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\title{genoCN: integrated studies of copy number and genotype}
\author{Sun, W., Wright , F., Tang, Z., Nordgard , S.H., Van Loo, P.,  Yu, T., Kristensen, V., Perou, C.}

This vignette describes how to use genoCN for de novo identification of copy number variation (CNV) or copy number aberration (CNA) and genotype estimation from SNP array data. 

\section{A brief Introduction}
GenoCN is a software that simultaneously identify copy number states and genotype calls. Different strategies are implemented for the study of Copy Number Variations (CNVs) and Copy Number Aberrations (CNAs). While CNVs are naturally occurring and inheritable, CNAs are acquired somatic alterations most often observed in tumor tissues only. CNVs tend to be short and more sparsely located in the genome compared to CNAs. GenoCN consists of two components, genoCNV and genoCNA, designed for CNV and CNA studies, respectively. In contrast to most existing methods, genoCN is more flexible in that the model parameters are estimated from the data instead of being decided a priori. genoCNA also incorporates two important strategies for CNA studies. First, the effects of tissue contamination are explicitly modeled. Second, if SNP arrays are performed for both tumor and normal tissues of one individual, the genotype calls from normal tissue are used to study CNAs in tumor tissue.

\section{genoCNV: an Example Using Simulated Data}
We first illustrate the usage of genoCNV by a simulated data. Specifically, we simulated LRR and BAF data for 17,348 SNPs on chromosome 22. Two CNVs are simulated. One is from the 1001-th probe to the 1100-th probe, with copy number 1. The other one is from the 10,001-th probe to the 10,200-th probe, with copy number 3. 

First, load the SNP data and SNP information into R workspace, and check the dimensions and a few rows of the data. 




For each SNP,  the information we need includes its name, chromosome, position and population frequency of B allele (PFB). Some processed SNP information files can be found in PennCNV package: http://www.openbioinformatics.org/ penncnv/penncnv\_download.html. The data of each SNP includes LRR and BAF. Next, we suggest to plot the LRR and BAF values for at least a few samples on a few chromosome to double check the data. 
plotCN(pos=snpInfo$Position, LRR=snpData$LRR, BAF=snpData$BAF, 
main = "simulated data on Chr22")
   \includegraphics[width = .975 \textwidth]{simu_data.png}
    \caption{LRR and BAF of simulated data.}


Next, run genoCNV to identify CNV regions. 
Theta = genoCNV(snpInfo$Name, snpInfo$Chr, snpInfo$Position, snpData$LRR, snpData$BAF, 
  snpInfo$PFB, sampleID="simu1", cnv.only=(snpInfo$PFB>1), outputSeg = TRUE, 
  outputSNP = 1, outputTag = "simu1")
where the first three parameters provide the SNP information and the next three parameters provide SNP data. The parameter \verb"cnv.only" is an indicator variable for the ``copy-number-only probes''. Those probes do not overlap with any SNPs, so there is only one allele, and the measurement of BAF is not informative. We only use the LRR information for those ``copy-number-only probes''. In practice, we decide whether a probe is copy-number-only by checking whether its population frequency of B allele (PFB) is larger than 1. \\

The function genoCNV returns a list (e.g., \verb"Theta" in the above example), which includes the estimates of all the parameters. By specifying \verb"outputSeg=TRUE", the information of the copy number altered regions are written into a text file named \verb"TAG_segment.txt", where \verb"TAG" is specified by the parameter \verb"outputTag". The parameter \verb"outputSNP" specifies the the output of SNP-specific information. 
  \item If \verb"outputSNP"=0, do not output SNP-specific information.
  \item  If \verb"outputSNP" is 1, output the most likely copy number and genotype state of the SNPs that are within copy number altered regions.
  \item If \verb"outputSNP" is 2, output the most likely copy number and genotype state of all the SNPs (whether it is within CNV regions or not).
  \item If \verb"outputSNP" is 3, output the posterior probability for all the copy number and genotype states for the SNPs.
 The following codes show part of the segment file:
seg = read.table("simu1_segment.txt", header=TRUE)
In the output file ``simu1\_segment.txt'', \verb"chr", \verb"start", and \verb"end" specify the chromssome location of copy number altered region. \verb"state" is the state in the HMM. \verb"sample" is the sample ID. \verb"snp1" and \verb"snp2" are the two flanking SNPs of the copy number altered region. \verb"score" is the summation of posterior probability of the SNPs within the region, and \verb"n" is the number of SNPs within the region. Note: by default, only the segments with at least 3 SNPs are output to segment file. This cutoff can be controlled by the parameter \verb"seg.nSNP". The following codes show part of the SNP file:
snp = read.table("simu1_SNP.txt", header=TRUE)

Finally, plot the copy number call results by genoCN, as is shown in Figure 2. It is very important to examine the copy number calls by this type of figures to validate the results. Note, the file name provided to function plot CN is the name of segment output file, instead of snp output file. 
plotCN(pos=snpInfo$Position, LRR=snpData$LRR, BAF=snpData$BAF, 
main = "simulated data on Chr22", fileNames="simu1_segment.txt")

   \includegraphics[width = .975 \textwidth]{simu_data_genoCN.png}
    \caption{LRR and BAF of simulated data, and copy number calls from genoCN. In the lower panel, the y-axis is copy number.}

\section{genoCNV: a typical case of real data study }

In a real data study, some preliminary data processing is necessary. We will illustrate an typical case of real data study in this section. 

