%\VignetteIndexEntry{Using Messina}


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\title{Using Messina}
\author{Mark Pinese}




Messina is a package of algorithms for generating optimal single-gene
threshold classifiers. These classifiers are directly useful when using
continuous data (eg. gene expression measurements) to develop diagnostic
or prognostic tests that will be based on binary assays such as

Messina is also useful for the flexible detection of differential
expression in the presence of outliers, either due to experimental
variations or hidden sample heterogeneity. When used in this fashion,
Messina can detect genes or proteins with biologically-interesting
heterogeneous patterns of expression, that are missed by conventional
statistics. Such heterogeneity in expression is a hallmark of sample
subtypes, and Messina can be used to detect features that could be
reflective of underlying, and undiscovered, sample subtypes.

The original Messina algorithm for classification and differential
expression analysis is described in the Messina paper \cite{Pinese:2009}.

\section{Using Messina to construct optimal diagnostic classifiers}

This section will illustrate how Messina can be used to identify single features
(eg genes) that would be best suited to form the basis of a diagnostic test.

\subsection{The problem}
Translating gene expression data into a robust clinical test is challenging:
  \item{Although gene expression datasets typically measure the levels of many thousands
    of genes, practical clinical diagnostic tests only measure a very small number of
    markers (typically just one).}
  \item{High-throughput gene expression data and clinical tests use very different 
    measurement methods, so that a finding in one is not necessarily repeatable in the other.}
  \item{Clinical samples are subject to much more varied handling than experimental
    samples, requiring clinical tests to be very robust to handling variations.}
Point (1) above means that although sophisticated classification algorithms can produce
high-performance multi-feature classifiers on gene expression data, these classifiers
are not translatable to a clinical test.  Special classifiers developed to work with
very small numbers of genes are required.  Points (2) and (3) reflect that, in the translation
of a laboratory result to a clinical diagnostic context, maximum robustness is desirable
to give the test the best chance of performing satisfactorily in the less controlled
clinical environment, using completely different measurement methods.

Conventional classifiers (eg. SVM, kNN) are poorly suited to the problem of generating
diagnostic tests, as they do not strongly control for the number of features used in the
classifier.  Statistical tests (eg. t-test) work on a per-feature basis, but are not
specifically designed for classification problems, and so do not produce optimally robust
tests.  Messina was specifically designed to solve this problem of generating optimal 
single-gene classifiers.

\subsection{Example: Designing a colon cancer screening test}

We use as an example the problem of distinguishing between colon biopsies of non-neoplastic
tissue, and those containing colon cancer.  In this example, we are ultimately interested 
in developing a screening test.  Therefore, the per-test cost should be low, and ideally
the test should be so robust that it may also work in samples more conveniently accessed
than tissue biopsies, such as peripheral blood.  Additionally, as the test will be a screen,
we require that the sensitivity of the test be high, although we are willing to accept a
lower specificity if it will gain us additional robustness.

We use the colon cancer expression dataset available in Bioconductor package
\Biocexptpkg{antiProfiles}.  This dataset has already been used to produce a high-performing
diagnostic classifier, but it is based on the measurements of 542 Affymetrix probesets,
and so would not be economical to use in the screening application we have in mind, as
well as quite challenging to transfer between sites and technologies.

We start by loading Messina and the data.
<<class-loadlibs, message=FALSE>>=

The data contain a number of different sample classes.  For our purposes we are only
interested in comparing tumour and normal samples.  We extract the expression data and class
labels, and subset to just these types of interest.  Messina does not require gene filtering, 
so we do not perform it at this stage, although in very large datasets this may be useful 
to reduce runtimes. 
x = exprs(apColonData)
y = pData(apColonData)$SubType

sel = y %in% c("normal", "tumor")
x = x[,sel]
y = y[sel]

We are now ready to run the Messina algorithm.  As we are interested in a screening test,
we desire a high test sensitivity, but are willing to accept a lower test specificity.
We choose a minimum sensitivity requirement of 0.95, and a minimum specificity requirement
of 0.85.  We now calculate the Messina fits, specifying that the "positive" class is 
fit.apColon = messina(x, y == "tumor", min_sens = 0.95, min_spec = 0.85, seed = 1234, silent = TRUE)

The result is a messinaClassResult S4 object with overloaded show and plot functions.

Here we see that Messina found \Sexpr{sum(fit.apColon@fits@summary$passed)} probesets
that were suitable as the basis of threshold diagnostic classifiers for colon cancer.
A summary of the best probesets (by margin) is given at the bottom of the show results.  This can 
also be accessed directly, with more display options, using the messinaTopResults function.

By default, Messina ranks features in decreasing order
of their \emph{margin}, a concept borrowed from support vector machine theory.  
The margin is a measure of how robust the classifier is to
noise, and is equal to the distance between the performance limits of the threshold
value.  These limits are the gene expression values beyond which the threshold cannot
pass without the classifier no longer satisfying its user-supplied minimum performance
requirements.  The distance between the threshold and either limit is an indication of
how much error must be present in a gene expression measurement for the performance
guarantee of a Messina classifier to be violated.  The greater the margin, the more
robust the classifier.

To illustrate the performance limits, threshold, and margin concepts, we plot the 
Messina fit of the best probeset found.  We override the Messina default and set
the plot type to ``point'' (vs the default of ``bar''), as the data are approximately log transformed.
plot(fit.apColon, i = 1, plot_type = "point")

This plot displays the expression of each sample as a coloured point, with the colour
reflecting the sample's group: 0 for non-neoplastic tissue, and 1 for cancer.  The
threshold that Messina selected as being optimal for separating cancer from normal is
denoted by a solid black line, and on either side the dotted lines represent the 
performance limits of the classifier.  If the level of error in expression measurement
remains less than the distance between either dotted line and the threshold, the 
classifier's minimum sensitivity and specificity requirements will be satisfied.  The
distance between the two dotted lines is the margin.

