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<<style-knitr, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results="asis">>=

<<setup, echo=FALSE>>=
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message=FALSE, fig.align="center", comment="")

\bioctitle[Handling Missing Rows]{\Huge{missRows}\\[0.25cm]
\Huge{\textsf{\textbf{Handling Missing Rows in Multi-Omics\\ 
Data Integration}}}}

\author{Valentin Voillet and Ignacio Gonz\'alez}

% \date{2018}



In omics data integration studies, it is common, for a variety of reasons, 
for some individuals to not be present in all data tables. Missing row values 
are challenging to deal with because most statistical methods cannot be 
directly applied to incomplete datasets. To overcome this issue, we propose 
\Rpackage{missRows}, an \R{} package that implements the MI-MFA method
published in Voillet \textit{et al.} (2016) \cite{Voillet_2016}, a multiple
imputation (MI) approach in a multiple factor analysis (MFA) framework. 
The MI-MFA method generates multiple imputed datasets from a MFA model, then
the results yield are combined in a single consensus solution. The package
provides functions for estimating coordinates of individuals and variables 
in presence of missing individuals (rows), graphical outputs to display the
results and improve interpretation, and various diagnostic plots to inspect 
the pattern of missingness and visualize the uncertainty due to missing row
values. This vignette explains the use of the package and demonstrates 
typical workflows.


Due to the increase in available data information, integrating large amounts 
of heterogeneous data is currently one of the major challenges in systems 
biology. Biological data integration provides scientists with a deeper insight 
into complex biological processes. However, when dealing with multiple data 
tables, the presence of missing values is a common situation for a variety of 
reasons. In omics data integration studies, it is common for some individuals 
to not be present in all data tables, resulting in a specific missing data 
pattern for multiple tables. Missing row values for a table of variables are 
challenging to handle because most statistical methods cannot be directly 
applied to incomplete datasets. To overcome one of the major issues associated
with multiple omics data tables, we propose \Rpackage{missRows}, an \R{}
package that implements the MI-MFA method published in \cite{Voillet_2016}, 
a multiple imputation (MI) approach in a multiple factor analysis (MFA,
\cite{Escofier_1994}) framework. 
Proposed by Rubin (1987) \cite{Rubin_2004}, MI estimates both the parameters 
of interest and their variability in a data missingness framework, and it 
relies on the principle that a single value cannot reflect the uncertainty 
of the estimation of a missing value.

Figure~\ref{overview_method} illustrates the three main steps in MI-MFA: 
imputation, analysis and combination. \Rpackage{missRows} stores the results 
of each step in a \Rcode{S4} class: \Rclass{MIDTList}. 
The analysis starts with observed and incomplete data tables $\boldsymbol{K}$. 
First, MI is used to generate plausible synthetic data 
values, called imputations, for missing values in the data. This step results 
in a number ($M$) of imputed datasets in which the missing data are replaced 
by random draws of plausible values according to a specific statistical model. 
The second step consists in analyzing each imputed dataset using MFA to 
estimate the parameters of interest. This step results in $M$ analyses 
(instead of just one) which differ only because the imputations differ. 
Finally, MI combines all the results together to obtain a single consensus 
estimate, thereby combining variation within and across the $M$ imputed 
datasets. In \Rpackage{missRows}, these three steps are performed using the 
function \Rcode{MIMFA}, and are described in detail in our publication 
(Voillet \textit{et al.} 2016, \cite{Voillet_2016}).

The package provides functions for data exploration, and result visualization. 
The structure of missing values can be explored using the 
\Rcode{missPattern} function. It gives to the user an indication of how 
much information is missing and how the missingness is distributed. The 
\Rcode{plotInd} and \Rcode{plotVar} functions provide scatter plots for 
individual and variable representations respectively.

In the MI-MFA framework, after estimating the configurations from the imputed 
datasets, a new source of variability due to missing values can be taken into 
account. The \Rpackage{missRows} package proposes two approaches to visualize 
the uncertainty of the estimated MFA configurations attributable to missing 
row values: confidence ellipses and convex hulls. The function \Rcode{plotInd} 
contains methods implementing these two approaches.

This vignette explains the basics of using \Rpackage{missRows} by showing an 
example, including advanced material for fine tuning some options. 
The vignette also includes description of the methods behind the package.



