
differential expression tests is a Generalized Linear Model (GLM)
\cite{agresti2002} based on the
Poisson distribution, the negative binomial, or the quasi-likelihood, and these
models admit blocking as the usual ANOVA \cite{kutner} when dealing with 
normally distributed continous data.

The visualization of the influence of a batch effects correction, in the
exploratory data analysis step, is easily carried out by the so called 
\emph{mean centering} approach \cite{luo2010}, by which the centers of each 
batch are made to coincide concealing the observed bias between the different 
batches.  The PCA on the batch mean centered expression matrix will then show 
the level of improvement.

<<ChunkMC, echo=TRUE, tidy=FALSE>>=
msnset <- pp.msms.data(msms.dataset)
spcm <- exprs(msnset)
fbatch <- pData(msnset)$batch
spcm2 <- batch.neutralize(spcm, fbatch, half=TRUE, sqrt.trans=TRUE)

<<fig=TRUE, echo=TRUE,width=6,height=4>>=
###  Plot the PCA on the two first PC, and colour by treatment level
###  to visualize the improvement.
exprs(msnset) <- spcm2
facs <- pData(e)
snms <- substr(as.character(facs$treat),1,2)
snms <- paste(snms,as.integer(facs$batch),sep=".")
counts.pca(msnset, facs=facs$treat, do.plot=TRUE, snms=snms)
\caption{PCA plot on the batch mean centered expression matrix,
showing now a better clustering by treatment level. 

This plots shows a clear improvement in the clustering of samples by treatment
condition, and suggest that a model with batch as block factor will give better
results than a model just including the treatment factor.
The incidence of the correction may be evaluated as:

<<ChunkMC2, echo=TRUE, tidy=FALSE>>=
###  Incidence of the correction


The simplest distribution used to explain the observed counts in sampling is the
Poisson distribution. With this distribution the variance is equal to the mean,
so that the dispersion coefficient -the ratio variance to mean- is one. 
When there are other sources of variation, apart of the sampling, such as
the usual variability among biological replicates, we talk of overdispersion.
In this situation the coefficient of dispersion is greater than one and the
Poisson distribution is unable to explain this extra source of variance.
Alternative GLM models able to explain overdispersion are based on the negative binomial distribution, or on the quasilikelihood \cite{agresti2002}.

An EDA of a dataset based on counts should include an exploration of the
residual coefficients of dispersion for each of the factors in the
experimental design. This will help in deciding the model to use in the
inference step.

The \emph{disp.estimates} function plots the
distribution of residual dispersion coefficients, and the scatterplot of
residual variances vs mean SpC for each of the factors in the parameter
\emph{facs}, if this parameter is NULL then the factors are taken as default
from the \emph{phenoData} slot of the MSnSet object.

<<ChunkPCA, echo=TRUE, tidy=FALSE>>=
dsp <- disp.estimates(e)

This function returns silently the quartiles and the quantiles at
0.9, 0.95 and 0.99 of the residual dispersion of each factor.
With technical replicates it is not uncommon to observe most of the
dispersion coefficients lower that one. 
This is a situation of underdispersion, most likely due to the competitive
sampling at the MS system entrance. 

<<fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE,width=4,height=7>>=
disp.estimates(e,facs=pData(e)[, "batch", drop = FALSE])
\caption{Residual dispersion density plot, and residual variance vs mean 
scatterplot in log10 scale, of the batch factor.

\section{Informative features}

In the border between EDA and inference we may explore the number and
distribution of informative features. We mean by informative features
those proteins showing a high enough signal in the most abundant condition
and with an absolute log fold change between treatment levels above a
given threshold. The following plot shows in red the features with 
signal not bellow 2 SpC in the most abundant condition, and with  
\texttt{minLFC} of 1. To improve the plot two transformations are
available, either '\texttt{log2}' or '\texttt{sqrt}', although '\texttt{none}'
is also accepted. 

<<fig=TRUE, echo=TRUE,width=5,height=5>>=
                main="UPS1 200fm vs 600fm")
\caption{Scatterplot with informative features in red, showing the borders
of fold change 2 and 0.5 as blue dash-dot lines.


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