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% \VignetteIndexEntry{The Iterative Bayesian Model Averaging Algorithm}
%\VignetteDepends{BMA, leaps}







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\title{The Iterative Bayesian Model Averaging Algorithm: an improved method
       for gene selection and classification using microarray data}
\author{Ka Yee Yeung, Roger E. Bumgarner, and Adrian E. Raftery}




Classification is a supervised learning technique that in the context of 
microarray analysis is most frequently used to identify genes whose 
expression is correlated with specific phenotypes of the samples.  
Typically, the interest is in identifying genes that are predictive 
of disease.  In such cases, both the accuracy of the prediction and 
the number of genes necessary to obtain a given accuracy is important.  
In particular, methods that select a small number of relevant genes 
and provide accurate classification of microarray samples aid in the 
development of simpler diagnostic tests.  
In addition, methods that adopt a weighted average approach over 
multiple models have the potential to provide more accurate predictions 
than methods that do not take model uncertainty into consideration.
Hence, we developed the Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) method for gene 
selection and classification of microarray data \citep{Yeung2005}. 
Typical gene selection and classification procedures ignore model 
uncertainty and use a single set of relevant genes (model) to predict 
the class labels. BMA is a multivariate technique that takes the interaction
of variables (typically genes) and model uncertainty into consideration.
In addition, the output of BMA contains posterior probabilities for 
each prediction which can be useful in assessing the correctness of 
a given call (diagnosis).

\subsection{Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA)}  

Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) takes model uncertainty into 
consideration by averaging over the posterior distributions of a 
quantity of interest based on multiple models,
weighted by their posterior model probabilities \citep{Raftery1995}.
The posterior probability that a test sample belongs to a given class 
is equal to the weighted average of the posterior probability that the 
test sample belongs to the given class computed using the set of relevant 
genes in model $M_k$ multiplied by the posterior probability of model
$M_k$, summed over a set of ``good'' models $M_k$.

\subsection{Iterative Bayesian Model Averaging (BMA) algorithm}  

The BMA algorithm we have described is limited to data in which the
number of variables is greater than the number of responses. In the case
of classifying samples using microarray data, there are typically thousands
or tens of thousands of genes (variables) under a few dozens samples 

In this package, the iterative BMA algorithm for the binary classification
problem is implemented.
In the binary iterative BMA algorithm, we start by ranking the genes in 
order using a univariate measure such as the ratio of between-group 
to within-group sum of squares (BSS/WSS) \citep{Dudoit2002}.
In this initial preprocessing step, genes with large BSS/WSS 
ratios (i.e., genes with relatively large variation between classes 
and relatively small variation within classes) receive high rankings.  
We then apply the traditional BMA algorithm to the $maxNvar$ top ranked genes,
where we used $maxNvar=30$.  This is because the traditional BMA algorithm 
employs the leaps and bounds algorithm that is inefficient for 
numbers of genes (variables) much greater than 30.
Then genes to which the BMA algorithm gives low posterior 
probabilities of being in the predictive model are removed.
In our study, we used 1\% as the threshold and removed genes with 
posterior probabilities $<$ 1\%.
Suppose $m$ genes are removed. The next $m$ genes from the rank 
ordered BSS/WSS ratios are added back to the set of genes so that 
we maintain a window of $maxNvar$ genes and apply the traditional 
BMA algorithm again.
These steps of gene swaps and iterative applications of BMA are 
continued until all genes are subsequently considered.

\section{Some examples}
The R packages {\tt BMA}, {\tt leaps} and {\tt Biobase} are required 
to run the key commands in this package.  

<<Setup, results=hide>>=
library ("Biobase")

An adapted leukemia dataset \citep{Golub1999} is
included for illustration purposes.  The adapted leukemia dataset consists
of the top 100 genes selected using the BSS/WSS statistic. The training
set consists of 38 samples, while the test set consists of 34 samples.

## use the sample training data. The {\it ExpressionSet} is called trainData.
## the class vector (0,1) is called trainClass

The function {\tt iterateBMAglm.train} selects relevant variables by
iteratively applying the {\tt bic.glm} function from the {\tt BMA} package.
The data is assumed to consist of two classes. 
Logistic regression is used for classification.
In the training phase, only the training dataset and the corresponding
class labels are required as input.  The parameter $p$ represents the
number of top BSS/WSS ranked genes used in the iterative process.
Our studies showed that a relatively large $p$ typically yields good results
\citep{Yeung2005}.  In this example, there are 100 genes in the sample
training set, and we used $p$= 100 in the iterative BMA algorithm.

