\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{framed} \usepackage{lscape} \usepackage{array} \newcommand{\Robject}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rfunction}[1]{{\texttt{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rpackage}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rclass}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rmethod}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \newcommand{\Rfunarg}[1]{{\textit{#1}}} \textwidth=6.2in \textheight=8.5in %\parskip=.3cm \oddsidemargin=.1in \evensidemargin=.1in \headheight=-.3in \begin{document} \title{An R package to process LC/MS metabolomic data: {MAIT} (Metabolite Automatic Identification Toolkit)} \small{\author{Francesc Fern\'andez-Albert, Rafael Llorach,\\ Cristina Andr\'es-Lacueva, Alexandre Perera}} \maketitle %\VignetteIndexEntry{MAIT Vignette} %% an abstract and keywords \section{Abstract} Processing metabolomic liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) data files is time consuming. Currently available R tools allow for only a limited number of processing steps and online tools are hard to use in a programmable fashion. This paper introduces the metabolite automatic identification toolkit {MAIT} package, which allows users to perform end-to-end LC/MS metabolomic data analysis. The package is especially focused on improving the peak annotation stage and provides tools to validate the statistical results of the analysis. This validation stage consists of a repeated random sub-sampling cross-validation procedure evaluated through the classification ratio of the sample files. {MAIT} also includes functions that create a set of tables and plots, such as principal component analysis (PCA) score plots, cluster heat maps or boxplots. To identify which metabolites are related to statistically significant features, {MAIT} includes a metabolite database for a metabolite identification stage. \section{Introduction} Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) is an analytical instrument widely used in metabolomics to detect molecules in biological samples. It breaks the molecules down into pieces, some of which are detected as peaks in the mass spectrometer. Metabolic profiling of LC/MS samples basically consists of a peak detection and signal normalisation step, followed by multivariate statistical analysis such as principal components analysis (PCA) and univariate statistical tests such as ANOVA . \\ As analysing metabolomic data is time consuming, a wide array of software tools are available, including commercial tools such as Analyst\textregistered\ software. There are programmatic R packages, such as {XCMS} to detect peaks or {CAMERA} package and {AStream} , which cover only peak annotation. Another category of free tools available consists of those having online access through a graphical user interface (GUI), such as XCMS Online (\url{http://xcmsonline.scripps.edu}) or MetaboAnalyst, both extensively used. \\ These online tools are difficult to use in a programmable fashion. They are also designed and programmed to be used step by step with user intervention, making it difficult to set up metabolomic data analysis workflow. These R packages involve only a part of the entire metabolomic analysis process. Although there are specific R packages whose objective is peak annotation, this is still an issue in analysing LC/MS metabolomic data.\\ We introduce a new R package called metabolite automatic identification toolkit (MAIT) for automatic LC/MS analysis. The goal of the {MAIT} package is to provide an array of tools for programmable metabolomic end-to-end analysis. It consequently has special functions to improve peak annotation through the processes called biotransformations. Specifically, {MAIT} is designed to look for statistically significant metabolites that separate the classes in the data. \section{Methodology} The main processing steps for metabolomic LC/MS data include the following stages: peak detection, peak annotation and statistical analysis. In the peak detection stage, the objective is to detect the peaks in the LC/MS sample files. The peak annotation stage identifies the metabolites in the metabolomic samples better by increasing the chemical and biological information in the data set. A statistical analysis step is essential to obtain significant sample features. All these 3 steps are covered in the {MAIT} workflow. \subsection{Peak Detection} Peak detection in metabolomic LC/MS data sets is a complex issue for which several approaches have been developed. Two of the most well established techniques are matched filter and the centWave algorithm . {MAIT} can use both algorithms through the {XCMS} package. \subsection{Peak Annotation} \label{Peak Annotation Methodology} The {MAIT} package uses 3 complementary steps in the peak annotation stage. \begin{itemize} \item{The first annotation step uses a peak correlation distance approach and a retention time window to ascertain which peaks come from the same source metabolite, following the procedure defined in CAMERA package. The peaks within each peak group are annotated following a reference adduct/fragment table and a mass tolerance window.