%\VignetteIndexEntry{Knitr and ReportingTools}

Knitr and ReportingTools
Jessica L. Larson and Gabriel Becker
We can use knitr and ReportingTools together, as shown in this very simple example from our basic vignette.

Here we will create a simple report that integrates `ReportingTools` report capabilities with knitr.

To build this report, simply call the `knit2html` function from the
knitr package.
* By default, knitr will write the destination file within the current working directory. 
* We thus call `knit2html` from within the 
* Alternatively, we can call `knit2html` with an
   `output` argument that matches the `reportDirectory`
   argument passed to `HTMLReport`.   

 **Note: the output html file must be in the directory indicated by
   the location argument.** If this is not the case the ReportingTools
   functionality will break. By default, knitr will write the
   destination file within the current working directory, and
   ReportingTools will assume that.  When calling knit2html with an
   alternate `output` argument, it should match the `reportDirectory`
   argument passed to `HTMLReport`. The one exception to this rule is
   package vignettes, where it is necessary to place the vignettes in
   the `vignettes` directory and pass "../inst/doc" as the
   `reportDirectory`. If the output lands in the `vignettes`
   directory, R would clean it up after building the vignette, and all
   images, javascript, etc would be lost.


```{r message=FALSE, results="asis"}
my.df <- data.frame(EGID = c("103", "104", "105", "106", "107"),
                    RPKM = c(4, 5, 3, 100, 75),
                    DE = c("Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "No"))

We now can publish our data frame as table through the use of the knitrHandlers.  When using knitrHandlers we must specify the destination location as an argument either to the knitrHandlers constructor function directly or as an additional argument to HTMLReport when knitrHandlers is specified  in the handlers argument.

We do not call finish since we will still add output to our knitr report.

```{r results="asis"}
instDoc <- file.path("..", "inst", "doc")
htmlRep <- HTMLReport(shortName = "knitrReport", handlers=knitrHandlers,
                      reportDirectory = instDoc)
#publish(my.df, htmlRep)
htmlRep[["mydf"]]<-my.df  ##this line is equivalent to the line above
Thus we are able to include tables generated by ReportingTools based directly within knitr documents.

Now we will try to put in an image:

```{r results = "asis"}
htmlRep[["pic"]] = xyplot(y~x, data = data.frame(y=rnorm(25), x=rnorm(25)))
##We could also add a picture like this:
y <- rnorm(500)
pic2<-histogram(y, main="Sample of 500 observations from a Normal (0,1)")
publish(pic2, htmlRep)

To build the report, simply call the `knit2html` function from the
knitr package.

As we have seen, using ReportingTools in conjunction with knitr is as easy as selecting a different set of ReportHandlers (in this case those generated by the knitrHandlers constructor function) and ensuring that the location of the final HTML file matches (up to the directory) that specified by the location field of that ReportHandlers object.

This allows us to create rich knitr-based reports and vignettes while leveraging the power of ReportingTools to format and display generated R objects.