--- title: "Grouping Mass Spectrometry Features" package: MsFeatures output: BiocStyle::html_document: toc_float: true vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Grouping Mass Spectrometry Features} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %%\VignetteKeywords{Mass Spectrometry, MS, MSMS, Proteomics, Metabolomics} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteDepends{BiocStyle,pheatmap,SummarizedExperiment,MsFeatures} --- ```{r style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'} BiocStyle::markdown() ``` **Package**: `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("MsFeatures")`<br /> **Authors**: `r packageDescription("MsFeatures")[["Author"]] `<br /> **Last modified:** `r file.info("MsFeatures.Rmd")$mtime`<br /> **Compiled**: `r date()` # Introduction Electrospray ionization (ESI) is commonly used in mass spectrometry (MS)-based metabolomics to generate ions from the compounds to enable their detection by the MS instrument. Ionization can generate different ions (adducts) of the same original compound which are then reported as separate *MS features* with different mass-to-charge ratios (m/z). To reduce data set complexity (and to aid subsequent annotation steps) it is advisable to group features which supposedly represent signal from the same original compound into a single entity. The `MsFeatures` package provides key concepts and functions for this feature grouping. Methods are implemented for base R objects as well as for Bioconductor's `SummarizedExperiment` class. See also the description of the [general grouping concept](https://rformassspectrometry.github.io/MsFeatures/reference/groupFeatures.html) on the package webpage for more information. Additional grouping methodology is expected to be implemented in other R packages for data objects with additional LC-MS related information, such as the `XCMSnExp` object in the `xcms` package. The implementation for the `SummarizedExperiment` provided in this package can be used as a reference for these additional methodology. After definition of the feature groups, the `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("QFeatures")` package could be used to aggregate their abundances into a single signal. # Installation The package can be installed with the `BiocManager` package. To install `BiocManager` use `install.packages("BiocManager")` and, after that, `BiocManager::install("MsFeatures")` to install this package. # Mass Spectrometry Feature Grouping Features from the same originating compound inherit its characteristics including its retention time (for LC or GC-MS experiments) and abundance/intensity. For the latter it is expected that features from the same compound have the same pattern of feature values/abundances across samples. The `MsFeatures` package defines the `groupFeatures` method to perform MS feature grouping based on the provided input data and a parameter object which selects and defines the feature grouping algorithm. This algorithm is supposed to assign individual features to a (single) feature group. Currently two feature grouping approaches are implemented: - `SimilarRtimeParam`: group features based on similar retention times. - `AbundanceSimilarityParam`: group features based on similar feature values/abundances across samples. Additional algorithms, e.g. by considering also differences in features' m/z values matching expected ions/adducts or isotopes, may be implemented in future in this or other packages. In this document we demonstrate the feature grouping functionality on a simple toy data set used also in the `r BiocStyle::Biocpkg("xcms")` package with the raw data being provided in the `faahKO` data package. This data set consists of samples from 4 mice with knock-out of the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and 4 wild type mice. Pre-processing of this data set is described in detail in the *xcms* vignette of the `xcms` package. Below we load all required packages and the result from this pre-processing which is provided as a `SummarizedExperiment` within this package and can be loaded with `data(se)`. ```{r, echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE} library(MsFeatures) library(SummarizedExperiment) ``` ```{r load-data, message = FALSE} library(MsFeatures) library(SummarizedExperiment) data("se") ``` Before performing the feature grouping we inspect the result object. Feature properties and definitions can be accessed with `rowData`, the feature abundances with `assay`. ```{r fdev} rowData(se) head(assay(se)) ``` Columns `"mzmed"` and `"rtmed"` in the object's `rowData` provide the m/z and retention time which characterizes each feature. In total `r nrow(rowData(se))` features are available in the present data set, with many of them most likely representing signal from different ions of the same compound. We aim to identify these based on the following assumptions of the LC-MS data: - Features (ions) of the same compound should have