Changes in version 1.5.0
  + Support sharing character vectors
  + Support creating empty shared objects
  + new paramters `shareAttributes` and `minLength` in package options
  + new paramter `depth` in function is.shared
  + R level developer API supports vector input
  + add a safer memory check method before sharing an object on Linux
  + Chinese vignette
  + The package will not provide C APIs in this version
  + The C++ APIs are not compatible with the old version
  + is.shared function reports the sharing status of object
    attributes by appending "Shared" to the end of attribute names.
Changes in version 1.3.8
 + Support complex
 + Support pairlist
 + Use memcpy to copy the data when possible
Changes in version 1.3.7
 + change the parameters of is.shared function
 + `mustWork = FALSE` by default, no error will be given
   when sharing a nonsharable object
 + Support environment object
Changes in version 1.3.6
 + Support S4 object
 + new dispatching method(signiture "ANY") for share, unshare and is.shared functions
Changes in version 1.1.6
 + Add memory check on Linix system
Changes in version 1.1.1
 + Refactoring code
 + Add supports for package developer at C++, R levels
Changes in version 1.0.0
 + Publish in Bioconductor
Changes in version 0.99.2 (2019-08-6)
 + Clean some formating issues
Changes in version 0.99.0 (2019-05-16)
 + Submitted to Bioconductor