


\title{methylMnM Tutorial}
\author{Yan Zhou, Bo Zhang, Nan Lin, BaoXue Zhang and Ting Wang }





M\&M is developed for jointly analyzing MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq data,
which are derived from methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP)
experiments followed by sequencing (MeDIP-seq) and methyl-sensitive
restriction enzymes experiments for unmethylated CpGs (MRE-seq). We
have implemented the M\&M method via a set of R functions with the
computational intensive parts written in C. We make a R package
named methylMnM and give a tutorial for the package. The method
consist three steps.

Step 1: Data Pre-processing;
 Calculate the CpG count of each window.
 Calculate the MRE CpG count of each window.
Calculate MeDIP-seq tag count of each window of control
and treatment samples.
 Calculate MRE-seq tag count of each window of control and
treatment samples.

Step 2: Calculating p-values of each window by the M\&M test;

Step 3: q-values for FDR control;

Step 4: Select Significants.

 We use a real dataset to illustrate the usage of the methylMnM
package. The programs can run under the Linux system and windows XP
system. The R versions should larger than 2.12.0.


Before installing methylMnM package, the user must install two other
packages, which can be done using the following commands. 

<<echo=TRUE, eval=F>>=
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))
Next, to install the methylMnM package into your R
environment, start R and enter:

<<echo=TRUE, eval=F>>=
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly=TRUE))

 Then, the methylMnM package is ready to load.
<<echo=T, eval=T, results=hide>>=

\section{Data format}
In order to reproduce the presented methylMnM workflow, the package
includes the example data sets
\texttt{all\_CpGsite\_chr18.txt} (6M), 
\texttt{H1ESB1\_MeDIP\_18.extended.txt} (16.06M),
\texttt{H1ESB2\_MRE\_18.extended.txt} (4.98M)
in the \texttt{extdata} subdirectory of the methylMnM package.

files contain genomic regions from chromosome 18 only, as covered by
short reads obtained from a MeDIP and MRE experiment of human H1ESB1

All input and output files are in a .bed format. The input file
contain the following columns.

the first coulumn is of type character and contains the chromosome of the region (e.g. chr1)
the second column is of type numeric and contains the start position of the mapped read
the third column is of type numeric and contains the stop position of the mapped read
the fourth column is of type character and contains the strand information of the mapped read

For MRE-seq data, we need "+" and "-" strand information in mapping
process, which is general located at the sixth column of the input
file. Each row represents a mapped read. These information can be
extracted from the output file(s) of common mapping tools. methylMnM
counts chromosome sequence positions starting at 0. Some alignment
tools output the mapped regions by interpreting the first base of a
chromosome as 1.

\section{Data Pre-processing}

The methylMnM program requires users to provide the genome-wide
MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq reads and the reference genome. The
pre-processing step involves binning and the calculation of
MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq count and CpG and MRE-specific count in every
bin. The mainly steps are given as follows,

Calculate the CpG count and MRE CpG count of each window.
Calculate the MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq tag count of each

And we still need deal the data in the processing, such as
blacklist, CNV and PCR.

Remove windows which are overlap blacklist regions of
genome-wide. The blacklist regions are not our concerned.
Copy number variation (CNV) normalization. Some regions
may be copy times than normal sample when the sample is cancer
sample. Therefore, we should compare it at the same level.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) cutoff for MRE-seq. We
find that quantitative PCR may effect to test results. Therefore, we
should remove the influence of PCR technology.

In this manual, we are using example data located in the extdata
subdirectory of the methylMnM package. The path is

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=
datafile<-system.file("extdata",  package = "methylMnM")

The CpG count, MRE-CpG count, MeDIP-seq count and MRE-seq count of
each bin are stored at

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=

\subsection{CpG number of each bin}

Compute the total CpG number of each bin with each CpG site.
The CpG site should include at least three columns "chromosome",
"start position" and "end position".

The output file is include four columns, that is "chromosome",
"start position", "end position" and "CpG count". Also, the function
output a report for some

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=

countcpgbin(file.cpgsite,file.blacklist=NULL,file.bin=NULL, writefile=writefile, reportfile=reportfile, binlength=binlength)

The arguments of the function.

\texttt{file.cpgsite}: The path of cpg site file.
\texttt{file.blacklist}: The path of blacklist file (If we do
not use the file, there will be defaulted as NULL).
\texttt{file.bin}: The path of all cpg bin file. For
computing the number of sequence tag of each window, we use the file
as a normalization window position. (If we do not use the file,
there will be defaulted as NULL).
\texttt{writefile}:The path of output results. (If
writefile=NULL, there will return the results back to main program.)
\texttt{reportfile}: The path of output results of bin length,
the number of bin, total reads before processing and total reads
after processing.
\texttt{binlength}: The length of each window.(Defaulted
length is 500).