\caption{\textbf{Overview of the MI-MFA approach to handling missing rows in 
multi-omics data integration.} The top part of the graphic indicates that 
analysis starts with observed, incomplete data tables $\boldsymbol{K}$. In a 
first step, multiple imputation is performed using the hot-deck imputation 
approach: $M$ imputed versions $\boldsymbol{K}^{(1)},\ldots , 
\boldsymbol{K}^{(M)}$ of $\boldsymbol{K}$ are obtained by replacing the 
missing values by plausible data values. These plausible values are drawn 
from donor pools. The imputed sets are identical for the non-missing data 
entries, but differ in the imputed values. The second step is to estimate the 
configuration matrix $\boldsymbol{F}_{\!m}$ for each imputed dataset 
$\boldsymbol{K}^{(m)}$ using MFA. The estimated configurations differ from 
each other because their input data differ. The last step is to combine the 
$M$ estimated configurations $\boldsymbol{F}_{\!1},\ldots , 
\boldsymbol{F}_{\!M}$ into a compromise configuration $\boldsymbol{F_{\!c}}$ 
using the STATIS method.} \label{overview_method}


\subsection{Citing \Rpackage{missRows}}
We hope that \Rpackage{missRows} will be useful for your research. Please use 
the following information to cite \Rpackage{missRows} and the overall approach 
when you publish results obtained using this package, as such citation is the 
main means by which the authors receive credit for their work. Thank you! 

x <- citation("missRows")

Gonz{\'a}lez I., Voillet V. 
\Sexpr{paste0("(", x$year, "). ", x$title, ". ", x$note, ".")} \bigskip

Voillet V., Besse P., Liaubet L., San Cristobal M., Gonz{\'a}lez I. (2016).
Handling missing rows in multi-omics data integration: Multiple Imputation 
in Multiple Factor Analysis framework. \textit{BMC Bioinformatics}, 17(40).

\subsection{How to get help for \Rpackage{missRows}}
Most questions about individual functions will hopefully be answered by the 
documentation. To get more information on any specific named function, for 
example \Rcode{MIMFA}, you can bring up the documentation by typing at the 
\R{} prompt \medskip


or \medskip


The authors of \Rpackage{missRows} always appreciate receiving reports 
of bugs in the package functions or in the documentation. The same goes 
for well-considered suggestions for improvements. If you've run into a 
question that isn't addressed by the documentation, or you've found a 
conflict between the documentation and what the software does, then there 
is an active community that can offer help. Send your questions or problems 
concerning \Rpackage{missRows} to the Bioconductor support site at 

Please send requests for general assistance and advice to the support site, 
rather than to the individual authors. It is particularly critical that you 
provide a small reproducible example and your session information so package 
developers can track down the source of the error. Users posting to the 
support site for the first time will find it helpful to read the posting 
guide at \url{http://www.bioconductor.org/help/support/posting-guide}.

\subsection{Quick start}
A typical MI-MFA session can be divided into three steps:

\item {\it Data preparation:} In this first step, a convenient \R{} object of 
class \Rclass{MIDTList} is created containing all the information required 
for the two remaining steps. The user needs to provide the data tables with 
missing rows, an indicator vector giving the stratum for each individual and 
optionally the name for each table. \medskip

\item {\it Performing MI:} Using the object created in the first step the user 
can perform MI-MFA to estimate the coordinates of individuals and variables 
on the MFA components, and the imputation of missing data values. \medskip

\item {\it Analysis of the results:} The results obtained in the second step 
are analyzed using visualization tools. \bigskip

An analysis might look like the following. Here we assume there are two 
data tables with missing rows, \Rcode{table1} and \Rcode{table2}, and the 
stratum for each individual is stored in a data frame \Rcode{df}. \medskip

<<quickStart, eval=FALSE>>=
## Data preparation
midt <- MIDTList(table1, table2, colData=df)

## Performing MI
midt <- MIMFA(midt, ncomp=2, M=30)

## Analysis of the results - Visualization

\section{Using \Rpackage{missRows}}

We assume that the user has the \R{} program (see the \R{} project at 
\url{http://www.r-project.org}) already installed.