} \item{The second step uses a mass tolerance window inside the peak groups detected in the first step to look for more specific mass losses called biotransformations. To do this, {MAIT} uses a predefined biotransformation table where the biotransformations we want to find are saved. A user-defined biotransformation table can be set as an input following the procedure defined in Section (\ref{Using MAIT Biotransformations}).} \item{The third annotation step is the metabolite identification stage, in which a predefined metabolite database is mined to search for the significant masses, also using a tolerance window. This database is the Human Metabolome Database (HMDB), 2009/07 version.} \end{itemize} \subsection{Statistical Analysis} The objective of analysing metabolomic profiling data is to obtain the statistically significant features that contain the highest amount of class-related information. To gather these features, {MAIT} applies standard univariate statistical tests (ANOVA or Student's t-test) to every feature and selects the significant set of features by setting up a user-defined threshold P-value. Bonferroni multiple test correction can be applied to the resulting P-values. We propose a validation test to quantify how well the data classes are separated by the statistically significant features. The separation is validated through a repeated random sub-sampling cross-validation using partial least squares and discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), support vector machine (SVM) with a radial Kernel and K-nearest neighbours (KNN). Overall and class-related classification ratios are obtained to evaluate the class-related information of the significant features. \section{Using MAIT} \label{example} The data files for this example are a subset of the data used in reference , which are freely distributed through the {XCMS} package. In these data there are 2 classes of mice: a group where the fatty acid amide hydrolase gene has been suppressed (class knockout or KO) and a group of wild type mice (class wild type or WT). There are 6 spinal cord samples in each class. In the following, the {MAIT} package will be used to read and analyse these samples using the main functions discussed in Section \ref{workflow}. The significant features related to each class will be found using statistical tests and analysed through the different plots that {MAIT} produces. \subsection{Data Import} Each sample class file should be placed in a directory with the class name. All the class folders should be placed under a directory containing only the folders with the files to be analysed. In this case, 2 classes are present in the data. An example of correct file distribution using the example data files is shown in Figure \ref{sampleTree}.\\ \subsection{Peak Detection} \begin{figure} \centering \includegraphics[width=2.5cm,height=5cm]{./sampleTree.png} \caption{Example of the correct sample distribution for {MAIT} package use. Each sample file has to be saved under a folder with its class name.} \centering \label{sampleTree} \end{figure} Once the data is placed in 2 subdirectories of a single folder, the function {sampleProcessing()} is run to detect the peaks, group the peaks across samples, perform the retention time correction and carry out the peak filling process. As function {sampleProcessing()} uses the {XCMS} package to perform these 4 processing steps, this function exposes {XCMS} parameters that might be modified to improve the peak detection step. A project name should be defined because all the tables and plots will be saved in a folder using that name. For example, typing {project = "project\_Test"}, the output result folder will be {"Results\_project\_Test"}.\\ By choosing {"MAIT\_Demo"} as the project name, the peak detection stage can be launched by typing: <<libraryMAIT,echo=TRUE,results=hide>>= library(MAIT) @ <<sampleProcessing>>= library(faahKO) cdfFiles<-system.file("cdf", package="faahKO", mustWork=TRUE) MAIT <- sampleProcessing(dataDir = cdfFiles, project = "MAIT_Demo", snThres=2,rtStep=0.03) @ After having launched the {sampleProcessing} function, peaks are detected, they are grouped across samples and their retention time values are corrected. A short summary in the R session can be retrieved by typing the name of the {MAIT-class} object. <<printMAIT1>>= MAIT @ The result is a {MAIT-class} object that contains information about the peaks detected, their class names and how many files each class contains. A longer summary of the data is retrieved by performing a summary of a {MAIT-class} object. In this longer summary version, further information related to the input parameters of the whole analysis is displayed. This functionality is especially useful in terms of