title: "Mining high-confidence candidate genes with cageminer"
  - name: Fabricio Almeida-Silva
    affiliation: Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, RJ, Brazil
  - name: Thiago Motta Venancio
    affiliation: Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro, RJ, Brazil
    toc: true
    number_sections: yes
bibliography: vignette_bibliography.bib
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Mining high-confidence candidate genes with cageminer}

```{r setup, include = FALSE}
    collapse = TRUE,
    comment = "#>",
    crop = NULL

# Introduction

Over the past years, RNA-seq data for several species have accumulated in public repositories. Additionally, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have 
identified SNPs associated with phenotypes of interest, such as agronomic
traits in plants, production traits in livestock, and complex human diseases.
However, although GWAS can identify SNPs, they cannot identify causative genes
associated with the studied phenotype. The goal of `cageminer` is to integrate 
GWAS-derived SNPs with transcriptomic data to mine candidate genes and identify
high-confidence genes associated with traits of interest.

# Installation

```{r installation, eval=FALSE}
if(!requireNamespace('BiocManager', quietly = TRUE))

```{r load_package, message=FALSE}
# Load package after installation
set.seed(123) # for reproducibility

# Data description

For this vignette, we will use transcriptomic data on pepper (*Capsicum annuum*)
response to Phytophthora root rot [@Kim2018], and GWAS SNPs associated with 
resistance to Phytophthora root rot from @Siddique2019. To ensure 
interoperability with other Bioconductor packages, expression data are 
stored as SummarizedExperiment objects, and gene/SNP positions are stored as
GRanges objects.

```{r data_description}
# GRanges of SNP positions

# GRanges of chromosome lengths

# GRanges of gene coordinates

# SummarizedExperiment of pepper response to Phytophthora root rot (RNA-seq)

# Visualizing SNP distribution

Before mining high-confidence candidates, you can visualize the SNP distribution
in the genome to explore possible patterns. First, let's see if SNPs are
uniformly across chromosomes with `plot_snp_distribution()`.

```{r snp_dist}

As we can see, SNPs associated with resistance to Phytophthora root rot tend to
co-occur in chromosome 5. Now, we can see if they are close to each other in the
genome, and if they are located in gene-rich regions. We can visualize it with
`plot_snp_circos`, which displays a circos plot of SNPs across chromosomes.

```{r snp_circos, fig.height=6}
plot_snp_circos(chr_length, gene_ranges, snp_pos)

There seems to be no clustering in gene-rich regions, but we can see that SNPs 
in the same chromosome tend to be physically close to each other.

If you have SNP positions for multiple traits, you need to store them in
GRangesList or CompressedGRangesList objects, so each element will have SNP
positions for a particular trait. Then, you can visualize their distribution
as you would do for a single trait. Let's simulate multiple traits to see
how it works:

```{r multiple_traits}
# Simulate multiple traits by sampling 20 SNPs 4 times
snp_list <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList(
  Trait1 = sample(snp_pos, 20),
  Trait2 = sample(snp_pos, 20),
  Trait3 = sample(snp_pos, 20),
  Trait4 = sample(snp_pos, 20)

# Visualize SNP distribution across chromosomes

```{r snp_circos_multiple, fig.height=6}
# Visualize SNP positions in the genome as a circos plot
plot_snp_circos(chr_length, gene_ranges, snp_list)

# Algorithm description

The `cageminer` algorithm identifies high-confidence candidate genes with
**3 steps**, which can be interpreted as 3 sources of evidence:

1. Select all genes in a sliding window relative to each SNP as putative
2. Find candidates from step 1 in coexpression modules enriched in guide genes 
(genes that are known to be associated with the trait of interest).
3. Find candidates from step 2 that are correlated with a condition of interest.

These 3 steps can be executed individually (if users want more control on 
what happens after each step) or all at once.

# Step-by-step candidate gene mining

To run the candidate mining step by step, you will need the functions 
`mine_step1()`, `mine_step2`, and `mine_step3`.

## Step 1

The function `mine_step1()` identifies genes based on step 1 and returns a
GRanges object with all putative candidates and their location in the genome.
For that, you need to give 2 GRanges objects as input, one with the 
gene coordinates[^1] and another with the SNP positions.

[^1]: **Tip:** to create GRanges objects from genomic coordinates in GFF/GTF 
files, you can use the `import()` function from the Bioconductor package 
rtracklayer [@rtracklayer2009].

```{r step_by_step}
candidates1 <- mine_step1(gene_ranges, snp_pos)

The first step identified `r length(candidates1)` putative candidate genes. 
By default, `cageminer` uses a sliding window of 2 Mb to select putative 
candidates[^2]. If you want to visually inspect a simulation of different 
sliding windows to choose a different one, you can use `simulate_windows()`.