The \Rpackage{missRows} package is available from the \Bioconductor{} 
repository at \url{http://www.bioconductor.org}. To be able to install the 
package one needs first to install the core \Bioconductor{} packages. If you 
have already installed \Bioconductor{} packages on your system then you can 
skip the two lines below. \medskip

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
\warning{try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported}

Once the core \Bioconductor{} packages are installed, you can install the 
\Rpackage{missRows} package by \medskip

<<install, eval=FALSE>>=
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
\warning{try http:// if https:// URLs are not supported} \bigskip

Load the \Rpackage{missRows} package in your \R{} session: \medskip

<<loadLibrary, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE>>=

A list of all accessible vignettes and methods is available with the 
following command: \medskip

<<searchHelp, eval=FALSE>>=

\subsection{Data overview}
To help demonstrate the functionality of \Rpackage{missRows}, the package 
includes example datasets of the NCI-60 cancer cell line panel. This panel 
was developed as part of the Developmental Therapeutics Program 
(\url{http://dtp.nci.nih.gov/}) of the National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Once the package is loaded, these datasets can be used by typing \medskip


\Rcode{NCI60} is a list composed of two components: \Rcode{dataTables}, 
and \Rcode{mae}. \medskip


\Rcode{dataTables} contains both transcriptomic and proteomic expression from
NCI-60 without missing data. The transcriptome data was directly retrieved 
from the \Robject{NCI60\_4arrays} data in the \Biocpkg{omicade4} package 
\cite{NCI60_4arrays}. This data table contains gene expression profiles 
generated by the Agilent platform with only few hundreds of genes randomly 
selected to keep the size of the Bioconductor package small. The proteomic 
data table was retrieved from the \Biocpkg{rcellminerData} package 
\cite{rcellminer}. Protein abundance levels are available for 162 proteins.
Both full datasets are accessible at 
\url{https://discover.nci.nih.gov/cellminer/} \cite{CellMiner}.

Subsequently, a specific pattern of missingness has been created in these data 
tables for illustration purpose.

The component \Rcode{dataTables\$cell.line} contains the character vector of
cancer type for each cell line: colon (CO), renal (RE), ovarian (OV), breast
(BR), prostate (PR), lung (LC), central nervous system (CNS), leukemia (LE) 
and melanoma (ME). \medskip


\Rcode{NCI60\$mae} contain a 'MultiAssayExperiment' instance from NCI60 data
with transcriptome and proteomic experiments as described in 


\subsection{Data preparation: the \Rclass{MIDTList} object}
The first step in using the \Rpackage{missRows} package is to create a 
\Rclass{MIDTList} object. This object stores the data tables, the 
intermediate estimated quantities during the multiple imputation procedure 
and is the input of the visualization functions. The object 
\Rclass{MIDTList} will usually be represented in the code here as 

To build such an object the user needs the following:

\item[the incomplete data:] data tables with missing rows. Two or more 
objects which can be interpreted as matrices (or data frames). Data tables 
passed as arguments must be arranged in samples $\times$ variables, with 
sample order and row names matching in all data tables. \medskip

\item[strata:] named vector or data frame giving the stratum for each 
individual. Names (in vector) or row names (in data frame) must be equal 
to the row names among data tables. \medskip

\item[table names:] optionally a character vector giving the name for each 
table. \medskip

Here, we demonstrate how to construct a \Rclass{MIDTList} object from 
\Rcode{NCI60} data. We first load the data \medskip


If the data tables are already available as a list, \Rcode{tableList} say, 
and \Rcode{cell.line} contains the character vector of cancer type for each 
cell line, then a \Rclass{MIDTList} object can be created by \medskip

tableList <- NCI60$dataTables[1:2]
cell.line <- NCI60$dataTables$cell.line

midt <- MIDTList(tableList, colData=cell.line, 
                    assayNames=c("trans", "prote"))

The function \Rcode{MIDTList} makes a \Rclass{MIDTList} object from 
separated data tables directly by \medskip

table1 <- NCI60$dataTables$trans
table2 <- NCI60$dataTables$prote
cell.line <- NCI60$dataTables$cell.line

midt <- MIDTList(table1, table2, colData=cell.line,
                    assayNames=c("trans", "prote"))

or by \medskip

midt <- MIDTList("trans" = table1, "prote" = table2,

The function \Rcode{MIDTList} makes a \Rclass{MIDTList} object from 
'MultiAssayExperiment' by \medskip

midt <- MIDTList(NCI60$mae)

A summary of the \Rcode{midt} object can be seen by typing the object name 
at the \R{} prompt \medskip


\subsection{Performing MI-MFA}
The main function for performing MI-MFA is \Rcode{MIMFA}, and it has four main 
arguments. The first argument is an instance of class \Rclass{MIDTList}. 
The second and third arguments are of type integer; they specify the number 
of components to include in MFA and the number of imputations in MI, 
respectively. The fourth argument is a boolean, if \Rcode{TRUE} then the 
number of components is estimated for data imputation, in this case the 
maximum number of components is determined by the second argument 

We then performs MI-MFA on the incomplete data tables contained in 
\Rcode{midt} by using \Rcode{M=30} imputations \medskip

<<MIMFA, echo=2>>=
midt <- MIMFA(midt, ncomp=50, M=30, estimeNC=TRUE)

\Rcode{MIMFA} returns an object of class \Rclass{MIDTList}. A short summary 
of this object is shown by typing \medskip


\subsection{Working with the \Rclass{MIDTList} object}
Once the \Rclass{MIDTList} object is created the user can use the methods 
defined for this class to access the information encapsulated in the object. 