traceability of the analysis. <<summaryMAIT1>>= summary(MAIT) @ \subsection{Peak Annotation} The next step in the data processing is the first peak annotation step, which is performed through the {peakAnnotation()}. If the input parameter {adductTable} is not set, then the default {MAIT} table for positive polarisation will be selected. However, if the {adductTable} parameter is set to "negAdducts", the default {MAIT} table for negative fragments will be chosen instead. {peakAnnotation} function also creates an output table (see Table \ref{table_outputs}) containing the peak mass (in charge/mass units), the retention time (in minutes) and the spectral ID number for all the peaks detected. A call of the function {peakAnnotation} may be:\\ <<peakAnnotation>>= MAIT <- peakAnnotation(MAIT.object = MAIT,corrWithSamp = 0.7, corrBetSamp = 0.75,perfwhm = 0.6) @ Because the parameter {adductTable} was not set in the {peakAnnotation} call, a warning was shown informing that the default {MAIT} table for positive polarisation mode was selected. The {xsAnnotated} object that contains all the information related to peaks, spectra and their annotation is stored in the {MAIT} object. It can be retrieved by typing: <<rawData>>= rawData(MAIT) @ \subsection{Statistical Analysis} Following the first peak annotation stage, we want to know which features are different between classes. Consequently, we run the function {spectralSigFeatures()}. <<warning=FALSE>>= MAIT<- spectralSigFeatures(MAIT.object = MAIT,pvalue=0.05, p.adj="none",scale=FALSE) summary(MAIT) @ It is worth mentioning that by setting the {scale} parameter to TRUE, the data will be scaled to have unit variance. A summary of the statistically significant features is created and saved in a table called significantFeatures.csv (see Table \ref{table_outputs}). It is placed inside the Tables subfolder located in the project folder. This table shows characteristics of the statistically significant features, such as their P-value, the peak annotation or the expression of the peaks across samples. This table can be retrieved at any time from the {MAIT}-class objects by typing the instruction: <<>>= signTable <- sigPeaksTable(MAIT.object = MAIT, printCSVfile = FALSE) @ \begin{Sinput} head(signTable) \end{Sinput} The number of significant features can be retrieved from the {MAIT-class} object as follows: <<>>= MAIT @ \subsection{Statistical Plots} Out of 2,402 features, 106 were found to be statistically significant. At this point, several {MAIT} functions can be used to extract and visualise the results of the analysis. Functions {plotBoxplot}, {plotHeatmap}, {plotPCA} and {plotPLS} automatically generate boxplots, heat maps and PCA/PLS score plot files in the project folder when they are applied to a MAIT object (see Table \ref{table_outputs}). <<BoxHeatplots,eval=FALSE>>= plotBoxplot(MAIT) plotHeatmap(MAIT) @ <<PLSPCA,warning=FALSE>>= MAIT<-plotPCA(MAIT,plot3d=FALSE) MAIT<-plotPLS(MAIT,plot3d=FALSE) PLSmodel <- model(MAIT, type = "PLS") PCAmodel <- model(MAIT, type = "PCA") @ <<showPLSmodel,warning=FALSE>>= PLSmodel @ <<showPLSscores,warning=FALSE>>= pcaScores(MAIT) @ %scores(x=MAIT,model = "PCA") The {plotPCA} and {plotPLS} functions produce {MAIT} objects with the corresponding PCA and PLS models saved inside. The models, loadings and scores can be retrieved from the {MAIT} objects by using the functions {model}, {loadings} and {scores}: All the output figures are saved in their corresponding subfolders contained in the project folder. The names of the folders for the boxplots, heat maps and score plots are Boxplots, Heatmaps, PCA\_Scoreplots and PLS\_Scoreplots respectively. Inside the R session, the project folder is recovered by typing: <<resultsPath>>= resultsPath(MAIT) @ \subsection{Biotransformations} \label{Using MAIT Biotransformations} Before identifying the metabolites, peak annotation can be improved using the function {Biotransformations} to make interpreting the results easier. The {MAIT} package uses a default biotransformations table, but another table can be defined by the user and introduced by using the {bioTable} function input variable. The biotransformations table that {MAIT} uses is saved inside the file {MAITtables.RData}, under the name {biotransformationsTable}. <<Biotransformations,warning=FALSE>>= MAIT <- Biotransformations(MAIT.object = MAIT, peakPrecision = 0.005) @ Building a user-defined biotransformations table from the {MAIT} default table or adding a new biotransformation is straightforward. For example, let's say we want to add a new adduct called "custom\_biotrans" whose mass loss is 105. <<myBiotransf>>= data(MAITtables) myBiotransformation<-c("custom_biotrans",105.0) myBiotable<-biotransformationsTable myBiotable[,1]<-as.character(myBiotable[,1]) myBiotable<-rbind(myBiotable,myBiotransformation) myBiotable[,1]<-as.factor(myBiotable[,1]) tail(myBiotable) @ To build an entire new biotransformations table, you only need to follow the format of the