\subsection{Read Data into R}

First, read the information of all the SNPs into R, for example: 
info = read.table("snp_info_hg18.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t", as.is=TRUE)      
The first a few lines of this information file is as following:
        Name Chr Position PFB
1 rs12354060   1    10004   1
2  rs2691310   1    46844   0

Next, read the data of one sample into R. For example, 
dat  = read.table("NA06993.txt", sep=",", header=TRUE, as.is=TRUE)
Here we use the data file NA06993.txt that includes the data for a Hapmap individual. This data is available to direct customers of Illumina through their iCom account. The first a few rows of this file is shown below:
   Name  Sample Allele1 Allele2 GCScore     X     Y  XRaw  YRaw     LRR    BAF
1 200003 NA06993       G       G  0.9299 0.072 0.902  1113 11326  0.0180 0.9821
2 200006 NA06993       T       T  0.7877 1.669 0.152 13324  2429 -0.0154 0.0099
Note that we just need three columns in this data file: \verb"Name", \verb"LRR", and \verb"BAF".\\

\subsection{Align Information and Data}
The rows of information and the data may not be one-to-one correspondence. We need to align them. Here we just look at chromosome 1 to 22. \textbf{Note:} the input data for genoCNV or genoCNA must be sorted by their chromosomal locations. In this example, the probes are already sorted by their chromosomal locations in the information file and we simply re-order the rows in the data according to their order in information file. 
if(any(! dat$Name %in% info$Name)){
  stop("missing SNP information \n")

mt  = match(info$Name, dat$Name)
wNA = which(is.na(mt))
  info = info[-wNA,]
  mt   = mt[-wNA]
dat = dat[mt,]

wkp  = which(info$Chr %in% as.character(1:22))
dat  = dat[wkp,]
info = info[wkp,]

\subsection{Run genoCNV}
We can run genoCNV using a sample code like the following:
 Theta = genoCNV(info$Name, info$Chr, info$Position, dat$LRR, dat$BAF,
  info$PFB, sampleID="NA06993", cnv.only=(info$PFB>1), outputSeg = TRUE,
  outputSNP = 1, outputTag = "NA06993")


Usage of function genoCNA is similar to genoCNV. There are three extra parameters for genoCNA:
  \item contamination: whether we model tissue contamination, the default value is TRUE.
  \item normalGtp: normalGtp is specified only if paired tumor-normal SNP array is availalble. It is the normal tissue genotype for all the SNPs specified in snpNames, which can only take four different values: -1, 0, 1, and 2. Values 0, 1, 2 correspond to the number of B alleles, and value -1 indicates the normal genotype is missing. By default, it is NULL, means no genotype from normal tissue.
  \item geno.error: probability of genotyping error in normal tissue genotypes. The default value is 0.01. 
 \subsection{Estimate tumor purity from the output genoCNA}
Suppose the finial parameter estimates are Theta1. We need to use the mu.b component of Theta1, which are estimates of the mean values of the BAF distributions. mu.b is a matrix of nine rows and four columns. For example:

      [,1]  [,2]  [,3] [,4]
 [1,]  0.0 0.500 1.000   NA
 [2,]  0.0 0.100 0.900    1
 [3,]  0.5    NA    NA   NA
 [4,]  0.0 0.170 0.830    1
 [5,]  0.0 0.340 0.660    1
 [6,]  0.0 0.070 0.930    1
 [7,]  0.0 0.500 1.000   NA
 [8,]  0.0 0.055 0.945    1
 [9,]  0.0 0.250 0.750    1

Each row of mu.b corresponds to one state of the HMM, and the states are ordered as in Table 2 of Sun et al. (2009). Within each row, genotype classes are also ordered as in Table 2 of Sun et al. (2009). An NA in the above matrix indicates an unused table cell. The following code is an example to estimate tumor purity using the BAF of the homozygous deletion state. 

# the BAF for the genotype mixture of (A, AB) and (B, AB), where AB is from normal tissue.
Beta.A.AB = Theta1$mu.b[4,2]
Beta.B.AB = Theta1$mu.b[4,3]

# the BAF for genotype AB
Beta.AB = Theta$mu.b[1,2]

# Update BAF estimates to take into account of systematic dye bias
# this step is not necessary if there is no systematic bias
Beta.A.AB = 0.5*Beta.A.AB/Beta.AB
Beta.B.AB = 0.5 + 0.5*(Beta.B.AB - Beta.AB)/(1 - Beta.AB)

# Re-estimate Beta.A.AB by averaging Beta.A.AB and 1 - Beta.B.AB
Beta1 = 0.5*(Beta.A.AB + 1 - Beta.B.AB)

# estimate tumor purity, since we examine the genotype A, nA = 1 and nB = 0
nA = 1
nB = 0
pT = (1 - 2*Beta1)/(Beta1*(nA + nB - 2) + 1 - nB)


Sun, W., Wright, F., Tang, Z., Nordgard, S., Loo, P., Yu, T., Kristensen, V.,
  and Perou, C. (2009)
{Integrated study of copy number states and genotype calls using high-density
  SNP arrays}.
{\em Nucleic acids research,} {\bf 37}(16), 5365--77. PMID: 19581427