By example, the table names information is accessed by \medskip


For accessing the \Rcode{colData} slot \medskip

cell.line <- colData(midt)

Multiple imputation calculates \Rcode{M} configurations associated to each 
imputed datasets. In order to get the \Rcode{M}th configuration, use the 
\Rcode{configurations} function. For \Rcode{M=5}, \medskip

conf <- configurations(midt, M=5)

The list of ... can be exported by the function 
\Rcode{function} \medskip

\subsection{Data exploration and visualization}
This section presents the available tools for data exploration and 
visualization of the results in \Rpackage{missRows}. Both \Rcode{MIDTList} 
and \Rcode{MIMFA} functions return an object of type \Rclass{MIDTList}, and 
all of the following functions work with this object.

\subsubsection{Inspect the missing rows pattern}
Before imputation, the structure of missing values can be explored using 
visualization tools and summaries outputs. Looking at the missing data 
pattern is always useful. It can give you an indication of how much 
information is missing and how the missingness is distributed.

Inspect the missingness pattern for the \Rcode{NCI60} incomplete data by 

<<missingPattern, fig.width=6, fig.height=5, out.width="0.6\\textwidth">>=
patt <- missPattern(midt, colMissing="grey70")

\Rcode{missPattern} calculates the amount of missing/available rows 
in each stratum per data table and plots a missingness map showing where 
missingness occurs. Data tables are plotted separately 
on a same device showing the pattern of missingness. The individuals are 
colored with rapport to their stratum whereas missing rows are colored 
according to the \Rcode{colMissing} argument.

The object \Rcode{patt} encapsulates information from  the structure of 
missingness, such as the amount of missing/available rows in each 
stratum per data table and the indicator matrix for the missing rows. 


The missingness pattern shows that there are 20 missing rows in total: 12 
for the \Rcode{trans} table and 8 for the \Rcode{prote} table. Moreover, 
there are two strata (\Rcode{LC} and \Rcode{ME}) with 4 missing rows, four 
strata with 2 missing rows, one stratum with 3 missing rows and another one 
with 1 missing row.

\subsubsection{Individuals plot}
An insightful way of looking at the results of \Rcode{MIMFA} is to 
investigate how the observed and imputed individuals are distributed on 
the two-dimensional configuration defined by the MFA components.

\Rcode{plotInd} function makes scatter plot for individuals representation 
from \Rcode{MIMFA} results. Each point corresponds to an individual. The 
color of each individual reflects their corresponding stratum, whereas 
imputed individuals are colored according to the \Rcode{colMissing} 
argument. \medskip

<<plotInd, fig.width=6, fig.height=5, out.width="0.55\\textwidth">>=
plotInd(midt, colMissing="white")

\subsubsection{Visualizing the uncertainty induced by the missing individuals}
Multiple imputation generates \Rcode{M} imputed datasets and the variance 
between-imputations reflects the uncertainty associated to the estimation of 
the missing row values. The \Rpackage{missRows} package proposes two 
approaches to visualize and assess the uncertainty due to missing data: 
confidence ellipses and convex hulls.

The rough idea is to project all the multiple imputed datasets onto the 
compromise configuration. Each individual is represented by \Rcode{M} 
points, each corresponding to one of the \Rcode{M} configurations. 
Confidence ellipses and convex hulls can be then constructed for the 
\Rcode{M} configurations for each individual. The computed convex hull 
results in a polygon containing all \Rcode{M} solutions.

Confidence ellipses can be created using the function \Rcode{plotInd} by 
setting the \Rcode{confAreas} argument to \Rcode{"ellipse"} \medskip

<<plotInd-ellipses, fig.width=6, fig.height=5, out.width="0.55\\textwidth">>=
plotInd(midt, confAreas="ellipse", confLevel=0.95)

The 95\% confidence ellipses show the uncertainty for each individual. For 
ease of understanding, not all individuals for the \Rcode{M} configurations 
obtained are plotted.

