title: Using the `ScaledMatrix` class
- name: Aaron Lun
  email: infinite.monkeys.with.keyboards@gmail.com 
date: "Revised: 12 December 2020"
    toc_float: true 
package: ResidualMatrix
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{Using the ScaledMatrix}

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# Overview

The `ScaledMatrix` provides yet another method of running `scale()` on a matrix.
In other words, these three operations are equivalent:

mat <- matrix(rnorm(10000), ncol=10)

smat1 <- scale(mat)

smat2 <- scale(DelayedArray(mat))

smat3 <- ScaledMatrix(mat, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

The biggest difference lies in how they behave in downstream matrix operations.

- `smat1` is an ordinary matrix, with the scaled and centered values fully realized in memory.
Nothing too unusual here.
- `smat2` is a `DelayedMatrix` and undergoes block processing whereby chunks are realized and operated on, one at a time.
This sacrifices speed for greater memory efficiency by avoiding a copy of the entire matrix. 
In particular, it preserves the structure of the original `mat`, e.g., from a sparse or file-backed representation. 
- `smat3` is a `ScaledMatrix` that refactors certain operations so that they can be applied to the original `mat` without any scaling or centering.
This takes advantage of the original data structure to speed up matrix multiplication and row/column sums,
albeit at the cost of numerical precision.

# Matrix multiplication

Given an original matrix $\mathbf{X}$ with $n$ columns, a vector of column centers $\mathbf{c}$ and a vector of column scaling values $\mathbf{s}$, 
our scaled matrix can be written as:

\mathbf{Y} = (\mathbf{X} - \mathbf{c} \cdot \mathbf{1}_n^T) \mathbf{S}

where $\mathbf{S} = \text{diag}(s_1^{-1}, ..., s_n^{-1})$.
If we wanted to right-multiply it with another matrix $\mathbf{A}$, we would have:

\mathbf{YA} = \mathbf{X}\mathbf{S}\mathbf{A} - \mathbf{c} \cdot \mathbf{1}_n^T \mathbf{S}\mathbf{A}

The right-most expression is simply the outer product of $\mathbf{c}$ with the column sums of $\mathbf{SA}$.
More important is the fact that we can use the matrix multiplication operator for $\mathbf{X}$ with $\mathbf{SA}$,
as this allows us to use highly efficient algorithms for certain data representations, e.g., sparse matrices.

mat <- rsparsematrix(20000, 10000, density=0.01)
smat <- ScaledMatrix(mat, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

blob <- matrix(runif(ncol(mat) * 5), ncol=5)
system.time(out <- smat %*% blob)

# The slower way with block processing.
da <- scale(DelayedArray(mat))
system.time(out2 <- da %*% blob)

The same logic applies for left-multiplication and cross-products.
This allows us to easily speed up high-level operations involving matrix multiplication by just switching to a `ScaledMatrix`,
e.g., in approximate PCA algorithms from the `r Biocpkg("BiocSingular")` package.

system.time(pcs <- runSVD(smat, k=10, BSPARAM=IrlbaParam()))

# Other utilities

Row and column sums are special cases of matrix multiplication and can be computed quickly:


Subsetting, transposition and renaming of the dimensions are all supported without loss of the `ScaledMatrix` representation:

rownames(smat) <- paste0("GENE_", 1:20000)

Other operations will cause the `ScaledMatrix` to collapse to the general `DelayedMatrix` representation, after which point block processing will be used.

smat + 1

# Caveats 

For most part, the implementation of the multiplication assumes that the $\mathbf{A}$ matrix and the matrix product are small compared to $\mathbf{X}$.
It is also possible to multiply two `ScaledMatrix`es together if the underlying matrices have efficient operators for their product.
However, if this is not the case, the `ScaledMatrix` offers little benefit for increased overhead.

It is also worth noting that this speed-up is not entirely free. 
The expression above involves subtracting two matrix with potentially large values, which runs the risk of catastrophic cancellation.
The example below demonstrates how `ScaledMatrix` is more susceptible to loss of precision than a normal `DelayedArray`:

mat <- matrix(rnorm(1000000), ncol=100000) 
big.mat <- mat + 1e12

# The 'correct' value, unaffected by numerical precision.
ref <- rowMeans(scale(mat))

# The value from scale'ing a DelayedArray.
smat2 <- scale(DelayedArray(big.mat))

# The value from a ScaledMatrix.
smat3 <- ScaledMatrix(big.mat, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE)

In most practical applications, though, this does not seem to be a major concern, 
especially as most values (e.g., log-normalized expression matrices) lie close to zero anyway.

# Session information {-}
