%\VignetteIndexEntry{cosmiq primer} \documentclass[12pt]{article} <<style-Sweave, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE, results=tex>>= BiocStyle::latex() @ \title{\Biocpkg{cosmiq} - COmbining Single Masses Into Quantities} \author{ David Fischer\\ Christian Panse\thanks{\email{cp@fgcz.ethz.ch}}\\ Endre Laczko } \begin{document} \maketitle \tableofcontents \newpage \section{Introduction} \Biocpkg{cosmiq} is a tool for the preprocessing of liquid- or gas-chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS/GCMS) data with a focus on metabolomics or lipidomics applications. \Biocpkg{cosmiq} has been developed and has shown to be effective using liquid ultra performance capillary chromatography coupled with high accuracy mass data ({\em full width at half maximun} > 20000), e.g. using TOF or Q-TOF type mass spectrometer. The data we have used consists of one hundreds files having a size of approx. 500MBytes each (see also \cite[to be published]{DavidFischerPhd2014}). Because those high resolution data are too huge for beeing included in the package we will demonstate the usage of the \Biocpkg{cosmiq} package using the smaller \Biocexptpkg{faahKO} data set which is already available on Bioconductor. The following code of the \Rfunction{cosmiq} wrapper function shows a typical usage: <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = FALSE, fig = FALSE>>= library(cosmiq) cdfpath <- file.path(find.package("faahKO"), "cdf") my.input.files <- dir(c(paste(cdfpath, "WT", sep='/'), paste(cdfpath, "KO", sep='/')), full.names=TRUE) # run cosmiq wrapper function # x <- cosmiq(files=my.input.files, mzbin=0.25, SNR.Th=0, linear=TRUE) # # graph result image(t(x$eicmatrix), main='mz versus RT map') head(x$xs@peaks) @ The \Rcode{cosmiq} function is composed of the following steps: \begin{itemize} \item Combining spectra \item Detecting mz peaks on master spectrum \item Quantifying masses \item RT correction \item Computing the EIC matrix \item Detecting chromatographic peaks from EIC matrix \item Quantifying mz/RT features \end{itemize} \Rcode{cosmiq} uses the \Biocpkg{xcms} \cite{xcms2008} object structur for handling the data. The following pages of this vignette are indented to demonstrate how all the steps can be run manually using the \Biocexptpkg{faahKO} data set. <<echo=FALSE>>= options(width=80) @ \section{LCMS feature detection step by step using cosmiq} \subsection{The Input} The faah knockout dataset \cite{faahKO} will be used as input. <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE>>= library(cosmiq) cdfpath <- file.path(find.package("faahKO"), "cdf") my.input.files <- dir(c(paste(cdfpath, "WT", sep='/'), paste(cdfpath, "KO", sep='/')), full.names=TRUE) # # create xcmsSet object # todo xs <- new("xcmsSet") xs@filepaths <- my.input.files @ Define the \Rcode{phenoData}. This is usually done by the unexported method \Rfunction{xcms:::phenoDataFromPaths}. <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE>>= class <- as.data.frame(c(rep("KO",6),rep("WT", 6))) rownames(class) <- basename(my.input.files) xs@phenoData <- class @ The \Biocpkg{xcms} object \Robject{xs} will be used as container to keep all the data. <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE>>= attributes(xs) @ \subsection{Combination of mass spectra} The first two processing steps search for relevant mass bins in the dataset. In order to select for optimal bins, we first calculate a combined spectrum. This approach of overlaying and summing intensities of single scans together is usual for applications in flow injection mass spectrometry and aims to improve ion statistics. Not only are mass spectra from all scans from a single LCMS run combined but from all acquired datasets. As a result, signal to noise ratio increases for each additional LCMS run and a master list of observed mass is generated. <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>= x <- combine_spectra(xs=xs, mzbin=0.25, linear=TRUE, continuum=FALSE) plot(x$mz, x$intensity, type='l', main='combined spectra', xlab='m/Z', ylab='ion intensity') @ \subsection{Detection of relevant masses} Based on this combined master mass spectrum we then determine location and boundaries of each observed mass. A modified peak detection algorithm based on continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) is used for this step \cite{massspecwavelet2006}. Peak detection based on CWT has the advantage that a sliding scale of wavelets instead of a single filter function with fixed wavelength is used. This allows for a flexible and automatic approximation of the peak width. As a result it is possible to locate both narrow and broad peaks within a given dynamic range. The CWT algorithm was modified in order to consider overlapping peaks \cite{DavidFischerPhd2014}. <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>= xy <- peakdetection(x=x$mz, y=x$intensity, scales=1:10, SNR.Th=1.0, SNR.area=20, mintr=0.5) id.peakcenter<-xy[,4] filter.mz <- 400 < x$mz & x$mz < 450 plot(x$mz[filter.mz], x$intensity[filter.mz], main='Detection of relevant masses', type='l', xlab='m/Z', ylab='ion intensity') points(x$mz[id.peakcenter], x$intensity[id.peakcenter], col='red', type='h') @ \subsection{Generation and combination of extracted ion chromatograms} Until now only the mz information was considered. In the following processing steps the chromatographic information will be added. For the comparison of different LCMS datasets it is important to consider RT shifts. These shifts are typically caused by technical variations and need to be corrected before chromatographic peaks between different LCMS runs are aligned. For this purpose cosmiq implements \Rcode{xcms} retention time alignment using the obiwarp algorithm. For each detected mass in step 2.3 we calculate an extracted ion chromatogram (EIC). In order to determine the elution time for each detected mass, the EICs of every mass are combined between all acquired runs. Again, this combination approach aims for an improvement of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE>>= # create dummy object xs@peaks <- matrix(c(rep(1, length(my.input.files) * 6), 1:length(my.input.files)), ncol=7) colnames(xs@peaks) <- c("mz", "mzmin", "mzmax", "rt", "rtmin", "rtmax", "sample") xs <- xcms::retcor(xs, method="obiwarp", profStep=1, distFunc="cor", center=1) @ \subsection{Detection of chromatographic peaks} Based on the combined EICs there is another peak detection step to be performed. The algorithm as described for the peak picking of m/z signals in Step 2.3 is used also for peak picking in the retention time domain. The final result is a peak table with location and boundaries of each mz/RT feature. This information will be further used to locate the relevant position in every single LCMS dataset in order to quantify sample specific feature intensities. Because the mz/RT features were detected on the combined mass spectra or EICs of all samples it is not necessary to align features between different LCMS runs as for a typical raw data processing workflow. Instead, a data matrix with intensity values for every mz/RT feature and every sample can be immediately calculated. <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = TRUE>>= eicmat <- eicmatrix(xs=xs, xy=xy, center=1) # # process a reduced mz range for a better package build performance (eicmat.mz.range <- range(which(475 < xy[,1] & xy[,1] < 485))) eicmat.filter <- eicmat[eicmat.mz.range[1]:eicmat.mz.range[2],] xy.filter <- xy[eicmat.mz.range[1]:eicmat.mz.range[2],] # # determine the new range and plot the mz versus RT map (rt.range <- range(as.double(colnames(eicmat.filter)))) (mz.range<-range(as.double(row.names(eicmat.filter)))) image(log(t(eicmat.filter))/log(2), main='overlay of 12 samples using faahKO', col=rev(gray(1:20/20)), xlab='rt [in seconds]', ylab='m/z', axes=FALSE) axis(1, seq(0,1, length=6), round(seq(rt.range[1], rt.range[2], length=6))) axis(2, seq(0,1, length=4), round(seq(mz.range[1], mz.range[2], length=4), 2)) # # determine the chromatographic peaks rxy <- retention_time(xs=xs, RTscales=c(1:10, seq(12,32, by=2)), xy=xy.filter, eicmatrix=eicmat.filter, RTSNR.Th=120, RTSNR.area=20) rxy.rt <- (rxy[,4] - rt.range[1]) / diff(rt.range) rxy.mz <- (rxy[,1] - mz.range[1]) / diff(mz.range) points(rxy.rt, rxy.mz, pch="X", lwd=2, col="red") @ \subsection{Localisation and quantification of detected peaks} With the information about their position in the combined datasets, each individual mz/RT feature is then located in the raw data. Due to the retention time correction, each feature is expected at the same RT position as in the combined EIC. However small shifts in retention time still occur for most of the peaks. In order to locate the correct position of each feature, the EIC of the selected mass is calculated for the whole retention time. This EIC is filtered with CWT using only the scale where the feature was optimally located on the combined EIC in step 3. Local maxima are calculated on this transformed data and the maximum with the closest position to the expected retention time is chosen. <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE>>= xs <- create_datamatrix(xs=xs, rxy=rxy) @ \subsection{The Output} The output is a xcmsSet object including all necessary information (peak location and peak area), for further data analysis (statistics, metabolite database information). <<keep.source = TRUE, eval = TRUE, fig = FALSE>>= peaktable <- xcms::peakTable(xs) idx <- order(rowSums(peaktable[,8:19]), decreasing=TRUE) head(peaktable[idx,]) @ \section{Session information} An overview of the package versions used to produce this document are shown below. <<sessioninfo, results=tex, echo=FALSE>>= toLatex(sessionInfo()) @ \bibliography{cosmiq} \end{document}