Convex hulls are plotted by setting the \Rcode{confAreas} argument to 
\Rcode{"convex.hull"} \medskip

<<plotInd-convexhull, fig.width=6, fig.height=5, out.width="0.55\\textwidth">>=
plotInd(midt, confAreas="convex.hull")

These graphical representations provide scientists with considerable guidance 
when interpreting the significance of \Rcode{MIMFA} results. The larger the 
area of an ellipse (convex hull), the more uncertain the exact location of 
the individual. Thus, when ellipse and convex hull areas are large, the 
scientist should remain really careful regarding its interpretation.

\subsubsection{Variables plot: correlation circle}
\Rcode{plotVar} produces a "correlation circle", \textit{i.e.} the correlations
between each variable and the selected components are plotted as scatter plot, 
with concentric circles of radius one and radius given by \Rcode{radIn}. 
Variables are represented by points (symbols) and colored according to the 
data table to which they belong. \medskip

<<plotVar, fig.width=6, fig.height=5, out.width="0.55\\textwidth">>=
plotVar(midt, radIn=0.5)

This plot is an enlightening tool for data interpretation, as it enables a 
graphical examination of the relationships between variables. The variables 
or groups of variables strongly positively correlated are projected closely 
to each other on the correlation circle. When the correlation is strongly 
negative, the groups of variables are projected at diametrically opposite 
places on the correlation circle. The variables or groups of variables that 
are not correlated are situated 90$^\circ$ one from the other in the circle. 
For variables closely located to the origin, it means that some information 
can be carried on other axes and, it might be necessary to visualize the 
correlation circle plot in the subsequent dimensions. More details about 
the correlation circle interpretation can be found in \cite{Gonzalez_2012}.

In the high dimensional case, the interpretation of the correlation structure 
between variables from two or more data tables can be difficult, and a 
\Rcode{cutoff} can be chosen to remove some weaker associations. \medskip

<<plotVar-cutoff, fig.width=6, fig.height=5, out.width="0.55\\textwidth">>=
plotVar(midt, radIn=0.55, varNames=TRUE, cutoff=0.55)

\subsection{How many imputations\,?}
When using MI, one of the uncertainties concerns the number \Rcode{M} of 
imputed datasets needed to obtain satisfactory results. The number of imputed 
datasets in MI depends to a large extent on the proportion of missing data. 
The greater the missingness, the larger the number of  imputations needed to 
obtain stable results. However, in multiple hot-deck imputation, the number 
of imputed datasets is limited by the size of the donor pools.

The appropriate number of imputations can be informally determined by carrying 
out MI-MFA on $N$ replicate sets of $M_l$ imputations for $l=0,1,2,\ldots ,$ 
with $M_0 < M_1< M_2 < \cdots < M_{max}$, until the estimate compromise 
configurations are stabilized.

\Rcode{tuneM} function implements such a procedure. Collections of size 
\Rcode{N} are generated for each number of imputations \Rcode{M}, with 
\Rcode{M = seq(inc, Mmax, by=inc)}. The stability of the estimated MI-MFA 
configurations is then determined by calculating the RV coefficient between 
the configurations obtained using \Rcode{M}$_{\,l}$ and \Rcode{M}$_{\,l+1}$ 
imputations. \medskip

<<tuneM, echo=FALSE>>=
tune <- tuneM(midt, ncomp=2, Mmax=100, inc=10, N=20, showPlot=FALSE)

tune <- tuneM(midt, ncomp=2, Mmax=100, inc=10, N=20)


<<echo=FALSE, fig.width=6.5, fig.height=5, out.width="0.5\\textwidth">>=

The values shown are the mean RV coefficients for the \Rcode{N=20} 
two-dimensional configurations as a function of the number of imputations.
Error bars represent the standard deviation of the RV coefficients.

\section{Methods behind \Rpackage{missRows}}

\subsection{The MI-MFA approach}
To deal with multiple tables with missing individuals, \Rpackage{missRows}
implements the MI-MFA method in \cite{Voillet_2016}, a multiple imputation
approach in a multiple factor analysis framework. According to MI methodology,
the MI-MFA proceeds as follows. Let $\boldsymbol{K} = \{\boldsymbol{K}_{\!1},
\ldots ,\boldsymbol{K}_{\!J}\}$ a set of $J$ data tables, where each 
$\boldsymbol{K}_{\!j}$ corresponds to a table of quantitative variables 
measured on the same individuals, then carry out the following three 
steps: \smallskip