biotransformationsTable, which means writing the name of the biotransformations as factors in the {NAME} field of the data frame and their corresponding mass losses in the {MASSDIFF} field. \subsection{Metabolite Identification} Once the biotransformations annotation step is finished, the significant features have been enriched with a more specific annotation. The annotation procedure performed by the {Biotransformations()} function never replaces the peak annotations already done by other functions. {MAIT} considers the peak annotations to be complementary; therefore, when new annotations are detected, they are added to the current peak annotation and the identification function may be launched to identify the metabolites corresponding to the statistically significant features in the data. <<identifyMetabolites,warning=FALSE>>= MAIT <- identifyMetabolites(MAIT.object = MAIT, peakTolerance = 0.005) @ By default, the function {identifyMetabolites()} looks for the peaks of the significant features in the {MAIT} default metabolite database. The input parameter {peakTolerance} defines the tolerance between the peak and a database compound to be considered a possible match. It is set to 0.005 mass/charge units by default. To check the results easily, function {identifyMetabolites} creates a table containing the significant feature characteristics and the possible metabolite identifications. Such a table is recovered from the {MAIT}-class object using the instruction: <<metaboliteTable,warning=FALSE>>= metTable<-metaboliteTable(MAIT) head(metTable) @ This table provides useful results about the analysis of the samples, such as the P-value of the statistical test, its adduct or isotope annotation and the name of any possible hit in the database. Note that if no metabolite has been found in the database for a certain feature, it is labelled as {"unknown"} in the table. \subsection{Validation} Finally, we will use the function {Validation()} to check the predictive value of the significant features. All the information related to the output of the {Validation()} function is saved in the project directory in a folder called "Validation". Two boxplots showing the overall and per class classification ratios are created, along with every confusion matrix corresponding to each iteration (see Table \ref{table_outputs}). <<validation,warning=FALSE>>= MAIT <- Validation(Iterations = 20, trainSamples= 3, MAIT.object = MAIT) @ A summary of a MAIT object, which includes the overall classification values, can be accessed: <<summaryMAIT2>>= summary(MAIT) @ It is also possible to gather the classification ratios per class, classifier used and iteration number by using the function {classifRatioClasses()}: <<classifRatioClasses>>= classifRatioClasses(MAIT) @ The classification ratios are 100\%; the set of significant features separates the samples belonging to these classes. \subsection{Using External Peak Data} \label{Using External Peak Data} Taking advantage of the modularised design of {MAIT}, it is possible to use the function {MAITbuilder} to import peak data and analyse it using the {MAIT} statistical functions. As stated in section \ref{External Peak Data}, there are certain arguments that should be provided depending on which function is wanted to be launched. In this section we will show an example of this data importation procedure using the same data that we have been using in the tutorial so far. Let's say we have a peak table recorded in positive polarisation mode with the peak masses and retention time values such as: <<defData>>= peaks <- scores(MAIT) masses <- getPeaklist(MAIT)$mz rt <- getPeaklist(MAIT)$rt/60 @ We want to perform an annotation stage and metabolite identification on these data. To that end, we can launch the function {MAITbuilder} to build a {MAIT-class} object with the data in the table: <<MAITbuilder>>= importMAIT <- MAITbuilder(data = peaks, masses = masses, rt = rt,significantFeatures = TRUE, spectraEstimation = TRUE,rtRange=0.2, corThresh=0.7) @ We have selected the option {spectraEstimation} as {TRUE} because we do not know the grouping of the peaks into spectra. As we want to annotate and identify all the peaks in the data frame, we set the flag {significantFeatures} to TRUE. At this point, we can launch the Biotransformations function: <<BiotransformationsBuilder>>= importMAIT <- Biotransformations(MAIT.object = importMAIT, adductAnnotation = TRUE, peakPrecision = 0.005, adductTable = NULL) @ We set the {adductAnnotation} flag to {TRUE} as we want to perform an adduct annotation step. The parameter {adductTable} set to {NULL} implies that a positive polarisation adduct annotation stage will be performed. To run a negative annotation, the argument should be set to {negAdducts}. The metabolite identification stage is launched as in the previous case: <<identifyMetabolitesBuilder>>= importMAIT <- identifyMetabolites(MAIT.object = importMAIT, peakTolerance=0.005,polarity="positive") @ \end{document}