# Synthetic transcripts - createSyntheticTranscripts

One major caveat of estimating gene expression using aligned RNA-Seq reads is 
that a single read, which originated from a single mRNA molecule, might 
sometimes align to several features (e.g. transcripts or genes) with alignments
of equivalent quality. 

This, for example, might happen as a result of gene duplication and the presence
of repetitive or common domains. To avoid counting unique mRNA fragments 
multiple times, the stringent approach is to keep only uniquely mapping reads - 
being aware of potential consequences, see the note below. 

Not only can multiple counting arise from a biological reason, but also from 
technical artifacts, introduced mostly by poorly formatted gff3/gtf annotation 
files. To avoid this, it is best practice to adopt a conservative approach by 
collapsing all existing transcripts of a single gene locus into a **synthetic**
transcript containing every exon of that gene. In the case of overlapping exons, 
the longest genomic interval is kept, i.e. an artificial exon is created. 
This process results in a flattened transcript: a gene structure with a one to
one relationship. 

To create such a structure, we use the __createSyntheticTranscripts__ function
on the file we just downloaded, simply by passing our __annotParam__ object as 

```{r create synthetic transcripts}
annotParam <- createSyntheticTranscripts(annotParam,verbose=FALSE)

This function returns an updated annotParam object that contains the newly
created, flattened transcript annotation. This object can then be saved as 
an _rda_ file for later re-use or for sharing with collaborators.
```{r save the object}

## Alternatives
Instead of updating the _annotParam_ object, we could have created an object of 
class __Genome_Intervals__ from the __genomeIntervals__ package, using the 
same function but using the actual _datasource_ of the previous _annotParam_ 
object as argument rather than the object itself.

```{r create synthetic transcripts as gI}
gI <- createSyntheticTranscripts(

This _gI_ object can then be exported as a gff3 file.

```{r export the file}


<!-- Revisit this once we have added MMSeq -->

**Note:** Ignoring multi-mapping reads may introduce biases in the read counts 
of some genes (such as that of paralogs or of very conserved gene families), 
but in the context of a conservative first analysis we are of the current
opinion that they are best ignored. One should of course assess how many reads 
are multi-mapping (check for example the STAR output) and possibly extract them 
from the alignment read file to visualize them using a genome browser so as to 
understand where they are located and how they may affect any analysis. 
Based on this, one may, at a later stage, decide to relax the counting 
parameters to accept multi-mapping reads.