    \item[1.] Imputation: generate $M$ different imputed datasets 
    $\boldsymbol{K}^{(1)},\ldots ,\boldsymbol{K}^{(m)},\ldots ,
    \boldsymbol{K}^{(M)}$ of $\boldsymbol{K}$ using multiple hot-deck 
    imputation \cite{Kalton_1986}.\medskip

    \item[2.] MFA analysis: perform an MFA on each $\boldsymbol{K}^{(m)}$
    imputed dataset leading to $M$ different configurations 
    $\boldsymbol{F}_{\!1}, \dots ,\boldsymbol{F}_{\!m},\dots ,

    \item[3.] Combination: find a consensus configuration between all 
    $\boldsymbol{F}_{\!1},\dots ,\boldsymbol{F}_{\!M}$ configurations
    using the STATIS method \cite{Lavit_1994}.\medskip


These steps are outlined in Figure~\ref{overview_method} and described in 
detail in our publication (Voillet \textit{et al.} 2016, \cite{Voillet_2016}).

\subsection{Imputation of missing rows and estimation of MFA axes}
Even if the objective of MI-MFA is to estimate the MFA components in spite of 
missing values, an estimation of MFA axes and imputation of missing data 
values can be achieved. Consequently, the MI-MFA approach can also be viewed 
as a single imputation method. Moreover, since the imputation is based on a 
MFA model (on the components and axes), it takes into account similarities 
between individuals and relationships between variables. 

Since the core of MFA is a PCA of the weighted data table $\boldsymbol{K}$, 
the algorithm suggested to estimate MFA axes and impute missing values is 
inspired from the alternating least squares algorithm used in PCA. This 
consists in finding matrices $\boldsymbol{F}$ and $\boldsymbol{U}$ which 
minimize the following criterion: 
$$||\boldsymbol{K}-\boldsymbol{M}-\boldsymbol{F}\boldsymbol{U}||^2 = 
\sum_{i}\sum_{k}\left( \boldsymbol{K}_{ik} - \boldsymbol{M}_{ik} - 
\sum_{d=1}^D \boldsymbol{F}_{id} \boldsymbol{U}_{kd} \right)^2,$$

\noindent where $\boldsymbol{M}$ is a matrix with each row equal to a vector 
of the mean of each variable and $D$ is the kept dimensions in PCA. 
The solution is obtained by alternating two multiple regressions until 
convergence, one for estimating axes (loadings $\hat{\boldsymbol{U}}$) and 
one for components (scores $\hat{\boldsymbol{F}}$):
    \hat{\boldsymbol{U}}' \!\!\!& = &\!\!\!
    \hat{\boldsymbol{F}}'(\boldsymbol{K}-\hat{\boldsymbol{M}})\\ \\
    \hat{\boldsymbol{F}} \!\!\!& = &\!\!\!

The algorithm to estimate MFA axes and impute missing values works as follows. 
Let $\boldsymbol{K} = [\boldsymbol{K}_1,\ldots, \boldsymbol{K}_J]$ the merged 
matrix containing missing values and $\boldsymbol{F}$ the matrix containing 
the compromise components of the MI-MFA, then carry out the following 
steps: \smallskip


    \item[] Step 0. Initialization $l = 0$: $\boldsymbol{K}^0$ is obtained by 
    substituting missing values with initial values (for example with column 
    means on the non-missing entries or zeros); $\hat{\boldsymbol{M}}^0$ is 

    \item[] Step 1. Calculate $(\hat{\boldsymbol{U}}^l)' = 
    (\boldsymbol{F}'\boldsymbol{F})^{-1} \boldsymbol{F}'
    (\boldsymbol{K}^{(l-1)} - \hat{\boldsymbol{M}}^{(l-1)})$.\medskip

    \item[] Step 2. Missing values are estimated as 
    $\hat{\boldsymbol{K}}^l = \hat{\boldsymbol{M}}^{(l-1)} + 

    \item[] Step 3. The new imputed data set $\boldsymbol{K}^l$ is obtained 
    by replacing the missing values of the original $K$ matrix with the 
    corresponding elements of $\hat{\boldsymbol{K}}^l$, whilst keeping the 
    observed values unaltered.\medskip

    \item[] Step 4. $\hat{\boldsymbol{M}}^l$ is computed on 

    \item[] Step 5. Steps 1 to 4 are repeated until convergence. 


\section{Session information}
The following is the session info that generated this tutorial: \medskip

<<session-info, echo=FALSE>>=

% \section{References}
