### R code from vignette source 'rtPCR-usage.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: setup

### code chunk number 2: exec ddCt inside R (eval = FALSE)
## scFile <- system.file("scripts/ddCt.R", package="ddCt")
## inputFile <- system.file("extdata/Experiment1.txt", package="ddCt")
## source(scFile)
## ddCtExec(list(inputFile=inputFile, ...))

### code chunk number 3: load ddct
source(system.file("scripts", "ddCt.R", package="ddCt"))

### code chunk number 4: specifyFiles
params <- list(loadPath = system.file("extdata", package="ddCt"),
               savePath = getwd())  

### code chunk number 5: The Data
params$confFile <- system.file("scripts", "ddCt.conf", package="ddCt")
params$inputFile <- c("Experiment1.txt")
params$sampleAnnotationFile = NULL
params$columnForGrouping    = NULL
params$onlyFromAnnotation   = FALSE

### code chunk number 6: transform
#params$geneAlias   = c("Gene1"="Gene A",
#                       "Gene4"="Gene B",
#			"Gene5"="Gene C",
#			"Gene2"="HK1",
#			"Gene3"="HK2")
#params$sampleAlias = NULL

### code chunk number 7: housekeeping
params$referenceGene <- c("Gene1", "Gene2")
params$referenceSample <- c("Sample1")

### code chunk number 8: threshold
params$threshold <- 40

### code chunk number 9: mode
params$mode = "median"

### code chunk number 10: effizienzen synta (eval = FALSE)
## params$efficiencies       = c("Gene1"=1.9, "Gene2"=2, ...)

### code chunk number 11: effizienzen
#params$efficiencies       = c("Gene A"=1.9,"Gene B"=1.8,"HK1"=2,"Gene C"=2,"HK2"=2)
#params$efficienciesError  = c("Gene A"=0.01,"Gene B"=0.1,"HK1"=0.05,"Gene C"=0.01,"HK2"=0.2)

### code chunk number 12: PlotMode
params$plotMode = c("level","Ct")

### code chunk number 13: remaining
params$genesRemainInOutput   = NULL
params$samplesRemainInOutput = NULL
params$genesNotInOutput   = NULL
params$samplesNotInOutput = NULL

### code chunk number 14: grouping
params$groupingBySamples = FALSE

### code chunk number 15: plot0
params$plotPerObject = TRUE

### code chunk number 16: plot1
#params$groupingForPlot = NULL
#params$groupingColor   = c("#E41A1C","#377EB8","#4DAF4A","#984EA3","#FF7F00")

### code chunk number 17: plot2
#params$cutoff = NULL

### code chunk number 18: plot3
#params$brewerColor = c("Set3","Set1","Accent","Dark2","Spectral","PuOr","BrBG")

### code chunk number 19: plot4
params$legende  = TRUE

### code chunk number 20: ttest1
params$ttestPerform = FALSE

### code chunk number 21: ttest
#params$ttestCol = NULL

### code chunk number 22: ttest3
#params$pairsCol = NULL

### code chunk number 23: ttest4
#params$samplesRemainInTTest	 = NULL
#params$samplesNotInTTest	 = NULL

### code chunk number 24: correlation
#params$samplesRemainInCor = NULL
#params$samplesNotInCor    = NULL

### code chunk number 25: execute ddct

### code chunk number 26: Sweave (eval = FALSE)
## Sweave("rtPCR-usage.Rnw")

### code chunk number 27: End of session