\subsection{MRE-CpG number of each bin}
 Compute the MRE CpG number of each bin with MRE CpG sites. MRE
CpG is some specific CpGs in genome-wide, such as "CCGG", "GCGC" and
"CCGC". The specific CpG number is directly bound up with each
experiment. The MRE CpG sites should include at least three columns
"chromosome", "start position" and "end position". The output file
is include four columns, that is "chromosome", "start position",
"end position" and
"MRE CpG count".

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=
five_Mre_CpGsite<-read.table(file, header=FALSE, as.is=TRUE)

countMREcpgbin(mrecpg.site,file.allcpgsite=file1,file.bin=allcpgfile,writefile=writefile, binlength=500)

The arguments of the function.
\texttt{mrecpg.site}: The data of mre-CpG site.
\texttt{file.allcpgsite}: The path of all cpg site file.
\texttt{file.bin}: The path of all bins file. For
computing the number of sequence tag of each window, we use the file
as a normalize window position. (If we do not use the file, there
will be defaulted as NULL).
\texttt{writefile}: The path of output result. (If
writefile=NULL, there will return the results back to main program ).
\texttt{binlength}:The length of each window. (Defaulted length
is 500).

\subsection{Medip-seq and MRE-seq count of each bin}

 Transform H1ESB1 and H1ESB2 sample Medip-seq or
MRE-seq tags to bin count. The Medip-seq or MRE-seq tags should
include at least three columns "chromosome", "start position" and
"end position". The output file is include four columns, that is
"chromosome", "start position", "end position" and "count".

MeDIP-seq count of each bin of H1ESB1 is computed by follow code.

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=

countMeDIPbin(file.Medipsite=file3,file.blacklist=NULL,file.bin=allcpgfile,file.CNV=NULL,writefile=writefile, reportfile=reportfile, binlength=500)

\texttt{file.Medipsite}: The path of sequence tags file.
\texttt{file.blacklist}: The path of blacklist file (If we do
not use the file, there will be defaulted as NULL).
\texttt{file.bin}: The path of all cpg bin file. For
computing the number of sequence tag of each window, we use the file
as a normalization window position. (If we do not use the file,
there will be defaulted as NULL).
\texttt{file.CNV}: If need, we should input CNV file to normalize
count of each bin.
\texttt{writefile}:The path of output results. (If
writefile=NULL, there will return the results back to main program.)
\texttt{reportfile}: The path of output results of bin length,
the number of bin, total reads before processing and total reads
after processing.
\texttt{binlength}: The length of each window.(Defaulted
length is 500).

MRE-seq count of each bin of H1ESB1 is computed by follow code.

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=

countMREbin(file.MREsite=file4,file.blacklist=NULL, file.bin=allcpgfile,file.CNV=NULL, cutoff=0.05,writefile=writefile, reportfile=reportfile, binlength=500)

\texttt{file.MREsite}: The path of sequence tags file.
\texttt{file.blacklist}: The path of blacklist file (If we do
not use the file, there will be defaulted as NULL).
\texttt{file.bin}: The path of all cpg bin file. For
computing the number of sequence tag of each window, we use the file
as a normalization window position. (If we do not use the file,
there will be defaulted as NULL).
\texttt{file.CNV}: If need, we should input CNV file to normalize
count of each bin.
\texttt{cutoff}: The critical value of PCR. (If we do not use
the critical value, there will be defaulted as 0.)
\texttt{writefile}:The path of output results. (If
writefile=NULL, there will return the results back to main program.)
\texttt{reportfile}: The path of output results of bin length,
the number of bin, total reads before processing and total reads
after processing.
\texttt{binlength}: The length of each window.(Defaulted
length is 500).

MeDIP-seq count of each bin of H1ESB2 is computed by follow code.

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=

countMeDIPbin(file.Medipsite=file5,file.blacklist=NULL,file.bin=allcpgfile,file.CNV=NULL,writefile=writefile, reportfile=reportfile, binlength=500)

MRE-seq count of each bin of H1ESB2 is computed by follow code.

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=

countMREbin(file.MREsite=file6,file.blacklist=NULL, file.bin=allcpgfile,file.CNV=NULL, cutoff=0.05,writefile=writefile, reportfile=reportfile, binlength=500)

\section{ p-values of M\&M test}

In order to detect different methylated bins, we should calculate
p-value of each bin. The below codes are calculate p-value of each
bin with M\&M method. The input files which include "datafile",
"cpgfile" and "mrecpgfile" are should have been generated by Step 1.
The output file "writefile" will own eleven columns, that is,
$"chr",\ "chrSt",\ "chrEnd",\ "Medip1",\ "Medip2",\\ \ "MRE1",
"MRE2",\ "cg",\ "mrecg"\ "pvalue"\ \mbox{and}\ "t"$. We also output
a report file which will include parameters $"s1/s2",\ "s3/s4",\
"N1",\ "N2",\ "N3",\ "N4",\ "c1",\ "c2",\\ \ "Number\ of\
windows"\ \mbox{and}\ "Spend\ time"$.