In this example, the top probe found by Messina could perfectly separate cancer and
normal samples, with a very wide margin of approximately \Sexpr{round(max(fit.apColon@fits@summary$margin, na.rm = TRUE), 1)} units, or about \Sexpr{round(2^max(fit.apColon@fits@summary$margin, na.rm = TRUE)/10, 0)*10}-fold.
As we move down the list of Messina results, the separation between cancer and normal
samples progressively worsens, and the probesets become less suitable for devleopment into a diagnostic.  
In this way, Messina provides a principled ranking of probesets to use as leads
for the development of a diagnostic test, reporting the most robust leads first.

plot(fit.apColon, i = c(1,2,10,50), plot_type = "point")

\section{Detecting differential expression in the presence of outliers}

\subsection{Expression outliers}

Messina provides a powerful framework for detecting differences in expression between
two sample groups, even in the presence of `expression outliers'.  Here we define expression
outliers for a given feature (eg. gene) as samples that have a level of signal very
different from that of most of their class.  An example plot follows.

temp.x = rep(c(0, 1), each = 6)
temp.y = c(rnorm(6, 4, 0.5), rnorm(1, 4, 0.5), rnorm(5, 9, 0.5))
temp.data = data.frame(y = temp.y, x = 1:length(temp.y), Group = factor(ifelse(temp.x, "Cancer", "Normal")))
ggplot(temp.data, aes(y = y, x = x, fill = Group)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + ggtitle("Example of outlier expression") + xlab("Sample") + ylab("Expression in Sample") + theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), axis.text.y = element_blank())

This figure shows the expression of a fictional gene in two experimental groups, cancer and normal, each containing six samples.  In
general, the cancer samples show increased expression from the normals, and most samples within each
group are quite consistent in their signal.  However, the leftmost cancer sample is displaying a signal that
is consistent with the normal samples.  This sample is an expression outlier.

Expression outliers are common features in clinical data, in which unmeasured (and possibly even unknown)
covariates can affect expression levels.  These covariates can be indicative of unknown substructure within
a sample group: they can define sample subgroups.  Clinical data are also inevitably not as well controlled
for various experimental factors as are laboratory-derived measurements, and so outliers may simply be a
consequence of experimental error.  Regardless of whether the outliers are due to experimental error, or reflect new
and unknown subgroups in the samples, it is valuable to have tools that can identify gene expression in a
way that is robust to the presence of outliers.

Unfortunately, the presence of outliers violates a core assumption of classical statistical tests -- that
all samples within a group are sampled identically and are exchangable.  For this reason, even modest levels of
expression outliers drastically reduce the power of classical tests to identify differential expression\cite{Pinese:2009}, 
with resulting poor robustness to experimental artifacts, and the potential to ignore genes that have
expression that is linked to an unknown subtype.  As these genes are of great interest in many differential
expression analyses, there is a real need for methods that can reliably identify differential expression
in the presence of outliers.  The following section will demonstrate the use of Messina in this task.

\subsection{Example: Simulation and comparison to the t-test}

Section under construction.

\section{Identifying the best features to predict survival outcome}

A new mode of Messina analysis the identification of optimal single features to
use for prognosis, as opposed to the diagnosis case detailed previously.  The core
concept is the same: to find single-feature threshold classifiers able to separate
patients into two groups.  In the classification case above, the two groups were
classes of patients, such as diseased and healthy.  In the prognosis case presented
here, the two groups are defined by their survival time, as short survivors and
long survivors.  In its survival mode, Messina aims to identify single features that
can robustly separate patients who will likely experience an event quickly, from
those who will likely go for some time without an event.

In the classification case, the user inputs the minimum sensitivity and specificity
that a Messina threshold classifier must satisfy, in effect creating a kind of
cost-sensitive classification scheme.  The survival case is similar.  The user
chooses an objective function that quantifies how different the survival times of
two groups of patients is, and a minimum value of this function that all classifiers
must be able to give on a test cohort.

MessinaSurv currently has built-in three objective functions: `tau', `reltau', and
`coxcoef'.  These are detailed in the documentation for the MessinaSurv function,
and have differing properties.  In general, `tau' is a very stable objective, but
penalizes cutoffs that will separate the cohort into very unbalanced subgroups.
`reltau' and `coxcoef' do not have this penalty, but are more prone to unstable fits.
`coxcoef' has an interpretation familiar to many working in the biomedical field,
but is complex and by far the slowest objective function to calculate.  'tau` is a
good first choice unless there is a strong reason to believe the cohort will contain a
relatively small (< 25\%) subgroup of long- or short- survivors, but the user is
encouraged to experiment with the different functions.  A future version of Messina
may allow for user-supplied objectives.

To illustrate the use of Messina on a survival problem, we load a (very small) subset of the TCGA
KIRC expression data.

## The data are present as a matrix of expression values, and a Surv object of
## survival times

We then run messinaSurv on these data.  Note that messinaSurv is currently rather
slow.  It is strongly recommended to use it in conjunction with doMC and as many
cores as are available.  Note that there are only \Sexpr{nrow(kirc.exprs)} genes 
in this dataset -- this very small number was chosen only to ensure that the vignette 
executed quickly.  In practice, many thousands of genes may be assayed, and multiprocessing
will be absolutely necessary.
fit.surv = messinaSurv(kirc.exprs, kirc.surv, obj_func = "tau", obj_min = 0.6, parallel = FALSE, silent = TRUE)


Plotting the fit.surv object produces a plot of the best feature found.
plot(fit.surv, bootstrap_type = "ci")

\section{Session info}
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