similar retention time. - The abundance of features (ions) of the same compound should have a similar pattern across samples, i.e. if a compound is highly concentrated in one sample and low in another, all ions from it also should follow the same pattern. As detailed in the [general grouping concept](https://rformassspectrometry.github.io/MsFeatures/reference/groupFeatures.html), the feature grouping implemented in `MsFeatures` is by default intended to be used as a stepwise approach in which each `groupFeatures` call further sub-groups (and thus refines) previously defined feature groups. This enables to either use a single algorithm for the feature grouping or to build a feature grouping *pipeline* by combining different algorithms. In our example we perform first a initial grouping of features based on similar retention time and subsequently further refine these feature groups by requiring also similarity of feature values across samples. Note that it would also be possible to perform the grouping only on a subset of features instead of the full data set. An example is provided in the last section of this vignette. ## Grouping of features by similar retention time The most intuitive and simple way to group LC-MS features is based on their retention times: ionization of the compounds happens after the LC and thus all ions from the same compound should have the same retention time. The plot below shows the retention times (and m/z) of all features from the present data set. ```{r feature-rt-mz-plot, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6, fig.cap = "Plot of retention times and m/z for all features in the data set."} plot(rowData(se)$rtmed, rowData(se)$mzmed, xlab = "retention time", ylab = "m/z", main = "features", col = "#00000060") grid() ``` As we can see there are several features with a similar retention time, especially for lower retention times. By using `groupFeatures` with the `SimilarRtimeParam` we can next group features if their difference in retention time is below a certain threshold. This approach will however not only group features representing ions from the same compound together, but also features from different, but co-eluting compounds (i.e. different compounds with the same retention time). Thus feature groups defined by this algorithm should be further *refined* based on another feature property to reduce false positives. For the present example, we group features with a maximal difference in retention time of 10 seconds into a feature group. We also have to specify the column in the object's `rowData` which contains the retention times for the features. ```{r} se <- groupFeatures(se, param = SimilarRtimeParam(10), rtime = "rtmed") ``` The `groupFeatures` call on the `SummarizedExperiment` added the results of the grouping into a new column called `"feature_group"` in the object's `rowData`. This column can also be directly accessed with the `featureGroups` function. Below we print the number of features for each feature grouped defined by the `SimilarRtimeParam` approach. ```{r} table(featureGroups(se)) ``` We also calculate the mean retention time for all the feature groups and order them increasingly. ```{r} split(rowData(se)$rtmed, featureGroups(se)) |> vapply(FUN = mean, numeric(1)) |> sort() ``` Note that the differences in retention times between the feature groups can be smaller than the used cut-off (10 seconds in our case). If we were not happy with this feature grouping and would like to repeat it we would need to drop the `"feature_group"` column in the object's `rowData` with `rowData(se)$feature_group <- NULL` and repeat the feature grouping with different settings. This is required, because by default `groupFeatures` will *refine* previous feature grouping results but not overwrite them. As stated above, this initial grouping on retention times put features from the same, but also from different co-eluting compounds into the same feature group. We thus next refine the feature groups requiring also feature abundances across samples to be correlated. ## Grouping of features by abundance correlation across samples Features representing ions of the same compound are expected to have correlated feature values (intensities, abundances) across samples. `groupFeatures` with `AbundanceSimilarityParam` allows to group features with similar abundance patterns. This approach performs a pairwise similarity calculation and puts features with a similarity `>= threshold` into the same feature group. By calling this function on the previous result object the initial feature groups will be refined, by eventually splitting them based on the (missing) correlation of feature abundances. We below evaluate the correlation between individual features indicating also the previously defined feature groups. ```{r abundance-correlation-heatmap, fig.cap = "Correlation of features based on their abundances.", fig.width = 12, fig.height = 14} library(pheatmap) fvals <- log2(assay(se)) cormat <- cor(t(fvals), use = "pairwise.complete.obs") ann <- data.frame(fgroup = featureGroups(se)) rownames(ann) <- rownames(cormat) res <- pheatmap(cormat, annotation_row = ann, cluster_rows = TRUE, cluster_cols = TRUE) ``` As expected, the clustering based on the feature abundances does not perfectly match the retention time-based feature grouping. Many features grouped based on retention time have a low, or even negative correlation of feature abundances across samples hence most likely representing features from different, but co-eluting compounds. On the other hand, many features are highly correlated, but have a different retention time and can thus also not represent signal from ions of the same compound. Thus, each single approach has its drawbacks, but combination them can reduce the number of wrongly grouped features. We thus next perform the feature grouping with `AbundanceSimilarityParam` on the result object to refine the retention time-based feature groups. The approach can be further customized by providing a function to calculate feature similarities with parameter `simFun` (by default `cor` will be used to calculate similarities using Pearson's correlation). Parameter `transform` allows to specify a function to transform feature abundances prior similarity calculation. By default the feature values are taken *as-is*, but below we use `transform = log2` to perform the calculations in log2 scale. With `threshold = 0.7` we ensure that only features with a correlation coefficient `>= 0.7` are assigned to the same feature group. Finally, parameter `i` would allow to specify the assay in the `SummarizedExperiment` that contains the feature abundances on which similarities should be calculated. See the `AbundanceSimilarityParam` help page for a full listing of the parameters and more details. ```{r abundance-correlation} se <- groupFeatures(se, AbundanceSimilarityParam(threshold = 0.7, transform = log2), i = 1) table(featureGroups(se)) ``` Many of the larger retention time-based feature groups have been splitted into two or more sub-groups based on the correlation of their feature abundances. We evaluate this for one specific feature group `"FG.003"` by plotting their pairwise correlation. ```{r abundance-correlation-fg003, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8, fig.cap = "Pairwise correlation plot for features initially grouped into the feature group FG.003."} fts <- grep("FG.003", featureGroups(se)) pairs(t(fvals[fts, ]), gap = 0.1, main = "FG.003") ``` A high correlation can be observed between *FT035* and *FT051* while they are not correlated with feature *FT013*. We next evaluate the feature grouping for another example. ```{r abundance-correlation-fg008, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8, fig.cap = "Pairwise correlation plot for features initially grouped into the feature group FG.008."} fts <- grep("FG.008", featureGroups(se)) pairs(t(fvals[fts, ]), gap = 0.1, main = "FG.008") ``` The results are less clear than for the previous example, still, some features seem to be correlated with each other while others are not. Generally, the abundance correlation approach in this data set suffers from the low number of sample (8 in total). Also, the approach works better for features with a high variance (biologically or technically) across samples. The table below lists the retention time, m/z and group assignment for these features. ```{r abundance-correlation-fg008-table, results = "asis"} tmp <- as.data.frame(rowData(se)[fts, c("rtmed", "mzmed", "feature_group")]) tmp <- tmp[order(tmp$feature_group), ] knitr::kable(tmp) ``` The difference in m/z between features *FT163* and *FT165*, both being assigned to the same feature group, is ~ 1 suggesting that one of the two is in fact a (C13) isotope of the other feature. ## Performing feature grouping on a subset of features Sometimes it might not be needed or required to perform the feature grouping on the full data set but only on a subset of *interesting* features (i.e. those with significant differences in feature abundances between sample groups). This has also the advantage of a larger range of feature values across samples which supports the abundance similarity-based feature grouping. Feature grouping on a subset of features can be performed by manually assigning all features of interest to an initial feature group and setting the feature group for all other features to `NA`. As an example we perform below the feature grouping only features 30-60. ```{r} featureGroups(se) <- NA_character_ featureGroups(se)[30:60] <- "FG" se <- groupFeatures(se, SimilarRtimeParam(10), rtime = "rtmed") ``` This did not *refine* this initial, manually specified feature group by the retention time-based grouping. Features with `NA` value in their feature group column are skipped. As a result we get the following grouping: ```{r} featureGroups(se) ``` # Session information {-} ```{r sessioninfo, echo=FALSE} sessionInfo() ```