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=

MnM.test(file.dataset=datafile,chrstring=chrstring,file.cpgbin=cpgfile,file.mrecpgbin=mrecpgfile,writefile=writefile,reportfile=reportfile,mreratio=3/7,method="XXYY", psd=2,mkadded=1,a=1e-16,cut=100,top=500)

The arguments of the function.

\texttt{file.dataset}: The files path of sample. (datafile should be
c(datafile1,datafile2,datafile3,datafile4), where datafile1 and
datafile2 are  path of Medip-seq data,   datafile3 and datafile4 are
path of MRE-seq data).
\texttt{chrstring}: The chromosome should be test. If "chrstring=NULL", we will test all chromosome. 
\texttt{file.cpgbin}: The file path of all CpG number of each bin.
\texttt{file.mrecpgbin}: The file path of MRE-CpG number of each
window (If NULL, mrecpgfile will equal to cpgfile).
\texttt{writefile}:The file path of output result. (If
writefile=NULL, there will return the results back to main program).
\texttt{reportfile}: The path of output results of bin length,
the number of bin, total reads before processing and total reads
after processing.
\texttt{mreratio}:The ratio of total unmethylation level with
total methylation level (Defaulted mreratio is 3/7).
\texttt{method}: Option different data for the test. If we using
$method="XXYY"$, that means we calculate p-value with $P(\mid
Else is $P(\mid
\texttt{psd and mkadded}: The parameters of pseudo count,
which $psd$ added to Medip-seq and MRE-seq count and $mkadded$ added
to all CpG and MRE CpG (We set psd=2 and mkadded=1 as defaulted for
\texttt{a and top}: Cut-off for recalculating p-value with multinomial distribution when normal
p-values smaller than a and the sum of observations smaller than

\texttt{cut}: Cut-off for recalculating p-value with multinomial distribution when the sum of observations smaller than


In order to control FDR, we estimate q-values with p-values. The
input file is the file which have been generated by Step 2. And the
output file is just add a q-value column to the input file.
The function is,

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=


The arguments of the function.

\texttt{datafile}: The path of p-values file.
\texttt{writefile}: The file path of output result. (If
writefile=NULL, there will return the results back to main program ).
\texttt{reportfile}: The path of output results of bin length,
the number of bin, total reads before processing and total reads
after processing.

\section{Select Significants}

After getting q-values, we choose DMRs with p-values or q-values.
 The input file is the file which have been generated by Step 3. And the
output file is some rows of the input file which meet the cutoff.
The function is,

<<echo=T, results=hide, eval=T>>=
frames<-read.table(file, header=TRUE,sep="\t", as.is=TRUE)
DMR<-MnM.selectDMR(frames =frames , up = 1.45, down =1/1.45, p.value.MM = 0.01, p.value.SAGE = 0.01,q.value =0.01,cutoff="q-value",  quant= 0.6)
write.table(DMR, writefile,sep="\t", quote=FALSE,row.names=FALSE)

The arguments of the function.

\texttt{frames}: The p-value or q-value data.
\texttt{up}: The ratio of Medip1/Medip2 should be larger than
"up" value if we call it significant.
\texttt{down}: The ratio of Medip1/Medip2 should be smaller
than "down" value if we call it significant.
\texttt{p.value.MM}: The p-value of the bin which use MM test
should be smaller than "p.value.MM" if we call it significant.
\texttt{p.value.SAGE}: The p-value of the bin which use SAGE
test should be smaller than "p.value.SAGE" if we call it
\texttt{q.value}: The q-value of the bin should be smaller than
"q.value" if we call it significant.
\texttt{cutoff}: We should use p-value or q-value cutoff to
detect DMRs (If cutoff="q-value", then we use q-value to detect
DMRs, else we use p-value  ).
\texttt{quant}: The rank of absolute value of (Medip1-Medip2)
should be larger than "quant" value if we call it significant.

\section{Concluding Remarks}

In our opinion, The package (methylMnM) provides several helpful
functionalities for analyzing MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq data in
reasonable time compared to other available approaches.
Nevertheless, there are some limitations
that have to be addressed in the future. Main issues are

Because methylMnM (M\&M) processes full genome data at
once, methylMnM (M\&M) needs a lot of memory at 3.1 section. But
calculate p-value and
q-value just spend 2-3GB memory for full genome.
We can control run time by adjusting $top$ parameter in
function $MMtest()$. Larger $top$ value will take more time.

The MM.selectSignificants() function is a novel approach for the
identifcation of DMRs. We can use p-value or q-value, which accompanied some other standards
(\texttt{up}, \texttt{down} and \texttt{quant}), to select DMR.  


\bibliography{methylMnM Tutorial}