```{r simulate_windows}
# Single trait
simulate_windows(gene_ranges, snp_pos)

# Multiple traits
simulate_windows(gene_ranges, snp_list)

[^2]: **Note:** By default, SNPs coordinates will be expanded upstream and 
downstream according to the input window size. However, you may have 
previously determined genomic intervals for each SNP (e.g., calculated based on
linkage disequilibrium) for which you want to extract genes. To avoid expanding
a sliding window in such cases, set `expand_intervals = FALSE`. This will
ensure that only SNPs are expanded, but not intervals (width >1).

## Step 2

The function `mine_step2()` selects candidates in coexpression modules enriched 
in guide genes. For that, users must infer the GCN with the function exp2gcn() 
from the package BioNERO [@R-BioNERO]. Guide genes can be either a character 
vector of guide gene IDs or a data frame with gene IDs in the first column 
and annotation in the second column (useful if guides are divided in functional
categories, for instance). Here, pepper genes associated with defense-related
MapMan bins were retrieved from PLAZA 3.0 Dicots [@Proost2015] and used as

The resulting object is a list of two elements: 

- *candidates:* character vector of mined candidate gene IDs.
- *enrichment:* data frame of enrichment results.

```{r step2}
# Load guide genes

# Infer GCN
sft <- BioNERO::SFT_fit(pepper_se, net_type = "signed", cor_method = "pearson")
gcn <- BioNERO::exp2gcn(pepper_se, net_type = "signed", cor_method = "pearson",
                        module_merging_threshold = 0.8, SFTpower = sft$power)

# Apply step 2
candidates2 <- mine_step2(pepper_se, gcn = gcn, guides = guides$Gene,
                          candidates = candidates1$ID)

After the step 2, we got `r length(candidates2$candidates)` candidates.

## Step 3

The function `mine_step3()` identifies candidate genes whose expression levels
significantly increase or decrease in a particular condition. For that, you 
need to specify what level from the sample metadata corresponds to this 
condition. The resulting object from `mine_step3()` is a data frame with mined
candidates and their correlation to the condition of interest.

```{r step3}
# See the levels from the sample metadata

# Apply step 3 using "PRR_stress" as the condition of interest
candidates3 <- mine_step3(pepper_se, candidates = candidates2$candidates,
                          sample_group = "PRR_stress")

Finally, we got `r length(unique(candidates3$gene))` high-confidence 
candidate genes associated with resistance to Phytophthora root rot. Genes with
negative correlation coefficients to the condition can be interpreted as
having significantly reduced expression in this condition, while genes with 
positive correlation coefficients have significantly increased expression in
this condition.

# Automatic candidate gene mining

Alternatively, if you are not interested in inspecting the results after each
step, you can get to the same results from the previous section with a single
step by using the function `mine_candidates()`. This function is a wrapper that
calls `mine_step1()`, sends the results to `mine_step2()`, and then it sends
the results from `mine_step2()` to `mine_step3()`.

```{r mine_candidates}
candidates <- mine_candidates(gene_ranges = gene_ranges, 
                              marker_ranges = snp_pos, 
                              exp = pepper_se,
                              gcn = gcn, guides = guides$Gene,
                              sample_group = "PRR_stress")

# Score candidates

In some cases, you might have more high-confidence candidates than you expected,
and you want to pick only the top *n* genes for validation, for instance. In
this scenario, you need to assign scores to your mined candidates to pick the
top *n* genes with the highest scores. The function `score_genes()` does
that by using the formula below:

$$S_i = r_{pb} \kappa$$


$\kappa$ = 2 if the gene encodes a transcription factor

$\kappa$ = 2 if the gene is a hub

$\kappa$ = 3 if the gene encodes a hub transcription factor

$\kappa$ = 1 if none of the conditions above are true

By default, `score_genes` picks the top 10 candidates. If there are less than 10 candidates, it will return all candidates sorted by scores. Here, TFs were obtained from PlantTFDB 4.0 [@Jin2017]. Hub genes can be 
identified with the function `get_hubs_gcn()` from the package BioNERO.

```{r score_candidates}
# Load TFs

# Get GCN hubs
hubs <- BioNERO::get_hubs_gcn(pepper_se, gcn)

# Score candidates
scored <- score_genes(candidates, hubs$Gene, tfs$Gene_ID)

As none of the mined candidates are hubs or encode transcription factors,
their scores are simply their correlation coefficients with the condition of

# Session information {.unnumbered}

This document was created under the following conditions:


# References {.unnumbered}