## training phase: select relevant genes
ret.bic.glm <- iterateBMAglm.train (train.expr.set=trainData, trainClass, p=100)

## get the selected genes with probne0 > 0
ret.gene.names <- ret.bic.glm$namesx[ret.bic.glm$probne0 > 0]

## get the posterior probabilities for the selected models

The {\tt iterateBMAglm.train} function returns an object of 
class {\tt bic.glm} from the last iteration of {\tt bic.glm}.  
The object is a list consisting of many components.  Here are some
of the relevant components:
\item {\tt namesx}: the names of the variables in the last iteration of 
              {\tt bic.glm}.
\item {\tt postprob}: the posterior probabilities of the models selected.
                      The length of this vector indicates the number of
		      models selected by BMA.
\item {\tt which}: a logical matrix with one row per model and one column per 
             variable indicating whether that variable is in the model.
\item {\tt probne0}: the posterior probability that each variable is non-zero 
               (in percent) in the last iteration of {\tt bic.glm}.  
	       The length of this vector should be identical
	       to that of {\tt namesx}.
\item {\tt mle}: matrix with one row per model and one column per variable 
      	         giving the maximum likelihood estimate of each 
		 coefficient for each model.

In the training phase, the relevant variables (genes) are selected using
the training data and the corresponding class labels.
In the test phase, we use the selected variables (genes), the
selected models, and the corresponding posterior probabilities to
compute the predicted posterior probabilities that each sample 
belongs to class 1.
The predicted posterior probability of a test sample is equal to the 
weighted average of the predicted probability of the test sample
under each selected model, multiplied by the predicted posterior probability
of each model. Note that in this case, a model consists of a set
of genes, and different models can potentially have overlapping genes.
The posterior probability of a gene is equal to the sum of the
posterior probabilities of all the models that the gene belongs to.

## The test ExpressionSet is called testData.
data (testData)

## get the subset of test data with the genes from the last iteration of bic.glm
curr.test.dat <- t(exprs(testData)[ret.gene.names,])

## to compute the predicted probabilities for the test samples
y.pred.test <- apply (curr.test.dat, 1, bma.predict, postprobArr=ret.bic.glm$postprob, mleArr=ret.bic.glm$mle)

## compute the Brier Score if the class labels of the test samples are known
data (testClass)
brier.score (y.pred.test, testClass)

The Brier Score computes the sum of squares of the differences 
         between the true class and the predicted probability over all 
         test samples. If the predicted probabilities are constrained 
         to equal to 0 or 1, the Brier Score is equal to the total 
         number of classification errors.

The function {\tt iterateBMAglm.train.predict} combines the training
and prediction phases, and returns the predicted posterior probabilities
that each test sample belongs to class 1.

## train and predict
ret.vec <- iterateBMAglm.train.predict (train.expr.set=trainData, test.expr.set=testData, trainClass, p=100)

## compute the Brier Score
data (testClass)
brier.score (ret.vec, testClass)

The function {\tt iterateBMAglm.train.predict.test} combines the training,
prediction and test phases, and returns a list consisting of the
numbers of selected genes and models using the training data, the number
of classification errors and the Brier Score on the test set.

iterateBMAglm.train.predict.test (train.expr.set=trainData, test.expr.set=testData, trainClass, testClass, p=100)

This package also contains the {\tt imageplot.iterate.bma} function,
which allows us to create a heatmap-style image to visualize the
selected genes and models (see Figure~\ref{fig:image}).

<<imageplot, fig=TRUE, echo=FALSE>>=
 imageplot.iterate.bma (ret.bic.glm)
An image plot showing the selected genes and models.}

In Figure~\ref{fig:image}, the BMA selected variables are shown on the vertical
axis, and the BMA selected models are shown on the horizontal axis. 
The variables (genes) are sorted in decreasing order of the posterior 
probability that the variable is not equal to 0 ({\tt probne0}) from top to 
bottom.  The models are sorted in decreasing order of the
model posterior probability ({\tt postprob}) from left to right.


We would like to thank Drs. Ian Painter and Chris Volinsky.
Yeung is supported by NIH-NCI 1K25CA106988.  
Bumgarner is funded by NIH-NIAID grants 5P01AI052106, 1R21AI052028 and 1U54AI057141, NIH-NIEHA 1U19ES011387, NIH-NHLBI grants 5R01HL072370 and 1P50HL073996.  
Raftery is supported by NIH 8R01EB002137 and ONR N00014-01-10745. 

